[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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Whatever happened to the WWE Hardcore Championship belt? TNA should capitalize and house their own Hardcore Championship title and bash the wasted hour ECW is every week. TNA has already proven they have superior hardcore matches so they might as well, right?
The reason i chose both is simple. I have been a wrestlign fan for a long time and i have seen the wwe get less and less wrestling oriented over time. They are way to involved in stupid storylines and soap opera crap to put on an enjoyable two hours of entertainment. If they wopuld focus more on the wrestling and not have almost every superstar perform the same sequence of moves every match they might regain may of the old fans back that are turning to TNA. TNA has a lot of young and old wrestlers that are revolutionizing wrestling by bringing new movesets and styles that have never been seen before. Even though they are not perfect by any means(especially in the acting department) TNA is at least trying to create new and exiting ways to bring awesome wrestling to new fans. The wwe needs to follow suit and focus more on the wrestling than the story lines because I would love to watch raw on monday night without having to see McMahon chase around Hornswaggle for 40 minutes. Its called professional WRESTLING for a reason.
I have watched wrestling for well over 15 years, but I have to choose TNA here. At some times TNA may seem a bit like a B-rated movie, but its wrestling action beats out anything WWE has to offer, and has come a long way since 4PM Friday afternoon shows on FSN and The Sun Network, and its PPV's are well worth the $30. Besides, who wants to watch Vince McMahon talk about random crap every week for 30-40 minutes, and interfere in every aspect of the show?
For me at the moment TNA has better wrestling but it will not last. Its not going to become a company like WWE,NOAH or Triple A in mexico.

Everything about TNA just reminds me of WCW when it left the NWA, it was bring in top stars, pushing them, giving great shows PPV and everyone loved it and after a while it was bigger then WWE but it dropped fast because of money and not using there younger stars.
And now i see TNA doing the same. They have got the following people from WWE or other places but look at there age;
Kurt Angle is 40 and has a history of neck problems.
Booker T is 43 and will not be wrestling for much longer.
Sting is 49 and will only be around till the end of 2008.
Kevin Nash is also 49 and has bad knees and a reported back problems.
Jeff Jarrett is 41 and will always be TNA main event for the wrong reasons.

These are TNA main event wrestlers at the moment. All of them between the have had great careers and have been and still are top wrestlers but they will not be around for the next ten years. TNA is missing using talent. Im not bashing TNA or being a WWE mark im just saying as i see it.

I like both but WWE is better and that all i have to say really.
ya u rite i agree i mean tna is like the place wwe super stars go to after wwe.rikishi,kurt angle,chris um i forgot his name the instant classic,booker t,jeff hardy and more.
i watch both tna nd wwe and i find some crap in both wwe= not alot of action tna=stupid promos nd the whole kevin nash nd hall thing needs to stop!! there old!! wwe needs some fresh talent
the fans of wwe are mad of tna being big because they know if tna is big wwe is out of business so they're going to try and keep themselves from getting sucked into tna but personally i'm a fan of both but tna does have better wrestling like he said and they also have higher flying cruiserweights or X division superstars
The good things that TNA has today is its X Division. I have seen numerous matches of it, and it always left my jaws hanging. But most of the matches after that just got me bored...

Unlike in WWE, I get to finish 2 full hours of each show(1 hour with ECW).
They have decent matches, decent promos, some comical moments, and some fresh new talent they use decently(Randy Orton, Kennedy, MVP, CM Punk, Morrison, Lashley, CENA....).

Even a tag team match bet hacksaw/crazy v. wgtt would still amuse me.
the fans of wwe are mad of tna being big because they know if tna is big wwe is out of business so they're going to try and keep themselves from getting sucked into tna but personally i'm a fan of both but tna does have better wrestling like he said and they also have higher flying cruiserweights or X division superstars

