[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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I agree that TNA don't use their gimmic matches corectly. Hasn't Joe been in two cage matches in 08 already? I don't remeber Edge ever being in 2 TLC matches in one year. or Undertaker is two Hell in the Cell in one year. in fact WWE hasn't used the Ironman, Casket, or buried alive in a long time. There for when they do have those matches again it's going to bring a huge draw... I think I smell a Y2J/HBK Ironman coming up.
WWE is better than WWE in my opinion, but in future if TNA plays its cards right then it may be different. but with WWE having 3 brands and a world wide TV deal and TNA only having one brand and only in America and england can you watch TNA on your television then i think WWE at the moment is better!
Speaking as someone who's been a long time watcher of WWE and WCW, I'll state my reasons for why I just can't get into TNA.

1. The 6 sided ring. I just don't get it. What is the point of it? To make the ropes so stiff that they don't have any give? It just seems silly to me.

2. The same old guys. Seeing a nearly 50 year old sting appear every once in awhile just doesn't pump me up as a fan, nor does Scott Steiner or Jeff Jarret. Kurt Angle is a big asset though, but not enough to make me chang ethe channel every week.

3. The announcers. I've never really liked or disliked Tenay. He was alright in WCW but was always outshone by Heenan and Schiavone. THis Don West guy though really gets under my skin. There's just something really detestable about him I can't put my finger on it but his voice turns me off the product. Still he's not as bad as Mark Madden. That guy pretty much made me stop watching wcw altogether.

The one thing about TNA that I am very impressed with though is the wrestling. I watched a match with an Indian looking guy and another guy called Curry Man and it was great action. Sort of reminded me of the kickass old midcard days of WCW 97-98.

Unfortunately though I don't watch just for the wrestling. I watch for the atmosphere and I'm afraid I just don't like TNA's enough to give it a few hours every week.
in my opinion tna sucks. i know some other people that feel the same way. my god at the last ppv they had a tuxedo match, what the heck is that??? they dont even know how to put on a great ppv. i know how they always said there ppv's were always so amazing and they were always three hours long. so i went and bought turning point 2005. i watched it and wasnt very impressed. it wasnt even 3 hours! it was 2:43. so there they lied. most of the matched sucked on there anyway. they dont even know how to but on a ppv. heck they dont even know how to use a classic wrestling ring.
in my opinion tna sucks. i know some other people that feel the same way. my god at the last ppv they had a tuxedo match, what the heck is that??? they dont even know how to put on a great ppv. i know how they always said there ppv's were always so amazing and they were always three hours long. so i went and bought turning point 2005. i watched it and wasnt very impressed. it wasnt even 3 hours! it was 2:43. so there they lied. most of the matched sucked on there anyway. they dont even know how to but on a ppv. heck they dont even know how to use a classic wrestling ring.

I voted WWE is better everyone can clearly see that. For gods sakes look at my display name. But these people who come in here all illiterate and saying tna is stubid yes I did that on purpose are the same people who think Paul Heyman is god. The same people who think Cena and McMahon are the devil. The people who think Triple H sucks and only gets over because of who he is married to. Newsflash. Triple h is a legend and better than anyone in TNA except maybe Angle and at this point Triple H is even better than him. Cena is actually a very talented wrestler. McMahon made pro wrestling and were it not for him TNA wouldn't exist. TNA's ppv's arent very good you are right. But I go home dissapointed after alot of WWE ppv's as well. The point I'm trying to make is why can't people like both. I find ROH very entertaining. I loved the passion in the old ECW. I think TNA provides a great alternative to WWE. I think WWE puts on a great show every monday and a great show every other friday. There talent initiative on tuesdays is great as well. There doesn't need to be a WWE vs TNA war. Both are good and provide what we all love. Wrestling. Were it not for the Monday Night Wars wrestling wouldv'e hit rock bottom during the 90's. Competition is a good thing.
TNA VS. WWE, who comes out on top? I watch both and like both pretty much the same but it's obvious that WWE is better, in terms of numbers. They make the most money, they get the ratings, the buyrates, ect. When TNA first got their television deal alot of people were saying that the WWE finally had competition and had a company to compete with. TNA as of right now is not going to be able to compete with WWE, maybe 5-10 years(if their still around) but right now it's not going to happen. The WWE is just too widely known and has the spotlight when it comes to wrestling. I think you cannot compare the two company's because it would be like comparing NFL to arena football. It's a good alternative and it's just as exciting(to some), and there are even former pros in it, but it can't compete with the NFL. People should just enjoy TNA as an alternative to WWE, but not as competition....yet.
TNA storylines: Not the greatest, but easy to live through.
WWE storylines: Stupid. Some disgusting. Repeating. The worst part is that they take up more than half the show.

