Vince Russo Dragging TNA Down?

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Why even try and reason with Internet Wrestling fans?
No matter what you say everyone will go against you. Internet wrestling fans think they're high and mighty and their opinions matter more than everyone else's.

The things they want like actual wrestling and non "dumb" story lines usually don't make a whole lot of money for the companies as you know so I don't see why you waste your energy trying to argue with them.

On to the original topic at hand. Vince Russo isn't dragging TNA down. He's a writer who comes up with ideas he thinks will help the company succeed and get new fans. While I may not agree with everything that is on TNA and the IWC doesn't agree with what he writes the fact is he is helping TNA grow to a mass audience.

Personally I can't get into TNA I've tried for a while and watched some of the DVDs but I'm not a big fan. But that doesn't really matter. I'm one fan and you can't reach everyone.

People need to stop thinking of TNA has a potential threat to WWE. TNA is a long way from that. I think their goal right now is to make money and gain fans. Not try to conquer a company that has been around for 50 some years.

Also Glenn,
You have to at least see the point of people saying you have a very biased opinion of the company you work for right? I mean its only natural to defend what you have a close association with.

Advice to newbies...Don't mess with Slyfox. There is a good chance he'll kill you.
So, you admit you don't know what you are talking about?

[rest of stuff]
This is what I'm talking about. Whether it's you just blatantly misunderstanding, not grasping my point or just not being all that bright in general you go on and spin shit in a way that wasn't intended. The fuck does reading Glenn's articles have to do with knowing anything? He attacks other peoples articles and, much like you've done with my whole post, spinning, twisting it and making false assertions about what the other person was saying. I don't read Glenn's articles anymore, because they're mostly bullshit random thoughts that are about putting himself over and lacking the capability to understand what the other columnists are saying. See his whole deal with Joe Legend.

So as far as you, specifically you, go.. I'm done. I don't care to keep going around in circles when you start skewing some things and misunderstanding (intentionally or out of your own lack of comprehension) others. It's a waste of my time. So don't reply to me anymore and I'll share the same respect for you.
This is what I'm talking about. Whether it's you just blatantly misunderstanding, not grasping my point or just not being all that bright in general you go on and spin shit in a way that wasn't intended. The fuck does reading Glenn's articles have to do with knowing anything?
You should back up, and read what we were talking about.

Roughly translated:

Me: The criticism of those who bash TNA is more absurd than that which they are criticizing (meaning the excuses they give to bash are ridiculous).

You: "Wrong".

Me: Did you read Gilbertti's article?

You: No

In Gilbertti's latest article, he gave examples of ridiculous criticisms. Which is what I was talking about in the first place. So, when you tell me I am wrong, about something very clearly demonstrated, and then go on to say that you haven't even read what it is I am basing my statement off of, that proves you don't even know what you are talking about.

Case closed.

So don't reply to me anymore and I'll share the same respect for you.
As long as you respond to me, I'll respond to you. I don't mind debating with you. It's fun to watch you trip over your own words.

If you really want to quit, just don't respond and let my post be the last of it.
While the feud between the second best teacher on this forum and Audioslave continues I would like to say something.

Vince Russo is a resource. He is there to help out TNA. He, in my opinion is the best Sports Entertainment Writer in the world today. It is TNA Management's choice to use him, what to use from him and how far to edit him. They are the final say and the editors. Vince Russo is a guy who can create an excellent storyline. He also can create a good storyline with bad execution. Once again that is what TNA Management is for. Firing Vince Russo will only hurt the resources of TNA. If TNA Management wanted to take the company in a new direction, they could keep Vince on board and add guys like Mike Tenay or Jim Cornette. From what I have heard, Cornette doesn't want to be a booker (that's is the ultimate solution)

I have enjoyed many eras of TNA. Until TNA went to Spike, it was my second favorite promotion behind WWE. I saw great action and some great storylines (however they were repetitive and far between). As per ratings data, TNA didn't grow that much in that year when Vince Russo came on board. They were suffering from many of the same problems that they were when Russo came to TNA. So many times have I seen feuds not finish out or matches with unclean finishes. What was worse is guys on the roster were getting stale and boring. I can respect how great an athlete AJ Styles is but until he became heel in 2006 is when I became a big fan.