Are you serious?, do you really think that whe TNA gets big, they'll put WWE out of buisness?, dude not going to happen, WWE is a household name, adn the biggest wrestling promotion in the world, they survived WCW kicking their ass for years, and to think that some little upstart company like TNA is going to put WWE out of buisness is just...crazy, WWE is going nowhere fast, in fact if you asked just some casual fan on the street they probably wouldn't even know TNA is, TNA is just now starting to make a name for themselves, I honastly can't see them ever putting WWE out of business, in fact if anything TNA getting big would be good for WWE cause it would force them to come up with new and original storylines, and improve the product
There is no even a comparison, WWE is way better than TNA. Many of you have said that TNA has better wrestling, it really doesn't, there matches are usually predictable and end in dumb ways. I dont usually get the TNA PPV's and the last two i have bought over the last couple months have been horrible. And how could TNA be better, they basically have a bunch of wrestlers that WWE didn't want anymore. The only WWE wrestler that left WWE for TNA when they could have stayed with WWE was Christian and in my opinion he is the only reason I watch TNA. TNA has developed some of there own talent, but it seems like they spend more time pushing older past WWE/WCW wrestlers then they do there young guys like A.J. Styles, the Hall and Nash idea is stupid, neither of them can really wrestle anymore. WWE has better wrestlers, better matches, better announcers, better promos, ect. TNA will never threaten WWE, Impacts ratings are usually 1.0-1.1, everyone says ECW sucks, but they still get 1.2-1.4. TNA doesn't have the resources or the talent to compete will WWE, WWE is way better.
I've become indifferent as to the old question of "TNA or WWE." Why? Simple. First off, the booking schemes spent most of 2006 and 2007 being crap most of the time in either company. Granted, there were some bright spots for either org (mostly from TNA), but then again...you can't fuck everything up all the time. The storylines have been so non-exemplary of anything remotely clever that it's just disgusting. I don't even waste my time with McMahon's parade of horseshit entertainment and haven't since last spring. I got tired of being burned too many times and until Vince dies and gives the company to someone else...I don't feel there will be a change for the better anytime soon. As for TNA, this last Thursday I tuned in and saw the same misuse of certain talent and pushing of others who are over the hill and burned out (and overpaid). TNA should've taken a cue from the WWE and utilized their youth and tried to make stars from their own brand as opposed to recycling the WWE's talents (which obviously propelled them all the way to a 1.1 rating). I give exception to Kurt Angle because as much as I can't stand it, he can still go move-for-move with the youngsters. However, the comedy bits and overall stupidity of the segments (not to mention some of the gimmicks) have really soured me on the program, with exception to some of the in-ring work. Scott Hall needs another 60 stint in dryout and Nash needs to get the fuck out of dodge as they will not help propel TNA to where it CAN go. This is why Samoa Joe is saddled with them in this shtick. So people will actually give a shit. I feel like I've taken a time machine back to 1998 and have landed in Atlanta. Oh, and I absolutely LOVE Styles' airhead gimmick. That's definitely the best way for him to spend the prime of his career. So at present, I guess TNA wins for me...by default.
WWE is definitely the best all round organisation at the moment, but that's probably because WWE has the money and resources. TNA definitely has the better wrestling without a doubt, there are alot more moves and the wrestlers are actually allowed to take some fairly risky bumps. In one match on TNA there were more moves within the first few minutes then youll see in an entire Raw or Smackdown show. The matches are also won more convincingly (except from the roll ups tht TNA seem to love), i mean the other day on Smackdown, two matches were won with a neckbreaker. WWE has better promos and comedy moments, but the good thing about TNA is that they try new ideas, even tho they dont always get it right. Im not knocking WWE, as its always been the best promotion, but WWE could definitely take a leaf out of TNA's book- more moves, and allow the wrestlers to be more hardcore and do more dangerous stuff. And as far as TNA goes, if they can shake off the amateur feel to it, get more money and resources, and also develop their younger talent, then i think that it could rapidly improve, and provide serious competition for WWE
I voted both because I watch both of them for different reasons. I watch WWE because of the story behind the match and how they'll build it. I watch TNA for the reason that they have some amazing young talent and they don't have many banned moves (not that I heard of this in TNA regardless). But I will say this, I have a personal vendetta against WWE for firing Cryme Tyme.
FUCK THAT STUBID TNA. They dont even have a square ring. they get like 500 people per show, wwe gets 10 times that much. fuck tna

Hey don't be a pratt. WWE is better sale than TNA for no doubt but the later one has still future as a small company. I just feel disgusted wathing monday night RAW and Smackdown where WWE superstars perform what is scripted. This is completely unprofessionalism in pro wrestling. Besides WWE shows feature more on main events done 2-3 wrestlers and the rest of the contracted players just keep watching in the locker room

