[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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I watch both: WWE and TNA.

I watch a lot more WWE than TNA. But not because WWE has better wrestling than TNA, because they definitely do not have better wrestling talent than TNA.

I watch WWE because of the amount of promotion the sorround me with. And that is also caused by the major amount of money they have.

So what happens with WWE is:

They pumped me up with their multiple advertisements on TV, once I tune they pumped me even further with they fireworks, awesome escenario, video effects, music...... and showing repeatedly how the storyline is progressing with their cool video and sound effects.

So I finally get to the actual wrestling they hyped soooo much, and I bought the PPV, I'm all excited........and the PPV starts.....1st match dissapointment, 2nd match dissapointment, 3rd dissapointment.....:blink: ....4th match sucks......5th match: WWE Women's match (I'm happy I get to go to the bathroom)........ Main Events...finally.... one match sucks, the other one is very good (sometimes just OK), but this good match came way too late cause I was already half sleep.... :blink: .... so I say to myself 'I'm not buying any other PPV'...... days later..... The promotions come again, and the storyline, they promise this time will finally get much better....so I say to myself "Since I already how started, I might as well will see how it ends"... so I watch again, they pumped me up again......and the cycle starts all over again.... and yes, you guessed it, I bought the DVD, same disspointments (or worse), and I'm left with a LOT less money and anger.
They delivered some good matches, but nothing even close to what I should get for what I paid.

Now, what happens with TNA is:
I see once in a while one of their advertisements. Because they taped their matches wayyy in advance, while browsing on the Internet I bump into all the spoilers of all their shows in their next several weeks... so I rather not watch their TV show.
When I bump into their TV shows I don't see any special effects or anything great because I already seen the technology display in WWE, so I quickly turn to a different channel and sometimes I don't get to see it at all. .... as time passes I accidentaly get to see one of their PPV matches at YOUTUBE and ........:blink: I'm impressed, I'm hooked during the entire match, it's wayyyyyyy better than any WWE match I've seen in a while. It impresses me, and I want to see it again and again. I continue seeing their PPVs, and are awesome. But the lack of promotion, taping in advance, and I start missing the storyline effects of WWE....so WWE catches me again. And I stop seing TNA for a while.

In Conclusion, TNA has a hell of a lot more wrestling talent than WWE. But because of the reasons explained above, WWE ends up getting my attention. And although it pisses me off, that's what happens.

I hope TNA get bigger and bigger, and for that they will need a newer BUSSINESS strategy, lots and lots of money and getting LIVE events. They have the potential to beat someday WWE. They have already beating them at the core of this sport, WRESTLING. Unfortunately, nowadays the ENTERTAINMENT environment factor and marketing ends up winning.
The Attitude Era: Built mostly on stealing ECW concepts and WCW Rejects, a fine combination of the two create the WWE. Let's not forget the biggest reject of this era, that WCW Reject: Stone Cold Steve Austin

I would hardly call Stone Cold a WCW "reject". WCW put on the same boring crap every week with the NWO and let the so called "big guys" have creative control over their characters and didnt allow guys like Austin, Jericho, Guerrero etc to get a push. The only exception to this was Goldberg(and he sucked) because they realised that they couldnt ignore the fans anymore.
I've been a big Wwe fan for a longtime i've been to there ppv,house shows etc.Wwe was always great from what we saw every single week and the video games.Then 5 years ago a friend told me about tna and gave me a video tape to watch and i was very impress with what i saw.Now you don't have to be a die heart wwe fan to see the artist of wrestling but thats what tna gave that wwe didn't was more wrestling.Wwe gave me more story and lest action and they been holding down there young talents down.But in tna its all about the young talents.I saw moves in tna that i haven't seen in wwe.Now i'm not trying to convince anybody that tna is Good you have to watch that and judge it for yourself.But here are some things that you see in tna the matches,Monster ball,king of the mountan,Ultimate X,and Elevation X,those match are great but they have more like the 6 side steel cage,and the fight to rights.you should check it out..Now here what you see in wwe hell in the cell,steel cage,last man standing,elimitation chamber,street fight and some more things but is it me but don't you think thats a little boring now.I think so,So i think tna have a better selection of matches.And the women in tna are way better wrestlers than wwe females i seen a women ladder match and steel cage match and street fight i haven't remember seening that in wwe why is that.they are more eye candy for me. sex sells,Now the up coming tna video game is coming out next year if they have those matches in the game with the moves i seen in tna it would go down in history as one of the best wrestling game of all time..So people i would like to know what you think give me feed back..
The Hogan Age, built mostly around former AWA and NWA stars, other wise known as Rejects, including the biggest reject of all, the AWA Reject: Hulk Hogan.

