[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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I am going to start scoring my point-counterpoint posts, because it will entertain me while i write them.

After finally airing Impact in Australia. I can finally judge on what promotion I like better.
You're from Australia? well it's my duty as an American to take cheap shots at your nationality instead of being dignified in an exchange of ideas. I hope you understand

Sorry to all you TNA fans, but it fails in comparison to the WWE. TNA has got enough talent to put on a darn good show and even has enough talent to be better than any WWE show whether it be Raw, Smackdown or ECW.
DAMN RIGHT! I'll take that point

Me: 1 Kangaroo Man: 0

However theres certain things I dislike within TNA. I do NOT like the 6 sided ring. It just looks so stupid and wrestling rings should all have 4 sides IMO.
Personally I like the distinction., it also increases the amount of springboard moves, and doesn't give the hidey-hole that the turnbuckle in a 4 sided ring provides, b/c ive always thought it was stupid in anything more than a 2 person match, one of them ends up in the turnbuckle for ten minutes while something else is going on

I'm scorin this round a tie
Me:1.5 Dingo Rancher: 0.5
The booking of TNA is so lame. Last week we saw 2 title changes, one of them was Petey winning the X division championship because he cashed in a briefcase(sound familiar) not long after receiving it.

I like the fact that they ave legit title matches on TV The breifcase thing was a little rip i admit, but i like what they have done with the concept, making a case for each of their titles, instead of one, for any title you choose.

Another Tie
Me:2 Crocodile Hunter: 1
Dont even get me started on the Tag team title change. Seriously what the hell where they thinking. I like Super Eric, but jesus christ even I know he is Eric Young and Ive only been watching for 3 weeks!!
The WWE would never vacate the titles over a stupid decision like the TNA tag team titles. I betya A.J and Tomko will probably win the titles back just to shit me off even more.
I don't think so, call me an optimist, but I think, by I think i mean i hope and pray, that they will ahve some sort of tournament, or gauntlet, to decide new tag champs and it will end up in the hands of a real tag team. by the way The Miz and Morrison? if you are going to sit there on the wrong side of the equator and tell me that The Miz and Morrison are decent tag-team champions, you can go fuck a kangaroo, or put another shrimp on barbie, I wont even dignify Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly with a debate, they never even show up on TV

I'm giving this round to me but not by a lot

Me: 3 Koala bear: 1.5

The amount of gimmicks in Tna is ridiculous. The first Impact I saw, was pretty crap and I could not believe how many wrestlers have masks, fake guitars etc.
Masks->Curryman, Sharkboy, Super Eric, relliK, Black Reign, Abyss
Fake guitars->Rock n' Rave
etc.->Black Machismo, Sonjay Dutt, Father James Mitchell, Judas Mesias, AJ styles,
I was going to say it isn't that many, but looking at it now it is a little much, point conceded
Me:3 I'm Running out of Australian Animals: 2.5
However, I watch Impact mainly because of the quality wrestling the show provides week in, week out. There are truly gifted wrestlers in TNA which include: Angle, LAX, Motor City Machine Guns, Styles, Christian, Samoa Joe, Sting and many more.
Good to know you aren't a stubborn spiteful ass
No change in Score
The Tna fans within the Impact Zone(if thats what its called) are stupid. They just randomly chant "TNA, TNA, TNA" and other stupid chants. I find this to be very annoying at times but there isnt much you can do as the fans paid for their tickets and have the right to do whatever they want.
Valid point, but it doesn't affect my opinion of the show

However, I still prefer WWE over TNA. The WWE doesnt have lame booking(for most of the time), lame promos, lame gimmicks unlike TNA.
WWE has Jobbers facing Jobbers, 2 weeks ago on ECW Mike Knox, v. Colin Delany... how is that not lame booking? Lame promos: They keep putting Randy Orton on the mic, he's about as exciting as Ben Stein reading Tax laws And as for lame Gimmicks do you recognize any of the following names: HORNSWAGGLE?!?!?, Paul Burchill in the incest thing? Umaga? Khali?, Big Daddy V (has he been fired?) Santino Marella? John Cena?
You are entitled to your opinion, but you are also entitled to know that your opinion is wrong and I am right.
Final Score
Me:3 Kangaroo Jack:2.5
After finally airing Impact in Australia. I can finally judge on what promotion I like better.

Sorry to all you TNA fans, but it fails in comparison to the WWE. TNA has got enough talent to put on a darn good show and even has enough talent to be better than any WWE show whether it be Raw, Smackdown or ECW.

Meh, I'm not very passionate about wrestling right now so I can never make my mind up about this: I never have the energy nor the enthusiasm to let me think about it properly.

However theres certain things I dislike within TNA. I do NOT like the 6 sided ring. It just looks so stupid and wrestling rings should all have 4 sides IMO.

That's a stupid thing to dislike. Personally, I like the distinction it allows TNA.

The booking of TNA is so lame. Last week we saw 2 title changes, one of them was Petey winning the X division championship because he cashed in a briefcase(sound familiar) not long after receiving it.

Someone cashed in a title oppurtunity who won it in a ladder match? OH NOES! Plagiarismo!

Dont even get me started on the Tag team title change. Seriously what the hell where they thinking. I like Super Eric, but jesus christ even I know he is Eric Young and Ive only been watching for 3 weeks!!

