[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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Tna will eventually get big no doubt about but will Never Never Never beat the Wwe because The wwe always give the fans twists and surprises even more the outside promotion the wwe gives there fans is just wat thy want wwe might not give there fans wat they want in there matches but they are pleased tna is good but just doesn't have all the money and wrestler wwe has especially there fans from way back then. im a wwe fan all the way and tna just needs to get other wrestlers other then EX Wwe Wrestlers and seriously most Tna fans are hillybillys.
I like both brands but TNA has fallen off as of recently. They got some good characters but the storylines are horrible. The whole shark boy becoming like stone clod steve austin is dumb and they could have found another way to use him. the guy has incredible mike skills and thats cool. but they need to find another way to use him and ripping off some other gimmick is not the way to go. and i think that samoa joe should already be champion they gave the belt to christian and kurt angle before they gave it to him. They should made joe champ and let them 2 cats go after him not the other way around
I think TNA can get a push by advertising more and getting their characters fine tuned. I think better quality and being different than WWE is the main thing that TNA should work on. Don't concentrate on what the competition is doing. Make your own product and do it a bit differently. I know that it is hard since alot of things have been done already but, it can be done. I have thought of a few things that I could share with them to make the show different. I am sure that others have on here could share ideas with TNA to make the show different than WWE. Maybe someone should start a thread with creative ideas as the title. We could all share our ideas and hope someone reads them in TNA!
I would make the PPVs happen every two months instead of monthly. I know it is a revenue deal to have monthly PPVs. However, having an extra month to build up to the PPV would help their creative team and writers. It would give the fans more time to "want" to see the program and have the extra cash to purchase it. Even if TNA made the price a little higher for the PPV than what they charge now, it would even out to have six high quality PPVs that people would want to purchase than 12 medium quality shows that the same, loyal fans purchase. If the PPV was high quality, I would forsake the monthly WWE show to have the cash for the "must see" high quality TNA PPV.
I think TNA could survive on Spike if they advertised more on other markets. I see WWE advertised on the Comdey channel and Cartoon network. TNA needs to do that. They need to get their talent on talk shows and in the mainstream media. Get more exposure. Going on the road with house shows help but to get the attendence figures that they need and to raise the ratings, they need to get more exposure through marketing. They have to get a wrestler or wrestlers on The View, Regis, Good Morning America, Late night shows, Award shows, Kids shows, Game shows, etc. They need to be in magazines and other media markets to expose themselves more. Not Playboy magazine but, other magazines that potential viewers would pick up in the mainstream. They need a name brand male and female wrestler to be their face and the spokesperson for the TNA brand. It has to be a person that is not a former WWE person that will get questions about their career in WWE. They need to make new fans that might not have watched TNA or wrestling before tune in and stay tuned in.
They need to expand their roster to include wrestlers from all demogrpahics. They need Hispanic, Caucasian, African-American, Men, Women and Children to tune in. they need more than one age bracket to tune in. Appeal to a broad audience through creative marketing of the certain wrestlers. Create characters that appeal to those markets. WWE is working hard to attract Hispanic viewers and expand into Mexico. What does TNA do? They let an internationally known Hispanic champion walk out of the organization without a fight. They need to expand the roster to add wrestlers that do not appeal to the creative team members and writers but, appeal to the people tuning in to see the program. They need the roster to reflect the viewers that are watching. They need to fine tune the program to give viewers what they want to see while attracting new viewers. Trim off the lame asses that are not appealing or getting the job done. Fine tune and re-create the others to make them more appealing to viewers. Hire new wrestlers that are appealing and want to work. Create the new wrestlers into what the viewers want to see. Then get exposure for the right reason...not ESPN coverage for hiring Pacman who was a waste of money or trying to hire Bobby Knight. That is flash in the pan and forgotten by the non-wrestling fans that you are trying to get tuned in. When you get new viewers, give them something to want to tune back into the show again. High quality, edgy, funny, sexy, interesting programming with high quality, edgy, hard core (at times), innovative wrestling that isn't shown in the bumping world of WWE.
