That's just a foolish smark mentality you're sportin'.
It is an opinion based off of decades of watching the sport of Pro Wrestling, as opposed to the opinion some seem to sport that whatever bullshit the WWE peddles is gospel truth.
Many, Jim Ross among them, have said the same thing I did.
By all mentions, mention one name that stated such that wasn't being employed by McMahon and spouting it on a WWE produced, McMahon ********** of a DVD.
Btw, just a little advice? Don't namedrop Jim Ross when you want to validate a positive view on McMahon. He is the biggest asskissing piece of shit in the business and is the same guy who buried his best friend on cable TV to keep kissing his bosses ass(and maybe more).
It's no coincidence that Vince Russo has sucked everywhere but the WWF.
Yeah that X Division really sucks. So does AJ Styles as a Main Eventer. So did pushing guys like Booker T(oh, wait).
It's funny you throw that out there as i'm sure it is pure coincidence the WWF's best success has always ended when certain creative teams have left, right? That whenever this supposed super genius has to come up with ideas they suck ass? Riiiight.
Shitty angles marketed for 10 year old? What, someone mad that Vince is catering to his target market to make money?
Why would I be mad about it? If he wants to spoonfeed shit towards little kids that is his prerogative. Of course that would be the reason Monday Night Raw now draws around the same numbers as Nitro was doing when they closed but i'll take you at your word he's making money after losing over half of his audience in the last decade.
Please, the angles aren't shitty, you're just stuck in the mindset that unless the product is as good as it once was, then it MUST suck.
Try again kid. I call them shitty because they are. Look, i've went through multiple eras, multiple promotions and different talent. I've always been able to find positives even when Jim Ross was blowing Vince under the table and Jim Cornette was *****ing him from behind as Vince waxed poetic about his new crop of Superstars such as The Goon, The Dumpster, TL Hopper, Kwang the Puerto Rican Ninja, The Samoan Sultan, Freddy Jackass Floyd, Who, Doink ect.
There are a few good points in this era but in general this era sucks ass, just like that era.
That being said, every product has its "down periods."
Funny, that excuse has been paraded about by the WWE Universe for almost a decade now. There comes a point when it goes beyond mere "down periods" and it has to do with the product being bad.
But to blame that on McMahon not having a good team around him is dumb.
It is purely factual. Give him a good creative team his product turns from shit to gold. Remove that creative team it turns back to shit. It happens everytime and sorry, it's not because of "down periods."
Vince is still good enough to destroy
and he is STILL a revolutionary mind.
Some of us are still waiting for this supposed revolution the "revolutionary mind" has kept secret. Unfortunately raiding talent that someone else built while copying Jim Crockett promotions wasn't revolutionary. Put down the WWE DVD's and do some research. There is nothing McMahon has done that someone else hadn't already done first. You were aware of that, right? Oh I know, them pesky WWE DVD's never covered all that but hey, the info is out there and available. Dig in and research.