What WWE are YOU watching?

TNA matches: Most are great. Classic, real(ish) wrestling.
WWE matches: Awful. Most end with a twist or are one sided.

I think TNA is known far more for constant run ins and twists in every match where none of them have a decisive finish to them. WWE definitely doesn't do as many run ins as TNA, and they have far more clean finishes. Once again, I'm not sure what WWE you're watching.

TNA PPVs: Fantastic.
WWE PPVs: The cards make it so nobody even wants to buy them.

TNA ppvs are good, for sure.. but the fact that WWE ppvs are huge money and get huge buys I don't see how your statement about no one wanting to buy them holds up. They certainly aren't struggling or having issues selling PPVs.

As for gimmicks, which seems to be a big discussion here, both companies have gimmicks that are bad and some that are good. As for copying WWE with gimmicks, that's the point. As for Lyez. D up there who thinks Abyss is like Kane, he is. But just because Abyss came after Kane doesn't mean that Abyss is a rip-off of Kane.

Whether he's a rip-ff of Kane or not, Abyss definitely doesn't compare to Kane. Kane is better, in my opinion, in every aspect and he came first so thats another nod for him. This weeks Impact with Abyss on Karen's Angle was horrible..

By the way, TNA did not come up with the Curry Man gimmick. He was exactly that way in Japan.

True! Curry Man is definitely a gimmick that's over, both in Japan and now in TNA, but I still wish Christopher Daniels had a better gimmick and a better place on the roster right now.
I'm saying these words in behalf of myself,a WWE FAN, not an official member of WWE community. TNA fans say WWE are about lousy storylines without wrestling. The only basis you may have is you rarely see top WWE superstars wrestle. That is why pay-per-view is not free. Fans will much anticipate watching tops superstars so they'll buy the PPV.

WWE is just better because they simply can build a relatively unknown into a wrestler. How about TNA? recycling WWE's products..

you brag about TNA's stars...
Christian-yes, he didnt get dumped by WWE rather he dumped them just because WWE will never put him in a main event because they know he can't sell PPV and merchandises the way Cena, Orton, 'Taker and other top WWE stars can.
Angle-got tired of being a mid-carder in favor of budding young stars. He got frustrated that despite adding another world title in WWE(ECW Championship), he still can't win it.

sorry im not familiar with the other rejects...
I am a WWE fan and I also like TNA. If I have to chose one it is WWE. Why? First there is the fact of the bat and the mystery guitar. They kept saying that it was Sting's bat, yet there was no evidence and i bet anyone could make one of those. Then when the bad guys got hit with the guitars everyone is asking who could it be. I may not be a hard TNA fan but I know who it is!

How about the gimmick matches? Or the fact they try to bash the WWE or ribs them, trying to take them down. Remember when that Highlander came to see the match? They shown him and when he and his partner wrestled for the first time they were sacked.

TNA is second to the WWE for one reason only. They are the ONLY ones close to the WWE. And remember that being second place does not mean that they are anywheres close in dethroning the WWE.
I've been a fan of TNA for a long time. I like watching the show, Sting is my favorite wrestler ever, and AJ Styles is in my current top 3 favorites.

With that being said, TNA doesn't even come close to matching the quality of the WWE right now. Take, for example, Monday Night Raw. It completely blows TNA Impact out of the water. It's not even close. And, I'm not just talking about ratings. I'm talking about quality matches, angles, promos, everything. Outside of Sting, Styles and Jarrett, TNA doesn't have anyone that can come close to touching the quality of Batista, Orton, Cena, Rey, HBK, or Jericho. Not even close.

