Vince Russo Dragging TNA Down?

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Hey Marty, how do you know he hasn't already tried? Glen said in a debate with Konnan that he constantly puts in suggestions which usually get shot down.

This thread was about Vince Russo and is now about Glen. He is allowed to defend the TNA Product if he wants to. He has as much as a right if not more right than you or I do.

Personally without the misconception of brown nosing I would love to hear Glen's opinion on what he thinks TNA needs to do to reach that 1.3 and beyond, what direction TNA is headed in and what direction he thinks the TNA Product is headed in.

He is the only one on these forums and perhaps on the fan forums on the net who sits in on creative meetings. He has an idea why the guys at TNA think the way they do, make the choices they make and what direction the company is going.
As a person who hardly ever agrees with Glenn, I find it disgusting that anyone would question his authenticity. I don't care for the fact that I'm technically lumped in as part of his internet "sheep" but I also know that I'm not behind the scenes of TNA or WWE. I know he is behind the scenes of TNA. I have to trust that what he says is true. What would be the point in lying?

And as for those people who say he is completely untalented...I remind you that as the heel of WZ, he certainly does exactly what a good heel is supposed to do, doesn't he? Gets under people's skin and makes them react passionately in a given manner. Besides, when was the last time anyone on this forum was on a nationally televised wrestling program in the ring?. Yeah I thought so...So lets just stop that crap, sound reasonable?

He's been able to do what most true wrestling fans would love to do: Wrestle for a living. And he's done well. Again, I don't agree with a lot of what he says, and I find some of it at times to be rather insulting to me as a member of the IWC. But to question someone's integrity because of a past gimmick, or because of his employer is pointless and childish.

Would it be better if he were to come on here and trash TNA? No of course not. He believes in the work he's doing, or else I doubt he'd be doing it. He believes in the product they are turning out now and believes in their future.

Hate to tell you, we are the minority in the crowd. We may be the most vocal, and passionate but still a minority. Of all the people that I've ever met who watch wrestling, only a handful of them knew/know what IWC means, or even where to find some of this backstage news. I know this is a shocker, but TNA/WWE can't cater to our every friggin' whim. They'd lose money, and then we'd have no where to go for wrestling except for high school gyms and local convention centers.
Yeah, it's kinda fucking pitiful that the general argument from people who are against Glenn is "Dur, you were a midcarder, so fuck you!" uh, yeah, but he was still backstage during wrestling show, so I don't know what his card position has to do with anything, he was still backstage.
Ok, subtracting the TNA script that was leaked a while back, ha anyone here seen what segments are done by Russo and which one's are not? Besides Glenn, no one on here knows. If vince russo is known by the IWC as a horrible person and dragging the company down, then he is marketed as a heel to the crowd. If next week they announced that russo was going to be on impact, you can bet your ass people would tune in, simply for that reason.

This is a horrible comparison, but Vince McMahon was one of the baddest heels ever due to his storyline with Steve Austin, and if Vince was gonna show up on raw, you KNOW you would watch. All of this anti-Russoism is building up his on-screen character for free, so when the time comes, he will bust out his popemobile again, and be the 'evil booker' or whatever the hell he will be called, and spike the 'ratings.'

Guys, Disco is playing a character in these forums as he has from moment one. Just like what was said above how Glenn is the 'Vince russo of the IWC' In here he is booking himself as a heel and is seemingly disagreeing with anything that is anti-TNA. Have I read all of his posts? No, for the same reason why I wouldn't watch a certain cable news channel for having a obvious slant on the news, and injecting their own skewed angles into fact. Anyone notice how GG got hired on as a TNA writer pretty much at the same time as he started posting here? People are posting against him because he is intentionally pissing people off and pushing buttons..just wait until we get his high and mighty article on lance storm.
I doubt Russo would ever be a on screen character because almost only smarks know who he is so he wouldn't get too much new viewers, TNA needs to learn to IGNORE the internet because the IWC fans are vocal but few and their ideas are terrible, Glenn was 100% right when he wrote that their idea for ratings would be to get a bunch of 140lbs 18 year olds to beat the Dudleys and Scott Steiner while the smark crowd chants "this is awesome"

And Glen has been hired at TNA FAR longer than he has written stuff on this site .

Anyway I'm gonna ask my question again and hope Disco sees it!

