[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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WWE Has More Fans And Unlike TNA The Fans Actually Cheer. TNA Does The Exact Same Thing WCW Did. THEY HIRE FUCKING ACTORS TO CHEER!!! They Put Payed And Hired Actors And Models Dressed In Normal Clothes To Cheer And Boo For The Correct Superstars. Now Look, I Watch TNA AND WWE So Im Not Saying Either One Is Better (wwe) But At Least WWE Or TNA Do What WCW Also Used To Do Which Is Put Signs In The Audiance To Tell Them Who To Cheer Or Boo. Honestly At One WCW Show The Audiance Forgot To Look At The Sign And Cheered For Jeff Jarret (a heel) And They Re-Shot His Fucking Entrance For TV. So Honestly Im Gonna Say WWE Has More Money More Fans And Better Superstars.
"Kane- Smokey Mountain Wrestling
Undertaker- WCW as "Mean Mark Calaway" I believe
Stone Cold- If you dont know then you're extremely ignorant
Batista- WCW Power Plant
Great Khali- Japan

I could keep on going, but my point is clear. Quit bashing TNA about "rejects" when WWE got a share of them too:lol2: . Basicly your just saying something like "TNA is full of rejects and WWE just made them all stars....by the way I'm not a WWE mark."

:The thing about rejects is that they were once famous. the list u gave were guys from small time promotions (not famous) that moved on to WWE and then became famous(the people we know them as). TNA is takin guys that have passed their prime and tryin to use that factor to get ratings.

That's a good point however I don't feel that's the case at all. In no way I can confirm this what so ever, however I strongly feel the WWE's intension to bring in ex-WCW names and TNA bringing in ex-WWE names are completely different. TNA is a newer product that's more like getting Sunday Night Heat ratings from the early 00's and they are in hopes to bring in star power which sadly, in TNA's mind that is the way to attract fans.

WWE on the other hand was different. They didn't need to bring in any huge names to attract fans or for exposure. The WWE completely re-packaged the wrestlers such as Steve Austin entering as The Ringmaster and Mean Mark Calloway entering as The Undertaker. Funny thing is these wrestlers later on became the biggest names in wrestling history. It was just to establish new names and that's exactly what happened.
WWE Has More Fans And Unlike TNA The Fans Actually Cheer. TNA Does The Exact Same Thing WCW Did. THEY HIRE FUCKING ACTORS TO CHEER!!! They Put Payed And Hired Actors And Models Dressed In Normal Clothes To Cheer And Boo For The Correct Superstars. Now Look, I Watch TNA AND WWE So Im Not Saying Either One Is Better (wwe) But At Least WWE Or TNA Do What WCW Also Used To Do Which Is Put Signs In The Audiance To Tell Them Who To Cheer Or Boo. Honestly At One WCW Show The Audiance Forgot To Look At The Sign And Cheered For Jeff Jarret (a heel) And They Re-Shot His Fucking Entrance For TV. So Honestly Im Gonna Say WWE Has More Money More Fans And Better Superstars.

Y'know your entire argument is kinda moot and pointless.
Of course WWE has more money and fans, they've been around for decades. TNA only just recently hit the 5 year mark.

You cant seriously expect them to fill massive stadiums and throw around the cash WWE does after 5 years, do you?
TNA is what wrestling is about, ROH and the rest of independents know it so is just a matter of time for them to join the roster. We want wrestling and so far that is what we get in Carters adventure. The so called wwe rejects are real super stars that never got used properly, Tna knows well why they do things. Wait and see.
TNA is what wrestling is about,

If wrestling is about promoting storylines with no logic, feuds that BEGIN with a gimmick matches and promoting stars WAY past there prime. Then I dont think I want to be a fan anymore.

ROH and the rest of independents know it so is just a matter of time for them to join the roster.

Eh? Do you mean it's only a matter of time before there wrestlers join TNA? Maybe. Unless WWE come knocking.

We want wrestling and so far that is what we get in Carters adventure.

You get a little bit of wrestling. Mostly you get gimmick matches with a complimentary attidional gimmick added on (And possibly a stipulation on top of that).

The so called wwe rejects are real super stars that never got used properly,

Rikishi was promoted heavily but just couldn't cut it as a main eventer. Same with Test. Same with Steiner. Cage, Tomko, Rhino, Morgan, Goldust, The Dudleys etc were mid carders. And now there main eventers in the number two group. So what does that say?

Tna knows well why they do things. Wait and see.

