[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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all TNA needs is a person or some product to actually work with that can make the company money, and get lots and lots of fans, while still putting on the same great entertaining matches.

That person is - or should be - Kurt Angle. The man has great charisma, as well as being quite possibly the best technical in the world. Angle may have been winding down when he left WWE, but he was still undisputedly a big star, bigger than any other TNA signing at the moment of entering the fray. If Kurt Angle can't be that person, I don't see anyone else doing it.
I am not sure who said WWE is scared on TNA but i am pretty sure nobody did.
TNA is simply providing the better wrestling of the two companies. WWE is far more focused on silly side storylines. They are trying to provide entertainment for the casual tv watcher with things like Diva search and the overuse of Hornswoggle.
TNA has had there problems but pretty much all their angles have to do with promoting actual wrestling matches. WWE is getting worse and worse in the wrestling quality but thats not their focus. They are a huge merchandise marketing machine. They know how to get ratings.
Obviously, there are many on the wwe roster who have more ability than Cena but wwe loves the idea of being able to put him on different talk shows and make movies with him. (They also make more money by being able to sell that ridiculous looking belt) WWE just isn't about wrestling anymore.
It is pretty sad to hear people say "TNA is on WWE's level." They're very succesful for a 5 year company, but not on WWE's radar. Wait about 3 years for that to happen.

TNA HAS grown big for a 5 year old company considering they barely get ads and they're on a has-been network like Spike. Not to mention their lack of money. Yeah they may not achieve anything by the old "WWE rejects" technique, but the 2 hours shall be interesting to see what they do. If the 2 hours are piss poor I'd be the first one to just turn away from the tv even though I'm a huge TNA fan.

Just because I'm a TNA fan dont mean that I can't see what's wrong with it. Alot of things are. WWE is sinking lower and lower each year and while they may not be, they sure as hell are getting less popular. Anyone with half a brain could calculate that.
TNA hasn't achieved much in 5 years? That is ridiculous. No company has been able to match how fast TNA has arisen. They already have 2 hours on prime time television and have had plenty of 1 hour episodes that have surpassed wwe in quality wrestling. The fact that TNA is already on WWE's radar is absolutley amazing.

TNA has a stronger focus on wrestling than WWE. WWE has used hours and hours of programming dedicated to Mcmahon-hornwoggle and Teddy Longs wedding. They are making alot of money because they are an "entertainment" company more than anything else. Unfortanatey, their attempts at entertainment aren't based on wrestling but are based on a ridiculous amount of comedic releif.

LOL I want some of what your on! LOL I will give you that TNA has risen, But I have to agree that 5 years is not that fast. Good, but not IMPRESSIVE. The whole TNA is on the WWE's radar comment is probably the funiest thing I have ever heard! LOL If they WERE on the radar, The WWE would have reacted SOMEHOW BY NOW! I haven't even heard Vince FART out TNA! LOL Then we go to your whole "WWE has used hours and hours of programming dedicated to Mcmahon-hornwoggle and Teddy Longs wedding" statement.

Lets talk about that. Even though I think those two angles are a waste of time, let's not point fingers saying only the WWE has wasted Valuable air time on stupid angles. In fact, lets talk about stupid angles in TNA. Start with Kurt Angles wife and Samoa Joe. Will she be with Joe or come back to angle! Stay tuned for weeks to find out. WASTED TIME. Then that whole Doctor Nash waste. Yeah, That wasn't dragged out STUPIDITY. The whole VKM Debockle! LOL Not even a peep out of the WWE! LMAO How about the STUPID contest with all the X Division wrestlers making them do stupid stuff? What about Pac-Man Jones? I don't even have to say how absolutly REDICULIOUS that dumb angle is. I can go on if you want.