I agree, but the point of the gimmick isn't that it's meant to make you think "Where the fuck has Eric Young gone?" I mean, the entire point of the stripping was because Jim Cornette couldn't get SE to admit he was EY.

The WWE would never vacate the titles over a stupid decision like the TNA tag team titles. I betya A.J and Tomko will probably win the titles back just to shit me off even more.

The WWE has tag titles?

The amount of gimmicks in Tna is ridiculous. The first Impact I saw, was pretty crap and I could not believe how many wrestlers have masks, fake guitars etc.

Fucking tell me about it, but hey, it makes people care. Well, it makes me change the channel, but apparently it makes other people care.

However, I watch Impact mainly because of the quality wrestling the show provides week in, week out. There are truly gifted wrestlers in TNA which include: Angle, LAX, Motor City Machine Guns, Styles, Christian, Samoa Joe, Sting and many more.

Totally agree.
The Tna fans within the Impact Zone(if thats what its called) are stupid. They just randomly chant "TNA, TNA, TNA" and other stupid chants. I find this to be very annoying at times but there isnt much you can do as the fans paid for their tickets and have the right to do whatever they want.

Chanting "TNA!" is stupid and annoying? What do you expect them to chant when they see a spot? They're just a very vocal crowd. Not as vocal as many, though.

However, I still prefer WWE over TNA. The WWE doesnt have lame booking(for most of the time), lame promos, lame gimmicks unlike TNA.

Meh, I'd say they're about equal. At least in terms of personal taste.
That's a stupid thing to dislike. Personally, I like the distinction it allows TNA.

Well, I am not used to the 6 sided ring but eventually I will learn to live with it.

I agree, but the point of the gimmick isn't that it's meant to make you think "Where the fuck has Eric Young gone?" I mean, the entire point of the stripping was because Jim Cornette couldn't get SE to admit he was EY.

I know that but it still is a little stupid when clearly Cornette shouldn't have stripped the new champs.

Fucking tell me about it, but hey, it makes people care. Well, it makes me change the channel, but apparently it makes other people care.

Yea the gimmicks make me change the channel too because I think some of them are downright stupid.

Chanting "TNA!" is stupid and annoying? What do you expect them to chant when they see a spot? They're just a very vocal crowd. Not as vocal as many, though.

I think you misunderstood me. I said Tna fans RANDOMLY chant "TNA!", not only when they see a spot especially on the few episodes I have seen.
At the moment Somoa joe is tna world heavyweight champion. 12 yr old kids who only watch wrestling for mysterio and cena will have no idea how gifted and great this athelete is. But TNA need to have well known names to amke a company. Its just common knowledge. YOu cant though just have 4 common names you need to have well known people in all the divisions. Which in tna is the x division,heavyw eight division, mid card and knockouts. To me TNA are doing this quite well.

angle got joe over. Joe could of not done as a good a job if it was with anyone else. The only way tna will make it is if TNA is dominated by about 60% of well known ex WWE guys and that is a fact. and as sol mentioned because of lockdown joe is know at kurts level and thats what booking needs to do and they did a god damn good job if you ask me. There are many variations to this to push the top names like christian cage is trying with james storm and aj styles, Robert roode and booker t. It is all the the develomental stage of a promotion that is meant to be.

Another thing that tna are doing wrong in the short term but right in the long term is using finished up wrestlers in the main event. I think you know who im talking about and this is sting and kevin nash. These two are past there prime and that is well known and valuable main events are being wasted to accomidate for these two but when you think about it it's really a smart idea. Lets just say a guy who use to watch WCW and has not watched wrestling in awhile and turns on spike and see's nash and sting in the mian event it will make him watch cause the two wrestlers are familair and promotable. This will attract members in the long term and will really help with tna in the growing stage.

TNA currently is in no where of WWE's league and thats far enough but whe you think about it, if TNA keep doing the right thing with building superstars and using there main guys correctly TNA may make it in 5 yrs or so.
The in-ring product in TNA is far superior to WWE. The wrestlers move better and do more than kick and punch. WWE has turned from pro wrestling to scripted MMA. CM Punk is thought of as an innovator when in fact, he looks like a cheap Frank Shamrock rip-off. In TNA, even Scott Steiner has more than three moves, which is more than you can say for 90% of the WWE roster.

One point for TNA.

The structure of TNA is better. They have two midcards. One is the X Division. Smaller guys put on entertaining matches, have wild gimmicks, and are super over with the crowd. The other midcard is composed of people who they book as legitimate contenders, plus the Dudleyz. There are so many people that can step in and challenge once a feud has run it's course. Booker T hasn't even gotten a title match yet. In the WWE, there is no midcard beyond MVP and Matt Hardy. Furthermore, they lump all their contenders into one match. Booker T and Roode has been a pretty good feud, but wouldn't make it onto a WWE PPV because they only show matches that are over a belt or featuring HBK.

In TNA the top card features a champ, and four or five heel, and four or five face contenders, as opposed to the WWE where there are six tweeners, and that's it.

Tag team division, Women's division, nothing more needs to be said.

TNA 493 WWE 1 (Undertaker is awesome)

WWE's promos are better. Granted, I cringe when Jeff Hardy or Randy Orton grabs a mic, but beyond that, I buy HHH as intense, Cena as desirous, JBL as covetous, and Taker as dead.

