General Discussion Thread *video games tourney*


The seedings were complied by THREE DIFFERENT lists of the top 100 games of all time. Then I opened a thread asking people for their top 20 so they could get in, THEN i asked people to give me one wild card pick, which got put forward to the vote.

That was three opportunities for a game to get in, so if a game didn't get in, boohoo it had plenty of opportunity to get in. Tekken tag tournament was the only one of the tekken games in my list, it got #134, MGS 2 got #136,
Just a note, the stickied games without the B in front, they end tomorrow evening British time. Usually I would put the other 8 straight up but as I am busy tomorrow night ;) things will have to wait until Sunday.

The ones with B in front end monday night.
I'm getting sick of people moaning about their fav game not being in the tournament. Everyone had plenty of opportunity to get it in, no more on the subject or i'll treat it as spamming.

Also regarding 'images' oh wow sorry I used a sims 2 screen shot for sims 1, a vice city shot for GTA 3...WHO GIVES A FUCK?! just enjoy the tournament and stop bitching about little things because I have spent a long time on this.
Lee, you're doing a great job here. It's just the people are never satisfied, but glad you're holding your ground and keep the tournie in a fair and respectable manner. Keep it up!
Hey Lee, is there anyway the fixture list works which would elt us know what games go up against each other next round etc? Liek some sort of chart/table thing?
I'll update who will face who tomorrow, but it will be winner of game 1 v game 64, 2 v 63 etc
Ok latest results have finished, I will update the next lot tonight.

Things are looking well on this, thanks to everyone who's had their input :)
Oy Lee, which GTA games are in the tournament? Only Parts 3 and 4? Blasphemy if so. San Andreas and Vice City have to be included, how could they not be?
they cant be because the mix of the top 100 games of all time by three different web sites, the top 20 lists by the regulars AND the wild card picks.

All games had plenty of opportunity to get in, do you realise how annoying it is to have to repeat this :?
I think having two GTA games represent is enough, otherwise it'd just be a GTA Tournament as opposed to a game one! GTA3 was the breakthrough one and that really represents VC & SA as they were the same but bigger. GTA4 is the next step, so I think they're fitting!
Round 2 starts tomorrow...I will update the fixture list ASAP
Holy shit!

There are some beefy matches this round man. This round is going to be so good for some for the matches. My personal picks are:

120 Bioshock v 56 The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
28 Virtua Fighter 4 v 92 Assassin's Creed
32 Halo 3 (Xbox 360) v 33 Grand Theft Auto IV
Golden eye v 66 Final Fantasy VIII
11 Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES) v 75 Crash Bandicoot

All of those matches will be fucking hardcore. I think that now some of the fodder has been taken out, it is only going to get better from here. Think how frickin' good GTAIV vs. Halo 3 will be. Oh my god! It is going to be absolute war. I think if they had not met now, they would have done later but now is good for me too. I think it will be intesting to see how Golden Eye does up agains Final Fantasy VIII. After knocking out FFX, I want to see how far the game goes.

This should be good...

Nice job Lee.
I think the match of round 2 is definitely Goldeneye vs. Final Fantasy VIII, going to be a tight one, but I think Goldeneye will pull it off.

Quite a few interesting ties to say the least, I think Mario Bros. 3 has Crash covered as well! But bring on round 2!
Round 2 part 2 is up, there's only 48 hours on this one, due to lee fucking up and forgetting to put them up yesterday
ROund 2 part 2 is complete, expect part 3 to go up in the next few hours.
Man I can't believe the Sims of all games took out Super Metroid, that's a severe disappointment right there.
Man I can't believe the Sims of all games took out Super Metroid, that's a severe disappointment right there.

whaat? I think it's great that Sims took out Metroid. Metroid didn't stand a chance neither in this round or the next.
whaat? I think it's great that Sims took out Metroid. Metroid didn't stand a chance neither in this round or the next.

So what you're saying is you're voting based on what game stands a chance? That don't make sense vote for the game you think is a better game, not the game that sells more.
I'm just glad MK 64 is out, I mean it's a great party game but when you compare it to some of the other racers it's as average as they come
oh for fuck sake, I've accidentally hit the polls as multiple choices :S
Why did only 2 of this round's match ups end? Why are the rest open while the other two are over? Shouldn't the polls be closed by now? Otherwise, why were the other two closed?
It's because of the fuck up with the polls, there was a few hours between getting them up, it wasn't possible for me to edit the times.
So when do the rest close?

This thing is starting to get really juicy, people are actually starting to debate the damn matches now instead of just picking their votes and that's it. Great job with the tournament so far Lee.
they close at 23:55 BST which is about one hour and twenty ploy about throwing a hissy about LTTP has got people back involved.

For the record I am looking forward to GTAIV v Halo 3
Who isn't man. That will be a fucking battle right there. I look forward to it.

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