[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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I can see a big dif since last year. At least last year i looked forward to watching impact all the way through but now I'll catch it if I'm flipping through the channels. Big problem #1: Too many wwe guys jumping ship. The more guys you have come over, the more promises you have to keep for title shots. Then trying to satisfy the new guys you forget about your homegrown talent. #2: Impact has become too much of a comedy showcase. They are focusing on the backstage BS more than wrestling. It's like a whats going to happen in Angles marriage this week soap opera. #3: The weakening tag division. A force of nature last year has wittled down to who? Geez can someone tell me who the tag champs are? AMW was split up in their prime, they still had a good run left in them and I hadnt found them stale yet. 4: The guy everyone loves to hate double J is needed. He may have been a belt hog but he was the face in some ways of tna. He was a good heel for the good guys to rotate in feuds with. #5: The xdivision is like the tag division its a joke. I havent seen one xdivision match on impact since last year on the shows that i do catch. Tna needs to go back to what brought them to the game because they have a legit shot at competing with WWE. People have no alternative without WCW and they have to be forcefed the majority of times a lackluster WWE program. Go back to your roots and set the wrestling world on fire so we can bring back the monday night wars and get people passionate about wrestling again like it used to be.
Tna all the way ...if you like 2 hours of gay then go wwe if you want a actual wrestling show then watch TNA.

I cant believe people vote in favor of WWE....maybe I'm just too hardcore of a wrestling fan( i kept looking for a option to vote for "The Original WWEless ECW lol) Old SCHOOL ECW for Life!!!!

Beat me if you can....Survive if I let you!!!
Tna all the way ...if you like 2 hours of gay then go wwe if you want a actual wrestling show then watch TNA.

I cant believe people vote in favor of WWE....maybe I'm just too hardcore of a wrestling fan( i kept looking for a option to vote for "The Original WWEless ECW lol) Old SCHOOL ECW for Life!!!!

Beat me if you can....Survive if I let you!!!

That could be the stupidest post ever. You say wrestler catchphrases and crotch chop in real life don't you?

What exactly is gay about WWE? Wrestling n general is pretty ''gay''. You have big muscular men, in pants, covered in oil, rubbing each other(wrestling).

Whatever is gay about WWE is just as gay in TNA. TNA is also by far the campest promotion around. While WWE has moments of campness, TNA dedicates the whole show to it.

You say you're a hardcore wrestling fan. Do hardcore wrestling fans love main events that are constantly ruined by run ins and ref bumps? If so, I'm glad I'm just a regular wrestling fan.

You also like the original ECW. Yet WWE bears more of a resemblance to the Original ECW than TNA does. I think you've watched The Rise & Fall Of ECW too many times.
TNA sucks!! whats with you people! some say WWE is a soap opera but have you seen the thanksgiving episode of TNA they spent about 75% of the show on that wwe reject! i have to admit wwe is getting bad BUt not as bad as TNA. TNA will NEVER EVER beat wwe. so what they beat ECW, tna has two hours ECW has one,TNA has there own PPV,ECW does not!! so stop this bull that TNA rules..WWE rules!
TNA sucks!! whats with you people! some say WWE is a soap opera but have you seen the thanksgiving episode of TNA they spent about 75% of the show on that wwe reject! i have to admit wwe is getting bad BUt not as bad as TNA. TNA will NEVER EVER beat wwe. so what they beat ECW, tna has two hours ECW has one,TNA has there own PPV,ECW does not!! so stop this bull that TNA rules..WWE rules!

You make some good points, albeit in a ridiculous manner and surrounded by crap. TNA fans do criticize WWE too much for being a soap opera. If WWE is a soap opera, TNA is Joey. As in TNA is a shitty sitcom with awful characters trying to copy a very much used formula but failing miserably. That being said, you can talk about Kurt Angle being a WWE reject all the live long day but he's the guy that's probably single-handedly responsible for the failure of WWECW, and is probably one of the most well-rounded wrestlers in the world, as well as being a massive name. What were TNA meant to say to him? No thanks?