TNA 493 WWE 12

Finally, my list of most entertaining wrestlers, is dominated by TNA

1. Jeff Hardy
2. AJ Styles
3. Tomko
4. Motor City Machine Guns
5. LAX
6. Joe
7. Angle
8. Taker
9. Christian Cage
10. Booker T
11. Morrison
12. Petey
13. Cena
14. Kane

Just my opinion.

I thoroughly enjoy both products, please don't get me wrong. Neither show is as good as it could be, but it's better TV than So You Think You Can Dance.
oh man fromthesouth i have to disagree, TNA does not have a better structure then the wwe. Neither company has a tag team division and this deuces wild tag tournament that TNA has will not make it any better and for the record the dudley boys are done they suck, bubba is only good on the mic, and devon will blade, that is it. in my opinion they were done once they left ecw because to me that is when they are great, when they could do whatever they want, i always considered their wwe run to be watered down. As for TNA having 2 midcards NOOO WAY. The x-division consist of jay lethal, johnny devine, petey williams, and sonjay dutt. you may add sharkboy and curry man (mind you i dont know why they are wasting christopher daniels like that) and that is it, 6 wrestlers. how many have you seen fight for the title, 2 or 3, ITS BEING WASTED. where are the rest of the x division stars, AJ being wasted in a wanna be main event spot, shelley and sabin, being wasted in the non existent tag team division that they are not even being pushed in, homicide, never touched the x division yet we all know he can, being wasted with LAX which isnt a wasted but which is not being used correctly. finally there is jimmy rave, being wasted.

as for the main eventers in TNA, Joe, Angle, Christian, maybe sting (who i believe is 50 years old or something) these are the only guys that are in the main event. how many times can we see an angle joe fight, im over it already. as for booker t, roode, james storm, rhyno, tomko, all being wasted and even so, within that group, the only ones i think could main event a show are booker t and maybe, mayyyybe rhyno, but like with the dudleys i think he is past his time, in ECW he was a beast, was used the best, now he is just watered down and soft.

im not here saying wwe is much better , but TNA has so much good talent that is being wasted. Look at the WWE main eventers, they have a lot of stars who can main event. HHH, cena, orton, michaels, edge, undertaker, batista, even jbl. There are even more, some believe jeff hardy can main event, i dont, there is even jericho. Mid carders WWE has many , not using them right, but they got shelton benjamin, john morrison, cm punk, mvp, matt hardy, jeff hardy, kennedy. i think they need to refocus these guys around the IC/US title, once they do its money. As for the tag division, there is nothing and there wont be for a while.

Overall if i were to rate both companies which i am a fan of both, id give the edge to WWE although it is not much better it is better and i do not think TNA will ever get to that level. The WWE is too big, has too much tradition and controls too many things.
1. TNA doesn't have a tag division? Machine Guns, LAX, Styles and Tomko, Rock n Rave, Sharkman and Curry Boy, 3D, Kaz and EY

2. The idea of structuring is that the division exists. There is a tag division, and two serperate mid card divisions. WWE has 15 main eventers and Hacksaw. TNA's women's division is at least watchable, and at most good. WWE's is what happens when sexy movies like Unfaithful get shown on FX.

3. None of the guys TNA pushes are sloppy. Moves rarely get botched on TNA, and if they do someone is capable of fixing it. CM Punk messes up twice a match and takes a second to look like the biggest douche in the universe before he fixes it. Cena's STFU is ugly. Edge is supposed to make me thing a shoulder tackle is a finisher. The Pedigree has disintegrated into crap. MVP rarely uses his finisher. TNA matches are crisp with constant movement. Their champs best move isn't a chinlock.
TNA tries everything and anything to try and get fans and nothing works. if they put on good shows %100 of the time and use their talent the right way and work on the promos and learn how to market the right way then they wouldn't have to pay groups of people to promote the product,which doesn't work anyway
Some things can be said in a roundabout way for WWE too with some of what y'all are saying.

WWE doesn't have a tag division? Jesse & Festus, Miz & Morrison (probably the best, most fluid and entertaining American tag going), Deuce & Domino, Yang & Moore, London/Kendrick, Rhodes/Holly, Highlanders, Santino/Carlito, Cade & Murdock, etc. They seem to utilize the division every couple of months, but they still have a pretty deep tag team scene if they would actually use it. And I think they're on their way to utilizing it again, at least on Raw. All they need to do is realize that a solid tag team division could be useful filler to their programs.

WWE's wrestling matches are a lot better than some people are writing them off as. Miz & Morrison have been pumping out good, hot tag matches ever since they won those belts. They even have some very exciting Nitro-esque, cruiserweight style tags when they have faced off against Jimmy Yang and Shannon Moore. MVP/Hardy, Hardy/Orton (either Hardy, that is), whenever Regal steps into the ring it's golden, HBK is still top notch, Undertaker's been on a role for what seems like forever, etc.

My point is: Denigrating WWE's in-ring product is kind of naive when they always tend to have solid TV bouts and stellar PPV offerings. And no, I'm not really going to be that critical of TNA in the same manner y'all are of WWE. TNA's PPVs are, from what I've been told, generally pretty good and you get most of your money's worth with the matches. And I understand that they don't have THAT much time to fill on TV with wrestling when they have a sizable roster. I just think that denigrating the quality of either company's wrestling products is pointless.