Bottomline, They both do it. So don't come in here and try to make people believe that TNA is PURE WRESTLING cause your making me want to VOMIT. TNA is definatly a great wrestling show when it show cases their wrestling. But like others, I see WCW in their future trying to use WWE's rejects. The ONLY ones that came over that has done good for TNA was Kurt Angle and Christian Cage. The others are ALL WASHES like Rhyno, Harris Brothers, Jeff Hardy, Matt Morgan, Team 3-D, Brother Runt, Test, The Bashems, VKM, Tomko, Raven & Mr. Backlund........LMFAO That one really kills me! LOL

TNA needs to promote their lower talent and STOP WORRYING ABOUT WWE REJECTS! I have said this time and time again! They have some of the MOST AMAZING TALENT yet they are doing what you all claim the WWE is doing and wasting their real talent on NOBODIES! WAKE UP! If TNA is to survive and make a run at the WWE, They need to get more attention on the STARS of TNA. Stars like Robert Roode, Petey Williams, Lance Hoyt, Styles, ABYSS, Storm, Harris, LAX, & Eric Young just to name a few. Thats my two cents, if you don't like it, cry to someone else. PEACE.
Damn, WWE is kicking TNA's ass in this poll. 307 to 129.. i voted for wwe too. tna is great and all but wwe is just the major leagues of wrestling.
these days to me tna is becoming another wwe to me by hiring all these wwe rejects like rikishi, matt morgan and recently the basham brothers and test, tna used to have its own style, man it was great with all those x division matches and everything but now they dont even have much x division matches these days because these newly washed up wrestlers are takin up all the time on impact and i also think tna is making a big mistake bringing in a womens title, the womens division in wwe already sucks what makes tna think this womens division will do them any good, nah i suggest tna bring in a new title called the x division tag team titles that way all x division wrestlers compete in a x division tag team match, well you should already get the idea but think about the holders of this title like motor city machineguns, triple x, aj styles and christopher daniels if they reunite, samoa joe and jay lethal should team up to win this title because they didnt win the tag team titles in ring of honor, if i was to choose which is better right now between tna and wwe i would choose wwe because of there recent storylines like the illegitimate child storyline and with hhh, rey mysterio, undertaker coming back and other stuff but hopefully tna improves again and becomes good again, first off they need to get rid of adam pacman jones because he's not allowed to wrestle and whats the point of him holding the tag titles if he cant make physical contact anyway basically its just ron killings in a handicap match defending the titles, they need to lose the titles to aj and tomko at bound for glory but i somehow know they will retain the titles
I like wwe.. You goot quality ecw (sure its not the old ecw) But the talent is incredible. Trully the future of wrestling. Smackdown is blah the need to utilize the cruserweight . Raw is trully awesome show.

Now with tna . I tried watching it. But there promos are stupid. And the promos seem more fake then wwe.

Now, if tna stops using washed up talent maybe just maybe will they contend at the level wwe is at. At the moment i give them 4 years and there will be no TNA.
One of WWE biggest problems are their ppv's. TNA doesnt seem to always save big matches for the main ppv's like BFG and it makes each ppv seem important. WWE puts no effort into ppv's unless it is something like WM or Summerslam. Survivor Series is starting to fall off but it is still an important ppv.

They have slept through ppv's like Vengeance and GAB and basically all the ppv's except the big ones. The positive is it makes ppv like Wrestlemania look absoutely awesome because all the other ppv's never come close to what it has to offer. However, there is absolutley no reason to buy the other ppv's.

TNA put on Angle vs. Joe on ppv's that were not considered the big ones. Their main ppv's are Lockdown and BFG but they put on great matches at any ppv. X-division has not gotten a push but they still have had amazing matches on ppv's throughout the summer. (10 man Utimate X, MCMG vs. Dutt/Lethal vs. XXX,Angle vs. Lethal even though angle isn't x-division)

With the exception of shows like WM and SS, tna has pretty much had better ppv's month by month. No surrender was better than Unforgiven, Victory Road was better than GAB, and so on and so on. WWE is always better come wrestlemania and Summerslam time and have a better idea of marketing and commercialism.

WHy cant they put this effort into all ppv's? The first thing I suggest is sticking to only ONE ppv a month so there is more time for build up.
Now i've been watching WWE for the better part of my life and absolutely love what they do, even if its the same old thing lol. I've seen TNA a couple of times and don't hate it, but it just reminds me of the crappy WCW. It just seems so one camera man operated. I want some competition so that we wrestling fans can finally see something exciting but AM RAW beats TNA in the ratings most of the time or at least ties with TNA so who knows when the next monday night wars will be.
I like wwe much more then tna, but I like tna to see the former wwe stars in action and to see the new stars like somoa joe, just hoping they jump ship to wwe. I also see tna gone by 2012.
The only PPV I order is WM. I made the mistake of ordering a TNA PPV and was less that satisfied. Felt like I got screwed. Their PPV's are not better than WWE. I would rather order WWE'S worse PPV than order another TNA one. Their PPV's are way to predictable. Like the whole Angles wife thing, As soon as I seen that on iMPACT, I KNEW what was going to happen. BTW, His wife is HHHHHHHOT. But like Queen Sharmell, They have no business in wrestling. I have never liked it nor will I ever.