Right now TNA is a nice alternative. But, they are still the alternative. And until they can get some of these younger talents to start putting on good wrestling, they'll always be the alternative.
I watch both TNA and WWE. I actually like some of TNA's things, but their storylines are so confusing. I mean WTF. AJ is fighting with Kurt & Trigg. Then out of nowhere Sting vs AJ and Jarret vs Kurt, but really it's Kurt vs Foley? I'm on Kurt' s side about the whole WRESTLING matches and not a bunch of GIMMICK matches. I hate the King of the Mountain Match. I hate it with a passion. If you pin someone, then they're basically out of the match. You can only climb the ladder when you pin someone. They have like 3 main eventers and the rest are fillers. The Ultimate X match is like a Super Ladder Match.

The WWE is better, but not by a lot. They have their momens where you sit and say "What the FUCK!" I was really confused with the is he dead or alive storyline. I was hooked to RAW. I stayed up all night on school nights. It's fuckin Rey. I was waiting for something to show a good storyline. Now I got Mr. My Promos are partly in Spanish. I don't mean to be racist but WTF.

So for now WWE is better. Sorry if my rants were off topic
The WWE could be a lot better, but for the sake of comparison, they're still a step ahead of TNA, for me.

For one thing, as minute as it may seem, the WWE has a longer history with it's fans. Because of that, if TNA even wanted to get on-par with the WWE, they'd have to exceed in quality, first.

Secondly, TNA just has too much going on during their shows. There's so much going on, in fact, that I often find myself forgetting everything that happened within 24 hours of watching.

It'd be a lot more interesting, to me, if they could find a way to compete head-to-head with Friday night Smackdown. At least then, we could compare the two products directly (even though some/most consider Smackdown to be the lesser of WWE's two weekly broadcasts). Getting a second show, to spread the storylines out with, wouldn't be a bad idea either. I mean, WCW did have Nitro and Thunder.

The 6 sided ring thing, I don't really get it either. It really just seems like something that they tried to do to stand out. I don't know about anyone else, but multiple entranceways would've been enough for me.

At the moment, TNA still has this watered down ECW/WCW hybrid vibe to it that either needs to be juiced for all it's worth, or let go of.

I'm hoping Foley brings something interesting to the table.

For now though, TNA will continue to be the one that I check in on while multi-tasking, and the WWE will continue to be the one that I make sandwiches to watch, hoping for product improvement.
compete? lol how is it close?

Fan Following?
tna has to give away tickets to it's 2 biggest PPV'S while WWE can charge $700+ dollars (im sure they'd pay even more)for front row seats at wrestlemania? do you think wwe ever HAS to give away tickets to smackdown/raw? and they are only reg show's, not PPV's! remember the eddie guerrero tribute? fans cried for him. wwe makes that connection with the fans that is so vital to success/ratings and thats why they are the top wrestling show if for any reason. I dont ever miss raw/smackdown and find myself waiting all week for next weeks show. while i
i'll watch tna if im bored and nothing else better is on

Wrestling stars?
WWE has this one hands down, you cant compare anyone on TNA to most wwe mid-carders. more people know who santino marella/mvp/mr. kennedy is, than samoa joe.... dont deny it. the only reason you know any of the other ones is because wwe/wcw had them back when they were in their prime and NOW aren't even a "pimple on vince's @$$" (christian, sting,kevin nash, booker t, the list goes on and on..,) would any one ask christian/sting/samoa joe to be in a movie? condemmed,the marine, rundown, walking tall yes i know WWE films made these movies, but think of hulk in rocky, j. ventura in predator, heck ever rowdy piper had some kinda alien movie back in the day and the divas have cameo's on network tv all the time. anyone think Hugh Hefner would ask O.D.B. to pose in playboy?

doesnt ever1 think mike teney STILL sucks? do you remember the draft? how disapointed where you when JR went to smackdown? it was actually sad to see JR/king broken up. didn't you feel bad when jr got palsy? would you feel the same about any tna announcer? ever1 knows that they can hear jr/king in there head, they are the voice of some peoples favorite memories "stunner! stunner!" Oh my God!