The fact is, with both TNA and WWE, they both put on uneventful shows. Things don't really happen in WWE and when they do, it's very homogenized. Things happen in TNA, but very little of it has any rhyme or reason and at least half of it is hokey bullshit that shouldn't be consuming the product.
Fromthesouth?...I'm sorry but you have no idea what you're talking about. TNA's womens division is at least watchable? Hot women wrestling is barely watchable and that's what WWE gives us. TNA has a bunch of circus clowns out there like ODB and Donkey Kong jumping around in the ring. The only hot women in TNA are Christy Hemme and So Cal Val and neither of them even wrestle (Hemme on occasion). At least WWE uses there divas properly by showing off their looks instead of their wrestling skills. No one gives a crap if women can wrestle or not. And WWE certainly wouldn't make a women's match the main event like TNA has done on at least two occasions. Hacksaw? Yeah I've seen him on Raw like three times this whole year. None of the guys TNA pushes are sloppy? You must think it's still the early 90s and Scott Steiner can still wrestle. He hasn't been able to move faster than a turtle in the ring since he started the juice pal. Now we have to watch Samoa Joe's fat ass, Angle, and Steiner fight for a worthless title while most of TNA's real talent enters the more complicated than necessary half singles stars half tag teams gauntlet tournament. TNA has no tag team division and that's why they have to put singles stars together to form up a tourney...Tomko is just terrible and AJ is getting held back while he has to put over that walking tribal stamp, Rock n Rave are pathetic and if Hemme didn't walk out with them they wouldn't have stayed around this long, Shark Boy and Curry Man...dude I'm not even going to comment. Motor City Machineguns are freaking awesome though (no arguing that). And what's the difference in Edge's spear and Rhino's gore? Edge is smaller so Rhino's is more convincing I'll give you that, but if Rhino's opponent didn't purposely spin in mid-air after the Gore then they would be the same damn move. Edge is an awesome competitor that can keep the majority of wrestling fans entertained whether he is in the ring or on the stick. The Pedigree has disintergrated into crap? First of all wtf does that even mean?; second of all, it is the same damn move it has always been. I know you must want the best for TNA because I do too, but for real, there are plenty of reasons why they will fail and putting together bad matches and bad storylines most of the time will be a huge part of why.
I'll go point by point kingshaw.

1. Gail Kim is a more talented performer than any woman in WWE. ODB and Kong's matches have psychology. Power vs. power, and they use power moves. The WWE's women's division has no psychology and it's to the point where they just throw people out there. Maria getting a title match because she was in playboy is akin to giving to Lance Storm a title match because he writes a column. As far Christy Hemme and So Cal Val being the only hot women in TNA, I bet I could find a lot of guys that think Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, and Gail Kim are attractive. Your stating your flawed opinion as fact shows that you are a jackass. KingShaw is right because he said so. Stupid. As far as WWE using THEIR divas properly....really? Kelly Kelly plays Ricky Morton is a twelve-diva tag match when Michelle McCool and her athletic ability don't get into the ring? The GoDaddy girl getting an almost year-long title reign? Melina, who has talent, not getting a title shot for how long now? Jillian, who is capable of the 450 splash not getting to wrestle, but being used as Melina's valet? Ashley not getting into the Monday night match when she can move? Should I continue, or should I rail on your education for not teaching you how to use there, their, and they're properly?

Why not use the women's match as main event? Gail Kim and Awesome Kong put together good women's matches, as a matter of fact, good matches in general. They use psychology, show desire, and have more moves than John Cena.

Saying that no one cares about women's matches smacks of sexism. Not that I am, by any means, a feminist, but I have learned through the years that women are capable of a lot of thing, and that is apparent by looking at marathon and triathlon times. The women keep getting closer to the men, and eventually may overtake them. In wrestling, women weren't given many chances because the men who run the business have THEIR heads as far up THEIR asses as you.

As far as Hacksaw goes, he is on TV at least once a month, sometimes more. He got signifigant camera time in the 17 on 2 match, and has tagged with Super Crazy time and time again. It's not my fault you don't watch the show, just stop making sweeping generalizations and trying to look smart. And seperate your paragraphs so we know what the fuck you're talking about. Or, so you know what I'm saying, so we know what your talking about.

Scott Steiner has more moves than Cena does as well. Furthermore, he's not that sloppy. He may not be lightning quick, but at least he knows his limitations, and he doesn't go out and fuck up time and time again like CM Punk. You want to talk sloppy, we can start and end there. Furthermore, WWE matches have too much punchy kicky, and the higher-ups limit people's abilities. I am sure that WWE guys have more ability, but they are so handcuffed we get Jeff Hardy looking like a brawler until his finisher or one of his special moves.

As far as your comments on Samoa Joe, there is a reason he gets votes for wrestler of the year. If you read the forums, instead of trolling around trying to be a dumbass, you would see nothing but love for Joe time and time and time and time again. His matches are always entertaining and the moves chain together well. He works a body part, weakens his opponent, and then goes in for the kill. Half of WWE's finishers come out of nowhere. You see it, markout, and then wonder how the fuck that happened. Whereas in TNA, matches build to a logical conclusion.

I personally like the Deuces Wild tournament. It is an innovative idea. Making Christian and Rhyno one of the "established tag teams" isn't the best of ideas, and neither is leaving out the Machine Guns, but I think they are building to a breakup because of Shelley's backstage antics.

Tomko is revered in Japan as a great worker. Your not liking him is once again an opinion that you state as fact. Once again, that is what six year olds do. Learn to understand that other opinions are valid, and judging based on the intelligence oozing from your post, most of them are far more valid than your's.