I agree that splitting into two shows on Spike instead of one show for two hours might help. Get the product into two different time slots with two different formats. See if you can appeal to one demographic with one show while attracting another with the other. Then blend the two shows into one PPV.
I am a fan of TNA. I attend the tapings at Univesal as often as I can. I watch the show on Spike and PPV. I have purchased TNA merchandise. I want to see them succeed. They seem to make baby steps in the right direction and stumble but, seem to be overall moving slowly in the right direction. Often, I am left to wonder what made management do what they did and what drug are they on? However, overall with a new and growing company, mistakes and regrets are part of the growing process. Hopefully, TNA makes a few tweaks to the process and the company and will succeed.
I hope the announcing is the first tweak. I cannot say enough how awful it is. I have watched the show in mute on more than one occasion! A heel announcer is needed for the next show! I would make a "Save us Mitchell from West and Tenay" sign for the live show on the 27th- however, it would be taken away -for sure! :) Make me want to tune into the show to hear what Mitchell has to say this week or what comment will he make to Tenay and West. Even share the heel announcer spot between Mitchell and Nash to keep it light and changing all the time. Who will be there this week and what will this person say? Just no Bubba Ray, he is too predictable, "your Motha" can only go so far before it gets "not funny"! The live audience when the show is taped cannot hear the commentary from Tenay and West so, there are no spoilers on that commentary that could be leaked. All would have to tune in to hear the heel announcer remarks of the day. The only spoiler would be who was sitting at the desk with Tenay and West when the show was taped.
i think that TNA has just totaly thrown itself into the trash. in 2007 all we've seen are shitty skits and even worse storylines. not to mention the lack of investment in its best talent. Williams, killings, Daniels, LAX, Joe, Styles and Abyss were all used horribly throughout 2007. If TNA used these wrestlers in a better way and made at least one of them the TNA champion people may look at them as a good wrestling show and not just a place for WWE rejects. instead of using those wrestlers we got to see Black Rein, Rellik and judas Mesias come into TNA............they all suck ass. we saw Booker T come to TNA and that should have been a big deal but its done fuck all. but its likely TNA wont change their ways because their ratings are getting higher. so we'll probably have to put up with Eric Youngs Eugene like childrens gimmick for quite some time.
The ECW on sci fi is for them bringin in new talent!If any1 thinks that it was gonna be the old ECW is a dummy!WWF is doin this to shit on nwa i mean tna or whatever its called!Tna lives off Nwa callin that belt nwa/tna world champ!How is a World title when the defend in the same lil arena wit 500 fans every two weeks?They only now are tourin to old WCW towns that made them no money!When WWF bought back Ecw they had to make it seem old so me n others would buy it,they knew how to get us n they knew we cant do the old ECW Vince dont like it he the boss!Imean the old ECW i never saw to they were on tv yeah i was hearin what they were doin but look why the WWF been in business u cant have tables peeps beat others wit chairs all time cuz it wears the body down.Old ECW guys most couldnt wrestle(no diss they couldnt: Tazz Shane could more but cant think)If u were true ECW fans u know they were like WCW n WWF thats why they went to usin chairs being extreme cause they were called Eastern Championship Wrestling!Paul said this on that ECW dvd WWE did!Im a big wrestlin fan so ill watch any wrestlin but Tna tries to b WCW,WWF,WWE,ECW n they will fail n eventually be out of business soon!The announcers suck they bitin WWF Tenay should bite JR,the other guy i hate him!!He yells at shit not important Tenay was boring in WCW n boring now! Russo is doing the same shit in Tna that he did in Wcw copying old shit we can look at WWE24/7 for that! Christian a former WORLD CHAMP n Main eventer?Thats a lol!Booker was n still my boy WWF fucked him n Tna doing same shit!Rhyno cant wrestle only god move is gore !Dudley look old n suck now losin to Stone Cold Shark Boy who a disgrace i used to see him gettin his fishy ass whipped now he tough?Black Reign aka Golddust!Abbyss Kane wanna but now a Taker wanna be his lil brother (dont know his name) Kane we reliving Kane n Taker from 98?Mitchell is Paul Bearer.How can u all or some of u compare WWEs ECW 2 Tna they get more ratings?I said it b4 its to take shots at tna n to produce younger talent!They think by using old wwe n wcw peoples gonna help them?Plus they give more airtime n better pushes than they guys!Stupid!Remember how Russo did WCW ?TNA will fall b4 they even rise!
I haven't watched more than a few shows, and for the following reasons:

