General Discussion Thread *video games tourney*

The last match ups of round 2 will go up tomorrow with round three starting on Sunday.
Two Juggernauts up against each other next round? Awesome!

BTW Lee, I was meaning to ask is Majora's Mask in this at all?

Nope there are only two zelda games left in the tourney....Orcarina of time and wind waker, both play each other next round.

So the people who used the 'too many zelda games in this' can feck off :p
Starcraft and Link To The Past was an epic battle, while im glad Starcraft won, no hard feelings to anyone.

GTA IV vs Halo 3..... Im looking forward to that, though I know im backing GTA there.

I still dont know what game I want to win this tournament, out of mild curiosity, do you guys already have a specific game you want to win? (without telling if you want)
Well we're onto round 3 which starts tomorrow, the last round had some big exits, LTTP went out to starcraft whilst resident evil went out to Sonic 1 and Half life went out to Rayman...amazing.
Sonic actually won? That's awesome! Some of these shouldn't be so shocking. Just because a game has better gameplay or graphics it doesn't mean it should always win. Sometimes it's just about the game that people enjoy more, which is a perfectly fine way of voting.
Despite being away for a week to miss some vital voting. If I had been here, StarCraft would have fully won and not just drawn lol. But thank you for supporting StarCraft guys, hopefully it will go far in the tournie :).

Bring on round 3!
The three games that I will be pushing hard are going to be Mario Kart Wii, Resident Evil 4, and Starcraft. If an inevitable clash between these games does happen (which I hope it does not anytime soon) I'll be ready for that as well.
1 Ocarina of Time (N64) v 33 Grand Theft Auto IV
2 Golden eye v 31 The Sims
3 Tetris v 30 God of war
68 Super Mario Galaxy v 36 Super Smash bros melee
5 Super Mario World v 28 Virtua Fighter 4
6 Super Mario 64 v 27 Sonic the hedgehog
7 halo v 39 Shenmue
121 Kingdom Hearts v 40 Mario Kart Wii
56 The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion v 24 Sonic 2
10 Final fantasy VII v 106 Chrono trigger
11 Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES) v 43 Soul calibur
12 Metal Gear Solid v 21 Half Life 2 (Multiformat)
13 Pokemon Red & Blue v 20 Grand Theft Auto III
14 Super Mario Bros v 19 Deus Ex
50 Star Craft v 82 Rayman
113 Silent Hill 3 v 17 Resident Evil 4

Looking at the list, I'm going to be fighting hard for Shenmue to get past Halo, no doubt about that, epic match up between Chrono Trigger and FF VII, I'll try but I doubt Soul Calibur will go over SMB3, and of course the battle of the horror series, Silent Hill 3 vs. RE4. Should be a great round.
Matches that will be tight will include:

1 Ocarina of Time (N64) v 33 Grand Theft Auto IV
68 Super Mario Galaxy v 36 Super Smash bros melee
121 Kingdom Hearts v 40 Mario Kart Wii
12 Metal Gear Solid v 21 Half Life 2
13 Pokemon Red & Blue v 20 Grand Theft Auto III
113 Silent Hill 3 v 17 Resident Evil 4

I think SMB3 and StarCraft (two of my main supports) will get through ok. I think the Pokémon vs. GTA 3 is the match of the round, purely because of them both being ground breaking and being such a big culture backing!
Damn, StarCraft got Goldenye :(. Will try and fight to keep it in, but it's an uphill challenge.

Think there might be at least a Mario game in the Semis, but it looks like people are finally happy that Mario's facing himself and a tougher challenge lol
Wow there have been some epic matchups already. I actually had FFVII down as winning because of the sheer support it had from the start. By the looks of it I still think we're going to see a miyamoto game in the final.
I still cannot believe Halo beat final Fantasy 7.

Halo has to be one of the most overrated games ever made. (let the red reputation commence from disgruntled Halo fans)

I think its popularity has been helped by the fact it was one of the first games available for the Xbox, much like Super Mario Bros. It also has become the "mascot" for the Xbox, which probably helps it enourmously. When people buy the xbox, they see Master Chief. Like mario or sonic

I have been gaming for years, and has console fps's go, it does not have a patch on things like Doom, Medal of Honour or Goldeneye.

Maybe I'm being old and grumpy(and a little biased), but I found ff7 to be one of the greatest rpgs ever made. It revolutionised the industry in the states. Never before had a console based rpg sold well outside Japan and here was a game that took the world by storm and created a legacy. I still play ff7 now and I still love every minute. I still feel shocked when Aeris dies. I still think Sephiroth is the meanest bad guy ever.

Anyway, back on topic.

I'm glad Goldeneye beat Halo. An oldschool fps that fully deserves to go the whole way in terms of how popular it had become, plus adding elements not seen in a normal console fps, like a zoomable sniper rifle.
Does anyone else find it cool that the two games in our final were originally the 1st and 2nd ranked best video games. Clearly we have the same look on video games as the 'pros'

It's very weird to say the least....I think only one tourney we have held has had the no 1 seed win, and I can't remember one where #1 and #2 have been in the final. It's been an interesting tournament with the major upset being COD4 out in the first round.
Wow, being away for a while, its been interesting to view the results finally.

As for the final, I like it, I think I agree with both games being up there. Glad to see Starcraft got so far, though I would have gone against it compared to Goldeneye.

What a hard choice for the grand final, I chose Goldeneye but I would agree with either of them winning. Goldeneye is extremely fun even today, and without a doubt my favourite shooter. However I remember the first time I ever finished Ocarina Of Time, watching all the characters celebrating, seeing all the areas of Hyrule as the game ends... And getting that rare feeling, that I just finished something special. Not many games have provided that.

Im having second thoughts about my vote :P

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