And you're right, AJ has been held back by being in that tag team, if you consider being aligned with the biggest star in the company (Kurt Angle) and getting to go over him in the storyline love department, with Angle's wife, making him look weak. Or that fact that he is involved in every main event or co-main event getting held back. Do you even watch wrestling? HE is effectively the crowd favorite in a heel faction, a role usually reserved for The Rock, or people of that caliber.

You're right, rock n Rave is pathetic, but outside of mic skills, so is Santino, and he is #1 contender for the tag belts. And you said Christy Hemme makes them important? So she is being used properly, I could have sworn you said

Originally posted by Kin-It doesn't matter what his name is
At least WWE uses there divas properly by showing off their looks instead of their wrestling skills.

Ummm, so yeah, contradictory much? Learn to be consitant in your thoughts within the same grammatically incorrect run on paragraph/essay.

Sharkboy and Curryman are 10 times more over than the World Tag champs, Rhodes and Holly. So good idea not to comment, because you would have looked more misinformed than you already do. Both are great workers, who's personality shines when they are in the ring. You know, the opposite of Randy Orton, the top heel on Raw. Speaking of top heels, do we need to compare Angle to Orton, or will grant TNA's superiority.

There is a reason that WWE has been piggybacking TNA. You don't believe me? Thursday last, TNA gives you a free world title match, Monday.....Raw did the same. Matt Morgan gets a push straight out of TNA management. The next week the Raw GM is King of the Ring. WWE is afraid, very afraid. TNA is running an angle with a love triangle between a guy, his friend, and his girl. That is a real life event, whereas, WWE runs incest angles.

The difference between Rhyno and Edge's spears is that one is an undercard markout and the other is a Main Event championship level finisher. I do not deny that Edge is a great performer on the mic and in the ring. He is one of my all-time favorite wrestlers. My point in that argument is that one guys finisher in TNA is not another guys transitional move. The codebreaker is Y2J's finisher, and half the x-division uses it as a springboard move to get back in a match. By comparison the backstabber looks weaker, and yet it belongs to the other #1 tag contender. That is non-sensical at best, and stupid arrogance by the WWE at worst.

Look in HHH threads and you will see that I am not the only person saying that Pedigree is not the same. In the early days it looked like a double arm piledriver. The guys head was driven into the mat. Now HHH lets go on the way down. I fall harder onto my bed at night that guys fall in the Pedigree now. It is mot the same damn move it has laways been.

TNA's bad matches? The WWE championship match ended with a heel slapping the ref and getting tossed, ON A PPV. People payed for that match and that is what they got. And you have the audacity to challenge TNA, who put on what will likely be match of the year at their last PPV. Please tell me one TNA match, that was near or at the top of the card that ended in a screwjob like that at a PPV? I'll help you, NONE!!!!!!!!!

We do agree that we want the best for TNA, but you seem to be so cynical that you won't ever see it. Your comments about Joe, the women's division, and Tomko are your opinions. I will grant that you have every right to have them. But, if you read the forums here, or anywhere on the internet, you will see the great majority of the IWC disagreeing with you. I am not saying that my opinions are absolute fact either. I know people will disagree with me, but at least know some facts, and how to present an argument before you come with weak shit like that. QueenShaw, you are one step up from the people who write in text message, so good for you.
Fromthesouth?...I'm sorry but you have no idea what you're talking about.


this statement coming from a guy that thinks the TNA women's division is crap compared to the WWE

TNA's womens division is at least watchable? Hot women wrestling is barely watchable and that's what WWE gives us.

Dude your logic makes no fucking sense. According to you hot women that can't wrestle is barely watchable, but watching talent women that can actually go out and put on a good show using their wrestling skills is even worse.


TNA has a bunch of circus clowns out there like ODB and Donkey Kong jumping around in the ring.

So if women like ODB, Awesome Kong, Gail Kim, and Melissa are being called "circus clowns" because they're quite talented and can actually put on a match that the fans don't fall asleep during, I guess that means guys like the Undertaker, Michaels, HHH, and Cena must be circus clowns too, right?

The only hot women in TNA are Christy Hemme and So Cal Val and neither of them even wrestle (Hemme on occasion). At least WWE uses there divas properly by showing off their looks instead of their wrestling skills.

And the fans are so invested in the womens matches in WWE that they either leave during the middle of them, or they fall asleep

Did you not fucking see what happened at WM 24 when half the audience in attendance just got up and left during the match? It really showed how interested the fans are in the WWE's women's division and logic of putting sex appeal before wrestling skill

No one gives a crap if women can wrestle or not.

Oh, so the TNA Knockouts just magically outperformed and outdrew the men (which included the main eventers) on 2 separate nights, because no one gave a crap about their matches :lmao:

And WWE certainly wouldn't make a women's match the main event like TNA has done on at least two occasions.

Yea they wouldn't because they'd lose money because their ratings would drop due to their women's division being complete shit. You do realize that the Main event featuring Awesome Kong vs Gail Kim did draw a rating that was similar to the ratings that guys like Christian, Kurt Angle, and even Sting draw normally for main events?

So what has this proved?

It proves

1.) That the TNA Knockouts division is a big draw for TNA

2.) Fans are invested in the Knockouts division, unlike the WWE Division


3.) Fans that pay to see great wrestling what to see it from both genders, saying that "well their aren't any talented womens wrestlers around" is just stupid.