1. No Life. This reminds me of the old ECW in that their location is dark, their set is dark, and the volume itself seems fizzled out (by the way, its not my TV lol). TNA has a very boring atmosphere, as if to say "is there ANYTHING I should be looking out for here?". The commentators don't breathe any life into it at all, either.

2. The Commentators. How freaking awful are these guys? I'm not a fan of Joey Styles and his freaking out, but Styles is J.R. compared to the TNA guys. They flip out over everything. "OH MY GOD LOOK AT HOW KURT ANGLE JUST WALKED DOWN THE RAMP! I THINK I'M GONNA CREAM MYSELF!" Make sure you start gargling at the end of your sentences too, and end every statement with a swan curve directly down into the ground. If nobody knows what I mean by a swan curve, its the manner of speaking where you go up and down in almost predetermined segments and you end it off the same way every time.

3. Unoriginal Storylines. Hey, wait a second, this Judas Mesias/Abyss angle sounds familiar. Hm...manager is holding a secret over the head of the dark and disturbed weirdo in the division...uh oh, look, its another weirdo...uh oh, look, they're related.....wait a sec, am I talking about Mesias/Abyss, or am I talking about UNDERTAKER/KANE/PAUL BEARER FROM TEN YEARS AGO. Down to a T almost, but with less talented wrestlers. Give me a freaking break. I wouldn't be surprised if next week, they have "the Domination Nation" going to a gang war about racism, and then follow it up with a group of Canadians feuding with "Degeneration Y".

4. The Talent or Lack Thereof. Granted, there are about 10 really solid guys here that aren't just rejects from the WWE. Off the top of my head, I can only really think of Samoa Joe and AJ Styles, though. I don't care to see wrestling that is slow and it looks like they plotted out every single move and they're waiting for the guy to execute...even if it means that they're standing there doing nothing for several seconds. I used to be involved in the plays in high school, and I went back after graduation and directed two more of them, and TNA reminds me so much of the kids that were bad actors. What they would do is, when they finally memorized their blocking and lines, they'd stand perfectly still until it was their line, then they'd move, and when their line was done, they'd freeze on stage again. Poor acting in high school, yeah, but you're not supposed to expect that much from them - TNA, you're supposed to do your job and look convincing. Nobody believes a senior in high school is a 40 year old guy, but I should be able to believe that the two wrestlers in the ring aren't doing a plotted out dance routine.

5. The Entrances. The idea that Eric Young gets scared of his pyro - now that is the only thing I've seen out of every TNA entrance that I like, and its a shame the WWE didn't think of it before they did (though, they might've, with the way TNA rips them off...*cough*StoneColdSharkboy*cough* Everyone else has the same mundane, boring rock music set to the incredibly cheap looking videos....which just remind me of the crappy music videos people post on YouTube. Hell, maybe that's who they hired, some j/o from YouTube with some anime videos lol.

Eh, you know what, that's enough. Lol. I'm sure other people will hit on the other points, and they most likely watch TNA more than I do, so they might have more evidence to support the 5 I have above as well.
tna is pathetic, the have terrible gimmicks (currly man, shark boy), i mean come on there audience isnt a group of 5 year olds. There storylines suck. and they are terrible actors. They have bad matches and annoying commentators who think yelling as loud as they can adds exictment to the match. Every Impact is just talking, talking, talking, and a boring 5 min match every 20 min. everyone who said tna rips off of wwe is right
yes many have said it before ....yes many things are copied and lots of bad angles and some terrible acting as well.....but come on guys...how about the tna women division....its red hot...all in all, i watch tna cause its different than wwe.....its fresh and the action is miles better thatn anything wwe can offer these days.
I think it's important to analyze the differences between the two companies in this forum. What I really can't stand are WWE fans who are so blindly loyal to Vince's brand of wrestling that they defend it with a knee jerk response without being objective. It took a awhile for me to warm up to TNA. In the beginning, their shortcomings were far more obvious as far as writing and production quality, and I still don't like the six sided ring, although I've gotten used to it. But as of right now, I give them the edge over WWE in many catagories. First, the Women's division of TNA has redefined women's wrestling on TV, and it's about time. For far too long we've had to endure McMahon's version of women's wrestling, which mainly consists of 3 to 5 minute matches, lot's of great visuals but not a lot of great action. Don't get me wrong, I love the Divas, and they are an integral part of the WWE appeal. It's not really the girls themselves that are the problem, it's Vince and the creative team's use of them that is the problem. Beth Phoenix, Melina, Victoria, and Mickie James are all solid talent, and we have all seen Candice Michelle make great strides with her ring abilities of late, and even Maria has improved noticably. But how much better could these women be if they were given a full 100% push to have longer, better matches? We'll never know because Vince doesn't use them that way, and probably never will. So for women's wrestling, it's TNA. Second, the WWE has become predictable, both in the ring and out. The storylines are obvious, and the set up for each angle is sluggishly played out for weeks on end. At least TNA, while not perfect, seems to have a spark for being unpredictable and off the wall, which is better. I can barely stand watching a major storyline play out on RAW anymore because it will usually be either obvious or stupid, or both! And it's even worse on ECW, where the writing is so bad it's ridiculous! Finally, I see an energy in TNA right now that is lacking in the WWE. There are always exceptions, but a lot of WWE matches just seem to drag on. And lastly, I really like the fact that Dixie Carter let's TNA do it's thing without trying to insert herself into every nook and cranny of every show, unlike McMahon, who apparently can't be happy unless he is at the center of another RIDICULOUS storyline. So while TNA has a ways to go yet, they are, in my opinion, on the right path. :icon_cool:
okay lets get one thing straight here people trust me on this I've been watching wrestling since the age of 4 and I can remember all of good show like Raw, Early Smackdown, old school ECW and now TNA. TNA was rose to the occasion and is going to proably take over Raw in ratings because raw has got the same story lines that last any where from 3 months to 6 months and TNA shakes up there story lines, they have someone new each PPV trying to become the new TNA champ instead of the same old same old people, yes TNA is shaky at times but they will beat Monday night raw and become the new face of professional wrestling... Altho an TNA invassion would be cool.
Two posts, and two times the term crackhead has popped into my brain.