Russo came on board and along with Management, took TNA in a new direction. The followers of the first four years rebelled because this wasn't the old TNA. This new TNA was there to attract different fans, casual fans who enjoy the Sports Entertainment of Pro Wrestling. There was now a bigger variety in the company.

I have enjoyed both Russo and Pre-Russo eras for different reasons. I enjoyed Pre-Russo era because of some of the good storylines and some of the great matches. I didn't like it because many guys were lost in the shuffle and had no character depth. There is only so many times where you can give more than one person a badass character. Things were limited.

When Vince Russo came in, things got turned upside down. Some interesting matches were created and some stupid matches were created. The quality of wrestling went down but my interest in the storylines and characters went up. The Production on the show went up severely (which is my favorite part about WWE). I am unlike many fans because I like the over the top storylines and charicature characters.

TNA needs to find a line in between the two. The storylines shouldn't interfere with the wrestling unless needed. A few more serious storylines are needed. A fine line between comedy and prestige needs to be found.

TNA has lost many fans in its new direction but they have found others. Some of the new fans didn't like the old direction of TNA while some fans of the old TNA can't stand the new direction.

If I had the opportunity to take TNA back to the old regime, by way of "Firing" Vince Russo, I would definitely say No. There is a happy medium that can be found here. More wrestling on iMPACT and the elimination of stupidity (Rat on a Pole etc)

But as fans we are supposed to judge the product by what we see on screen. We don't get to say stuff like "Fire Russo" or "Fire Black Reign". It is not our job or right to give our opinions on these things because in reality, we aren't educated enough behind the scenes to do this.
You should back up, and read what we were talking about.

Roughly translated:

Me: The criticism of those who bash TNA is more absurd than that which they are criticizing (meaning the excuses they give to bash are ridiculous).

You: "Wrong".

Me: Did you read Gilbertti's article?

You: No
I said you were wrong, because the majority of their complaints are about the booking. It's more about the lack of quality booking than who is doing the booking. Vince Russo is a convenient scapegoat for them to focus their aggressions on since he's employed and it's his style of booking that's being utilized. Maybe that's wrong of them to do, if/since Jarrett does have oversight of company creative.. but I can't really fault them for much aside from not directing their vitriol in the right direction which should be that the most the stories on the program suck and generally are disjointed and erratic, if not downright stupid.

As long as you respond to me, I'll respond to you. I don't mind debating with you. It's fun to watch you trip over your own words.
Aside from that communication faux pas above, on the whole it's not me tripping over my words as it is you misrepresenting, misinterpreting or just downright unable to understand anything.

And with that, I'm done with you.
Ding, Ding, Ding! (Michael Buffer voice) And now we go the scorecards. Judge Glenn Gilbertti scores the bout 118-112. Judge joejoe scores the bout 119-111. Judge Marty2hotty scores it 120-110, and your winner by unanimous decision, and STILL wrestlezone forum champion.......SLYYYYYYYYYYYFOOOOOOOOOXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!
your winner by unanimous decision, and STILL wrestlezone forum champion.......SLYYYYYYYYYYYFOOOOOOOOOXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!

THE CHAMP...IS.....HERE! (in the wrestlezone fourms)

But seriously Glenn why do you bother getting mad over internet "nerds" as you call them getting upset over TNA product? They obviously are still watching as they just complain yet seem to know quite a bit about what is going on in the show.

If you people really have a problem with Russo and the writing simple solution. STOP WATCHING!
THE CHAMP...IS.....HERE! (in the wrestlezone fourms)

But seriously Glenn why do you bother getting mad over internet "nerds" as you call them getting upset over TNA product? They obviously are still watching as they just complain yet seem to know quite a bit about what is going on in the show.

If you people really have a problem with Russo and the writing simple solution. STOP WATCHING!

i don't get mad. i'm humored by their responses and i enjoy cutting promos while getting paid to do it. it was entertaining watching slyfox crucify audioslave. he argues points like i do, by presenting evidence and logic to discount misguided opinion. i just got a whiff of some of and his archived commentaries. i'd never read them before. my next article should be even more contraversial than my last one. if you're a fan of lance storm's commentaries, then you're not going to be a fan of me.
gg inferno is officially the Vince Russo of the "IWC". It's funny that people on the net all watch the shows they complain about. I really don't like WWE and tried to watch them for a while and haven't watched a full show since 2005. Since 2003, I think I watched probably 5 full shows from WWE. If you don't like it, don't watch. The same applies to the 7 million who stopped watching wrestling as soon as the Russo edgy product was gone.

