Vince Russo..A good thing?

Do you think Vince Russo is doing a good job?

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Since Vince Russo joined the as one of the bookers it seems that TNA is getting better. He is nothing like he was in WCW. It seems to keep on getting better and better!
I dont think we have seen fully what Russo intends to bring to the table yet, I think I read it would take a couple of months at least to see the stuff that Russo was booking, so I honestly think its too early too tell with him. All I hope is that he has someone there to filter out the bad idea's so only the good one's get through.
I have to admit, when I first heard that Russo was coming to TNA I looked at the positives and the negatives. Positives: He created NWO and started the Austin v. McMahon feud which is one of the most popular feuds in wrestling history. However the negatives severely outweighd the positives. Negatives: Got carried away with NWO by letting everyone on the roster join it (pretty much). Tried to destroy the Nature Boy's career as a wrestler. Brought back Ultimate Warrior. Gave the title to David Arquette and disgraced the WCW title forever. Put the world heavyweight title on people like Booker T and DDP when he had wrestlers like Piper, Mach Man, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Ric Flair, and numerous others. However, I must admit that he is doing a really great job with TNA. He's letting the big name wrestlers fight often unlike the previous writers. Christian Cage has been fighting every week now. And a ladder match with Joe on a regular impact taping? That's awesome. Impact used to be very weak with not too many big name wrestlers wrestling, but now he has the big name wrestlers fighting every week and impact is so much better. I love it that he's putting Joe in the spotlight. He's even managed to make the Jarrett segments seem, well, not annoying. A+ so far for Russo.
During the JBL/Bischoff shoot interview JBL talks about how WWF's ratings only went up after Russo left. What that inbred hick forgets to remember is that it was Russo's production that allowed WWF to fish it's collective ass out of the three foot hole it was in when WCW rose to prominence. WWF's current production style was pioneered by Russo. Bischoff may have helped to build WCW's ratings, but he was also responsible for pissing the whole thing back down the crapper. The types of angles you see now on WWE were in place because Russo and Ferarra were writing the shows back in those days and helped to usher in the Attitude era. Vinnie Mac and the rest of the goon squad just coasted in on fumes and rode the wave that Ferarra and Russo helped to build.

The problem with his WCW tenures was that Time Warner never wanted the company to succeed and each time he didn't deliver ratings overnight, they basically took the bat out of his hands...twice. He managed to make Lex Luger interesting for about five minutes again, until TW brought the hammer down and power was given to a few mental wizards being either Bill Busch, Kevin Sullivan, and Kevin Nash. The booking on these shows suffered because these guys were either clueless (Sullivan and Busch) or they just didn't give a rat's ass (Nash). When Bischoff and Russo were both brought back, everything heated up again and the fans' response was awesome because of the worked shoot interviews. Just as abruptly, though, it was squashed.

Russo managed to bring back the NWO in a very intelligent way to help further Jarrett and Hart and keep Nash and Hall in the thick of things. Matches were better booked, and the storylines were more logical and fresh. Younger talent who never got their push like Billy Kidman were put into programs with guys like Hogan. TNA needs to give Vince some time to do what he does. They need to remember that it took Russo and WWF 86 weeks to claw their way back to the top. This was the reason Russo was hired by WCW when he was. Russo, on the other hand, I hope will see the strengths of TNA's athletes and book stuff using their strengths instead of doing the WWE shuffle and pushing storylines without thought given to the in-ring product.
Right now...I think Russo is having to tie up loose ends with what creative had been doing before he returned. So I think we're seeing right now a mixture of stuff he's finishing up, and ideas he's starting. In fact, you know how TNA has been hinting at an AMW breakup? Notice how it suddenly stopped right after Carter announced Russo was part of creative? Makes me wonder if either he said a)why are you breaking this team up or b)lets talk to them and see if they have a different way they want to go. Before you ask why they would talk to Harris or Storm, in the contracts they signed last year--they got creative over their characters, and they say when/how/if the breakup takes place (Harris talked bout it on his website and in interviews-thats how I know this).

See I remember Russo's last run in TNA in early 2004, before he went to seminary school. He was the one who suggested, while Storm was out with an injury, to put Harris in the title picture, and I for one thought it was a great idea. Harris proved he can shine as a singles talent. Also in early 2004, remember how up till then TNA had the cage dancers, and the lingerie matches for the women that were in TNA and such? It was when Panda was buying into TNA, and they wanted to make TNA more "family oriented" and it was Russo who helped with all that.

I know that Russo hasn't always had the greatest ideas, but given that TNA has Angle bout ready to return to the ring, and rumors of potentially Jericho joining the roster, I have heard people (not necessarily on these forums...just around) grumbling that Russo will "ruin" TNA. I say given his different outlook on things these days, give the guy a chance. When he left TNA a couple years ago, he did an interview and HE even said that he wished he hadn't of gone ahead with some of the ideas he had done in WWE and WCW.
iamwrestling said:
Put the world heavyweight title on people like Booker T and DDP when he had wrestlers like Piper, Mach Man, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Ric Flair, and numerous others. .
I Really don't see how that counts as a negative. They were both deserving holders, escpecially Booker-T
I see it like this...Russo has a lot of experience and everyone makes mistakes. I'm sure he has learned from those mistakes and will only be a bennifit to TNA.

And If You're Not Down With That, I Got Two Words For Ya...Smoke It!!!
lucci said:
Last weeks tna was a really great show

Add more to your post. Why was it a good show and what does Russo have to do with it? This is spamming, please provide more thought into your responses.
iamwrestling said:
I have to admit, when I first heard that Russo was coming to TNA I looked at the positives and the negatives. Positives: He created NWO and started the Austin v. McMahon feud which is one of the most popular feuds in wrestling history. However the negatives severely outweighd the positives. Negatives: Got carried away with NWO by letting everyone on the roster join it (pretty much). Tried to destroy the Nature Boy's career as a wrestler. Brought back Ultimate Warrior. Gave the title to David Arquette and disgraced the WCW title forever. Put the world heavyweight title on people like Booker T and DDP when he had wrestlers like Piper, Mach Man, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Ric Flair, and numerous others. However, I must admit that he is doing a really great job with TNA. He's letting the big name wrestlers fight often unlike the previous writers. Christian Cage has been fighting every week now. And a ladder match with Joe on a regular impact taping? That's awesome. Impact used to be very weak with not too many big name wrestlers wrestling, but now he has the big name wrestlers fighting every week and impact is so much better. I love it that he's putting Joe in the spotlight. He's even managed to make the Jarrett segments seem, well, not annoying. A+ so far for Russo.

Sweetheart, Vince Russo had nothing to do with the nWo. He created DX, Stone Cold, The Rock, The Ministry, the NOD, the McMahon character and a whole host of other great things, but never anything to with the nWo, nor the Warrior, nor destroying and embarassing Flair. That would be Bischoff.

Russo brought reality to the WWE product, at a time when it was so stupid and cartoony it was laughable. Was I the only person who thought they were watching crappy skits on SNL and/or Saturday morning cartoons when actually it was Monday Night Raw?

And as for giving the title to Booker and DDP over Macho Man, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall - lmfao, are you fuckin kidding me???? WCW fans had been screaming at the top of their lungs for years for Booker to be champ. Booker had been held down by chumps and no-talent pieces of shit like Macho and Nash for years. Don't look at King Booker or even Booker T in the last 5 years and think that that is Booker. Booker was the most over guy on that roster when he won the title. He was an amazing wrestler, with skills to rival and complement Benoit. He was an amazing talker, he was an amazing performer, the dude was the total package. However, Vince has since proceeded to book him into oblivion.
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