TNA was rose to the occasion and is going to proably take over Raw in ratings because raw has got the same story lines that last any where from 3 months to 6 months

So you want short feuds. Ok.

TNA shakes up there story lines, they have someone new each PPV trying to become the new TNA champ instead of the same old same old people,

And you also like all those new storylines TNA promotes. Like the upcoming Joe vs. Angle. Yeah me too. That match has unlimited potential. It's a dream match. I can't wait to see it for THE 100 FUCKIN' TIME. Same with Young vs. Everybody. Does that guy ever have a feud that doesn't last more than 4 PPVs? Booker vs. Roode. While good, has gone on far to long.

And who are these new people challenging for the title each month? Joe, Cage & Nash. that's all I've got. I need help.
TNA needs to do what WWE did in the monday night war
and that is create "new" superstars not just wrestlers
pure wrestlers will not draw in the casual fan as WWE does
while pure wrestling has it's place (ROH) it will not draw casual fans
and that is why alot of WWE fans probably haven't seen or even heard of TNA
because TNA doesn't really have anyone who is great on the "stick" besides Angle, Joe, Sting, and Cage (who made fame in TNA)
while WWE has Edge, John Cena (hate him or love him), 'Taker, HHH, HBK,
Y2J, Ric Flair, and Mr. Kennedy
like it or not wrestlers who can talk are percieved to be the very "best" wrestlers
And who are these new people challenging for the title each month? Joe, Cage & Nash. that's all I've got. I need help.

yes you really do neep help, don't you?

yeah TNA may not have had as much new challengers, but then again have you seen much new WWE challengers? John cena vs randy for the WWE title was used for like 3,4, or 5 pay-per-views this month, and HHH has faces both of them a LOT
Building upon god of thunder’s idea, here are the things that strike me when comparing the two products.

Use of Valets – TNA has this covered. They effectively use Christy Hemme, Salinas, Ms. Banks, Ms. Brooks, Jackie Moore, Raka Khan, and until recently Roxxi Laveaux. Off the top of my head, the WWE currently doesn’t have any valets.

Use of Managers – Other than Matt Striker (who I can’t remember seeing much of lately), I don’t think there are any managers in the WWE. TNA has James Mitchell and Raisha Saeed at least in this role. WWE produced some great managers back in the day (Jimmy Hart, Bobby Heenan, Mr. Fugi, Sensational Sherri). I think managers are needed today, and both companies can do better in this area.

Use of the Backstage Interviewer – Props to TNA in this department. Crystal Louthan is gold. She’s the right mix of cute, funny, and serious. She’s likable, confident, and entertaining in her role. WWE has tried a few individuals in this role in recent months (Lena Yada, Eve Torres, Mike Adamle) but without much success. All those mentioned are bland and come across as uncomfortable on the mic in front of the camera. In fact, I can’t really remember the last successful backstage interviewer the WWE had and WWE in general seems to have moved away from the backstage interview, which can be another valuable piece of the wrestling puzzle.

Live Audience (Arena v. Impact Zone) – The Impact Zone fans always make some noise and seem to be having a good time. Lately, the WWE crowds have been dead; the fans seem bored.