I got an infraction recently for my last post (two full paragraphs), so I'm going to try and rant here to not make it look like I'm "spamming".

Russo used to do online interviews and set the record straight on all the typical BS views that is spewed on the Internet. But I think he is passed that now. It's cool that GG is taking over that role. Russo used to be the man that stood up and told McMahon what wrestling needed. I think Russo is tired of fighting and dealing with politics.

I made this on another forum. As long as TNA continues to listen to the Internet whenever they get on a roll, and switch back to a direction that doesn't draw, they'll NEVER grow. Russo/McMahon did stuff in the WWF that was a complete "FU" to the IWC's views.. and the fans in the arenas were HOT for everything. If you don't believe me watch WWF Best of Raw Vol. 1. They were hot for everything on the show. you don't see that same emotion/passion for normal wrestling matches [that dont' feature well developed characters/stories] (you can do this on PPV.. but must not do it on television where there are many other options if you want your fanbase to grow)

As for people wanting "oldschool", I actually think most wrestlezone posters are not like that. Like Glenn said, they may be brainwashed with what they read from Meltzer/Keller and believe what they say because they're so damn stupid. but i think most people that post here are in their early 20s or still in the 15-19 range, which means they were 5-7 years old when the attitude era started

The "true" online marks that think Russo is the antichrist are the ones that are now in their mid to late 30s/40s who want the oldschool shit back..

I was at work, and one guy, who still talks about wrestling (surprisingly) actually mentioned Austin being super cool because of the beer truck, the bedpan McMahon/hospital scene, and many other stuff that happened during the Attitude era. in summary, although he still watches wrestling, he was talking about the 'cool' stuff that happened 10 years ago. yes, that shocked me.

Since GG is stepping up in the "IWC".. he should maybe grow some balls and go straight to management and tell them NOT to listen to what the IWC said much like McMahon/Russo did. GG wants wrestling to be like Larry Sanders.. which sounds interesting if it can be pulled off. I think it also needs the "hard edge" storylines of Oz. Russo can do both and has done both in the past. TNA writers, management, and Glenn need to really discuss about TNA, fuck what the IWC is saying/continuing to say and maybe create a product that television viewers can really enjoy instead of having them see it as a 'rasslin show.
did you just say glenn has no balls??? lol
i've said this before, but i'll happily say it again...No-one is ever going to be completely happy with a product - old school fans will always want things to be like the way they were, marty wants a nash comedy show, other fans will like different things. TNA has to cater to all and it does. Vince Russo may write for them - so what? some of his ideas work some don't and he's paid a price in the past for it.
some of TNA's storylines will be viewed as crap and seen as gold by others, the fact is, there's something to make people watch it.
Did you even read why I said some people may be arrogant? Or did you simply just zero in on the word "arrogance", and completely ignore the context in which is was written?

Either way, until you can actually read and comprehend what I wrote, the last thing you need to do is to try and correct me, or call me a hypocrite.

Get back to me when you actually read what I said, in the context of why I said it.

Now Now Sly, Relax. I made an observation from reading what your talking about. Maybe I am wrong, But you just seem to come off as pushy. I don't recall trying to correct you vesus just trying to understand why everything you say is 100% correct and anything anyone else says is wrong or arrogant while some could see you as the arrogant one. Everyone here makes good points and counter points. I can see it, Why can't you?

This is a debate of OPINIONS. Not facts. Like the admin said, Glen didn't get a say on whether or not he was going to hold several world titles and such so how can you truly base his opinions on his career? If Austin or HHH didn't hold some many titles, that would change your views of them Gauranteed. Thats why I say maybe you yourself are arrogant. I never said you were. Thats your guilty concious showing.

Bottomline, TNA needs to start doing the things they used to do. Stop worring about Nascar Drivers, Suspended Football players and such and get back to what they have always done best, WRESTLING.
polly.. oldschool fans are never happy. they weren't happy when russo wrote the attitude era and helped develop the stories/characters for rock, austin, mcmahon, foley. However, millions of fans did and by the reaction of the fans in the arenas, they loved it too. i think you'll be a fan of what russo/glenn can write.. watch some of the WCW 2000 stuff and watch the attitude era and Russo's first WCW run. They were incredibly well written.