The Attitude Era: Built mostly on stealing ECW concepts and WCW Rejects, a fine combination of the two create the WWE. Let's not forget the biggest reject of this era, that WCW Reject: Stone Cold Steve Austin

The WWE has held a monopoly on the business in the states the last 6 years, with TNA only now starting to chip away at it. Do you honestly expect anyone with any name value not to get a job with the biggest company in the states, or in fact, the only company.

The WWE misused this list of guys everyone keeps mentioning. The WWE blew there chance with Christian, and now he is a legit main eventer, because the WWE couldn't see how good he was. Kurt Angle, sure he has serious addiction problems, but TNA took the WWE's best pure wrestler right out from under neath him. And Rhino, like stated earlier, kicked over a flower pot, must be a wash up.

Can anyone come up with anything new other then, WWE Reject as to why TNA sucks? Because honestly, it's a weak ass argument. So if they bring in RVD or Brock Lesnar, guys that left on their own terms, obviously they were just rejects and don't deserve a job.

So what happens if Vince steals AJ, Samoa Joe, all of the X-Division stars that everyone complains doesn't get a push? Will they get the label as TNA Reject? It's stupid, it's a business. People make money, and if they are fired or choose to leave, then they need a way to make money, so they go elsewhere. What, should they sit on their ass and wait for the WWE to call and say "hey, we fucked up, here's your job back", um no.

How come no one has a problem with free agents in any of the four major American sports jumping from team to team. Is Kevin Garnett a Timberwolve Reject? Is Shaq a Laker Reject? Name any Free Agent, and ask yourself if they are a reject

Valid points Shocky. But Rikishi? Come on. He's hardly going to be lighting up TNA main events like Austin did for WWE. Or sell loads of merch like Hogan. Or put on decent matches like Angle.

I wouldn't consider everyone who goes from WWE to TNA a reject. But some have nothing to give to wrestling in 2007.

Rikishi didn't work in WWE main events. And he was give one of WWE's biggest superstars ever to work with.

Matt Morgan is just pants.

Dustin Rhodes wasn't the best worker in his prime. He's even less of a worker with his additional chins.

And personally I wouldn't consider Angle, Cage or Rhyno rehjects. Angle was released for medical reasons. Not because he had outlived his usefulness.

Rhyno was fired for Goring a flower pot. He would possibly still have a job in WWE if he hadn't been a naughty boy.

And Cage left on his own terms. Although I stand by the fact that his TNA career has highlited the fact he's not main event material.

It remains that TNA are employing everybody with some name value. Not wrestlers who can make the company better.
First off, I DO NOT put Angle in the REJECT catagory. I have said time and time again, Angle IS the best wrestler in Professional wrestling PERIOD. NOONE IS BETTER. Also, I said that I have just as many beef's with the WWE as I do with TNA. So read what I said and comprehend it before putting words in my mouth. The label "REJECT" is for the absolutly SUCKING wrestler that couldn't get fan support of ANY kind in the WWE. Ala Junior Fatu, Tomko (The only reason is he even a blip in TNA is SOLELY becuase of CAGE), Test (We ALL know how that ended up), Rhino (He went downhill after the demise of ECW), Black Reign and so on. They lost thier popularity in WWE for a reason! They weren't worth a lowcard spot.