I dunno if you know but did TNA try to get Midajah back for Scott or did they completely skip her for Rhaka? i like Rhaka but she's certainly no Midajah, Midajah could speak great and even looked cool in chain mail
GG, just read Jeff Hamlin's, uh, "review" on the Meltzer site--will wonders ever cease--he buried TNA!!!

All of his reviews mentions things that aren't even there, or you really didn't notice, in which case, got his panties in a wad. Why does he watch? I seriously doubt he's even making minimum wage writing his so-called reviews, being on his period and all.

Meanwhile, the Raw review is always candy canes and lollipops. I think they even praised that stupid presidential match--shills to the end.

A lot of people criticize Fox News about being selectively fair and balanced--believe me, IT IS compared to the WWE lovefest on that site, as well as 98-99 percent of all wrestling websites.
I do not agree with everything which Glenn says but it is ridiculous to discredit his opinion on the basis of his wrestling character. The Disco Inferno was more over than he should have been and that was down to Glenn. Furthermore, anyone who watched TNA in 2003 should remember that Glenn turned his career around and made himself a more serious character and also did a good job, showing charisma and putting on good matches. In about 7-8 weeks he became a legit title contender and I really wish they'd stuck with him. While not exactly a legend in the ring, Glenn was a more than competent worker who could have become a much bigger star with a serious push.

If Glenn works backstage at TNA then of course he would know more than Meltzer. How anyone can suggest otherwise is crazy. Meltzer relies on hearsay which is not always credible. Meltzer makes money off of what he says while Glenn doesn't. If Meltzer didn't have his stories about TNA shutting within 30 days or Abyss signing for the WWE, then he wouldn't make as much money. It's quite simple.

With regards to Shark Boy, I am not a fan of his Stonecold gimmick but if the pops are coming and the merch is selling, then it makes sense to keep going with it. Lethal is far more over than he was as generic Jay. I can see Curryman working in the short term so long as it leads to Daniels unmasking eventually. However, at this moment in time it would be crazy to unmask. He is over. Also, if/when Daniels reverts back he will be fresh and probably more over too.
so vince russo is either the reason a company sucks or is good?

i dont buy it. simply because. with one booker writer or what ever they do make the company money.

the people that make it what is it is is those that do the work.

take it as it is.

the best script with the worst wrestlers or vice versa..

i watch wwe and tna. and frankly they are both weak. they both have ups and downs. i dont have the time to always watch when they are on. but i tape them.. i find more and more since the "monday night wars" i am fastforwarding. but even in those times i was always looking for WHAT I LIKE.

these companies have how many people to please. so they are fried like a potato if it sucks or set on a throne if they do something GREAT.

but then you look around somepoeple will never agree so then where are we?

the same spot we were at the beginning of this topic.

opinions. we all know the saying.

and frankly. i enjoyed the debates. over the internet fans. the ex wrestler.

but what every one forgets is if the fans like it then it sells.

i mean. from what i see this disco guy (sorry i never got to see wcw. i had a childhood to live and didnt watch much tv in those days) grasps this.

fans make it or break it.

fans. stop coming to raw. will it still be the biggest show for wwe?

frankly tna is still young.

they have time. and i would like to see them in the future make a run at wwf.

i mean. when are things at their best when someone is trying to take the bread outta your kids mouth.

when the bar has to be raised. you either jump higher or you lose. no?
After seeing the points made by everyone in these 24 pages....

Vince Russo is not killling TNA when it is not clear that he is the head writer. He was one of the main guys responsible for taking Raw from a 1.8 to a 7.1 in 2 years. The mode rating for WWF Raw Is War was in the 6's in 1999. I also think that you shouldn't discredit Glenn Gilbertti's opinion because of his wrestling character. He went from February 2003 to December 2004 without it. The characters of Shark Boy and Jay Lethal, I don't mind now, because I see Glenn's point of view on cruiserweights getting gimmicks. Although, Ebessan (aka Kikutaro) from All Japan should have been brought in to do the Stone Cold thing; If you don't know who he is, check him out - he is very entertaining.

Samoa Joe is the TNA World Champion, get used to it. If he loses at Sacrifice, or Slammiversary, it won't matter to me, because all I wanted was for him to be world champion; therefore I got my wish. And this taking shots at Joe's shape, how fucking immature are you? If Joe is the TNA World Champion, then obviously he is doing something right. Also, I loved Samoa Joe before I joined the Internet Wrestling Community, long before I heard of ROH.