4.) Good looks in regards to womens wrestling are merely a plus, not a dominate factor

it disproves

1.) the notion that fans want to sex appeal instead of great wrestling dominate a women's division

(which was basically what your entire ignorant rant about the TNA women's division was based on)
So if women like ODB, Awesome Kong, Gail Kim, and Melissa are being called "circus clowns" because they're quite talented and can actually put on a match that the fans don't fall asleep during, I guess that means guys like the Undertaker, Michaels, HHH, and Cena must be circus clowns too, right?

Sounds pretty clown like to me. Women with sporting ability is just about the funnyist joke I've heard since that one about them being given the vote.

On a slightly more serious note; I don't think there's a need for me to tear this kid apart when two perfectly qualified individuals have done a steller job allready, but to ward off infractions I'll mention that I'm off the oppinion that Rock 'n Rave are nothing more than victims of IWC mob mentality.

Seriously, both of them can wrestle, both of them can work a match; Hoyt at least can work on the mic, and I think the only thing they have going against them is the fact that most smarks don't like their gimmick, which is proberbly the whole point of it anyway.
Even though TNA is using old gimmicks, it's just a parody. It's as if WCW had done the nation parody instead of DX. The stories based on these gimmicks are not old. The Jay Lethal storyline is slow burning towards a feud between Dutt and Lethal. The Macho/Liz wedding did not involve human emotions like jealousy. Stone Cold Sharkboy is not feuding with Cornette.

The characters are just there to add relief. The storylines aren't old. Some of them are tried and true formulae. Overly competitive athletes letting their feuds boil over into personal hatred is as old as wrestling itself. If you consider that a "dated" storyline you are in for years of disappointment as a wrestling fan. Tag team partners starting to hate each other after a loss is another classic. If you are going to condemn TNA, then watch monday nights. Orton and HHHHHHHHHH and Cade and Murdoch are in the same stories right now.
There was a time between Bound for Glory 2005 and Bound for Glory 2006 where TNA was focusing on the X Division and Samoa Joe was totally undefeated, and the product was new and different. While the quality of the TNA product was great, it still could not get a rating higher than 1.2. TNA is the bastard child of wrestling in that it has ROH quality wrestlers but it needs to have the "sports entertainment" factor in there to grow to the casual fans. Right now, it is going much more sports entertainment, and there has had no ratings growth. TNA needs to find that balance between sports entertainment and great wrestling. It is obvious the the gimmicks don't do anything to help the product, and the caricatures instead of wrestling characters make it look second rate.The storylines are not even complex; they are simply complicated and obscure.
WWE is not that much better and the declining ratings prove that. The same guys are on the top and there is too much complacency in the booking. Nothing new or compelling happens.
Personally, I have pretty much given up in waiting to see if WWE gets any better in a way that is compelling or interesting. There are many wrestlers that I like such as MVP, the Hardys, CM Punk, and many others. Because the wrestlers are restricted in what they can do in the ring, and the promos are totally scripted, WWE has not allowed for anything "outside of the box."
TNA, on the other hand, has the potential still to be great but they need to get rid of Russo to do that. They should watch WWE and see what they are not doing correctly instead of copying an outdated WWE/WCW formula. TNA's women's division is a great example and the ratings show that people are taking notice even more than their main events. You know, Roxxi and ODB are not these super-hot women (my opinion anyways but I do find Roxxi very cute) but people are watching them and they are getting the highest ratings alongside the Beautiful People.
This argument that wrestlers should not be heel or face because in the real world no one is totally evil or good has got to go. Wrestling is its own microcosm that does not follow the rules of the real world, just aspects of it. It is painfully obvious and the ratings show that fans want to get emotionally connected to a character, and see a simple good guy vs. bad guy/rival formula. TNA has to keep things simple. There is nothing terribly complex about the women's division-Awesome Kong is the dominant heel champion and there are contenders for her title. The Beautiful People find Roxxi different and decide to pick on her simply because she is not like them. Simple and effective.
To put it as honestly as i can, wwe themselves don't "have to" be scared...
lets face it; Vince is a gajillionaire-he could care less for giving hardcore wrestling fans a good match as long as brainwashed loyal fans keep buying those rediculous John cena "pro-wrestling" t-shirts, ordering their mind-numbingly boring ppvs, and filling those arenas, wwe don't "have to" be scared. I'm glad to see wrestling come alive again on my television lately. TNA ppvs have brought back the magic of wrestling of my childhood when wrestling was "real". May the force be with TNA!!!:lsabre:
TNA has all the wrestling talent in the world yet they choose not to utilize them. A few years ago I was amazed when I first watched an X-Division match. I thought that TNA could be a legit competitor to WWE and probably start another "Monday Night War". But today TNA has gotten ridiculous. There are way too many wrestlers with over-the-top gimmicks. Curryman, Sharkboy, Black Reign and Black Machismo just to name a few. Cartoonish gimmicks don't work anymore. It makes TNA look like a circus, not a wrestling show. Aside from Undertaker, most of WWE's gimmicks are much more realistic.

Yeah, most of the gimmicks are parodies and obvious cheap shots at WWE, but is TNA really in a position to be doing that? TNA Impact can't even beat ECW in ratings. TNA needs to focus on establishing a solid foundation and fixing their rosters before insulting the company that is owning them in ratings.
What makes me laugh is that they showed Robbie (?) in the audience to put the WWE in poor light, which seems to be the thing they like to alot. I mean Jake the Snake and a few others coming to the wedding, WOW! I mean having wrestling stars from the early eighties are really going to show that TNA is that big!