TNA needs to start doing a LIVE show. They claim it's because they don't have the equipment to do it. WELL GO BUY IT! No wait! Their money is tied up in good quality talent like Rhyno, Matt Morgan, VKM, Tomko, Raven, Mr. Backlund & Adam "I can't touch anyone" Jones. Why do you think TNA's Ratings are garbage? Cause you can come here and read all about it so why watch it? Until they actually COMPETE with the WWE, they will not even be a shine in their eyes. PERIOD.
It varies .. WWE ppv's havent been up to par lately and sometimes TNA ppv's are a better investment.. sometimes u get the better wrestling for 10 dollars cheaper rather than the 40 dollar weirdnesses like the last few wwe PPV's.. I think Bound for Glory next sunday will be better than No Mercy from a wrestling standpoint
personally i prefer TNA over WWE ya know how i get over knowing what it going to happen on impact??? I DON'T READ THE F'in spoilers. takes care of that problem right there. i have watched every tna ppv this year and personally think that everyone of them has been better than WWE
btw i like wwe too and i like wat they did at vengeance (every title will be defended in one night) i think they should do that at armaggedon too
I just think that the wwe is getting better slowly, they just need to fix their creative side, i dont see that the wrestling is the problem, i think they needs to focuse on elevating there stars, like shelton, punk, mahoney, dreamer, even charlie hass to a lesser extent, they need to make these guys champs to carry their respective brands titles (with the exception of punk who just needs more main event feuds)
WWE will hit a wall soon, allowing TNA to take over as the top organization. WWE no longer has the ability to hold fans with these crazy storylines because the wrestling has slipped. Nobody watches wrestling for the promos, they are just an added bonus.
I like both WWE and TNA but WWE always changes crap at of no where like i was happy that there was goin to be a next gen. of the heart foundation then out of no where Teddy Hart got fired and wwe has lack of roster they always fire people out of no where and Vince always fuckin push John Cena down r throat and i think Y2J's return will give wwe better ratings again. TNA doesn't know how to push people, i like aj styles was really good then he turn heel and got into a stable with tomko and christain and now he rarely wrestlings the motor city machine guns r a good tag team but they always lose and i dont get why they gave FUCKING KURT ANGLE A GIANT PUSH. just like John Cena getting pushed down r throats now kurt angle is aleast cena only had one title but angle had all titles. i still like both of them but wwe needs more new talent and tna has to push one people and not have sting and angle there main people for the title.
I just think that the wwe is getting better slowly, they just need to fix their creative side, i dont see that the wrestling is the problem, i think they needs to focuse on elevating there stars, like shelton, punk, mahoney, dreamer, even charlie hass to a lesser extent, they need to make these guys champs to carry their respective brands titles (with the exception of punk who just needs more main event feuds)

I feel this way also. I am disgusted w/ their creative team after seeing the suprises they gave me from 97-00/01. I stopped reading spoilers to see if maybe that was the reason...nope. Talent has never been an issue for me, just the storylines. I'm remember once upon a time ago, WWE's storylines would last for months, now their actually looking to get the story line finished.

I also believe at one time Vince used to listen to the fans, while still giving the unexpected. I would say a prime example is The Rock & Austin:

Rock came in as Rocky Maivia, got booed all the time and became heel. People started to really get behind The Rock on the way to SS 98, just as it appeared Rock was a full face, McMahon makes him the Corporate champ bringing back the chants of "Rocky Sucks."

Austin was a heel until WMXIII. Fans started to cheer him after that and he became a face. And just when it seems Austin can never go heel, he does the unthinkable at WM(?/2001) He goes heel and joins McMahon.

I believe so much that some big stars would be great as heels. Undertaker, Batista, Lashley, especially John Cena. Would love to see him take that heel role and run w/ it. But an even bigger suprsie than Cena, make Rey Mysterio a heel. I feel the biggest heels are Orton and Edge. Is Mr.Kennedy supposed to be a heel? Hell he gets cheered just as much as Cena if not more.