TNA producing perfect the quality wrestling moves something WWE never offered to the fans. I like one good thing that all TNA contracted wrestlers can perform in the ring. Whereas in WWE namely two or three always dominating the shows evey week. Its just waste of money and time. Besides drawing some stupid charecters like Hornswoggle, jonathan coachman making pro wrestling more degraded. Shame this is not wrestling ...lol
From what I am seeing is TNA is developing their formula. Are they there yet, no. For a period they have lost their way and fell into the trap of taking old names to gain attention. They still will bring in former WWE guys that are older, but they are starting to use them correctly to get over the young talent that TNA already has. I am actually looking forward to seeing the next Motor City Machine Gun match. After last nights main event, I am actually looking forward to seeing more Eric Young, Kaz, AJ. Having them in the same ring with Nash, Angle, and Booker really changed my mind and I know how exciting this could be. I don't think taking too many old guys from the WWE is really needed at this point, but taking fmr. WWE younger talent could benefit them in the long run. TNA is finally starting to grow some teeth. Vince better shape up because this thing could start taking off like a rocket in another year or two.
I agree with u xchosenonex because wwe has lost it vince is so scared that his business will go down and T.N.A will go up bacaus e they use the same things over and over again and that is why vince is scared because he cant get new things and now he is putting batista in a feud with edge again but this time undertaker is going to whoop his butt (edge) when WWE goes down T.N.A will kick W.W.E while its down and T.N.A will come out on top and plus wrestlers on tna know how to wrestle unlike wrestlers on wwe so its just that wwe is boring now and T.N.A rocks.
I think when the TNA Impact game arrives next year it could do wonders for them. I rememember back in the mid-late 90's I just happened to go round a friend's house and play a WCW game (might have been Nitro, not sure) and just like that I was into wrestling.

A friend of mine who has also been into WWE for a while has got bored of the Smackdown vs Raw series of games. It seems since they have no competition they dont seem to put a lot of effort into improving each game. The TNA Impact game is 60% complete and already look better than any of the WWE games.

I have recently started watching TNA and my verdict is that TNA has what WWE lacks, and WWE has what TNA lacks.

WWE has the better storylines and bigger crowd's (atmoshpere). TNA has the better talent and wrestling moves. I see all sorts of crazy moves being done in TNA matches that you perhaps wouldn't see in WWE. WWE has banned the piledriver, yet TNA has a guy who does a flipping piledriver!
If i may point out something about TNA is that they are fucking copying wwe!!!! you idiots abyss and that purple guy with the blood coming out of his mouth are the biggest rip offs of kane and undertaker ever i mean come one the lights even dim when the purple guy comes out and abyss has the mask and is supposed to be a monster just like kane was in the wwe and al TNA does is take wwe rejects and plus their divas besides talia madison and one other diva i can't rememebr they all look like men
Well, I think you're fair to make these accusations of TNA seeing as you're such an avid viewer of TNA and obviously know "the purple guy" is the cornerstone for their business.

You're correct of course, but the basis for your argument is still mildly ridiculous. Yes, the Abyss/Mesias feud is oddly reminiscent of the Undertaker/Kane feud way back, but that doesn't necessarily mean TNA is copying WWE. There's only a limited amount of angles to use in a monster vs. monster feud, and the whole sort of Kane/Undertaker angle hadn't been present for a while so they used that one. As for "all they do is take WWE rejects". Well, I don't even know why I'm dignifying that with an answer. You are again correct, to a degree. TNA does take former WWE superstars, and WCW superstars for that matter. Why? Name value and drawing power, quite simply, which has been gone over countless times in this very thread. You say it as if it is a stupid move. In the long run, it'll strengthen the product, like it has been doing with the ratings climbing and the two hour time slot coming into effect. The evidence is there if you... bother to pay attention.
tna are copeying of wwe dont u think kane and abyss look the same and that guy who spits out blood = kevin thorn
wwe beats tna all the time

This has to be one of the more weak minded things I've read. Just because a guy has a similar gimmick, doesn't mean they're the same.

Abyss started out as a "monster" locked in a cage. Kane started out as the long forgotten brother of the Undertaker. The ONLY thing that connects the two, are the fact they both are called "monsters" & they both have (or in Kane's situation, had) masks.

Abyss has more talent than Kane, in my opinion. Furthermore, Abyss is still gaining fan respect & attention, while Kane is fading away. Kane may of started out before Abyss, but he certainly hasn't gained the popularity Abyss has. Much less held onto the popularity he had.

Now, regarding Judas Mesias.. just because the guy spits blood, he's stealing that of a vampire/type gimmick? I think you're confusing Kevin Thorn's gimmick, with that of Gangrel.. which I'd claim they ripped off more of, with the blood.