Your other points sucked, too, like length of shows affecting ratings.
Newsflash Deadman: It's only March of 2008, TNA still has 10 months to get superstars and create some great storylines. I chose both because tna has some high flyers (AJ Styles, Sonjay Dutt, Jay Lethal) and some brawlers (Rhino, Tomko, Samoa Joe). WWE also has high flyers (Jeff hardy, Rey Mysterio, Jimmy Wang Yang) and brawlers (Batista, Undertaker, John Cena). They have equal talent, but TNA has better storylines.
here is how i see it WWE is just gettin boring wrestlemania isnt even that good anymore TNA is fresh something new fantastic wrestling But I hope TNA rises cause it will make both brands better both wwe and TNA good healthy compettion never hurt nobody but made them better
any of you ever heard of the red sox and teh yankees? its the same thign. SOme people like tna, some like wwe. simply put i like what i like and you like what you like. Tna is the up and comer that has potential but hasnt quite gotten its big push yet. WWe is like the rock or stone cold big name that will always attract fans even if teh quality isnt what it used to be.
Comparing 2006 to 2007, yeah, definitely went down. Case in point, nobody saw it coming in 06 when it was announced that Kurt Angle was joining TNA. That was a shocker announcement. 2007, we had the announcement of Impact going 2 hours. Not a shocker cause everybody knew about it before it was even announced. Let's look at what's transpired from 07 and the early part of 08 thus far.

1) Adam "Pacman" Jones as a world tag champ. Enough Said.

2) Kurt Angle holding the world title for dear life since Slammiversary. With the exception of losing to Sting at BFG and then winning it back.

3) AJ Styles becoming a complete idiot and more like the comic relief as opposed to the Phenomenal One.

4) The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels change all the way to now where he is now Curry Man. Does anyone else t hink that this is downright appauling that a wrestler as amazing in the ring as Christopher Daniels is has to resort to a gimmick of Shark Boy proportions.

5) The X-Division not having anywhere near the matches that it once had back in the days where we saw guys like Senshi, Sabin, Joe, Styles, Daniels, Williams and other collide. The only highlight was seeing Jay Lethal single handedly win that match against 3-D and Devine.

6) Samoa Joe not getting a push ever since Angle showed up. I agree that at Bound For Glory at 2006, it should have been Joe vs Jarrett and not Sting.

7) LAX not having a title run ever since losing the belts to 3-D. They were dominate during the times where they collided with AMW and Styles/Daniels. What happened to that?

8) We had a blindfold match in the six sides. A last rites match, an electrified cage match. No more stupid gimmick matches. Elevation X, Ultimate X, Six Sides of Steel, King of the Mountain/Ladder matches, Ironman Matches, Street Fights of all types. That's it. Leave it at that already.

9) TNA had a huge chance to really step it up when Cena went down. The competition was without their flagship wrestler. TNA had a chance to capitalize and make themselves seen more than before. They didn't. And what has the other side done? Bring their guy back sooner than expected and go in HD.

10) For a long time, we wanted Impact to go 2 hours. Now that it has, a lot of us are wishing it didn't. Impact has become worse rather than better with two hours. And that's because instead of more high quality matches, we have painful segments to fill up the two hours (Shark Boy's coma, AJ Styles' family, the stupid CSI bit ) And on the subject of bad bits, lets not forget when they did that Jackass gimmick. Now that was horrible.

If Jay Lethal gets the push that they're saying he will, Joe wins the title, and the Machine Guns get the tag titles and maybe LAX at some point, I'll take that as a sign of things looking up. But no sooner than that.
Comparing 2006 to 2007, yeah, definitely went down. Case in point, nobody saw it coming in 06 when it was announced that Kurt Angle was joining TNA. That was a shocker announcement. 2007, we had the announcement of Impact going 2 hours. Not a shocker cause everybody knew about it before it was even announced. Let's look at what's transpired from 07 and the early part of 08 thus far.

1) Adam "Pacman" Jones as a world tag champ. Enough Said.

2) Kurt Angle holding the world title for dear life since Slammiversary. With the exception of losing to Sting at BFG and then winning it back.

3) AJ Styles becoming a complete idiot and more like the comic relief as opposed to the Phenomenal One.

4) The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels change all the way to now where he is now Curry Man. Does anyone else t hink that this is downright appauling that a wrestler as amazing in the ring as Christopher Daniels is has to resort to a gimmick of Shark Boy proportions.