Also, this bitching about the Internet Wrestling Community. You TNA fans say things like, "You don't like TNA, don't watch it. You're being hypocrites!" Well, if you don't like the IWC, get the fuck out of it. Maybe you're the hypocrites too.
I'm pretty sure Russo is the same type of fan as me.

ROH bores the hell out of me. Its really really boring. I've tried to watch it numerous times, and I can't get through a show. I just keep thinking, what do i care about these people? I don't care who wins this match, i could beat these guys up.

I know a lot of people love ROH, i honestly don't get it. If i want to watch pure athletisicm i'll watch MMA, basketball, or some other sport, not wrestling. But for the times where I want a sort of comic book type entertainment that takes place in a fictional context of sport, then i'll smoke a bowl and watch TNA.
And this taking shots at Joe's shape, how fucking immature are you? If Joe is the TNA World Champion, then obviously he is doing something right. Also, I loved Samoa Joe before I joined the Internet Wrestling Community, long before I heard of ROH.

I can take as many shots at Sloppy Joe that I want but you can just youtube some promos from his feud vs Steiner where Steiner verbally kills Fat sloppy Joe, that's where "Sloppy Joe" comes from, if you don't like that we call a fat out of shape guy for fat or sloppy you should tell someone who cares. As Steiner so eloquently said "Sloppy Joe is the first time we can truly say that bigger isn't better. I hope that when Steiner chokes him out in the Steiner recliner his legs will fit around Sloppy Joe

Also, this bitching about the Internet Wrestling Community. You TNA fans say things like, "You don't like TNA, don't watch it. You're being hypocrites!" Well, if you don't like the IWC, get the fuck out of it. Maybe you're the hypocrites too.

And just who are you to say we should get out from the "IWC"? I'm not part of the ICW so how can I get out of it. The IWC isn't just fans on the internet, it's fans on the internet who truly thinks that people would rather watch Ultimo Dragon feud vs some 160 lbs guy from ROH instead of watching HHH vs Cena, that is the IWC.
I can take as many shots at Sloppy Joe that I want but you can just youtube some promos from his feud vs Steiner where Steiner verbally kills Fat sloppy Joe, that's where "Sloppy Joe" comes from, if you don't like that we call a fat out of shape guy for fat or sloppy you should tell someone who cares. As Steiner so eloquently said "Sloppy Joe is the first time we can truly say that bigger isn't better. I hope that when Steiner chokes him out in the Steiner recliner his legs will fit around Sloppy Joe

Fat sloppy Joe was in probably character, but knowing him or any other WCW alumni, anything can be a shoot.

And also, I hate it when people have to take shots at him because of his shape. It is immature. It is like the Boston crowd chanting "You fucked up" to your hero Scott Steiner.

And just who are you to say we should get out from the "IWC"?
Well, if you bitch about it, you really should leave. I mean, you TNA fans say, don't like it, don't watch it, you're a hypocrite, so why can't I apply that to wrestling discussions on the internet?

I'm not part of the ICW so how can I get out of it.
Yes you are; otherwise you wouldn't have an account here, let alone of connection to the Internet.

The IWC isn't just fans on the internet, it's fans on the internet who truly thinks that people would rather watch Ultimo Dragon feud vs some 160 lbs guy from ROH instead of watching HHH vs Cena, that is the IWC.

So what if fans like Ultimo Dragon, I've seen you take shots at him; is it because some fans actually accept the fact that Japan exists. WWE signed him, WCW signed him, does that make them IWC smarks? Give me a fucking break.

By the way, if TNA (the second biggest wrestling organization in America) has to raid ROH (some indy promotion in the Northeast) of its roster and sign guys like Samoa Joe, Low Ki, Homicide, Jimmy Rave, Austin Aries, Christopher Daniels, Jay Lethal, Alex Shelley, and AJ Styles, then those wrestlers must be doing something right.
I know I'm not Glenn, but I have a wild theory that address this question.

TNA ratings wise would be better off if they moved to Monday Nights. I say that for these two reasons:

1.) Thursday Nights is not a wrestling night anymore. 9 years ago when nearly 8 million people tuned into Thunder and Smackdown each week that may have been the case, but times have changed and Monday Night is the only wrestling night left. Also, Monday Night is a night where people are used to/looking for wrestling and TNA would be easier to find if they were on that night.