In conclusion, McMahon should once again really listen to the fans, while throwing his own twist into things. Instead of what he "knows" the fans want.

As for TNA, when I think TNA, I think X Division. Not Rikishi, 3D, and Angle. I tune in to see a 6 man tag match where 4 of the 6 guys are from WWE. I'm not saying they shouldn't sign guys from WWE, but it's who they sign: Christian; all for it, Kurt Angle; Looked like a great move at 1st. But then you have: Test; Not exactly a guy who I'd rush to the Tv to see, Rikishi; Hey, loved the guy, but again he seems nothing more than a big guy who can dance and makes people smell his ass.

I though TNA used that X divison and their own talent to get to the top, now when it goes 2 hours I feel like I'm back in 2001. I see those 4 guys in 6 man tag and the DDP stalking Undertaker's wife or Undertaker kidnapping Stephanie storyline.

I believe TNA could get by alone on talent. But if they had anyone who threw out something that doens't involve calling out the WWE or recycled WWE storyline, IMO, they'd grow huge in a shorter period of time.
I am a WWE fan through and through. I love the talent that TNA has but whenever I try and tune it I can't seem to get into it. Maybe it's because it's just something different and in comparison it will never be as successful as WWE. I don't mean just talent wise I mean business wise. As odd as it is... Vince may not care much about what really happens with the shows he does but he is truly a great businessman who has accomplished more than imagined with the WWE. I just don't think even with all the money in the world that TNA could ever reach that success. Even if they had as great a roster as WWE. But one day I may be wrong. WWE keeps letting people go and TNA just keeps gaining them which could end up biting Vince in the butt one day.

Equally talented, Just TNA isn't my thing.
I keep reading these blogs for amusement, much the way I do rushing to the scene of a major 5 car pile-up.

I keep seeing how people try to justify which is better...WWE or TNA. I don't know about that but I do know that "Choosy mothers choose JIF". As for me, I buy generic or store brands. Pretty much the same thing and nothing a little jelly won't help.

One thing I have noticed here lately is the genius behind the WWE creative team. Such as a few weeks ago when they had a tag team match with all the champions in the contest. No one had ever done...wait...TNA did that.

Well, OK, how about at Vengence, when Triple H had to fight three times in one night! I bet you've never seen that before? What? Kurt Angle did that in TNA a month earlier? Well surely WWE has done something original, right? I mean, surely no one has had a bastard son turn out to be a midget before right? Or how about an 83 year old woman winning a bikini contest?

On this 3 matches in one night deal, I remember a lot of nay-sayers lamenting over the "fact" of how pitiful it was that TNA could come up with nothing better than their top star in a 3-in-1 night. But then you turn around and sing Trip's praises for copying the same DAMN (ala Ron Simmons) thing.

The pure truth of the matter is that TNA is more innovative than WWE (at this point) then WWE has been for the last 2 or 3 years. They have a mindset that is stuck in the 80's, while TNA has, for the most part, younger talent and staff and therefore is more in touch with the fans. Yes, I watch both shows and a lot of indy wrestling on the net. And even in the indy ranks I see more talent and originality then WWE has been showing lately. I hope they get their act together. Also, start focusing on the wrestling instead of all the tabloid style crap.
TNA is better for TONS of reasons. first and formost, TNA generates a lot more excitement in the ring than WWE. you hear a TNA! chant almost every week from the crowd, which means they love what they're seeing. whens the last time WWE got a holy shit! chant? not even on their PPV's. also, WWE focuses way too much on the storylines. last weeks RAW had about 30 mins. of actual in ring time. 30 mins! its a 2hr. show for god sake! and lastly, wwe effed up by having cena as their main face character. cena has been getting resentment boo's for months now, but mcmahon wanted to keep his boy on top, thus, real wrestling fans like myself started watching TNA, while wwe made their main demographic children and girls, which is fine and dandy as far as merchandise selling is concerned, but vince forgot one thing, this demographic has a short attention span. now cena is injured, so i guess its back to watching pokemon and hannah montana, which explains why RAW's ratings have been in the crapper lately. im glad wwe is suffering right now. thats what they get for keeping the no talent on top and not giving the real wrestlers some attention.
thank you sir, for giving me some fire. You sit there and talk trash about TNA? What ou don't understand about WWE is they take guys and push them based upon their size. Rey Mysterio Jr. has been about the only exception to the heavyweight division. You sit there and spew and spew "fuck TNA" well, let me lay it out for you like this.

