[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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I am a TNA man but it kills me to admit this but ever since russo came back and took ove rthe bookings TNA has lost momentum here is an example Dream tag team match Steiners vs team 3D but they had to turn 3D heel and sting vs angle shuda been icon vs icon but insted as bult around stings son when tenay n damore did the bookings they wernt the best but at least it didnt suk they made decent people rival with the right story line surrounding it and now samoa joe has lost momentum and joe bein champ means nfin anymore and bring daniels bak curry man is more comedy and sharkboy ffs i hate him and put 3D bak into hardcore and cut down the comedy shit and get down to seriousness and fire russo and put TNA bak on track and make a gd alternative from wwe
I am a TNA man but it kills me to admit this but ever since russo came back and took ove rthe bookings TNA has lost momentum here is an example Dream tag team match Steiners vs team 3D but they had to turn 3D heel and sting vs angle shuda been icon vs icon but insted as bult around stings son when tenay n damore did the bookings they wernt the best but at least it didnt suk they made decent people rival with the right story line surrounding it and now samoa joe has lost momentum and joe bein champ means nfin anymore and bring daniels bak curry man is more comedy and sharkboy ffs i hate him and put 3D bak into hardcore and cut down the comedy shit and get down to seriousness and fire russo and put TNA bak on track and make a gd alternative from wwe

I'm going to respnd to this the best I can. I had a hell of a time reading it.

Team 3D should not have been the faces in the Steiner Brothers feud. The Steiners were the ultimate face team in the early 90's late 80's. Team 3D is a solid canidate for best heel team ever. Why would TNA reverse those roles? The only reason the feud turned out bad is because Rick can barely move anymore.

Getting Stings son involved in the rivalry was suppose to bring out the old dark Sting. It didn't work but the idea was there. Icon vs Icon would be stupid because Angle is still there future, so making him seem old would be a bad move.

The only other thing I can make out is you want Russo fired. I don't get why so many people want him gone. There are so many TNA creative members, you just say fire Russo because you know his name.
I do think that TNA is not as good as it was in 2006 or 2007. But that does not mean that it's all complete garbage. It still has some good to it.

True, I hate the Shark Boy 24/7 thing. Black Reign and Rellik make me sick to my stomach. Kurt Angle Karen Angle and AJ Styles triangle is a stupid soap opera that I hate. Curry Man is OK at best in my opinion (minus the fact that it's Christopher Daniels) Above all, I strongly beleive that TNA needs to tone down on the comedy aspect.

As far as saying the product has dropped the ball? I wouldn't quite go that far. They're in a slump, no question. But even though TNA has bad things about it (What company doesn't?) it also has a lot of good things about it too. Rhino is one of my favorite wrestlers in the promotion right now because his character just seems so realistic to me. ODB, Gail Kim, and Awesome Kong are having a great rivalry that's going to result in what should be a good match at Destination X, Petey Williams is getting a push that is overdue, Jay Lethal has been established as a key player in TNA's X-division, and when it comes to PPV's, TNA delivers nine times out of ten (again, no company is perfect).

I do think TNA needs to do some serious tweaking and marketing research to improve their product, but that's no reason for people to give up on the promotion. I'm going to put my faith in the company and hope they turn around soon. And if what I think is going to happen at Lockdown happens (Joe winning the title) I think TNA is in for some wonder years.
Okay, tna is doing their best to create something fresh, and i for one love the comedy aspect. As for team 3d, this new 275 pound thing is just garbage, The dudleys are one of the greatest tag teams around, they always get screwed in the end though, tna is not the only one that screwed them over either, WWE did it in 2004, when they made them Spike Dudleys bitches, and when they put them in that pointless fued with taker and paul Bearer, the Dudleys need to lay down the law in TNA.
And Kurt Angle needs to drop the title to Samoa Joe or Christian Cage, but not Kevin Nash, face it Nash and Angle have so many injuries i am suprised that they can even walk, give it joe, because he is a hard worker and deserves it, give it to cage because he is the next in line.
If someone walked up to me and asked me if TNA has lost it's momentum, I would respond with this. TNA hads not only held up it's momentum, but it is finally going to show the world what it can do.