2.) TNA would actually have less competition on Monday Nights than they do on Thursday Nights. Lets face it, shows like Grey's Anatomy, 30 Rock, The Office, CSI, Without a Trace, ER, Lost and Thursday Night sporting events (college football, NBA playoffs, etc.) are a murder's row of prime time entertainment that draw very good ratings (not to mention Thursday Night is a popular movie night for cable networks). On Monday night TNA would be up against Raw, Deal or No Deal, Dancing With The Stars and maybe a few other shows/events including Monday Night football. But those lineups don't compare to primetime Thursday Night which is thee TV night in America.

Even though that is a good input, i think it would be a bad idea to do now because every time football season is around, Raw usually gets killed in the ratings. So if Raw only gets a 2.8 rating when it goes up against 3 prime time shows, imagine the rating TNA would get if it went up against 3 prime time shows and Raw, it would probably get the same ratings Impact got when it was on Saturdays which would probably be .07 or .08. So i would not move Impact to Monday nights until it reaches 2.0 or above.
Even though that is a good input, i think it would be a bad idea to do now because every time football season is around, Raw usually gets killed in the ratings. So if Raw only gets a 2.8 rating when it goes up against 3 prime time shows, imagine the rating TNA would get if it went up against 3 prime time shows and Raw, it would probably get the same ratings Impact got when it was on Saturdays which would probably be .07 or .08. So i would not move Impact to Monday nights until it reaches 2.0 or above.

I forgot to mention that "House" is a big ratings drawer on Mondays also

However I still respectfully disagree.

Raws Fall ratings, which is the same time as football season (Sept to Dec) only dips a little bit. Not to mention that Raw's overall ratings have been declining for the past couple of years (2006 = 3.90, 2007 = 3.61, 2008 = 3.50). I also don't think Impact can reach 2.0 ratings on Thursday Night because they just aren't setup to. Apart from the competition on Thursdays, their advertising and brand awareness outside of Spike TV is non-existant. If they moved to Monday Nights, they'd have to plug, plug and plug somemore to let the national cable viewing audience know that a new wrestling program is coming to Monday Nights. Once thats established, in the beginning Raw would still dominate ratings, but Impact would have better ratings growth potential because a wrestling viewing audience is out there for them to capture. That is something Thursday Night does not have.

One more thing to realize is that while in the fall it could be tough, in the summertime Impact can thrive. I say that beause the networks are in rerun mode in the summer and younger viewers stay up later (no school) which can contribute a little more to ratings.
tna needs to start pushing there home grown guys like aj styles ,chris daniels,kaz,abyss,chris sabin iknow there all not very big but just like how the wwe did with thiers evrytime someone jumps ship to tna they almost immediately become champ like sayin anyone can be champ in tna they need to start pushing there own talent to super stardom like how there starting to do with samoa joe right now...........good move for them........late
I forgot to mention that "House" is a big ratings drawer on Mondays also

However I still respectfully disagree.

Raws Fall ratings, which is the same time as football season (Sept to Dec) only dips a little bit. Not to mention that Raw's overall ratings have been declining for the past couple of years (2006 = 3.90, 2007 = 3.61, 2008 = 3.50). I also don't think Impact can reach 2.0 ratings on Thursday Night because they just aren't setup to. Apart from the competition on Thursdays, their advertising and brand awareness outside of Spike TV is non-existant. If they moved to Monday Nights, they'd have to plug, plug and plug somemore to let the national cable viewing audience know that a new wrestling program is coming to Monday Nights. Once thats established, in the beginning Raw would still dominate ratings, but Impact would have better ratings growth potential because a wrestling viewing audience is out there for them to capture. That is something Thursday Night does not have.