Hellspawn.. THIS is the bottom line. TNA needs to concentrate on BUILDING a new fanbase and creating a product that the masses ENJOY. Not just the people who complain on the iWC

As JJ is the "Executive producer" with final say, I'm sure he will believe vince and glenn. Keep in mind that one of JJ's first interviews on the weekly PPVs was he said it would be like the HBO version of wrestling where sopranos/sex and teh city woudl be able to get away with more things. As TNA was on PPV every week, he said (in 2002) that they'd be able to push the limits EVEN further.

Why can't he get that mentality back? Especially when his best friend (Vince) and Glenn (who's employed there) have that mentality and talk to him everyday.

Russo is a genius.. you don't "by fluke" deliver great stories/shows and almost quadruple your fanbase in 2 1/2 years.. it takes a while for people to tell other people how awesome/exciting/entertaining the WWF is.. especially when msot people at the time say "that shit is fake".. they didn't say that because WWF pushed the envelope and turned wrestling not a "rasslin show for children" but a product that everyone embraced the stuff that happened on the show.

TNA needs to be that show that people talk about. A safe/tame rasslin show will never do that
Alright, Marty, if you're so smarty, answer this question, and you get a Sweet Tarty:
If you've only watched maybe 5 full shows in the last five years, then how do you know that WWE sucks?

It's true that I keep watching Impact! even though I hate it. Do you know why? For the same reason that I watch WWE: because I WANT to like it. I really do. I wish both TNA and WWE were top notch programs. But TNA sucks. I wasted my time by giving it a chance, and it fails me week in and week out. Actually, I don't even watch Impact! every week. Maybe every other week or so I tune in. But now that the writer's strike is over, and I have Scrubs and The Office and ER to watch Thursdays from 9-11, I don't even feel the need to watch TNA. Why bother? I know I'm not gonna like it. So let me ask you one other question, Marty; What's keeping you from giving WWE a chance on Monday nights? Heroes? Two and a Half Men? Or is it just stubborn ignorance that you don't even allow yourself to justify your opinion with REAL objectiveness?
gg inferno is officially the Vince Russo of the "IWC". It's funny that people on the net all watch the shows they complain about. I really don't like WWE and tried to watch them for a while and haven't watched a full show since 2005. Since 2003, I think I watched probably 5 full shows from WWE. If you don't like it, don't watch. The same applies to the 7 million who stopped watching wrestling as soon as the Russo edgy product was gone.

If people aren't allowed to criticize a product based on who creates it, the same applies for praising it surely.

I got an infraction recently for my last post (two full paragraphs), so I'm going to try and rant here to not make it look like I'm "spamming".

I'll check that over, although I take it that it wasn't me who gave it.

Russo used to do online interviews and set the record straight on all the typical BS views that is spewed on the Internet. But I think he is passed that now. It's cool that GG is taking over that role. Russo used to be the man that stood up and told McMahon what wrestling needed. I think Russo is tired of fighting and dealing with politics.

Personally, I don't care much about who books shows, etc. but why take Russo's word for gospel? In fact, I trust Eric Bischoff more than him and in Controversy Creates Cash he can't say enough bad about the guy.

I made this on another forum. As long as TNA continues to listen to the Internet whenever they get on a roll, and switch back to a direction that doesn't draw, they'll NEVER grow.

As far as I'm aware, there never really was an IWC back then. As in, at least one that wasn't as significant or as synchronised as today's IWC.

Russo/McMahon did stuff in the WWF that was a complete "FU" to the IWC's views.. and the fans in the arenas were HOT for everything.

See above.

If you don't believe me watch WWF Best of Raw Vol. 1. They were hot for everything on the show. you don't see that same emotion/passion for normal wrestling matches [that dont' feature well developed characters/stories] (you can do this on PPV.. but must not do it on television where there are many other options if you want your fanbase to grow)

I... don't understand.

As for people wanting "oldschool", I actually think most wrestlezone posters are not like that. Like Glenn said, they may be brainwashed with what they read from Meltzer/Keller and believe what they say because they're so damn stupid. but i think most people that post here are in their early 20s or still in the 15-19 range, which means they were 5-7 years old when the attitude era started

I've never read Meltzer or Keller in my life. I try and make my own mind up about the product. However, as this thread has proved, if you don't believe TNA isn't the best damn thing going, you're wrong.