Yoda? Is that you?
Hi i am a TNA Fanboy i think WWE has been washed up for many reasons.Let me state now that John Cena is one of them i respect TNA becuase they have great wrestlers there shows are better then WWE.Look at AJ Stlyes i am going to say it right now i am a fan of WWE i used to be a fanboy buying dvds and magzines and all that but i am a TNA Fanboy now i am getting read yto get the Abyss dvd and Slamvirsy and Desntaion X.I used alot of money on WWE stuff and havent got my money wroth.Anyway i vote TNA there the best.
Ok first off Jay Lethel gimmick is ok.2nd Jay Lethel had a great fight that wasnet jobbing on Thursday that was a real wrestling match that was great.I agree tna made him lose the blet quick but Daneils vs Lthel was a great match.
WWE Has More Fans And Unlike TNA The Fans Actually Cheer. TNA Does The Exact Same Thing WCW Did. THEY HIRE FUCKING ACTORS TO CHEER!!! They Put Payed And Hired Actors And Models Dressed In Normal Clothes To Cheer And Boo For The Correct Superstars. Now Look, I Watch TNA AND WWE So Im Not Saying Either One Is Better (wwe) But At Least WWE Or TNA Do What WCW Also Used To Do Which Is Put Signs In The Audiance To Tell Them Who To Cheer Or Boo. Honestly At One WCW Show The Audiance Forgot To Look At The Sign And Cheered For Jeff Jarret (a heel) And They Re-Shot His Fucking Entrance For TV. So Honestly Im Gonna Say WWE Has More Money More Fans And Better Superstars.
Are you dumb?You think TNA pays actor no they cheered for heels becuase maybe the hell can wrestle!Ok so stop smoking crack.
HEY! Anyone can smoke crack if they want to, alright?
But seriously, TNA just takes guys who got mad cuz they never made it to the championship picture in WWE and slap a belt on 'em. Examples:
1) Raven-- stuck in the Hardcore Division in WWE, jumped ship to TNA and immediately became NWA Champion. Stayed one of the top guys in TNA until:
2) Rhyno-- fired from WWE for throwing a drunken fit backstage @ WM. Signed by TNA, and Immediately wins NWA championship. Stays one of the top faces in the title picture until:
3)Christian-- Angry because he went from the WWE title picture on RAW to mid-card fueds on Smackdown, Christian refuses a contract extention. AS SOON as his contract runs out, he signs with TNA. TNA promises a World title to him. To make good on they're word, they cancel Monty Brown's push and immediately give Christian the NWA Championship. They eventually turn him heel because they plan on making Samoa Joe the top face. But THEN along comes...
4)Kurt Angle-- Angry because he was sent to ECW to bring some name prestige to the fledgling brand and teach some of the younger guys, and because he can no longer pop as many steroids and painkillers as he wants, Angle tricks WWE into thinking he wants to rest his injured body. WWE grants his request and leaves the door open for him to return whenever he wants. Miraculously, Angle convelecses in three weeks, and signs with TNA. TNA promises him world titles and a spot as THE top guy in TNA, essentially canceling all future plans for both Sting and Samoa Joe. After feeding Samoa Joe's undefeated streak to him, TNA Management gives him the NWA Championship, which later becomes the first TNA World Championship.
Anyone else see a pattern here? I can't wait for Ric Flair and Booker T to come in and win the World Championship.
A lot of fans keep pointing to the ratings difference between WWE and TNA as "proof" that WWE is better. I, for one, cannot accept that as a valid argument.

I was doing a little research a few days ago into the "Monday Night Wars" of last decade. When WWE and WCW first went head to head, both of their ratings were in the 2.0 - 2.5 range. For the most part, they stayed pretty much even throughout the years, with just a matter of a point or two difference in the viewers.

This past Monday's ratings showed me something interesting. RAW pulled a 3.3, one of their lowest for ages. I'd say they are averaging a 3.5 on a week to week basis. TNA pulls a consistent 1.1.

WWE is a multi-billion dollar corporation with unlimited advertising capitol while TNA is, in actuality, a very large regional to a very small National size promotion and they are, consistently, bringing in an audience 1/4th to 1/3rd that of WWE. "IF" TNA were the equivalent of WWE, it stands to reason that they would surpase WWE in ratings.

TNA is successful and probably the most successful of any wrestling company out there today. And, they have one thing WWE doesn't...star-power. And not just in the form of Angle and Sting either.

From top to bottom, they have talent that fans want to see on a regular basis. WWE's top-dog, Triple H, is a shadow of his former self now with 2 bum legs. And as I've been reading in the forums, most of us could care less if he comes or goes. Hell, Shark Boy has a more loyal following than Trips.

And folks, I reiterate, there is no ratings war between these two promotions other than the one which exist in the minds of the fans.
TNA is successful and probably the most successful of any wrestling company out there today. And, they have one thing WWE doesn't...star-power. And not just in the form of Angle and Sting either.
I really don't see how much of this was accurate. I don't see how TNA has more "star power" than WWE does unless you created some new definition to the terms "star power" which would be interesting to hear how you define the terms. If you're talking about talent, check out the indy side pal. WWE = story telling of these characters known as wrestlers. Indy = the best form of wrestling with true, yet, fresh talent.