Show production
(pyros, titontron, mic work)
does anyone even take tna's side on this one?

yeah, i know that sometimes raw/smackdonw is kinda lame, but it's still lightyears ahead of impact. i've heard the "tna is more about actual wrestling" argument, and if your looking for a show that is more centered about technical/physical wrestling than storylines/fueds watch UFC, cause thats not what most people watch "professional wrestling" for.
I really dont think WWE has ANYTHING to worry about from TNA.
To be honest I've seen some of the shows on TNA and I gotta say, I'd rather watch AWA re-runs then that show. I mean come on most of the guys on there are WWE rejects. I'll admit though it has one of my favorite wrestlers of all time, Sting on there. But still the show sucks.
I started out just watching WWE and only started watching TNA last year at somepoint.

I have to admit that I can see TNA being competition for WWE in the future - especially with some of the differences in rules between the two and now with Mr McMahon making a few more that many are not so agreeable to. However, TNA is still young, so whilst some people may expect it to be competing with WWE asap we must remember that it is still 'learning the ropes' so to speak in that it is still considered a 'new' company.

Creatively speaking, at this moment in time, I believe that TNA are currently on top, despite what the ratings may be saying, but WWE are considered by some to be at a 'low point' whilst TNA are considered to be doing reasonably well... so if WWE were to come out of their slump, so to speak, we must consider how TNA would react to this.

I have just realised that I have rambled a lot and made all of, maybe, possibly one point if ya squint really hard... sorry :S
Creatively speaking, at this moment in time, I believe that TNA are currently on top, despite what the ratings may be saying, but WWE are considered by some to be at a 'low point' whilst TNA are considered to be doing reasonably well... so if WWE were to come out of their slump, so to speak, we must consider how TNA would react to this.

I think it says it all, when WWE's low point is still absolutely crushing TNA's highest points. The truth is, TNA doesn't have the talent or the ideas to be anything close to a major threat to WWE, for many years at least. TNA is only just started out, as you rightly say, people are unsure of it. And as of now, I don't think they're doing enough to convince WWE fans they're there for good, and will be a big rival.
If TNA are still around in another 6 years (possibly less - I jsut picked that number ;)) and their ratings have improved as well as some improvements made (they have already changed their Impact set - which I like the look of at the mo') then I shall look at them as definite competition. As it is, all I can see is the potential that has yet to be utilised in order to make them as well known and respected a business as WWE.
This is, however, my own p.o.v as I see it - others may perceive the situation and the TNA/WWE standing a tad differently.
I think it says it all, when WWE's low point is still absolutely crushing TNA's highest points. The truth is, TNA doesn't have the talent or the ideas to be anything close to a major threat to WWE, for many years at least. TNA is only just started out, as you rightly say, people are unsure of it. And as of now, I don't think they're doing enough to convince WWE fans they're there for good, and will be a big rival.

Come now Becca. While I'm Kasey-style disillusioned with wrestling as a whole now, I'm still with it enough to know that it's not entirely down to talent and ideas. Not by a long shot. It's like saying politics is all about policies. Well, it is. But the way people vote is 90% on image and advertisement and media backing and such. Same sort of deal here.

But yeah, TNA is shit. Midgets, damn it! Fucking midgeeeeets!
I tend to agree with one of the recent post above, on Paper, TNA is a more interesting product on the main event level then the WWE is. Whether the 3 branded WWE Ghidrah monster is to far extended at this point, is a topic of another thread.

TNA has a good, good feud in the makings, that is of course until they TNA things and ruin it. But you have a ton of big name guys in teh business that are involved in one angle. These massive stable wars are a very good idea. It's either sink or swim though, it coudl work or monumentally fail. An angle involving Angle, Sting, the Dudley, Nash, Booker T, Steiner and previous big names to put over the young guys like Styles, Joe, the Gunns is something that TNA fans have been dreaming of. The potential of a power rift between Jarrett, Cornette, and Foley, three great mic workers adds another layer of thickness to this juicy story.

I like to bash TNA, but they ahve the groundwork for a fantastic run with this feud, and on paper it looks much better then what the InVasion angle turned out. the problem with TNA though is production value. Sure they went HD, but until they take that traveling circus on the road, it's not going to be taken seriously. You can't take a wrestling show seriously when the rafters are five feet above the ring.
WWE is ultimately the better product, but TNA is not getting completely squashed...

TNA has a better tag division with 3D, Morgan/Abyss, MCMG, LAX, Rock 'N' Rave, and Beer Money Inc. When they have to put stars together to team, it normally works better than when WWE does it, and the match flows a little better.