Many people have condemned TNA for showcasing former WWE main eventers while scaling down the X-Division activity, thusly turning their backs on their true fans. But these people lack vision because TNA was merely utilizing the big names to get it's foot in the door. Now that they have a stable audience and are bringing in decent numbers, they not only plan to bring back the X-Division full blast, but are bringing back the World X-Cup as well. This will enable TNA to show some great matches after they have spent the last year plus building up personalities to go along with the athletic skills that the wrestlers possess. Because, let's face it, two wrestlers can put on a great match, but they have the personality of a cardboard box, then that's just going to be a bathroom break for the average wrestling fan.

Many people say TNA has made a mockery of many of the longtime wrestlers on it's roster by giving them stupid gimmicks. To this, I have to laugh. I don't know about you, but I'm kind of liking the new aspects of the same old wrestlers. The fans seem to like the fact that Curry Man is hot, spicy, and tastes great. Black Machismo continues to shine as well. The most notable character development and push has to be Sharkboy 24/7. Now I, for one popped when the first ripped off Stone Cold. But them my stomach turned as I realized that it wasn't just a one week thing. But I have to admit that I am back on the hook (no pun intended) for the long run with this gimmick. Why? Because no matter who Sharkboy is ripping off, he is commanding the mic better than alot of main eventers in wrestling these days. It actually makes me want to see what TNA will come up with next for one of their long time originals who need a shot in the arm.

All in all, TNA took what they had, put it on the backburner, and are bringing it back full blast. So what many loved about TNA will be back while they expose the fans that they have gained along the way to it. TNA didn't die out or sell out. What they did was they decided to not only remodel and reevaluate, but they decided to evolve to the next level of what it will take to make them a long term WWE alternative.

So the next time someone asks me if TNA has lost it's momentum from 2006, I will said it loud and I will say it proud... HEEEELLLL NO! And that's the fishing liiinne because old Spawnie said so!!!
To be fair to TNA there trying to compete with a billion dollar corporation and they havent done too badly in less than six years they have a national television deal and they have a better roster than at least one, possibly two of WWE's brands.

Agree totally on some points tho Joe should be booked as being on a par with Angle. Nash is well past it in the ring but i thnk hed make a great foil for Cornette as a commissioner of some sort he is an entertaining talker no doubt about that.... I absolutely hate this Curry man stuff wit Chris Daniels......hes the fallen angel not a Curry man whatever that is...Stone cold Shark boy??? What???

Dey threw a star away in Chris Harris...big time....He could have been massive and I think WWE will do something special with him....him and Angle in a main event would have been unreal...

Scott steiner needs to be an unstoppable heel tearing the place apart like he did in WCW's closing days....him against Rhino could be awesome...James Storm needs to stopo this drinkn championship thing now.....its not entertaining its boring and at worst offensive....but hes a good worker and is being wasted on a poor gimmick...

i mite sound a bit crazy here probably get slammed for sayin it but does anybody else think that if Sting comes Sting going bak to his pre NWO persona in WCW, and feuding wit daniels and Jude Mesias sounds like a winner???
i really hate WWE...i think they just started to suck after they lose alot of good wrestlers like kurt angle, christian cage, booker T, Rhino or Rhyno, scott steiner and alot more, they still have good wrestlers just that they dont really use them right, like how the tag team division isnt as good anymore and the jeff hardy barely defends his title, I basically started watching TNA in 2007 where I started thinking WWE is stupid
WWE is and will always be better tna cant think if anyhting on there own liek the sharkboy stone cold thing witch is total bs then there wrestling sucks most of them are former washed out wwe superstars who left because everbody hated them...my point tna sucks long live WWE
Ok i have been reading and there are alot crazy things being said on these boards. Firstly Kurt Angle left the WWE cause his body couldn't handle the workload of WWE anymore thats it. Booker T leaving had something to do with steroids and his name on an online Pharmacy. As for the products themselves well lets be honest TNA when it first came on was the shit you saw some really good matches. Guys like AJ styles,Samoa Joe, Saturn, D- Lo Brown, Lax the list goes on temples of dooms from the tops of cages just crazy shit going on. Now as of late TNA has become a less entertaining version of WWE. No Samoa Joe wrestling cause he never does, AJ Styles has been reduced to a laughing stock. You never see LAX wrestle anymore and they are the best tag team in TNA. They let guys like Senshi and Daniels go and they are pushing all ex WWE wrestlers. How can TNA claim to be the alternative when the guys they push are from the Promotion they are trying to beat. Come on imitating former WWE wrestlers cheesey gimmicks like Black reign who is a golddust ripoff i don't care if its Dustin runnels its the same thing in a different color. TNA needs to go back to what they did best and thats just wrestle forget storylines build up a fued and lets the guys do there thing.