Lets talk about your ridiculus comparisions for a second. Like "If you are employed at an accounting firm, legal office or even a burger joint and you either get fired or decide you don't like it with that company and go to work for the competition, does that make you a "reject"?" or "Is Kevin Garnett a Timberwolve Reject? Is Shaq a Laker Reject? Name any Free Agent, and ask yourself if they are a reject" Here's the difference, They are TOP PLAYERS IN THEIR RESPECTED LEAGUES, NOT REJECTS. I would want them on my team too. But in this case, we are NOT TALKING ABOUT TOP TALENT FROM THE WWE, we are talking about guys that wrestle stiff, or can't act. Hence the term REJECTS. Look at UMAGA. Same build and style as Junior Fatu. The difference here? UMAGA can wrestle! Works well in the ring.

If I was TNA or a law firm LOL, Would I want the guy that JUST GETS BY, or the Guy that IS THE MAINEVENT? Hands down, UMAGA. To hell with Fatu. Maybe some of these people define EVERYONE as a REJECT. I do not. I hate Christian, but he works the mic like NOONE ELSE CAN and has it ALL in the ring. Would I want him? HELL YEAH. Same can be said about ANGLE. But Tomko? Please. If everyones theory about the WWE only pushing Muscle bound oafs, what happened here? Cause NOONE WANTED TO WATCH HIM WRESTLE.

The AWA and others were bought by the WWF and was given their shot with them, if they couldn't handle it, they were fired. Hogan became the most well named wrestler of all time until Austin. Everyone knew about those promotions, but they were NOT on prime time except NWA. I had to stay up late to watch AWA, Smokey Mountian, USWA, UWF & others. That can NOT be used as a comparison. Doing that is just plain dumb.

Brock Lesner or RVD coming to TNA would not make them WWE rejects & personally myself would make me wanna watch TNA ALL that much more. Why? CAUSE THEIR TOP TALENT! They were AWESOME TO WATCH. DUH! If Abyss or AJ was to come to the WWE would they be REJECTS? NO! THIER THE BEST THAT TNA HAS! Now, if shark Boy came, YES, He would be a TNA reject. Or ECW for that matter.

Don't be surprised to see Samoa Joe jump ship or Cage when his contract runs out. Cage is a smart man. He went to TNA knowing he would get a huge push. His dream growing up was to be a WWE Champ, Not a TNA champ. I personally think that he went to TNA to show Vince he could do it. Abyss going to the WWE would be HUGE. There is no match I wanna see more than Abyss vs Kane or the Taker or even MANKIND. Vice versa if any of those were to go to TNA.

I didn't attack ANYONE. I defended people you were ATTACKING with your ignorance. Belittling people for their opinions. So, YES, It comes with the territory. I have not attacked anyone. Gave my opinions and responded to them. You came in here claiming to know it all just to be brought back to reality that you DON'T know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING. Niether do I, BUT, I don't make unrealistic claims or talk mindlessly without know for sure what the hell I am talking about before I post to not make myself look as you have. PERIOD. You don't like it? Tough shit. Your an example of why people are afraid to speak out. Afraid to say anything because they don't wanna be belittled by people like you.
Call them rejects, washed up, never-has-beens, never-will-bes, whatever you want. Any promoter, even one from Podunk, is going to sign as many big names to their promotion as possible. In order to get asses into seats, you have to have name recognition. Let's face the facts here. Before TNA got their first TV time on Fox Sports Net, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Petey Williams, Senshi and Eric Young were certainly not household names. Now that they have national and to a lesser degree international exposure even the casual fan says, "Yeah, I've heard of them.

Bringing in talent with name value is nothing new for TNA. They started with big names like Jeff Jarrett, Frank Shamrock and Curt Hennig. Let's not forget others like Sabu, Raven and even Dustin Rhodes (this is his second run in TNA now). People act like it's something new to have marquee names on a roster. That is how you get people to come see your show. And, it is these marquee names who make stars out of the lower card talent.