-Why don't that have a 4 sided ring?
A: Simple - they're innovative. They used to back in the day of weekly pay per views every wednesday which was some really good stuff.

- Talent?
A: Thats strictly a matter of oppinion there my good friend. You claim they take the WWE rejects? Not exactly true. Yes, they do take a lot of *former* wwe stars, but why? It's because WWE got rid of them because of the sheer fact they had nothing for them.

Let me lay out some of the roster for you:

- Abyss
- Aj Styles
- Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelly and Chris Sabin) - these guys right here form a very great team. So what if they're full of spots? Who doesn't love great spots like they put on?
- The Voodoo Kin Mafia formally known as the James Gang, or as many once knew them, former DX members, The New Age Outlaws. BG James (road Dogg) and Kip James (Billy Gunn)
- Black Reign (many know him as Dustin Rhodes, or Goldust. Except the Black Reign character is great)
- Chris Harris
- Christian Cage (formally Christian if you are unsure)
- "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels, and his Triple X partners Senshi (formally Low Ki) and "Primetime" Elix Skipper.
- Eric Young
- Havok (formally Johnny Devine)
- Homicide and Hernandez (the LAX)
- James Storm
- Jay Lethal
- Jeff jarrett
- Junior Fatu (formally Rikishi)
- Kazarian
- Kevin Nash
- Kurt Angle
- Lance Hoyt
- Matt Morgan
- Petey Williams
- Raven
- Rhino
- The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott) - now while they may not be like the classic Steiners back in the days of WCW with Ted DeBiase as their manager, they are still a great classic, old school team.
- Robert Roode
- Ron Killings
- Samoa Joe
- Shark Boy
- Sonjay Dutt
- (my personal favorite) The Icon, Sting.
- Team 3D
- Tomko

What you see listed above is the current standing TNA roster, minus the Knockouts. Now if Kane would show up in TNA, he probably would manage to get a push, why? Simply because it's Glenn Jacobs, he's been around for a while and has always played a monster.

You disrespect the entire TNA roster, when the reality is both companies have a great roster, and each have a couple advantages over the other, something that you are blind to see. Now, TNA has made it to 2 hours, and since going 2 hours, their ratings have started to improve. Yes, the ratings may not be that great compared to say, raw, but why is that? because TNA isn't main stream. TNA is what I like to call Big Indy, just one step above ROH. They base themselves out of orlando, Florida for weekly iMPACT!, and have recently begun to travel for their pay per views. They don't have the funding that WWE has.

The question here is, what makes the talent they get from WWE, so washed up? Let's look at one of WWE's greatest assests, Kurt angle. The only man to hold every championship in WWE. he was granted his early release, and what happened less than a month later? He signs to TNA and says that WWE was runingin wrestling for hm, and TNA saved it. TNA takes talent in, and the utilize them for what they are worth. Christian has great charisma, and he shows it off. AJ Styles is one hell of a talented athlete, hell, the entire X Division is what true cruiserweight wrestling... used to be. Why does WWE get to use real music? Because they can afford it, they have the connections to do so. TNA uses real production value, which makes them unique. And answer me this? Why do you need these big flashy pyros to have a good wrestling promotion? The answer is simple, you don't. The entrances can make up a character, yes, however you don't need them. What sparks they do have, are perfectly fine.

See, wat again you fail to realize is that TNA cares about the fans. Before every pay per view,they hold a huge fan fest, and they get most of the wrestlers involved. WWe couldn't give a shit less about the fans. That's been proven on many accounts. WWE has names, TNA has talent. TNA has young, great athletes who will one day take the wrestling world by storm. Where TNA is now, they have fought long and hard to get there and in a few years they'll be up there with WWE, but not right now. I don't think TNA really want's to even be a huge travel promotion, either. That's what keeps their great environment, is being based from one area, the wrestlers get to see their families more and they are much happier.

Now let's look at the over all advantages and disadvantages that each company has to the other.

WWE: Advantage over TNA
- Money
- Names
- Experience

I know there is a lot more, but for the time being, thats all I can think of.