WWE's top-dog, Triple H, is a shadow of his former self now with 2 bum legs. And as I've been reading in the forums, most of us could care less if he comes or goes. Hell, Shark Boy has a more loyal following than Trips.
Shark Boy with a more loyal fan base than Triple H? LOL! You're only basing these so called "facts" from a couple opinions from a website obviously. Turn your television on and listen to the crowd, unless you're basing popularity from a message forum which even I fail to see on this forum how Triple H doesn't have much of a loyal fan base and it sure seems there's a lot of Trips fans, but your just basing facts from other's opinions.

This past Monday's ratings showed me something interesting. RAW pulled a 3.3, one of their lowest for ages. I'd say they are averaging a 3.5 on a week to week basis. TNA pulls a consistent 1.1.
How long has TNA been in the 1.1 ratings range? Late night Saturday nights they were getting about .8 and even pulled 1.1 several times if I'm correct when Sting made his huge return and of course ratings sunk a little back to the .8's. 1.1 or 1.0 in average isn't anything to brag about really, especially moving to an appropriate evening for wrestling and moving to prime-time which is why my expectations are greater for ratings but I fail to be impressed comparing ratings now and in Saturday late nights.
I really don't see how much of this was accurate. I don't see how TNA has more "star power" than WWE does unless you created some new definition to the terms "star power" which would be interesting to hear how you define the terms. If you're talking about talent, check out the indy side pal. WWE = story telling of these characters known as wrestlers. Indy = the best form of wrestling with true, yet, fresh talent.

Shark Boy with a more loyal fan base than Triple H? LOL! You're only basing these so called "facts" from a couple opinions from a website obviously. Turn your television on and listen to the crowd, unless you're basing popularity from a message forum which even I fail to see on this forum how Triple H doesn't have much of a loyal fan base and it sure seems there's a lot of Trips fans, but your just basing facts from other's opinions.

How long has TNA been in the 1.1 ratings range? Late night Saturday nights they were getting about .8 and even pulled 1.1 several times if I'm correct when Sting made his huge return and of course ratings sunk a little back to the .8's. 1.1 or 1.0 in average isn't anything to brag about really, especially moving to an appropriate evening for wrestling and moving to prime-time which is why my expectations are greater for ratings but I fail to be impressed comparing ratings now and in Saturday late nights.

Too bad we can't have a debate on CNN or FOX News...lol. I don't consider my opinions as fact. I consider my opinions to be the result of my interpretation of the facts.

My opinion of "star power" is how many of the roster on either promotion do you look forward to seeing on a weekly basis. With the current state of affairs, I can't think of a single WWE "Superstar" I truly can't wait to see. Yes, I would rather see a Sharkboy squash match then a Triple H vs. Carlito match...any day of the week. Sharky has talent and can wrestle. I will admit that nobody can spit water into the air as great as HHH though. My opinion only, but I believe that, from top to bottom of rosters, fans, of entertainment or wrestling would rather see AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels or Abyss then they would most mid-carders on the WWE shows. No facts here, just opinion. And, I didn't say Sharky had a larger fan base (I did say loyal, true, which was a way of saying that he is better in some ways and that I would rather see 1 of his matches then a dozen of HHH's). Just that he is more entertaining and a better wrestler over-all.

And the crowd noise is hardly any indicator when you consider WWE has anywhere between 5 and 10 thousand in attendance while TNA has about 1000. Did you hear the crowd at Unforgiven? The only time they made noise was Trips entrance, Takers entrance and to boo Cena out of the building.

And yes, 1.1 is something to brag about, when you take into account back when WWE had a 1 hour show, prior to Monday Night RAW, I'm not sure they even managed a 1.1 (although I don't have stats from the late 60's or early 70's to back that up). Another bragging point is that WWF/E has had about 40 years to build their ratings. TNA has had 5. That is something to consider as well.

I am not a TNA "mark". I watch all the wrestling I can set my eyes to, including the indies, and they do have great talent or they wouldn't be working even in Podunk. What I am saying is that, IF, TNA were around as long as WWE, they very well could be seen on an even keel. That point of opinion is open for debate of course. There is no way of knowing. I for one want WWE to improve, not jump off a sinking ship. TNA is no threat to them. Probably never will be. But I know that I can tune in on Thursdays and from a flashing oicture of satellite dishes to closing highlight scenes, I know I will see an entertaining program, unlike WWE where I take about 3 or 4 piss breaks and time to make a sandwich after washing my hands (lol).
Too bad we can't have a debate on CNN or FOX News...lol. I don't consider my opinions as fact. I consider my opinions to be the result of my interpretation of the facts.