The "true" online marks that think Russo is the antichrist are the ones that are now in their mid to late 30s/40s who want the oldschool shit back..

Well, I wouldn't know.

I was at work, and one guy, who still talks about wrestling (surprisingly) actually mentioned Austin being super cool because of the beer truck, the bedpan McMahon/hospital scene, and many other stuff that happened during the Attitude era. in summary, although he still watches wrestling, he was talking about the 'cool' stuff that happened 10 years ago. yes, that shocked me.

Why's that shocking? Wrestling was far more hot and popular ten years ago.

Since GG is stepping up in the "IWC".. he should maybe grow some balls and go straight to management and tell them NOT to listen to what the IWC said much like McMahon/Russo did. GG wants wrestling to be like Larry Sanders.. which sounds interesting if it can be pulled off. I think it also needs the "hard edge" storylines of Oz. Russo can do both and has done both in the past. TNA writers, management, and Glenn need to really discuss about TNA, fuck what the IWC is saying/continuing to say and maybe create a product that television viewers can really enjoy instead of having them see it as a 'rasslin show.

I have never actually heard the IWC mentioned in relation to the Attitude era. Besides, I don't see how you are different to the rest of the IWC. Glenn's definition is terrible.
polley.. oldschool fans are never happy. they weren't happy when russo wrote the attitude era and helped develop the stories/characters for rock, austin, mcmahon, foley. However, millions of fans did and by the reaction of the fans in the arenas, they loved it too. i think you'll be a fan of what russo/glenn can write.. watch some of the WCW 2000 stuff and watch the attitude era and Russo's first WCW run. They were incredibly well written.

a) assuming what I like is a dangerous thing, especially when it comes to the likes and dislikes of a random stranger. i've voiced my distaste of several aspects of TNA booking, ones which glenn booked, and i've seen some of the crap Russo can put out.
however, i wouldn't expect TNA to cater to my taste.

and dude, from what i've read of you're posts, you're never happy either, given the lack of sharkboy/nash and too much wrestling. it may surprise you, but old school fans actually LIKE the fact that there's wrestling on a wrestling show.

The masses don't exist any more though Marty. the number of people watching wrestling has dropped, not because Vince Russo stopped writing edgy stuff, but because they chose not to watch anymore
Vince Russo has very little effect on the TNA product because of the simple fact he mainly offers his creative advice. A lot of people seem to think that vince says "do this" and TNA bows before his creatvie genuis. The truth is Vince just trys to help TNA and sometimes they take his advice other times they listen but ultimatly the decision is not his. So people get the facts straight, Russo didnt kill WCW it main excutioner was non other than TED Turner and his fear of the "wrestling stigma"aka the beleif among high power executives that wrestling fans are ignorant. So when WCW ratings fell Ted decide it was time to rid himself of the product by selling it to eric bishoff and his group of investors, but the investors backed out when they found out Ted would not be giving them WCW spot on TV. So the only people who had the money to invest which happened to be WWE so there that is. People I would also like to say stop calling them WWE rejects. If you want to call some TNA stars WWE rejects then it would be only resonable to call Some WWE stars ECW and WCW and NWA rejects(plus so many more).If you cant recongnize the IMPACT that TNA has had on WWE thus far and more recently WWE's attempt's to revitalize there programing ( fatal 4 way elimination for the Title) then I feel sorry for you.

Aslo the curryman gimmick is not something thought up by TNA. Christopher Daniels has been curryman in japan for a while. Curryman is based on a mascot for a company in Japan that sells Japanese style curry.

There are so many incorect uniformed people out there so please before you start saying Vince russo is killing TNA try and research the FACTS first the give your INFORMED opionin on the subject.
Vince Russo has very little effect on the TNA product because of the simple fact he mainly offers his creative advice. A lot of people seem to think that vince says "do this" and TNA bows before his creatvie genuis. The truth is Vince just trys to help TNA and sometimes they take his advice other times they listen but ultimatly the decision is not his. So people get the facts straight, Russo didnt kill WCW it main excutioner was non other than TED Turner and his fear of the "wrestling stigma"aka the beleif among high power executives that wrestling fans are ignorant. So when WCW ratings fell Ted decide it was time to rid himself of the product by selling it to eric bishoff and his group of investors, but the investors backed out when they found out Ted would not be giving them WCW spot on TV. So the only people who had the money to invest which happened to be WWE so there that is. People I would also like to say stop calling them WWE rejects. If you want to call some TNA stars WWE rejects then it would be only resonable to call Some WWE stars ECW and WCW and NWA rejects(plus so many more).If you cant recongnize the IMPACT that TNA has had on WWE thus far and more recently WWE's attempt's to revitalize there programing ( fatal 4 way elimination for the Title) then I feel sorry for you.