To become an actual competitor to WWE they have to get they're act together. You want to get in WWE's face? Do it after you actually get right behind them in the ratings. Otherwise it is just pathetic.
Come on are you serious. WWE in every aspect is better then TNA. WWE if they wanted too can take TNA out of buisness at anytime. But see WWE doesn't want too cause they know TNA is no competition to them so they are not even gonna waste their time on TNA. Only thing TNA has over WWE is the womens division. Now tna has the tools to give wwe competition but they don't know how to use the tools.
For those of you who seem to think that TNA is soooo much better than WWE I've got new for you incase you haven't heard. There are these things called ratings, and since forever accept for once(Monday Night Wars) WWE has dominated them. Do you know what that means ??? It means that they are better, they get more viewers, and they generate more money. Now I know TNA is a growing company but they are seriously lacking in a lot of areas and their strong points are too weak individually to compete with WWE plain and simple. I watch TNA but I don't really enjoy it that much. I don't want to watch a show with a bunch of guys who left WWE and a bunch of others who couldn't work the schedule WWE does. I mean seriously the administration is even WWE left overs. You've got Vince Russo who everyone knows is a liar and a joke, and Jim Cornette who I actually like, but is still a WWE left over who got fired for thinking he can slap the wrestlers around, literally. I think the show is hokey and cheesy. I think Samoa Joe is a joke and not believable at all, I'm tired of fat somoans being some big deal. I think that the X-Division is a sideshow and a lame gimmick although the wrestlers are talented. I can't stand a show where the bulk of the show is the womens division. I give them their credit they are pretty good but I could care less. I think that's a joke too.

I hear a lot of fuss about the WWE but who could do better? none of you and certainly not TNA. They have weak, stupid storylines that make no sense at all, they just happen, and they don't showcase their top guys enough, all they do is talk on the mic. You might see one of them beat someone up, or be in a shitty tag match but that's it. If I have any big criticism of the WWE it is only this and TNA is just as guilty and that is that there are too many tag matches. I understand you get to showcase more people at a time but I don't want that. I want to see two top notch guys go at it for some reason involving the storyline. I also wan't as someone mentioned good entrances that means good music, pyro, and wrestler performance. The point of it all that many of you miss is that wrestling is storytelling and what happens in the ring is just apart of telling the story not the whole story. You want pure wrestling watch ROH a bunch of shooters with no other talent. You want to be seriously entertained you know where to go, WWE.

Seriously, let's say Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, Christian, Scott Steiner, and Booker T are the top guys at TNA and they are. 3 of them are WWE guys plain and simple and the only reason they are so big there is because of that fact. Take Triple-H, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, and Batista to TNA for one night and guess what happens, TNA folds. They couldn't even handle guys like that. Everyone there would be outshined, outwrestled, and plain outclassed. They'd be starstruck and look like idiots. Could you imagine seeing those guys on TNA, every would know who the better guys were plain and simple and I guarantee you it wouldn't be the guys who were going to be on Impact the next week. Triple-H, Undertaker, Batista, Shawn, and maybe even throw in Edge just to really fuck Christian and guess what, they would tear TNA apart one by one and any of you who know anything and aren't just a mark, should know that.
Fuck TNA and Fuck WWE!!!!! WCW baby now that was the truth. World Championship Wrestling!!!! That was wrestling and sports entertainment to the fullest. Yeah it didn't last that long but it had one hell of a run and if not for a few minor mistakes would still be around today kicking both TNA and WWE's ass. WWE never could handle WCW and i doubt if TNA would even be around if WCW was still around. So neither is better they are both corny WCW was better then both of them. WCW Rules!!!!
This week on Impact there will be a title match for the top title in the promotion. When was the last time we saw that on RAW?
Is TNA perfect? No. However, I think that it is much better than WWE at the moment. To me, Smackdown and ECW are unwatchable, and have been for a very long time. RAW has the same feuds, i.e. Triple H-Cena for the 400th time.
A poster above me mentioned BATISTA in a discussion about outwrestling people. Are you kidding me? Batista was good at one point, but now he is stale and botches his finisher on anybody close to being as big as him (see his match against Booker T at Summerslam 2006 and Wrestlemania 24 against Umaga for examples).
Come on are you serious. WWE in every aspect is better then TNA. WWE if they wanted too can take TNA out of buisness at anytime. But see WWE doesn't want too cause they know TNA is no competition to them so they are not even gonna waste their time on TNA. Only thing TNA has over WWE is the womens division. Now tna has the tools to give wwe competition but they don't know how to use the tools.

WWE is obviously not better than TNA in every aspect, lets look at it...

women's division- wwe doesnt have much good women's wrestlers, except for beth, mickie, and maybe a few others

X division/cruiserweights- WWE don't even have a cruiserweight title , and the only big cruiserweights are rey and paul london/kendrick maybe a few others, while TNA is all about the X division and even made one of the matches for them

Heavyweights-well that ill say they're about the same because alot came from WWE
The last time we saw a title match on Raw ??? Last week for the I.C. and just a few short weeks ago maybe a month or two tops for the WWE Championship. TNA is doing the same thing because they have to and it was a smart thing for WWE to put a Main title on the line on RAW because to keep up with them TNA has to as well and by doing that it shows that they are trying to compete by copying them. Everyone knows that the WWE title means more anyways so TNA can put their strap on the line on tv all they want it still doesn't make it prestigious. Who cares about being the king of a scrap heap.