Someone argued that point with me earlier about Angle putting Jay Lethal over. Their reply was that it only happened because management needed to get that belt from Angle and back to the cruiserweights. It was a put-over because it was reported here on WZ that Angle was pissed because he wanted to do the job clean and management instead had someone go out and jump Lethal after the match. The same thing happened when Sting wanted to put Abyss over clean and instead they had Abyss when by interference or cheating or something (I honestly don't recall off the top how it went down). The response was why would Sting have to put over someone who had been with the company since day one. Because Abyss was not a household name.

Take a look at the case of Snitsky. Today, he is known as a pretty decent mid-card talent. Not because he is all that good in the ring but because Kane put him over when a seemingly unknown jobber rolled him up for the 1-2-3. That put Snitsky on the map as Lethal defeating Angle and Abyss defeating Sting has with their careers. Even in a losing effort, a match with a name player can boost ones career. TNA needs names and experience to bring their company higher in the rankings.

I think that it is the "haters" who see these former WWE/WCW stars as "rejects". No matter what you say or do they aren't going to accept TNA as a legit promotion. They can't get past the 6-sided ring (first gripe I hear from anyone I talk too), or the fast pace of the TV show, or the X Division is just "a rip off of WWE's Cruiserweight Division" or "Abyss is just a rip-off of Kane's character". Actually he is more like Mankind in style. Kane was never really Hard-core.

But, be that as it may, I will still continue to enjoy both shows as long as it's a good match. Good-bye ECW...it was nice knowing you.
These "big names" keep getting brought up time and time again. And OK, Sting, Kurt Angle or even Christian might arouse someone's suspicion and convince them to watch but imagine this conversation:

"Hey, that TNA is pretty awesome, huh?"

"I dunno, I only watch WWE."

"You should watch TNA"


"Because it's better."

"What guys has it got in it that I know?"

"Um... Rikishi joined last night, and Matt Morgan's in it... OW, MY FACE!!"

That is most likely how it play out. People may tune in for Sting and Angle but the rest of the roster need to carry their share too and I think guys like LAX or even Senshi would carry a lot more weight than guys that were never even popular in the WWE anyway.
Call them rejects, washed up, never-has-beens, never-will-bes, whatever you want. Any promoter, even one from Podunk, is going to sign as many big names to their promotion as possible. In order to get asses into seats, you have to have name recognition. Let's face the facts here. Before TNA got their first TV time on Fox Sports Net, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Petey Williams, Senshi and Eric Young were certainly not household names. Now that they have national and to a lesser degree international exposure even the casual fan says, "Yeah, I've heard of them.

Bringing in talent with name value is nothing new for TNA. They started with big names like Jeff Jarrett, Frank Shamrock and Curt Hennig. Let's not forget others like Sabu, Raven and even Dustin Rhodes (this is his second run in TNA now). People act like it's something new to have marquee names on a roster. That is how you get people to come see your show. And, it is these marquee names who make stars out of the lower card talent.

Someone argued that point with me earlier about Angle putting Jay Lethal over. Their reply was that it only happened because management needed to get that belt from Angle and back to the cruiserweights. It was a put-over because it was reported here on WZ that Angle was pissed because he wanted to do the job clean and management instead had someone go out and jump Lethal after the match. The same thing happened when Sting wanted to put Abyss over clean and instead they had Abyss when by interference or cheating or something (I honestly don't recall off the top how it went down). The response was why would Sting have to put over someone who had been with the company since day one. Because Abyss was not a household name.

Take a look at the case of Snitsky. Today, he is known as a pretty decent mid-card talent. Not because he is all that good in the ring but because Kane put him over when a seemingly unknown jobber rolled him up for the 1-2-3. That put Snitsky on the map as Lethal defeating Angle and Abyss defeating Sting has with their careers. Even in a losing effort, a match with a name player can boost ones career. TNA needs names and experience to bring their company higher in the rankings.