The WWE needs to start pushing new guys by that i mean get rid of Cena put him at the mid card level he sucks. Batista another guy who in the ring is lackluster at best. The best big man in the WWE right now is Umaga by far no contest. His moves are fresh and so powerful he is dominant oh and would you believe this he can work a good match. Orton is just a waste horrible worse than Cena. The WWE doesn't have many promising talents to take these World titles and make people notice other than Umaga who is the only guy in WWE that if Samoa Joe ever does get the NWA World title Umaga is WWE only hope in matching his ring Work. And by the looks of TNA they will be putting the belt on Joes waist very soon cause angles work while not bad is not as good as Joe's. WWE Smackdown has Edge as champion and every week all you see is him make out with Vicky it is pathetic. Raw i was subjected to vince and JBL nearly killing a midget is that what you people call wrestling cause i don't. Storylines should only be used to push a fued in the ring so there is heat between wrestlers. Over doing storylines like the WWE and TNA have been doing ruins the show. TNA needs to get rid of Russo another WWE reject who trys rehashing old ideas everywhere he goes cause they worked once sorry bud but it aint working. Both companies need a lot of work WWE may get better ratings but thats only cause of how long they have been around their product is not better all around. The only promise in WWE i see is Umaga TNA has tons of promising talent but will they ever use them to their ability who knows.
I dont think wwe is geared towards little kids since they have floyd maweather busting up the big show or playboy. Matter fact I think tna is geared more towards little kids then wwe. To me, wwe's best show is smackdown and smackdown is better then tna. Also with the wwe rough schedule and no comp, there really isnt any reason to have the wrestlers over doing thereselfs. O, and tna REALLY isn't any comp to wwe. TNA can't even beat the new ecw on a regular basis and they are only on for a hour and tna is on for two
TNA is wwe lite. Sure the wrestling is good but the storylines,skits,characters,the fact that all men are midcard geeks andd they have no stars,the ring,50/50 booking, all booking,Gimmick mathes (all matches - EVERY SINGLE ONE - has a stip or gimmick),commentators and production value all suck. i really want them to succeed. but by God had they better become an alternative rather than a fourth brand
Dude, who are you kidding, when is the last time WWE had a Gimmick match, not on a ppv?.... Hornswaggle's cage match doesn't count b/c that shit was longer and more pointless than Big Daddy V's Suspenders.
Personally I miss when the WWE went heavy on the Gimmick Matches, that was exciting, I mean, there is no reason Not to wrestle your standard matches, but if u end up with most of your matches being BS wins to promote your heels it gets repetitive.
Also really TNA has shitty characters, may i direct your attention to Umaga/the Great Khali/ Big Daddy V- who all share the same character of "big guy who doesnt talk" and Miz and Morrison are Tag Champs, and their number one contenders are Tommy "Beer Belly" Dreamer and Collin Delany who i cant even make fun of b/c he is a jobber there is nothing to mock

TNA has serious Talent, I'm no fan of AJ Styles but lotsa people are, I think the sharkboy thing is funny, I'm a HUGE fan of Curry-man; Samoa Joe is nuts, Angle is still good, Team 3D were decent but they are just too out of shape, Rhino has still got it, he nails the Gore just as nice now as in the old days, and they let him speak, and he's been gettin better.
TNA ahs seriously exploded, like 3-4 years ago they were NOTHING but a bingo-hall operation, now they are on TV, when they get more used to it, i think they could compete with RAW
After watching last night's ppv i was wondering how come the buy rate for TNA PPV aren'T higher. With the quality of PPV that they produce every month you would think that TNA fans would have talk to other wrestling and said how good TNA is. But i understood that the reason why PPV don't sell is because TNA is horrible in promoting there product. They got 4 or 5 episodes of IMPACT to promote the PPV and give a reason for fans to actually buy the PPV and all they do is find a way to complicated the whole thing. Am going to use the current SAmoa Joe/Kurt Angle feud as a exemple on how complicated thing are.