TNA: Advantage over WWE
- Talent
- Good Environment
- Skill Level
- Innovation
- Care for the fans
- ready for the next generation

Again, this isn't all of it, but you get the point. I am a fan of WWe and TNA both, but if I had to pick and choose, I would honestly go with TNA. While you appear to be a die hard edge fan, you also, to me, are a mark. A true fan of pro wrestling enjoys to watch it all. You don't need enormous venues, huge pyro tactics, and wrestlers who have been in the business for over a decade to be a great company. TNA has had many indy wrestlers come and go over the years, but the part about TNA is they are just talented, they have what it takes to take wrestling into the next generation. WWE didn't prepare themselves good enough for the next generation, and now they are out a few big names, they are kind of struck, and now the ratings are falling. I'll give you a list of some great indy wrestlers, look them up, and then come back and say feds like TNA are shit. Thats what makes places like TNA and the indys so great, is they don't hold their talent back. WWe however, does. Because they don't want guys like CM Punk, who's a former TNA star and ROH star, mind you, who have the abiolity to surpass guys like Triple H, to do so. TNA builds their company on the backs of every single wrestler they have, while WWE builds it on the backs of just a few.

Indy Wrestlers
Player Uno
Human Tornado
El Generico
Matt Sydal
Jack Evans
Scorpio Sky

Just a few guys like that, they are the guys who can change anybodies view on wrestler who isn't a mark.

Point stated.

why would i be scared of tna xchosenonex? theres no good wrestlers on the show, exept like 3, i watch it on thursdays here and there, and to tell u the truth i aint impressed. crappy announcers, crappy pyros, crappy and i mean crappy music. wwe has the real themes real pyros real wrestlers, and the squared circle, i hate that tna ring, its shit. i am not afraid of a wrestling promotion that takes wwe rejects, cristian, dudleys(team 3d that a great team name Fuck NOT) and rhino, guy is challengeing vince, all vince needs to do is send kane after him and rhino is history. Fuck tna. 1 day a week for an hour. wow, how nice.

Look RAW is 2 hours ans SmackDown is 2 hours and ECW is soon going to turn to 2 hours how will TNA compete against 3 of Vince McMahons shows? Even if TNA turns to 2 hours it's still in trouble.

now isnt that damn true, all u stubid tna wrestling fans....
Giant2k5, you made a good point. and yet WWE is still kicking tna's ass on this poll. WWE is the MAJOR LEAGUES of Wrestling NOT tna. tna care about it's fans because they have no choice. they are desperate for more exposure and to get more fans. if they had the same fan base that wwe has and was the Major Leagues of Wrestling they would shit all over their fans. it would be WWE version 2.
why would i be scared of tna xchosenonex? theres no good wrestlers on the show, exept like 3, i watch it on thursdays here and there, and to tell u the truth i aint impressed. crappy announcers, crappy pyros, crappy and i mean crappy music. wwe has the real themes real pyros real wrestlers, and the squared circle, i hate that tna ring, its shit. i am not afraid of a wrestling promotion that takes wwe rejects, cristian, dudleys(team 3d that a great team name Fuck NOT) and rhino, guy is challengeing vince, all vince needs to do is send kane after him and rhino is history. Fuck tna. 1 day a week for an hour. wow, how nice.

Look RAW is 2 hours ans SmackDown is 2 hours and ECW is soon going to turn to 2 hours how will TNA compete against 3 of Vince McMahons shows? Even if TNA turns to 2 hours it's still in trouble.

now isnt that damn true, all u stubid tna wrestling fans....

wow, is that why you watch wrestling? for the pyros and for the music? the announcers? dude, you need to go back to amrican idol. as weird as this may sound to you, i watch wrestling for the....guess what...WRESTLING! i could care less about how flashy it is, or how big the arenas are, all i care about is what happens in the ring. TNA delivers wrestling entertainment, and anyone that knows anything about....ill reiterate...WRESTLING! would agree with me
TNA copies all of its story-lines from WWE. TNA hasn't accomplished much in its 5 years. TNA needs to be original. TNA is just a fall-back for the WWE Superstars. Like Kurt Angle, and it was for Jeff Hardy. It is obvious that Jeff Hardy would rather have the WWE that TNA or else he wouldnt have came back. Abyss is just a rip off of Masked Kane. It is to obvious. I think that most of the TNA Superstars would go to the WWE if it was offered. Plus the WWE pays a lot better. I would pick WWE over TNA any day.
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