I think that it is the "haters" who see these former WWE/WCW stars as "rejects". No matter what you say or do they aren't going to accept TNA as a legit promotion. They can't get past the 6-sided ring (first gripe I hear from anyone I talk too), or the fast pace of the TV show, or the X Division is just "a rip off of WWE's Cruiserweight Division" or "Abyss is just a rip-off of Kane's character". Actually he is more like Mankind in style. Kane was never really Hard-core.

But, be that as it may, I will still continue to enjoy both shows as long as it's a good match. Good-bye ECW...it was nice knowing you.

Are you kidding me? When I first found out about TNA, I seen Abyss and thought another mankind, but he was BADASS. I don't need Sting to lay down for him to see he is legit! or "PUT HIM ON THE MAP" In fact, ABYSS is the MAIN REASON I STARTED WATCHING. also, IN FACT, ANYONE who has been watching TNA since birth knows his name and he didn't need to waste his time with STING'S God BS. PLEASE. Spare me that BULLSHIT. Even though he DID have the Mankind feel, he was much more physical like Kane.

Its on thing to bring in guys with name recognition to build the talent. But to bring them in to steal the spotlight from those guys there since birth to give them the title within the first couple months of them being there makes the TNA roster have to think, Why am I here if I can't get the strap after bleeding gallons of my blood for this company only to have someone that NEVER amounted to anything in the WWE to come here and get the belt without paying his dues like me. AND I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT ANGLE.

Since your afraid to say my name, I WAS THE ONE WHO SAID THE THING ABOUT ANGLE AND LETHAL. Would that put Lethal over by having Angle Job to him cleanly? NO, it would make people think, If Angle can't beat a twig like Lethal, HOW IN THE HELL CAN HE BEAT ABYSS? Spare me with your talking in circles. Your making me wanna vomit.

Kane losing to Snitski was not something beyond belief. Two Huge guys beating each other up. Thats like saying if Jeff hardy layed down for him it would put him over. It what you would expect. Did the Great Khali get over are a huge superstar for beating up Rey Mysterio? NO, He made his name bigger for beating the UNDERTAKER or KANE. Once again, think about it and comprehend it. WOW.

I love the 6 sided ring and will never say ANYTHING DIFFERENT. I also LOVE THE X-DIVISION. It's 100X better than the WWE's Cruserweight division. The only HATER I see here is YOU. You have yet to really say anything bad about TNA but you sure got alot to say about the WWE.
See i'm not a blind person on what i am seeing here i watch wwe every week and i watch tna every week.I watch wrestling monday,tuesday,thursday,and friday.with weds. of i am a die hard wrestling fan and i use to wrestle in high school i love the art.But i've been disappointed with wwe they was once good when they really had Competition.I remember watching wcw beating wwe for 86 weeks in a row in the rating.Remember wwe back then was tape and wcw use to give away the result of the match is that why raw went to live.No one want to give the underdog a chance.So i order wwe unforgiven and i was really disappointed that i paid my hard earned money on that crap.40 bucks thats what it cost then i order Tna Bound for Glory and i was impress with the ppv it was really good.I was satify.when the last time wwe satify you and when john cena comes back hes going to get the belt back again same old thing.I was at summerslam 2007 and it was horrible i wanted my money back.wwe keep disappointing me but i still watch but i watch tna too because it takes away all the disappointment that i feel for that week.Now my point is when wwe had competition they try there hardest to bring in a good product to make us wanted more then when vince bought wcw and then split the shows it looks like they stop even trying because people who believe in wwe wants them to do good its like those republican who still believe in bush.Are brain wash you have a mind of your own before you start judging things try and watch both wrestling and then you decide..
And see what real wrestling is all about...
Valid points Shocky. But Rikishi? Come on. He's hardly going to be lighting up TNA main events like Austin did for WWE. Or sell loads of merch like Hogan. Or put on decent matches like Angle.

I wouldn't consider everyone who goes from WWE to TNA a reject. But some have nothing to give to wrestling in 2007.

Rikishi didn't work in WWE main events. And he was give one of WWE's biggest superstars ever to work with.