I also love the X-Division, and ost of the gimmick matches they throw those guys into. If WWE kept the Cruiserweight Belt, and made it respectable again, it would be a lot closer.
No Doubt, WWE for me.

First off, WWE has been on for lots of years. I've been a fan since a little boy and WWE has it's bad days. But, it's also had it's good days. TNA on the other hand, I've watched for around 6 months so far. Eh. It's O.K, but nothing fascinating. TNA has to make gimmick matches every day just to get viewers. Next thing you know, TNA will make;

"This match is set for one fall and is a hang your opponent's tights on a pole match for the TNA World Championship!"

Honestly, gimmick matches aren't all that great unless they're interesting. None of TNA's ideas have been good. MEM for example. A bunch of wrestlers from WWE that have now joined in TNA and are now facing the Frontline. Suddenly, Rhino is mad and is now #1 contender. TNA needs to expand on their storylines and add more detail. An example is the Y2J/HBK feud. So many personal moments and nothing is rushed.

Anyways, WWE has had a pretty horrible 2008, except those two major feuds and aren't putting on that many good shows. 1 out of 5 shows are good now. But, WWE can make better storylines, sell more merchandise and just put a better show on overall. Nonetheless, TNA is atleast improving some bit and I don't believe it's an "asterisk". I do believe it can become one soon, but we'll never know.

To sum up, WWE is my pick, although TNA is improving.

:undertaker2:Rest In Peace.
Oh and I may add, as mentioned before if you want wrestling watch TNA, if you want personal storylines, gimmicks better utilized and characters and decent matches go to WWE.

TNA has a better women's division and tag team division and they fl
WWE has better storylines, main event quality, main event characters.
+ Why would WWE be scared of TNA. TNA is giving WWE more publicity, just mentioning their name on their shows and their people bashing it.
Why would WWE be scared of TNA. TNA is giving WWE more publicity, just mentioning their name on their shows and their people bashing it.

This is a common misconception. If you watch professional wrestling, you will know about WWE. Well, if you live in Japan, you might not but you probably still will. However, you don't necessarily know about TNA, ROH and, uh, those feds which I don't know about. Hence why if WWE mentioned TNA, they would benefit from added publicity. The same thing reversed is not true, any TNA viewer already knows about WWE and has made the decision to watch the alternative.
Been a fans of TNA since it'S started and i saw a lot of change, some were good some were bad but the one thing that always keep me watching, it's even with the worst ppv card, they always delivered a good show. Sure there a lot of problems with the way they develop there storyline and they are really annoying went the plug the ppv 5 or 6 time on every edition of impact but the fact is, they delivers at the end and that what's good about TNA

On the other hand, The WWE is starting to get good again but they sometimes slip up and that normal. I've been watching the WWE for 20 years now and alot has chance since then. Back in the day, you only had 4 PPV a year and they had time to build up storylines. For example, if You look at the feud between Hogan and Savage. It all started with macho man winning the belt at wrestlemania 4 and then he team up with Hogan and the more they team together the more jealous Savage was getting and it finally blew up before wrestlemania 5 and you had a good match and then they continue the feud for the rest of the years. If you check what's going on in today's WWE, you couldn'T have a feud last that long because they got too much T.V. and too much PPV and sometimes that'S a problem. The Jericho/HBK feud if it was book back in the day would have been a great feud but the fact that they had to build up this feud every month and didn'T give it some breathing room so that fans could really enjoy these to fight made that feud less remarkable. Also i got to say the your always taking a chance when you buy a WWE ppv because for every good PPV like Royal rumble, wrestlemania or One Night Stand, you might get something boring like Unforgiven or No way Out. Another problem in the WWE right now is they got to many wrestlers and to many brands. Instead of having 50 or more wrestlers on the payroll, why keep only thoses you want to build your company around. The WWE should cut the roster in half and have what's left wrestler on both shows. Also Cancelled the ECE brand since there'S no point in it right now since the ECW wrestlers already wrestles on both show.

In the end, i like both brand equally and they both got good thing and bad thing going for them. The WWE got to many things tv shows and wrestlers and are not always constants with the quality of there PPV and TNA does good PPV but have way to many wrestlers and doesn'T know how to promotes so this is my takes on this. Both shows are entertaining even with all the bad things going for them.
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