5) The X-Division not having anywhere near the matches that it once had back in the days where we saw guys like Senshi, Sabin, Joe, Styles, Daniels, Williams and other collide. The only highlight was seeing Jay Lethal single handedly win that match against 3-D and Devine.

6) Samoa Joe not getting a push ever since Angle showed up. I agree that at Bound For Glory at 2006, it should have been Joe vs Jarrett and not Sting.

7) LAX not having a title run ever since losing the belts to 3-D. They were dominate during the times where they collided with AMW and Styles/Daniels. What happened to that?

8) We had a blindfold match in the six sides. A last rites match, an electrified cage match. No more stupid gimmick matches. Elevation X, Ultimate X, Six Sides of Steel, King of the Mountain/Ladder matches, Ironman Matches, Street Fights of all types. That's it. Leave it at that already.

9) TNA had a huge chance to really step it up when Cena went down. The competition was without their flagship wrestler. TNA had a chance to capitalize and make themselves seen more than before. They didn't. And what has the other side done? Bring their guy back sooner than expected and go in HD.

10) For a long time, we wanted Impact to go 2 hours. Now that it has, a lot of us are wishing it didn't. Impact has become worse rather than better with two hours. And that's because instead of more high quality matches, we have painful segments to fill up the two hours (Shark Boy's coma, AJ Styles' family, the stupid CSI bit ) And on the subject of bad bits, lets not forget when they did that Jackass gimmick. Now that was horrible.

If Jay Lethal gets the push that they're saying he will, Joe wins the title, and the Machine Guns get the tag titles and maybe LAX at some point, I'll take that as a sign of things looking up. But no sooner than that.

Great post and this sums it all up. The X divisom that was so good and was a fresh idea, went to hell and now there feuding with team 3-D. When team 3-D should be in the tag team scence. Except the team carrying the titles arnt even a tag team, and pretty much two guys thrown together. AJ Styles who has so much potential and can work so many different styles is looking like an idiot dancing around with the Angles. They rush to gimmick matches and use them way to often. Gimmick matches are suppost to mean something but TNA just throws them around. Samoa Joe is going anywhere. They arnt establishing new stars, Scott Steiner has a world title shot soon. Christopher Daniels who is a legend on the independent scence is no curry man. I use to watch TNA becuase wrestling wise they would always have better matches than the WWE. Now there just corny storylines and old wrestlers.
here is how i see it WWE is just gettin boring wrestlemania isnt even that good anymore TNA is fresh something new fantastic wrestling But I hope TNA rises cause it will make both brands better both wwe and TNA good healthy compettion never hurt nobody but made them better

You say that WWE is boring and TNA is fresh. But at least WM will have a different feel to it. Bound For Glory was just another PPV. It was good. But it wasn't a special event. It could have been any show. And unlike WWE I doubt WWE would have booked as many ref bumps, and as much interference in what you would assume or is supposed to be, the biggest match of the year.
TNA should have started around the time WCW went under. They couldve gotten some real good players and would have been a threat to be reakon with. Their rating i woud assume wouldve been somewhere between 1.8-2.1 by now. Also TNA needs to go onto 2hrs. Dont epect them to beat WWE with 1hr of Impact, err unless they are kidding
Honestly, this is all complete crap, whoever thinks one is better than the other is a moron. But, obviously people who say things like "Fuck TNA, WWE Rules!" are clearly either just kids or are just that stupid. But, others who think TNA is better than WWE should really be considered the stupidest wrestling fans, because most kids who watch WWE probably either don't watch TNA or don't even know about it. So, most people who say that are probably older than kids and are therefore just as dumb as all the kids and marks out there, who are watching WWE right now.
I dont think vince mcmahon or the wwe is scared of tna at all. Raw and smackdown murder tna in ratings every week and tna cant even beat the new ecw regulary week by week in ratings. WWE owns wcw and I think if vince mcmahon seen tna as a threat he would either put tna out of business or hurt the company bably by probably taking there big stars or whatever other way they wanted to
I could have swore tna went head up with the wwe before and lost bably in ratings. WWE pulled a 3.0, and tna a 0.5. We all might want to see them go head up, but face the facts if they do tna will lose
from a historic point of view, let's examine all the wrestlers that have been let go by the promotion so far:

Judas Mesias: horrible move...the guy had the "look". the white contact lenses were freaky as hell and his entire gimmick of getting more crazy ounce his opponent got all bloody was awesome.He could have been pushed as an unstoppable monster but TNA is too blind to see his potential..I already saw potential in him when he was wrestling in WSX.