Matt Morgan is just pants.

Dustin Rhodes wasn't the best worker in his prime. He's even less of a worker with his additional chins.

And personally I wouldn't consider Angle, Cage or Rhyno rehjects. Angle was released for medical reasons. Not because he had outlived his usefulness.

Rhyno was fired for Goring a flower pot. He would possibly still have a job in WWE if he hadn't been a naughty boy.

And Cage left on his own terms. Although I stand by the fact that his TNA career has highlited the fact he's not main event material.

It remains that TNA are employing everybody with some name value. Not wrestlers who can make the company better.

Agreed. I was one of the first ones to bash the Test hiring, because he has done absolutely zero for the business. And Rikishi, the guy is so damn immobile now he makes Yoko look like a track runner.

We also have to remember, how much outside pressure has been put on TNA to get recognizable stars in there. Spike TV didn't have to give impact two hours. I think a lot of these guys were on there to prove to Spike that they were willing to spend some money to bring guys in, it just happens to be a lot of guys that shouldn't have a job in any federation.

Like I said in another post, I think with TNA right now, it's essentially a re-boot, especially for the "originals". These new guys are being brought in with name value, and this is an opportunity for TNA to use those names to make legit stars out of their own homegrown talent.
Don't get me wrong, The WWE needs for TNA to survive and become something more than a dismal WCW. They DO need that familiar name talent, BUT THE RIGHT ONES. Stop with the nobody's and pushing the heck out of them. You want Junior Fatu, Have him lose to almost everyone and then build him up a bit. Make him EARN a mid-card or main event status.

Now I see Joey Mercury has been signed. OH MY. Here we go again. Without Nitro, he amounted to NOTHING. This is exactly what I am talking about. Go after RVD, Lesner, & Even Booger T (Even though he bores the hell out of me, he was still a top star in the WWE). WHY OH WHY KEEP CHASING THESE GUYS!?

Ice, I think everyone in this thread has watched or still watches BOTH WWE & TNA. It would be pretty stupid for someone to comment in here if they haven't watched both. I will never stop watching both, I am a hardcore wrestling fan.

I like both TNA and WWE, also have beef's with both as I have already stated. There is pro's and con's to each promotion. But none of which will ever get me to change the channel.
As a long time WWF/WWE fan, it disappoints me to see that over the past 3/4 years, how much the product has deteriorated and how quickly. It seems nowadays that they are concentrating more on their recycling program than coming up with revolutionary ideas and interesting storylines.

Firstly, yes, TNA does indeed use and in some cases rely on former WWE/WCW etc employees i.e. Sting, Nash, Christian, Kurt Angle, Rikishi etc. However, WWE has been doin this also for many years (Hulk Hogan's one month title reign in 2002, Hacksaw Jim Duggan somehow still gainfully employed, etc)

However what sets TNA apart is the breakthrough performers, such as Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Chris Sabin, Chris Daniels, Petey Williams, Jay Lethal, (Many of whom have come from Ring of Honor) and their revolutionary match types, i.e Ultimate X, Lethal Lockdown, etc. Whereas WWE's newest stars are near 40-year old Dave Batista, The hard-working, but ultimately useless John Cena (And no, I don't detest him like so many) and the green-as-grass Bobby Lashley. Also their latest innovation as far as matches go was the elimination chamber, which although excellent, first appeared in late 2002, almost 5 years ago, since then, the same old stuff.