Aslo the curryman gimmick is not something thought up by TNA. Christopher Daniels has been curryman in japan for a while. Curryman is based on a mascot for a company in Japan that sells Japanese style curry.

There are so many incorect uniformed people out there so please before you start saying Vince russo is killing TNA try and research the FACTS first the give your INFORMED opionin on the subject.

i've been trying for months to present facts, and they're more often than not discredited. *sigh* oh, well. ar least i try. the problem is that basically these forums are full of critics. critics that complain about the product, and critics that complain about the critics. i'm one of the latter, because alot of the product criticism is based on faulty information. perfectexample, the fuss about shark boy. "That's stupid" "He'll never draw" "nobody wants to see him" and then i'll point out that he gets one of the biggest pops on house shows and his merchandise sells out, and then i'll read more posts of "Glenn works for the company" "why should we believe a wcw jobber" "Shark boy still sucks" "Shark Boy will never draw a dime" Then people wonder why i act like such a condescending ass.
But Glenn, if Shark Boy is doing such great business, why hasn't he been on TV every week? I can only see one of two answers:
1) TNA doesn't have nearly as much confidence in Shark Boy as Shark Boy proponents would like us all to believe. Or
2) TNA doesn't have nearly as much brain power as you, Glenn, would like all to believe.

So which is it Glenn? Is TNA unconfident, or stupid?
But Glenn, if Shark Boy is doing such great business, why hasn't he been on TV every week? I can only see one of two answers:
1) TNA doesn't have nearly as much confidence in Shark Boy as Shark Boy proponents would like us all to believe. Or
2) TNA doesn't have nearly as much brain power as you, Glenn, would like all to believe.

So which is it Glenn? Is TNA unconfident, or stupid?

first of all, the roster is heavy right now, so everyone isn't going to be on tv every week. secondly, don't put words in my mouth. i never said shark boy was "doing great business." surely you can read my posts and comprehend the fact that the "nobody wants to see shark boy" faction are clearly wrong in their assessment of the popularity of his character, evidence provided.
perfectexample, the fuss about shark boy. "That's stupid" "He'll never draw" "nobody wants to see him" and then i'll point out that he gets one of the biggest pops on house shows and his merchandise sells out, and then i'll read more posts of "Glenn works for the company" "why should we believe a wcw jobber" "Shark boy still sucks" "Shark Boy will never draw a dime" Then people wonder why i act like such a condescending ass.

don't get me wrong, i still think he sucks big time, but it's not all for me. If he works and earns money, i know why he's there and getting airtime and it'd be stupid not to make the money out of a jobber (your description of him to me in previous posts i believe), the same reason I know why Russo's there despite views he's hit or miss. he has experience, he brought in high ratings for wcw. controversial, occasionally puts out awful ideas, but it's not as if he's in charge of the process. he's there for the ideas and why shouldn't he be.
i've been trying for months to present facts, and they're more often than not discredited. *sigh* oh, well. ar least i try. the problem is that basically these forums are full of critics. critics that complain about the product, and critics that complain about the critics. i'm one of the latter, because alot of the product criticism is based on faulty information. perfectexample, the fuss about shark boy. "That's stupid" "He'll never draw" "nobody wants to see him" and then i'll point out that he gets one of the biggest pops on house shows and his merchandise sells out, and then i'll read more posts of "Glenn works for the company" "why should we believe a wcw jobber" "Shark boy still sucks" "Shark Boy will never draw a dime" Then people wonder why i act like such a condescending ass.