This Feud should basicly be about Samoa Joe wanted to get the title from Angle so the easy way should have been to have somoa Joe come out and go through the Angle alliance by himself. I would have put Tomko against Samoa joe on the last edition of impact before the PPV. At The PPV, He would have wrestles AJ Styles then after that you he get Angle at the next PPV. While that happening, Angle could finish up is feud with Christian with maybe some interference from Joe at the end just for the fun of it.

But no the way TNA book this feud you had to start it with the renewel of the vows between Kurt and karen which lead to A.J. getting Married to KAren which then lead to more problem between Kurt, A.J. And Karen which lead to a six man tag at the PPV. So where is Samoa Joe in all that, is trying to sign is new contract before being all but ignored in all the interviews and losing to Tomko before the PPV. If that's TNA idea on own to build a new superstar it'S one of dumbest way ever.

The thing is, TNA Impact need to be more focused on what it wants to promote. The Main thing they need to promote is the main event of the PPV and the Simpliest way is always the better. The WWE is very good at that, it might be a really bad Main event but they are going to find a way to make you want to see it even if you know it'S going to be bad. Then after the main event has been promoted and you got the fans hooked, you can start to promote some of the other feuds the same way but if you don't give a reason for the fans to care they won'T buy the PPV even if it'S the best PPV ever booked.

So i hope that somebody in TNA will read this and realise that to get new fans to watch your product, you got to give them a reason to and with the roster of talent and the 2 hours they got every week, they don't have any reason to fail.
This is one of the worst posts I have ever read. Your grammar is so off that its hard to read and I have no idea wtf you are talking about. The reason TNA's buy rates are awful is because their PPV's are awful. That last PPV was a joke. Are you on drugs?
Did you even watch the TNA ppv last night? It was AWFUL. It was by far one of the worst ppv's ever. A strap match? Boring. Elevation X? Give me a break. Seriously that is not the most dangerous match in professional wrestling. Yea, have 2 guys punch each other for 5 minutes and have one take a bump...Real quality there. TNA is a joke
I personally think that TNA's problem is that they have (in the past year) followed WWE into that kind of theatrical promotion where the vignettes come first and the wrestling comes second. TNA ALWAYS put on an EXCELLENT PPViews but unless your someone who has actually watched one of their PPV's, you would naturally expect it to be the same as their weekly show which has gone from being 60% of wrestling to 60% of stupid vignettes (much like WWE).
The Problem, as stated above, is that the whole show is getting stupid. I have never ordered a TNA ppv until last night. It was the worst PPV I ever saw. I got to see people hit with fish, a crappy main event, a match that reminded me of being a kind on jungle gym (Elevation X) and a strap match that was horrible. Did you see when roode had the strap around bookers leg and didn't use it to is advanatage? Please. This is the last PPV I will ever order. (Unless they have a tag match Big show/Vince vs Dixie/sharkboy with the losing team shutting down there respective company.
For me TNA is a lot better than WWE for a while now.

Now i know there are a lot of people who are not happy with TNA but for the most part i can never understand why. I find that many people who openly mock TNA (who normally only have 1-10 posts funnily;)) give the same 3 reasons:

1. Production looks rubbish compared to WWE: Now what do you expect? The WWE has been around for years, establishing itself as the main wrestling promoter in the world and gaining a fortune in the process. TNA has been around for 5 years and regardless of the monopoly WWE has have still managed to go from weekly ppvs to a 1 hour tv show, then ppv's out of the impact zone, then the 2 hour show and now we are going to get a test run for a live Impact show which if it goes well could give us live shows every other week. And as for the asthetics of the set i really like the Impact Zones look, the 2 entrances are cool and no matter what some people say the 6 sided ring is great, giving the wrestlers more options and making it safer to do the high risk moves the X division is partly known for.

2.Crap Characters: Another reason i have to disagree with for the simple reason that i find TNA's style of heel/face depending on the situation refreshing. For too long have we had to put up with the WWE's typical face views or for the most part (other than HHH;)) cowardly heels. In TNA it just feels more realistic, with characters who are not just 'good' or 'bad' but are real people who can be both depending on the situation.