Cartoonish/Unrealistic/Copied Gimmicks – First, let me say that it’s not that I don’t like TNA’s current gimmicks; I find some of them enjoyable. The problem is twofold: (1) there are too many going at one time given their small roster and (2) most are unoriginal at best. Of course, I am referring to Black Reign, Jay Lethal, Shark Boy, Curry Man, Rellik, and now Super Eric. Watching my daughter dance along with Curry Man last week, it finally hit me – the only way to get over in TNA is to don a mask. Or you can always adopt a persona that’s not been only done before but been done way better.

Gimmick Matches – WWE uses these sparingly on its regular shows. Generally they are reserved for PPVs, thus when they do occur you know it’s going to be big, something special will happen. I cannot remember the last Impact that did NOT involve at least one gimmick match. I’m just waiting (not!) for the week when they feature celebrity steelcage blindfolded boxing, or something equally as stupid. In addition to their overuse of gimmick matches, TNA likes to pile on the stipulations (reindeer/turkey costume, weight limit, etc.) WWE sticks to the basics - fighting for a title, pride, and revenge. Sometimes less is more.

Predictability – WWE is too predictable. We’ve all said it. On a typical PPV, every match save one you will know going in who the winner will be. Although Raw does a better job with its match-ups, how many times have we seen Punk v. Chavo, Kelly Kelly v. Layla, Noble v. Palumbo, Undertaker v. Mark Henry, Michelle McCool v. Victoria? It gets old fast; there’s no wonder left. With its small roster, TNA successfully manages to not give us the same match-ups weeks on end.
yeah TNA may not have had as much new challengers, but then again have you seen much new WWE challengers? John cena vs randy for the WWE title was used for like 3,4, or 5 pay-per-views this month, and HHH has faces both of them a LOT

TNA is one brand. WWE has three. Think about it. Combine Smackdown, Raw & ECW. How many main eventers do you have? The answer is considerably more than TNA.

TNA has 4. Tomko & Styles don't count. They're in main events, but they're not main event players. Angle, Joe, Nash & Cage.

WWE probably has more tag teams than TNA has main eventers.
I have to disagree Nash was a main eventer, now he is a name. Also, Booker is still a main eventer and will eventually regain his role. Sting can still put on a main event calliaber match, and finally AJ is a main eventer, he is a proven player and carried the organization and is probably the reason outside of Jarrett that TNA is on national TV and not weekly ppvs or non existent
TNA is one brand. WWE has three. Think about it. Combine Smackdown, Raw & ECW. How many main eventers do you have? The answer is considerably more than TNA.

TNA has 4. Tomko & Styles don't count. They're in main events, but they're not main event players. Angle, Joe, Nash & Cage.

WWE probably has more tag teams than TNA has main eventers.

I think that's a bit unfair, Jake. Like you said, TNA has one brand, WWE has three. Regardless of whether they're under the WWE barrier or not, SmackDown!, RAW and especially ECW suffer from a similar lack of main eventers that the one brand of TNA does. If you combined all the WWE brands, I'm sure many main eventers would have their status downgraded in the clusterfuck that ensued and, as such, I don't think it's a valid argument to say WWE has three brands.
If you combined all the WWE brands, I'm sure many main eventers would have their status downgraded in the clusterfuck that ensued and, as such, I don't think it's a valid argument to say WWE has three brands.

True. But you would still have more than 4. You can debate the drawing power of Christina Cage, Samoa Joe & Kevin Nash. Nash didn't draw in his prime, Joe has only really faces Angle, Cage faces Angle, before he was drawing average numbers.

WWE as one brand would still have Taker, Big Show, HHH, HBK, Cena, Batista. And possibly a few others. Edge, Kennedy, Flair, MVP and so on. It's still considerably larger, and more diverse.
True. But you would still have more than 4. You can debate the drawing power of Christina Cage, Samoa Joe & Kevin Nash. Nash didn't draw in his prime, Joe has only really faces Angle, Cage faces Angle, before he was drawing average numbers.

A fair point, but do you have to call Christian a girl's name? That's just cold. Yeah, TNA needs to come up with a few new tricks. I mean, you don't have to emphasize the X Division more than you once did, but it can be more than the overhyped filler it is now. I'm just hoping for an Alex Shelley title reign, although I shouldn't hold my breath. If Sting comes back full-time enough, then I don't think a Sting/Joe or a Sting/Booker feud is off the cards. Speaking of Booker, I'm beginning to think Black Reign was a more valuable acquisition.

WWE as one brand would still have Taker, Big Show, HHH, HBK, Cena, Batista. And possibly a few others. Edge, Kennedy, Flair, MVP and so on. It's still considerably larger, and more diverse.