As for Batista, most technical guy? No. But he is a powerhouse, and he just fucks people up and does it well. I do agree about the botched finisher thing, he doesn't always get it perfect but let's see you try it. However, my argument wasn't about finishers it's about the fact that the WWE guys would masacre the TNA Roster, and only a hand full of them at that.

Smackdown has been getting progressively better and improving immensely. 6 months ago I might have agreed, but if you did watch you would know, it has got way better.

ECW, the same. They have been doing better things on ECW as well. The matches are getting better along with the talent. It does pale in comaprison to Raw but is still on par with TNA as is.

Now that that is taken care of I see that someone is trying to say that WCW was better than both??? Yeah sure. If it was WWE would be gone. The only reason WCW got it's launch was because of WWE guys going there and the fact that people thought that Hall and Nash came from WWE to take over WCW, that's the truth said from their own mouths. NWO was cool for a minute and got stale quick. Once you had 3/4 of the locker room in the NWO it was over. And to make a further point, WCW gave every low blow they could to try and beat WWE because they were the better show. As said in the MNW DVD, " WCW would go to a town and not come close to selling out the place, WWE would go there the next night and sell it out no problem." It was only on the ratings that WCW got ahead and that was a product of manipulating the times they started the show and took their breaks and that's the truth as well. Look it up.

If you miss WCW so bad I have a solution for you. Watch TNA, that's practically what it is, WCW reborn. Take a look and you will see the similarities if you even need to as it is horribly obvious. As I said it's hokey and cheesy. The reason for that is that nothing seems real, the acting by the wrestlers is absolutely horrible, no one seems believable. And you mean to tell me that Samoa Joe is the best in the company??? $1,000,000 say Nash could fold him in half even today and take that manufactured title of his fat waist. There is nothing believeable about Samoa Joe, he is horrible on the mic, and horrible in the ring. He does the worst enziguri I have ever seen and is limited at best but they push him anyways because he's the only guy they have that they can push that isn't from WWE. Don West is a former QVC shopping network guy, and Mike Tenay was the only other guy they could get with a familiar name the fans would recognize. You got a black guy acting like a former WWE/WCW wrestler Randy Savage, and another guy who's gimmick was never going over acting like Stone Cold Steve Austin which is a disgrace, the guru who is useless, who else is this wringling brothers show?...Oh yeah, another guy from WWE who played a gay actor and is now an even bigger joke Dustin Rhodes, Some guy who looks like Antonio Banderas who's outfit looks like it came off of a Metallica album(Kaz), Another guy who couldn't get over even with an amazing finisher who seems to be going through an identity crisis(Petey Williams), A drunk cowboy, two walking steroetypes(LAX), two nobody's with a **** who think their rock starts(Rock N' Rave) I'll give you two guesses who is the infection(Christy Hemme), Who else? we got Robert Roode who sucks is every aspect, Rellik who is ******ed, and oh yeah I almost forgot the real "special" one of the group..The total and blatant rip off of Kane and Mankind-Abyss. What a shitty character.

So you've got a whole laundry list of has beens, nobodys, sideshows, and useless talent all put on tv to be portrayed as superstars. Hardly. Some of these guys like Motor City Machine Guns, A.J. Styles, and....and.... oh wait that's it. Those three can wrestle and are probably the only ones that could do fair at all in WWE. Other than that forget about TNA. I mean really, you've got a guy called Curry Man who wears a plate on his head??? how stupid is that? it's rediculous, and as I said none of them are believable.

I just wish I could see Undertaker, or Triple-H, or even John Cena get ahold of Samoa Joe, I hate Samoa Joe and I am pretty sure any of the top WWE guys would destroy him. What a joke. He just sucks, I can't believe they strapped that guy up and call him the future of wrestling?? Yeah sure.
Fuck TNA and Fuck WWE!!!!! WCW baby now that was the truth. World Championship Wrestling!!!! That was wrestling and sports entertainment to the fullest. Yeah it didn't last that long but it had one hell of a run and if not for a few minor mistakes would still be around today kicking both TNA and WWE's ass. WWE never could handle WCW and i doubt if TNA would even be around if WCW was still around. So neither is better they are both corny WCW was better then both of them. WCW Rules!!!!

Totally agree WCW was the best, but now i have to give it to TNA. The wrestling in WWe doesnt even compare. squash matches and boring big guys that have 3-5 moves. the same handful of guys fueding for the title for months at a time. Cena is awful. HHH was good at one point, but now we need someone new. and Samoa Joe WOULD destroy him or Cena and he is awesome and I am so happy they strapped him. And he's great on the mic. Jaff Hardy, now theres a guy that should fear a microphone. So what Don west was on QVC. Look up youtube of him on there it was hilarious the guy is a maniac I loved that TNA grabbed him up. Curry Man was Daniels character in Japan and it is a stupid gimmick but its also a cross cultural thing. Sharkboy as Stone Cold is overdone but it was funny for one or two weeks. I watch both every week and most of time enjoy TNA's product more than WWE's. And make fun of studic gimmicks all you want but thats wrestling not just TNA. Hornswaggle Finlays leprchaun son is just as ridiculous as Curryman or Sharkboy. The Great Khali. nothing more needs to be said.
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