3.Confusing Stories: This is the one that confuses me the most, i have read so many times how people didnt know what was going on through confusion, for example the Joe and Nash relationship. The confusing part (for some) was that Joe would be pissed at Nash and then reconcile with Nash, now i watch every Impact and understood teh reasons behind Joes and Nash' actions and the only/likely reason for people not understanding this would be that they have not been watching the shows everyweek which to be fair if you can skip a week here and there at a time and still keep up with the stories without the aid of Promos and VT than there is something lacking IMO.

For the most part i feel people on the 1 hand expect TNA to be totally diferent from WWE but on the other hand criticise TNA for not being like WWE!

I think when it comes down to it a show will never be for everyone, some people will never be happy and some people are just not willing to give TNA the time that it needs.
I totally agree with you dude...

Because of WWE same old boring stuff week after week I stoped watching wrestling for 3-4 years. Then I discovered TNA, and never stoped watching it since. I already booked my gold ringside tickets here in the UK when they come in June :)

I say every WWE fan should give TNA a go. Watch 4 iIMPACTS, followed by a PPV and you will see what i mean. No good just watching just one show... It takes time to get used to it and catch up with story lines and start developing a liking to the wrestlers. Just try :)

I am no WWE hater, if they were to improve their product I would watch them. I used to love WWE, or should I say WWF. But now its just boring.
TNA is not perfect, but they are improving and its much more entertaining then WWE by a long shot.

For me TNA is a lot better than WWE for a while now.

Now i know there are a lot of people who are not happy with TNA but for the most part i can never understand why. I find that many people who openly mock TNA (who normally only have 1-10 posts funnily;)) give the same 3 reasons:

1. Production looks rubbish compared to WWE: Now what do you expect? The WWE has been around for years, establishing itself as the main wrestling promoter in the world and gaining a fortune in the process. TNA has been around for 5 years and regardless of the monopoly WWE has have still managed to go from weekly ppvs to a 1 hour tv show, then ppv's out of the impact zone, then the 2 hour show and now we are going to get a test run for a live Impact show which if it goes well could give us live shows every other week. And as for the asthetics of the set i really like the Impact Zones look, the 2 entrances are cool and no matter what some people say the 6 sided ring is great, giving the wrestlers more options and making it safer to do the high risk moves the X division is partly known for.

2.Crap Characters: Another reason i have to disagree with for the simple reason that i find TNA's style of heel/face depending on the situation refreshing. For too long have we had to put up with the WWE's typical face views or for the most part (other than HHH;)) cowardly heels. In TNA it just feels more realistic, with characters who are not just 'good' or 'bad' but are real people who can be both depending on the situation.

3.Confusing Stories: This is the one that confuses me the most, i have read so many times how people didnt know what was going on through confusion, for example the Joe and Nash relationship. The confusing part (for some) was that Joe would be pissed at Nash and then reconcile with Nash, now i watch every Impact and understood teh reasons behind Joes and Nash' actions and the only/likely reason for people not understanding this would be that they have not been watching the shows everyweek which to be fair if you can skip a week here and there at a time and still keep up with the stories without the aid of Promos and VT than there is something lacking IMO.

For the most part i feel people on the 1 hand expect TNA to be totally diferent from WWE but on the other hand criticise TNA for not being like WWE!

I think when it comes down a show will never be for everyone, some people will never be happy and some people are just not willing to give TNA the time that it needs.
For me TNA is a lot better than WWE for a while now.

Now i know there are a lot of people who are not happy with TNA but for the most part i can never understand why. I find that many people who openly mock TNA (who normally only have 1-10 posts funnily;)) give the same 3 reasons:

1. Production looks rubbish compared to WWE: Now what do you expect? The WWE has been around for years, establishing itself as the main wrestling promoter in the world and gaining a fortune in the process. TNA has been around for 5 years and regardless of the monopoly WWE has have still managed to go from weekly ppvs to a 1 hour tv show, then ppv's out of the impact zone, then the 2 hour show and now we are going to get a test run for a live Impact show which if it goes well could give us live shows every other week. And as for the asthetics of the set i really like the Impact Zones look, the 2 entrances are cool and no matter what some people say the 6 sided ring is great, giving the wrestlers more options and making it safer to do the high risk moves the X division is partly known for.

2.Crap Characters: Another reason i have to disagree with for the simple reason that i find TNA's style of heel/face depending on the situation refreshing. For too long have we had to put up with the WWE's typical face views or for the most part (other than HHH;)) cowardly heels. In TNA it just feels more realistic, with characters who are not just 'good' or 'bad' but are real people who can be both depending on the situation.