One more thing to realize is that while in the fall it could be tough, in the summertime Impact can thrive. I say that because the networks are in rerun mode in the summer and younger viewers stay up later (no school) which can contribute a little more to ratings.

you pretty much make a good and valid point here, but if TNA does moves to Monday night they should do what WCW did during the Monday Night Wars and that is start Impact a hour before Raw starts and maybe they might get a slight advantage in the ratings during the 1st hour. If Tna does do that then they definitely need to start advertising a lot to get notice and they should be able to do that because they have certain wrestlers that the casual wrestling fan recognizes. And Russo is not that bad of a writer that people make of him, he can come up we good ideas TNA just needs to make sure that he does not go overboard with some his pointless and stupid ideas. And going live wouldn't hurt neither.
Just need to touch on something here before I get to the main topic.
There's been a hell of a lot of people on here claiming Russo "killed off WCW."
That is the biggest load of bollocks ever. WCW never died, it was sold and the new owners decided to shut it down. At the time of selling, WCW was doing better ratings that what WWE currently have. WCW could easily have carried on as it was. Russo was brought in towards the end of WCW, and low and behold, the final months of WCW were infact the best it had been since 97/early 98. The cruiserweights were running the show, the mid carders were getting major pushes, it wasn't the old past it's dictating the show anymore.
Again, how did Russo "kill" a wrestling promotion? The WCW was still up and running when WWE bought it. It wasn't "killed," it wasn't "out of business," it wasn't "bankrupt...."

Back to the subject; I think TNA has gradually improved with Russo being there. I don't know, and to be honest, nobody else on here knows (despite what they like to think) who is pushing what ideas and gimmicks backstage so to try and put the blame for the kids gimmicks (Curry Man/Shark Boy etc) soley on Russo is just plain presumistic and stupid.
Facts are, the X devision is back to being pushed hard, the PPV Main events are starting to really have a main event feel about them, where they USED to feel no different from an Impact main event. The knockouts..... well nuff said, they speak for themselves! And now it looks like the tag team devision is going to get a push with the recent "deuces wild" tournament and the belts being made available. Guys are getting mic time, characters are starting really come out in the wrestlers, and low and behold, we're acually getting to be introduced to NEW wrestlers like Creed, without them coming from the WWE rejects box... Nearly forgot as well, the fact that TNA are constantly setting new company records for attendances. Obviously these THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of people who attend the shows must all be wrong because the snotty little virgin geek "smarks" say so...?!?

Wether Russo is responsible for any of this, NOBODY knows, however, it IS happening under his time at the company, therefore how can Russo possibly be "dragging TNA down?"
Does anyone else here read "The Heyman Hustle" its on or some crap, I try to keep up with it i just aw his latest post, where he addressed TNA's biggest problem...kind of..... he says the problem is their marketing campaign. He acknowledges they have amazing talent, and the ability to distinguish themselves from WWE, but he makes this comparison, to Ric Flair being the greatest wrestler of all time retiring to a decent size suburban home outside Charolette North Carolina, while Hulk Hogan is splitting up millions upon millions in his divorce case, with two outlandish homes in Miami, and California(i think). According to Heyman it's because Flair did well in WCW and made good money but Vince McMahon put Hulkamania on every T-shirt video game, poster, statue, shoelace, and bandana that he could find and got Ludicrous sums of money. (actually Marvel Comics did but thats a side note)
Heyman says TNA's biggest weakness is that Vince is a marketing genius. If anything i think that Vince Russo isn't so much dragging TNA down as Vince McMahon is doing what he can to keep it under
Elaborate on this part of your post, please?

He misread the article.

Heyman didn't say Vince McMahon was holding TNA down.

Heyman said that the reason WWE is so successful is because they are a great marketing machine. TNA isn't very good with marketing, nothing compared to the WWE. Heyman said TNA needs to try something different than the "Cross the Line" Campaign.
All i know is this Deuces Wild Tag Team Shit is dumb.

First of all, they make the REAL tag teams qualify while the egotistical 8 get to simply be picked.

Secondly, this shit is going to take up 7 matches on PPV. None of these matches will get time. On top of these matches is the World Title Match, The Womens Battle Royal Makeover shit, and then the Cage of Terror Match or whatever. That is 10 matches on the show.

Now... on top of this, it is an industry FACT... FACT that Tournament PPVs do not draw. Lethal Lottery does not draw. People don't pay for something when they don't know they are getting. This is fact.

Seriously, this absolutely makes no sense. This Deuces Wild thing has no upside. What could possibly be good about this?

Reason why i posted this here, is it reeks of Russo.
If you don't like what Sacrifice's lineup is then don't order it, otherwise bite your lip and shut your mouth!