However, just to "news flash" it for you.. the Great Muta was spitting mist, which W.W.E. likely stole from him, & changed the color, then just added spitting "blood" to make it seem original.

Furthermore, how could you even compare Judas to Thorn? They look NOTHING alike. Judas isn't vampire like at all, he's "demon" like. And Thorn isn't anywhere NEAR being a main stream player.. whereas Judas is.

Next time you wanna complain about comparison, make sure you actually have something proper to compare. Next thing you'll be complaining that Kurt Angle is ripping off Mark Henry, because they were both in the Olympics. :rolleyes:
Unfourtunantly I can't watch TNA but I do catch some of t on youtube and I just finished watching "TNA: The Debut Of Judas Mesias" and I have to admit Mesias did debuet in the same sence that Kane did which was to cost the Undertaker a loss against his Rival Shawn Michaels and make a name for himself as a "monster." But thats the only simalirty I see between Judas and Kane, and thats not terrorble because they made it look original and that Kane/Undertaker fued was a very long time ago so young fans would never pick up on that simalarity.

If i may point out something about TNA is that they are fucking copying wwe!!!! you idiots abyss and that purple guy with the blood coming out of his mouth are the biggest rip offs of kane and undertaker ever i mean come one the lights even dim when the purple guy comes out and abyss has the mask and is supposed to be a monster just like kane was in the wwe and al TNA does is take wwe rejects and plus their divas besides talia madison and one other diva i can't rememebr they all look like men

This purple guy you speak of is nothing like the Undertaker the Undertaker never spat blood from his mouth and he doesn't act like Mesias at all for instance the Undertaker is a face Mesias is obviusly a heel and Mesias and the Undertaker are completly different in terms of experiance so it shows what you know about wrestling to compare a rookie like Mesias to a legend like The Deadman, The Undertaker
TNA will never surpass WWE. Ever. I'm a TNA fan all the way, but come on. They already beat ECW and could threaten Smackdown, but never take down the whole WWE. Oh well. If they teamed up with ROH and fused the companies together the chances will increase, but we all know that would most likely never happen.

By the way Bigmike......your sig is awesome man! Street Fighter all the way!
i purely think that ina couple of years tna will be the next wcw. there is facts. they are getting people from wwe (wcw was getting people from wwf, e.g. rick rude, hogan, flair, randy savage). and if i didn't hear wrong that tna are about to sign a new deal with another tv station (forgot what it is). and you got kurt angle in their just to help tna (like hogan when we arrived in wcw). but for now wwe is winning the war and i hope it stays that way!!!
Iam A Wwe Fan.... And To Say That The Fans Of Wwe Are Scared Of Tna Is Stupid.... Look At Tna... Tna Has Most Of Wwe And Wcw Old Wrestlers Dat Are Second Hand Entertainers.... About 2/3 Of Tnas Starts Made Thier Career In The Wwe... Tna Is A Want To Be Wwe Look At Abyss Hes A Mankind Kane And Undertaker All In 1... To Me Tna Is All The Has Been And Never Was Of The Wwe...

So what your saying is that Kurt Angle, Christian, Booker T and Sting are all second rate, I don't think so. Kurt Angles accomplishments in the WWE are bearly surpassable King Of The Ring, 4 Time WWE Champion, European Champion ect.

Christian is one charasmatic Superstar, he always gets the crowd going and I can't wait to see the outcome of his match with Angle.

Tna Is A Want To Be Wwe Look At Abyss Hes A Mankind Kane And Undertaker All In 1...

are you also saying that The Undertaker and Kane are talentless because the Undertaker and Kane have more talent in there left toe then you have in your hole body. Stop comparing Abyss to Kane and the Undertaker because they are very different, like other posters have said the only reason people accuse TNA of copying the WWE is because they have big nasty monsters who seem to resemble old school superstars? and your point is? If TNA changed Abyss' name to Kane or somthing like that, even rhymed I might be a little pee'd, that would be the only thing to put me off TNA

I'm a WWE man through and through but you shouldn't go around bashing Superstars just because they changed brands like Angle and Cage those two are the best TNA has to offer and way back when; they were the best WWE had to offer.
my opinion is both are good and bad ... tna is up incomig and wwe is the orginal they both are entertaining and boring at times . the diffrence is the how many sides of the ring there are lol . but seriously it all good i dont see how people can choose .
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