It's just a shame that Rhino, rubbish as he is, will never get another title shot. Jarrett may come back and I'd like to see Jarrett/Angle, preferably heel/heel. Guys like Storm and Roode though, I don't see them going anywhere. Punching Miss Black America does not a main eventer make.
Speaking of Booker, I'm beginning to think Black Reign was a more valuable acquisition.

Your right.

I've said it before. But Booker should have gone straight into a feud with Angle. If he wants to put over Roode then good for him. But TNA should get some money out of Booker first.

What would Booker vs. Angle draw now compared to what it would have in Novemeber? I'm guessing significantly less.
There is no way in HELL that TNA will ever be Bigger than the WWE. They will get freshly raped like WCW. I think that it was very unprofessional to try and promote your show at another company's. Seems as if TNA is a little scared. Hell WWE went to Orlando for one Reason WRESTLEMANIA. You didn't see any of WWE wrestlers going to IMpact and Trying to Promote Raw, ECW, OR Smackdown. And the way they put McCallister on blast like that was wrong. They are hoping he would get fired so that he could work for them. Then he'd be another WWE reject like the rest. The Only reason why TNA is still on TV is because they have Guys like Kurt Angle and Christian on their show
Dude what you talking about. WWE buys TV ads in the TNA Impact slots all the time. So what the hell you talking about. That's business. Who cares. Its all about the quality of the wrestling and how much entertainment the show gives. TNA hands down on both :)

Do your self a favour and climb out of Vince's ass ;)
why wouldn't you promote at the biggest event of the year in wrestling. 75000 fans turn up in your area, it'd be stupid not to market there. All TNA did was show their presence and hand out some flyers. not as if they tried to do anything disruptive and draw unwelcome attention to themselves.

as far as the reason TNA is on TV, people watched it before kurt angle, now more people watch it...that's why they're on tv. if they weren't getting viewers, they wouldnt be on.
this argument is pointless tna has some super talented wrestlers like samoa joe,aj styles, obviously kurt angle and many more but there is no way you can even compare it to wwe. as far as the matches go nearly every one as some pathetic gimmick or countless run ins.and as far as the story lines go... i mean come on its just pure trash written by a 6 year old or vince russo. tna will never catch up to wwe quilty wise or commercially which is a shame because wwe need some competition right now maybe more then ever
this argument is pointless tna has some super talented wrestlers like samoa joe,aj styles, obviously kurt angle and many more but there is no way you can even compare it to wwe. as far as the matches go nearly every one as some pathetic gimmick or countless run ins.and as far as the story lines go... i mean come on its just pure trash written by a 6 year old or vince russo. tna will never catch up to wwe quilty wise or commercially which is a shame because wwe need some competition right now maybe more then ever

as far as the matches go nearly every one as some pathetic gimmick
This is a misconception, TNA doesn't use gimmick matches as much as people think, definatly not on impact anyway. They had 3 gimmick matches on one show a few weeks back, but 2/3 of those matches were good and they helped build the feud up for the PPV very very well.

or countless run ins
And the attitude era didn't?

i mean come on its just pure trash written by a 6 year old or vince russo
What and WWE's is sooo much better?! Cmmon TNA's writers arent that much worse than WWE's.

tna will never catch up to wwe quilty wise
That's what they said about WWE when WCW created the NWO. All it takes is one of TNA's young stars to realise there potential and become huge with a great storyline and the ratings will go up.

The reason people watch WWE over TNA isn't because of 'quality', thats a myth thought up by the IWC. The quality in booking is actualy pretty much the same in the most part between the 2 companies. WWE is no.1 because...

1)It can mass market, it has a bigger budget which means it can advertise more. A lot of people don't even know TNA exists,a nd thats a huge problem for them as they are missing out on potential viewers. To reach them they need to market more.

2)WWE has a loyal fan base from as far back as the early '80's. TNA has a fan base but it's much smaller because it's been in business a much shorter time. TNA will devlop a bigger fan base with time.

3)More people watch the USA network than Spike TV- therefore more people are likely to 'come across raw'

4)WWE has more star name power, most of TNA's wrestlers are up and comming stars that in 3 years will be much bigger names.

5)Wrestling fans are stupid enough to watch a 2 hour show just to see one good match, or to see there favourite wrestler. Rather than recording the show and watching just the bits they are intrested in. TNA can't compete because they don't have mega stars who people will tune in to see no matter how good/bad the overall show is.
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