Ah well, as far as I'm concerned, as opposed to bashing WWE or TNA, like so many, I'd like each company to bring the best out of each other, like WCW and WWE did circa 1997, WWE to rely less on oversized, muscleheaded clowns (Khali, etc) and improve their show in general, while TNA need more exposure (Advertising and promotion) and to establish their homegrown stars rather than rely on former WWE stars.
Em.....what-tna only has 3 good wrestlers?? i can easily name more than 3.try: christian cage, jay lethal, chris sabin, A. J styles, chris daniels, rhino. kurt angle, alex shelley, sonjay dutt, senshi, elix skipper, lax...... hell even some of the women in tna are better than sum of the guys in wwe. tna have talent at their disposal and actually utilise them unlike wwe i.e paul london,c.m punk and dozens of others!
Em.....what-tna only has 3 good wrestlers?? i can easily name more than 3.try: christian cage, jay lethal, chris sabin, A. J styles, chris daniels, rhino. kurt angle, alex shelley, sonjay dutt, senshi, elix skipper, lax...... hell even some of the women in tna are better than sum of the guys in wwe. tna have talent at their disposal and actually utilise them unlike wwe i.e paul london,c.m punk and dozens of others!

I know I didn't say that TNA only has 3 good wrestlers. But how exactly is TNA "UTILISE"ing them? The only people being utilized is Angle, A.J. Styles, Christopher Daniels, Jay Lethal, & Cage from the ones you mentioned. They rest are in NOWHERE storyline. I don't call that utilizing them. TNA is doing to them what the WWE is doing to London. Can't say that for Punk as he is the ECW champ. I would say they are utilizing him. So, where you got that they are not is beyond me. Can't comment on the rest of em cause DOZENS doesn't say who.

TNA has ALOT of talent. But just like the WWE, you bring in a new guy and focus shifts. I hope TNA gets Lesner and RVD. That should be AWESOME especially if they Put angle up against Lesner. They had the best matches EVER.
I just finished the 10/18 episode of TNA and damn did I see some crap tonight or what? Maybe it is normally a slow right after a big PPV like they had with BFG, but the whole first hour was pointless to say the least. I don't know what Kong is doing except as some have suggested she is to be the monster heel of the womens division. I have seen some of her indy and japanese matches and what I've seen thus far in TNA is no where near the caliber she should be performing at.

The opening match had the promise of being an excellent X division style match with the members of MCMG facing each other in the tournament but, here come 3D and craps all over that with the vow to destroy the X Division. Didn't Nash try that a while back? It was crappy to say the least.

Then we get a flash-back to the 90's, or 70's, or something else, in the form of Disco Inferno. I know that Glenn Gilberti is, in fact, an accomplished technical wrestler who got stuck with a bad gimmick in WCW. He made me a believer when I saw his first run with TNA as one-half of The New York Connection and now he's dusting off the gimmick that made him a "no-body" with WCW. Besides, shouldn't he be doing time for a illegal gambling ring or something?

Over-all the second hour wasn't bad, but still left more to be desired.

I just wanted to get this off my chest and for some reason I felt my finding problems with TNA might be appreciated here more than in the Impact Aftermath thread.
When TNA brought in Angle, and in turn he KILLED their top bonafide #1 Star Samoa Joe, I knew right then TNA doesnt have a damn clue what they are doing. You take a guy fresh out of WWE and put him over your top star? LMAO why on gods earth should vince be scared?

And lets see. You take a pro bonafide TNA guy (Jay Lethal), give him the upset victory of his life again Angle, and then hour later he gets beat up and treated like a jobber to Samoe Joe?

WWE does it right. When Jericho debuted who did he job too? The Rock. When Radicals debuted, hot they were, they jobbed. You never EVER bring somebody in from another company and then job out YOUR stars. Your not going to compete with anybody.

WCW isnt here today, cause they only created one guy only made ONE person during their run. Goldberg. TNA, if they want to hit the big time, better create stars THEY put over, not get jobbed around.
I like both TNA And WWE, but i can't choose either to pick who's the best. But I do hope the WWE has InVasion 2 with TNA just like they did with WCW/ECW and have the Alliance and all the other good stuff... and maybe even have some of the TNA Titles Over on WWE. THAT WOULD BE COOL! but I think TNA Is rising higher and higher with GOOD storylines not these same storylines involving Vince and his illegitimate son and all that stupid crap, but I'm not saying that ALL WWE storylines are crap, just some are.
No sooner spoken then I am corrected. Just a few days ago I said that I haven't heard anyone from TNA management state that they had a desire to compete with WWE. Now, Dixie Carter has spoken and said that indeed their long term goal is to go head-to-head with RAW.

