Video Games Tourney hype thread

And thief doesn't make the list either? I guess all those mario games had to make the list.
People have had ample opportunity to get their game in, and still people bitch.
I have faith in your taste in video games that every game I could suggest that would have a chance (As I doubt many will vote for things like Altered Beast or Puzzle Quest) will be on the list and in the tournament

Now back to studying for finals
Soul Caliber 2 needs to be entered exclusively as a Gamecube game. Let's not pretend that the other, Link free, versions were nearly as good.

Man I fucked up by forgetting to nominate Quake. I blame everyone else.

Whoever nominated Yu-Gi-Oh!: Stairway to the Destined Duel needs a DDT. Not for picking a Yu-Gi-Oh game, that's awesome... just for picking a really shit one.
Someone tell me they've played Yu Gi Oh: Eternal Duelist Soul and had as much fun as I did.
Soul Caliber 2 needs to be entered exclusively as a Gamecube game. Let's not pretend that the other, Link free, versions were nearly as good.

Yeah, Soul Calibur 2 is one of my favorite games of all time, and I had it for the PS2. My friend had it for Gamecube though, and while I hated the Gamecube controls, the game was still far superior to the PS2 version just because of Link, and I'm not even a Legend of Zelda fan. It's just the Link character in that game was so fucking awesome.

I actually played the Gamecube version first, so I had no idea that Link was only playable in that version. I couldn't have been more disappointed when I found out the special character in the PS2 version was that boring piece of shit old man from Tekken.
Someone tell me they've played Yu Gi Oh: Eternal Duelist Soul and had as much fun as I did.
That would depend on how much fun you had.

It was better than Stairway to the Destined Duel... not even close to WC 2006 though. Personally I think the franchise peaked there, all the DS games are too slow and laggy to be playable. Haven't played any of the PSP games.
That would depend on how much fun you had.

It was better than Stairway to the Destined Duel... not even close to WC 2006 though. Personally I think the franchise peaked there, all the DS games are too slow and laggy to be playable. Haven't played any of the PSP games.

I swear I played that game for hours at a time. So repetitive, yet so addicting. I never played any other Yu-Gi-Oh games besides the atrocity that was The Duelists of the Roses.
About the same as the ones with final fantasy characters in it.

Hmm, seems about right, it'll be interesting to see if a game like Mario 64 goes against FF VII. Also, I've only played one Yu-Gi-Oh game and it was on the Game Boy Color but I'll be damn if it didn't take up a few weekends in 5th grade.
Never played a Yu-Gi-Oh game in my life.

I'm playing Golden Sun 2 right now, it's awesome, but not as good as the first in my eyes. I like that they opened the game up a great deal... but it's almost TOO opened up for my likings. I'm struggling to figure out where to go right now, though I have an idea.
I can't wait.

I want to see how much of a chance games like RBI Baseball and Wii Sports have, if they even made the cut.
Never played a Yu-Gi-Oh game in my life.

I'm playing Golden Sun 2 right now, it's awesome, but not as good as the first in my eyes. I like that they opened the game up a great deal... but it's almost TOO opened up for my likings. I'm struggling to figure out where to go right now, though I have an idea.

I loved TLA.
Incidentally you posted earlier about Deadbeard.
Deadbeard is a complete walk in the park compared to some of the optional bosses you're going to run in to. Dullahan and Star Wizard kicked my ass repeatedly.
Well I have a few ideas up my sleeve to get a more balance cut of games than last time.
My battle with Deadbeard was an epic one, but by no means difficult. My strategy basically involved having everyone prepare to summon their top level summon (Judgement, Meteor, etc.), and protecting them with the two djinni that basically make your team imprevious to damage, and on the two turns I couldn't do that have Isaac use ground to prevent the enemy from attacking twice and have Mia use her djinni to heal the wounded. Anytime someone was downed I'd just use one of the two revival dijinni to get them back on their feet, which just furthered my own battle strategy anyway.

A djinni just ran for me for the first time in my career. I think I saved recently enough, though, so I'm going to reset. That's some bullshit though.

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