I would have preferred a normal tag team tournament. The one upside to this tournament is that is garners main event attention to the tag team belts which hasn't been done in a while. Wrestlers who originally focused on the main event World Title scene are now focusing on the tag team scene. The advantage that the established teams have is that they can get along unlike what the random teams will likely do.

As for Russo and TNA there are Six Points of iMPACT
1) TNA has better wrestling than WWE (minute by minute)
2) TNA has better storyline saturation and progression than WWE (WWE has little)
3) TNA has more variety than WWE (WWE features one style)
4) WWE has better booking than TNA (undoubtedly)
5) WWE has better marketing than TNA (WWE is a marketing machine)
6) WWE has better production than TNA (One of my favorite things about WWE)

TNA needs to improve what its better on and fix what its struggling on
Well if "Russo dragging TNA down" is the last month of Impact, he should keep "dragging it down" because I've been loving the shows every week.

Last night's impact was no different. I enjoyed it from top to bottom.

The shows TNA is putting out right now are excellent. I've been watching wrestling for as long as I can remember, and in the 20+ years I've been watching, I'd put the current TNA product up there with some of my favorite periods in wrestling.

Sometimes I wish TNA would be a bit edgier, but it seems to be heading into that direction. The collaboration w/ Emmure totally shocked me when I found out about that. (Good band if you're into metalcore with ridiculously heavy breakdowns). Part of the reason I think it's going to be an uphill battle for TNA is because it's definitely not cool to be into wrestling these days. Promotions like that can really help the company in that aspect with today's kids.

I love picturing Kurt Angle listening to an Emmure cd. Maybe he does enjoy heavier music like that, but I just can't see it, haha.
1) TNA has better wrestling than WWE (minute by minute)
The whole talking point that WWE somehow has the WORST RASSLINS EVER or even bad wrestling is wrong.

TNA has some good matches, but not at the rate that WWE does. WWE averages around 1 to 2 entertaining/good matches per television episode and they generally have a few more that are fun to watch. Not only that, but WWE does an excellent job with packing their PPV offerings and delivering with stellar matches. And they generally have one or two matches per television show that are anywhere between decent to great. TNA has seemed to have fallen back, as far as amount of quality matches, since their first few years.
If you don't like what Sacrifice's lineup is then don't order it, otherwise bite your lip and shut your mouth!

I would have preferred a normal tag team tournament. The one upside to this tournament is that is garners main event attention to the tag team belts which hasn't been done in a while. Wrestlers who originally focused on the main event World Title scene are now focusing on the tag team scene. The advantage that the established teams have is that they can get along unlike what the random teams will likely do.

As for Russo and TNA there are Six Points of iMPACT
1) TNA has better wrestling than WWE (minute by minute)
2) TNA has better storyline saturation and progression than WWE (WWE has little)
3) TNA has more variety than WWE (WWE features one style)
4) WWE has better booking than TNA (undoubtedly)
5) WWE has better marketing than TNA (WWE is a marketing machine)
6) WWE has better production than TNA (One of my favorite things about WWE)

TNA needs to improve what its better on and fix what its struggling on

2) I meant storyline substance, not saturation. Like you said Glen in your debate with Konnan over TNA Creative, TNA actually has storylines where development of characters and development of storylines happen, sometimes even on a week by week basis. WWE pretty much lays out their storyline in one week and builds up to a PPV with a series of in-ring confrontations and/or interviews talking about the upcoming match. What I liked about the Attitude Era and about TNA right now is that TNA has depth such as the 2 love triangles. You ask yourself a question.

4) A common problem with fans, not me so much is TNA booking. Common complaints still exist that there aren't enough clean finishes, gimmick matches are too complicated etc etc. Personally I don't think TNA Booking is horrible, I just think that WWE's is better. I just define booking and creative as two different things because creative to me is the character/storylines and booking has to do with matches. I have my gripes with booking: Not enough wrestling (I liked last week's iMPACT as it had enough wrestling, I don't need 20 minute matches to be satisfied) not enough clean finishes and overcomplication of gimmick matches or concepts (such as the Makeover Battle Royal which has both good as bad parts about it)

I don't find WWE to be the Worst Wrestling Ever. There are parts that I like about WWE wrestling. I just think TNA has the better roster and have better matches that sometimes are only hurt by booking. WWE in no means have bad wrestling, I definitely just prefer and think TNA has the best wrestling in the US.
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