3.Confusing Stories: This is the one that confuses me the most, i have read so many times how people didnt know what was going on through confusion, for example the Joe and Nash relationship. The confusing part (for some) was that Joe would be pissed at Nash and then reconcile with Nash, now i watch every Impact and understood teh reasons behind Joes and Nash' actions and the only/likely reason for people not understanding this would be that they have not been watching the shows everyweek which to be fair if you can skip a week here and there at a time and still keep up with the stories without the aid of Promos and VT than there is something lacking IMO.

For the most part i feel people on the 1 hand expect TNA to be totally diferent from WWE but on the other hand criticise TNA for not being like WWE!

I think when it comes down to it a show will never be for everyone, some people will never be happy and some people are just not willing to give TNA the time that it needs.

so what? the production is crap. They have a former WWE director. They should have learned by now. TNA has it's core audience in America of 1.5 mil viewers but cannot appeal to the masses because of bad production and their inabilities to give a good recap at the beginning of the show which wwe does perfectly. 5 - 10 minuites is enought time to tell viewers who missed the program last week are instantly able to understand the main stories. TNA'a 30 second recap is not enough to inform 1st time viewers!
TNA would be so perfect if they dropped the cheesy comedy acts and fired some useless trash from there roster i mean why not fire BG and leave daniels and daniels and not curry man TNA wud be perfect if they had better storylines and angles to get people to buy there PPV's cuz wwe is goin stale and for onc eim not lookin fwd to wrestlemania so time for tna to take advantage and start steeling fans
Shame u cudnt see what TNA PPV's wer elike b4 high flying all about the x divion TNA needs to get rid of the cheesy comedy crap fire some wwe reject e.g VKM and shark boy and brin daniels bak and get into business they learnt nothing from global impact get it rite TNA b4 its to late FIRE RUSSO
I agree the announcing is awful. I would like to see a heel announcer giving a heel perspective and commentary. A good candidate that comes to mind is James Mitchell for a heel announcer. He is already with the company and established as a heel. He has excellent mic skills from his promos. I can't hold him responsible for the content of those promos but he does a good job on the mic. Put him at the desk with Tenay and West. Let him spice up the announcing with a heel perspective. TNA announcing is drab and dull compared to WWE announcing. Quit selling all the fluff, sugar and spice. Sell the heels too. And don't sound so darn monotone and scripted in the process.
Also... no more crappy celebrity contracts. No more Pacman Jones or reality show rejects from Survivor. They are not interesting to me. I want to see wrestling and wrestlers - not rejects from Dixie Carter's favorite shows or Jeff Jarrett's favorite football team. Sign real wrestlers with real skills. Upgrading the announcing is a huge first step in the right direction.
matter of fact i like the direction tna is going... tna is a up and coming wrestling. to reply to deadkennedy if you would watch tna alot more you would notice they are using their talent alot better. the tag team division in both wwe and tna both suck right now but atleast tna is trying to push their tag teams. i mean come on cody rhodes and hardcore holly tag champs??? yeah right thats a shame to the titles. i mean come on i miss the old days of the attitude era. i enjoyed seeing the boss (wwe) getting beat up or beating people up on a weekly basis. they tried to revive dx, but it didnt work out to well. the best wwe has had recently was to give control to of raw to the 3 main eventers. other than that nothing at all.
What can be said for TNA ppvs is that there is A LOT OF WRESTLING. Now i'll admit, Dest-X wasnt there best show, but come on, it wasnt the worst of all time. If you werent jacked up by Angle and Samoa Joe colliding and beating the sh*t out of eachother your a fuc***g smark! If you havent seen the last 7 or 8 ppvs you cant really talk. They are way better than what people say. Considering most people form there opinions of the product from online reviews, usually written by some jackass who hasnt watched a wrestling show away from his keyboard since 1994, I cant really take what they say serious.

Its all Vince Russo. I dont hate him really. But a fishmarket street fight? Come on, that couldnt have been anybody else. That crowd was almost all adult males, quit booking for little kids.

I'm not that worried, because the creative team could always change. If Poppa Carter gets a little tired of Dixie and Jarrett not popping the ratings after so many years, there will be a shift. Maybe they will get serious again, and go back to being the best pro wrestling company in America.
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