Raven: ...completely ******ed move..even if you don't respect him as a wrestler, Raven is one of the greatest minds in the business for angle ideas or developping characters.Letting him go was just completely ridiculous.

Senshi: ...such an amazing wrestler and they can't find anything to do with him...this just baffles the brain.

Konnan:..incredible mouth piece for LAX..LAX was getting over huge and then they just fuck with Konnan and refuse to help him out when he needed it the most. Classless move by TNA.

Ron Killings: he was getting over as the truth but then they couldn't figure out what to do with him again...terrible.

At one point TNA had a roster with Petey williams ,teddy hart,jack evans,homicide,samoa joe,christopher daniels,senshi,Dlo Brown and countless other X division guys doing great matches every week and now the X division is practically dead.

quite frankly, I'm about ready to give up on TNA and WWE ...
the only thing that doesn't insult my intelligence is ROH and UFC....
It's hard to say really, the TNA fans of 2006 no longer like TNA, but they have brought in a whole new audience and every now and then do cater to the originals, it would be selfish of us to demand them to not do what's best for them as a company. Angle gets ratings so they have to push him.

The Shark Boy thing whilst a lot of people hate it, i know an awful lot that laugh about it and i have to admit the first few times i saw it i was laughing my ass off. Now Curry Man is cringe-worthy but i personally find the AJ/Karen saga quite entertaining if a little corny and although the idea of Team 3D having to make weight made me groan in a depressing fashion when i read about it, the reality of it is actually quite amusing i think, seeing them taking off more clothes and trying to get under, i duno, just made me smile for a minute and appreciate what a truly gifted team they are.

Bob Armstrong should never ever ever ever ever be allowed back to TNA but it HAS created something interesting out of VKM, allbeit a feud against each other so i guess it works out in the end.

Main issue with the X-Division is that it is a stepping stone to bigger things, AJ & Joe were destined to be World Champions and had to persue that, Daniels got stuck in a rut and is being re-packaged, Sabin has formed an awesome tag team with Shelley, so beyond Jay Lethal who do you have left? horrifically-under-used-Petey, Sonjay, Elix Skipper, Johnny Devine... not doesnt really measure up to AJ, Joe, Daniels, Sabin, Senshi and old-school Petey
Ok let me reply to your list of wrestlers that were let go.

Judas Mesias: Horrible move? do you mean Horrible moves? this guy may look kinda cool, but his in ring work is bullshit, his finisher sucks, and for being as big as he is, he really isn’t very devastating at all.

Raven: His best days are WAY behind him. He may have a great mind for character development, but he also has been a drug addict for the last 13 years, his in ring work, which wasn’t even that great in the original ECW has taken a nose dive to the point of barely being watch able, and his character is worn out and direction less at this point. Really the Raven character doesn’t even exist, he just wears the cloths and uses the same old stale catch phrase. He may be of value to TNA as a backstage agent, but his in ring days are far behind him.

Senshi: is a talented worker, but he has no character, and is very unremarkable outside of the X division.

Konnan: Are you fucking kidding me? Konnan now days has ZERO ability as an In ring worker, and tries to get cheap pops from the same boring 2 line catch phrase that was stale back in WCW by 1999. Konnan is the worst wrestler that you mentioned.

Ron Killings: May be a good dancer, but his in ring work looks unimpactful, and boring. He is one of the least devastating wrestlers in TNA history, and his Mic skills suck as well.

I think that TNA desperately needed to clean out the cupboard, and is 10 times better that this garbage, dead weight talent is gone. It gives room for guys like Petey Williams, AJ Styles, Robert Roode, and Jay Lethal to get a shot. Guys who can actually work.
That’s one of the problems with WWE now days is that it is written and geared towards little kids. Honestly WWE has been unwatchable since about 2001, and most kids don't have the experience to know what a bullshit product that they are watching. That’s one of the reasons I started to watch TNA after not watching wrestling for about 5 years again. I love wrestling and wanted to watch SOMETHING but the WWE product is such complete and utter crap, I couldn’t stomach 10 minutes of Raw anymore, let alone a whole episode. TNA may not be perfect, but to fans who have watched wrestling for any measurable amount of time, at least it is something.... I cannot express in written words how bad the WWE is right now. It really is complete and utter bullshit.
all right..let me answer back:

Judas Mesias...it doesn't really matter if judas mesias was an amazing worker or not..I believe he had the "it" factor or the look to be over. To be frank, I never found Kane to be an awesome specimen of a worker but his look was cool and some of his storylines and promos were good for t.v. I personnally enjoyed his matches with Vampiro in WSX and I thaught his character was used better in that promotion as well...he had this burned up scar on his face and it just fit his character. Gorldberg was an aweful worker as well but he had "it"..maybe it's just me but I thaught Judas Mesias had "it".

Raven: it's debatable weather or not Raven can still go in the ring. He has been known to be lazy in the ring and I have to admit that the last time I saw him wrestle in TNA it was very cringe worthy but when Raven's motivated he can still do some great matches in my oppinion. As far as his history of drug abuse is concerned...I don't believe it's an issue. He never let his drug abuse get in the way of his ring work and he could handle the drugs pretty well....Either way he's been sober for a while now and he hasn't taken any drugs in TNA ever since he got there...not to my knowledge that is... ^–^
Maybe it's because I'm a Total Raven mark and I watched his shoot videos for RF video ...maybe if you'd see them you would also think he has a tremendous mind for the business....and just because he can't wrestle anymore..doesn't mean he can't contribute in any other way

Same goes for Konnan in that respect..he was the mouthpiece for LAX and he fit that role perfectly..LAX is directionless with Shelly Martinez..despite the fact that I love her ..she was good as a goth/vampire girl and this whole latina thug chick doesnt cut it...not just my personnal preference but the crowd is kinda lukewarm towards her as well...

I was just saying that at one point TNA's roster has so many great workers AND characters and now they are either fired or re-packaged with jobber gimmics like Curryman or Prince AJ or Abyss with no mask...

Seriously the only thing that TNA manages to do VERY well is the knockout division....witch got..I believe the highest rated segment for TNA history.
WWE is boring, I'll give you that. But I'm not seeing how it's geared towards kids. Cena's a big star. But he doesn't get pops half as big as Austin, The Rock or Hogan did. He also doesn't sell as much merch. WWE is just as kid oriented as it's ever been.

If there is one promotion out there that kid will enjoy it's TNA. The set's aren't as dark as WWE ones, the X-Division guys doing all the jumps, they have the groovy ring, the 80's style gimmicks, the run ins because we all know how much kids love run ins, and so on.
Yeah, how is WWE geared toward little kids? Are they trying to get little kids to run out and buy Playboy? If so, then WWE needs to look out for the FCC. The incest storyline? The bastard son "Horny"? Sounds very similar to Blue's Clues.
I agree the bad moral standeards that the WWE is showing is one reason a lot of my friends have stopped watching wrestling all together

I have to agree with some of the things you said but how can you say TNA has bad story lines when the WWE just keeps giving its fans the same crap over and over.
TNA wrestlers are just wash up people with no where to go but to TNA and also TNA be coping off of WWE like shark boy coping off of Stone cold Steve Austin that mad stupid, the reason that kurt angle went to TNA because he was mad that he wasn't champion for about 2 years, the reason that booker t went to TNA because he was so geting played out so he got fired and the rest of superstars who used to be on WWE the reason they left is because they were geting sick and tired of getting their ass beat by other WWE Superstars.
TNA wrestlers are just wash up people with no where to go but to TNA and also TNA be coping off of WWE like shark boy coping off of Stone cold Steve Austin that mad stupid, the reason that kurt angle went to TNA because he was mad that he wasn't champion for about 2 years, the reason that booker t went to TNA because he was so geting played out so he got fired and the rest of superstars who used to be on WWE the reason they left is because they were geting sick and tired of getting their ass beat by other WWE Superstars.

Again, a WWE fan that makes some valid points but in a stupid, clearly biased manner. Being underused and misused are perfectly valid reasons for leaving a country, particularly when you are as big a star as Kurt Angle or Booker T and are either being forced onto the C show or being used for Triple H's comeback squash. It doesn't take away from their value at all. An initial feud with Robert Roode, however, does.
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