For once, I actually agree with you, Glenn. The reason I'm not on here more often is because of the annoying critics who do nothing other than complain about what other peoples opinions are. Here's the bottom line - if you don't like TNA, don't watch it. Don't sit there in front of the TV for two hours just so that you'll have something to bitch about on the internet. Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of TNA. I hardly ever get the chance to watch the product, and am more of a WWE fan, however, I respect the fact that TNA is trying something different. I personally think that competition is a good thing in wrestling, and now that Vince and WWE have someone who is starting to catch up to them in the rear view mirror, it is forcing Vince to punch the petal to the metal and make WWE's product better, and when WWE steps it up, what does TNA do? They step it up too. But anyway, the big point I wanted to make here, I've already stated...if you don't like TNA stop watching it and stop bitching about it to the people that DO like it.
See, I'm not a big Russo fan, and I agree he's fucked up big time quite a bit in a lot of his booking, but I'm man enough to say when someone does things right, even if I'm not a big fan of theirs, and there's two things that are happening: TNA PPVs in my opinion are getting better. I mean, I can't even sit through anything from 2006. That was a REALLY boring era. Late 05 was good, but 06 started getting ******ed, some of the PPVs from 07 weren't much better. But lately, they've been really, really good. And secondly, Russo did to Hogan in 2000 what no-one else had the balls to do: Tell the stupid bald bastard to take a fuckin' walk. People can say TNA's been pisspoor as of late all they want- it's still better than a lot of the crap WWE's doing.
good question by papa shango about why shark boy isn't on every single week. I myself am pissed off as he's off for three straight weeks of TNA. I personally think the reason is TNA is listening to the iwc and the ratings are affected

Imagine what would have happened if Mick Foley's "Dude Love" push was stopped due to it being "cartoony, comedic, and stupid"

I wish Glenn and Vince would just tell Jeff/Dixie to stop paying attention to the Internet reaction that much. They should talk to Russo and ask him if McMahon/Russo/Ferrara paid attention when Rock/Austin/Foley/HHH/DX/Sable/Socko and everyone else on the roster were getting pushed.

They need to focus on revolutionizing the entertainment aspect, go one solid year of strong writing, great twists and turns, good drama, sex appeal, everything that will get the casual viewers tuning in, enjoying the shows, and most importantly spreading the word about how great TNA is. If TNA does compelling writing that gets people saying

"Damn, did you see TNA last night.. that shit was crazy.. what's going to happen to such and such.. what's going to happen here.. i am going to guess this i'm going to guess that.."

That's the type of discussion the Attitude Era generated on a weekly basis. Until TNA gets to that point (which they are not at now) they will never grow. And straight wrestling and a 'strong' wrestling show where wrestler A "hates" wrestler B "i'm going to kick your butt. i want your belt" is just not good enough to draw in 2008 for pro wrestling.

Russo/Glenn/Dixie/Jeff need to sit in a meeting and talk about this. Russo is definitely not dragging TNA down.. he's the guy that can help make TNA the "buzz" of the town. UFC gets people talking now. WWF Attitude got EVERYONE talking.. People at my workplace (as bad as the shows are IMO) talk about Heroes and Lost.

When are they going to talk about TNA? A show filled with straight wrestling sure as hell isn't going to do that. Even a predictable rasslin show isn't. Something needs to be done entertainment wise. Glenn/Vince just need to tell Jeff.. and Jeff needs to go "damn, you guys are right.. let's do it"

- as for polly's questionabout how i know wwe sucks or not. Well, after russo left in late 99, i still taped and fast forwarded most of the crap and watched wwe for about a year or two, before stopping. For WWE.. over the past 3-4 years.. i think i watched the first 3 hour raw where austin stunned the entire mcmahon family. it's just not on the scale of creativity from the time russo wrote

the matches are boring, the promos are lame, the stories are not intriguing, the backstage segments insult the living hell out of me. there would be times where i try and watch a Raw and then it bored me and i stopped..

In 2006 i think raw left the channel i ahve.. but i do get smackdown and ecw. i taped the first ecw and thought it was okay, but not good enough to follow. i saw the ecw episode where monty brown showed up.. again, nothing extraordinary. and imo smackdown is just boring wrestling with uninteresting finishes. it's incredibly boring. everytime i sample wwe.. it bores me.. that's simply the reason i dont watch. it's also a waste of my time..

i'd rather watch nothing than sit through a wwe show nowadays. and i was the biggest advocator of the attitude era. The Russo WCW shows were incredible too.. Watch it in full before you read and take meltzer's word as gospel. I'm not telling oldschool marks to watch it, i'm telling guys in their early 20s who probably didn't watch it back then and come online to believe all the "critics"
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