This may well need a new forum thread but I have a question. With Dixie Carters announcement to go head-to-head with WWE what will they need, in terms of talent, to be truly competitive? This can be acquiring WWE talent or the best of independents. Of those mentioned today in the news page, only Booker T and RVD stand out to me as drawing cards. Scotty 2 Hotty, Sean Waltman and Scott Hall may add somewhat of name factor but Hall and Waltman are yesterdays news and S2H just never was all that...OMG here comes the worm again.

I'd like to see Ric Flair make his last run with Sting, since WWE doesn't seem interested in him any longer. Add CM Punk, Elijah Burke, Victoria and Mickie James.
the thing with the WWE that is getting on everyones nerves is the repeat of storylines...the heart attack angle with teddy long hmmm i think i saw that with torrie wilsons dad already and TNA is getting up there, their ratings are doing better and better, no one even watches ECW anymore cause its not even ECW, WWE just went in there and put storylines when everyone wants to see the hardcore side........bring back the hardcore title.....and the thing with TNA is they are using people to there fullest christian was a basic mid carder until they brought him to TNA and he has the potential to be a great heel, angle is still a good wrestler i just think is heart is in a different place maybe MMA idk we will see ECW got an extension but its only prolonging it from becoming the next heat or velocity come on now TNA is going to eventually compete WWE is scared trust me
Look guys its quite simple really. WWE is still the best but i grant you some of the storylines are boring and we keep seeing the same matches agin and again and again. This is what they've got to do ECW invades Smackdown and takes 1/2 their wrestlers inluding Tag team titles & create a womens ECW champion. Raw & Smackdown then re join as they used to.
TNA well i think the problem with them is a) the commentators b) they dont really know what they are trying to be WCW, WWE or old ECW. I think that they should aim somewhere between ECW & WCW.c) create a decent stable like DX, NWO or something like that d) work on their mike skills - as they haven't got a Austin,Rock, Cena ,Hogan or even a Goldberg
Its really quite simple, actually. TNA is the REJECT version of WWE. WWE fires wrestlers and where do they end up? Obviously, theres a reason why wrestlers are being fired by WWE, so if TNA wants to make a promotion out of rejected WWE Superstars, it will never, ever upstage WWE.

I bet anyone here a hundred bucks that Vince McMahon is praying for TNA to get big so he can squash it like he did to WCW. It will be more fun for him to take out a company that "means something". TNA doesn't really mean anything quite yet. Not until its on Monday Nights competing with Raw.

But then, Vince would just pile all his stars onto Raw, and crush the ratings war every week anyway.

It's a lost cause for TNA to think they stand a chance against Vince.
Not all of the wrestlers on TNA are WWE "rejects" as some people claim. Christian, Tyson Tomko, Kurt Angle, and now supposedly Booker T, all flat out QUIT the WWE, they were not fired. And I don't think we will ever see the day when TNA goes head to head on Monday nights with RAW. That would be a stupid move on their part, and if they are stupid enough to attempt it they deserve to be squashed. But I am glad to see SOMEBODY offering a top level alternative (regardless of what classless, overrated "Stone Cold Idiot" Steve Austin spews) to Vince and his rediculous, stale, and mostly silly storyline crap. :icon_evil:
TNA has better wrestling but the WWE is still more entertaining. I dont think TNA will over be a proper threat to Vince and co. The way TNA is spending money they will be out of business in no time. Kurt Angle, Christian, etc will soon find their ways back to the WWE.
By far WWE is better than TNA right now. but tna has a lot of potential and could be the Number one show in the Future. i sure do see both tna and wwe and like how tna has a lot of great action in the ring. i also like that tna has a six sided ring rather than the traditional 4 sided. i just hope we get to see another Monday night wars soon, ahhh those were the days..
well honestly WWE is the best,TNA took all their good wrestlers from WWE such as the Dudley boyz and kurt angle and many more!!
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