My opinion of "star power" is how many of the roster on either promotion do you look forward to seeing on a weekly basis. With the current state of affairs, I can't think of a single WWE "Superstar" I truly can't wait to see. Yes, I would rather see a Sharkboy squash match then a Triple H vs. Carlito match...any day of the week. Sharky has talent and can wrestle. I will admit that nobody can spit water into the air as great as HHH though. My opinion only, but I believe that, from top to bottom of rosters, fans, of entertainment or wrestling would rather see AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels or Abyss then they would most mid-carders on the WWE shows. No facts here, just opinion. And, I didn't say Sharky had a larger fan base (I did say loyal, true, which was a way of saying that he is better in some ways and that I would rather see 1 of his matches then a dozen of HHH's). Just that he is more entertaining and a better wrestler over-all.

And the crowd noise is hardly any indicator when you consider WWE has anywhere between 5 and 10 thousand in attendance while TNA has about 1000. Did you hear the crowd at Unforgiven? The only time they made noise was Trips entrance, Takers entrance and to boo Cena out of the building.

And yes, 1.1 is something to brag about, when you take into account back when WWE had a 1 hour show, prior to Monday Night RAW, I'm not sure they even managed a 1.1 (although I don't have stats from the late 60's or early 70's to back that up). Another bragging point is that WWF/E has had about 40 years to build their ratings. TNA has had 5. That is something to consider as well.

I am not a TNA "mark". I watch all the wrestling I can set my eyes to, including the indies, and they do have great talent or they wouldn't be working even in Podunk. What I am saying is that, IF, TNA were around as long as WWE, they very well could be seen on an even keel. That point of opinion is open for debate of course. There is no way of knowing. I for one want WWE to improve, not jump off a sinking ship. TNA is no threat to them. Probably never will be. But I know that I can tune in on Thursdays and from a flashing oicture of satellite dishes to closing highlight scenes, I know I will see an entertaining program, unlike WWE where I take about 3 or 4 piss breaks and time to make a sandwich after washing my hands (lol).

Alright, I understand what you are saying. In your prior post a lot of your statements sound much different but after you elaborate on them better I now understand what you are saying and I do find myself agreeing with many points you brought up. Misunderstanding.
I think that you're scared of TNA and that's why you're acting like that. If you weren't, you wouldn't even care about this topic.

scared of tna? are u high? well i guess u are because u like tna wwe gives way more entertaining matches TNA is just same boring crap... wwe is way more popular getting 80,000 fans to come to there biggest event tna gets 900... i think now that evrey1 should agree that wwe is way better
scared of tna? are u high? well i guess u are because u like tna wwe gives way more entertaining matches TNA is just same boring crap... wwe is way more popular getting 80,000 fans to come to there biggest event tna gets 900... i think now that evrey1 should agree that wwe is way better


Deadman, pleeease!! Tell me that you're not serious here. WWE has the more entertaining matches? If you said that they are more entertaining 'over-all', I would be inclined to agree but in their matches...no chance in hell (where have I heard that phrase?).

Can you name anyone in WWE that can perform the moves as well as Petey Williams finisher (The Canadian Destroyer)? How about the "Styles Clash"? Maybe the BME by Christopher Daniels? Surely there is someone that can do "The Warriors Way" like Low Ki? Yep, no one in WWE is boring with the same old moves week in and out. Triple H comes up with something new every single match. I just swoon when he spits water! And, OMG! Big Daddy V is just so damm impressive when he let's his 400 pound fat ass fall on some poor cruiserweight. Hell, even Matt Stryker, John Morrison, John Cena (isn't he just so bad, kiddies?) and Randy Orton are always doing something new and innovative. Yeah, right...lol.

Outside of matches themselves, I can't help but be thrilled to see Mae Young in a bikini contest, or to sit glued for weeks waiting to learn that Vince fathered a midget, or wait with baited breath to hear Ron Simmons say"DAMM".

And, WWE has NEVER had 80,000 fans at their biggest event (which is Wrestle-Mania). Close at about 68,000 but still no cookie. Their TV shows are bringing in around 3000 to 5000 on average and some house shows are bringing in less than 2000. Just like some people say TNA needs to get out of Orlando for their TV shows, WWE sat in the same hall, just as TNA for about 5 years before they started going on the road. As I said earlier in this thread, WWE has had 40 years to build their product, so any comparison in fan base or attendance levels is mute. On the very first RAW, I believe they had somewhere around the 1000 mark as well and it took them at least 5 years to grow beyond that point. If TNA sticks around for another 35 years, they may well pull the same numbers as WWE. Check back in 35 years and we'll see.

And, no, I am not saying that TNA is "better" and I certainly won't agree that the WWE is. They are two different products with their own distintive flavor. TNA concentrates more on the wrestling product while Vince concentrates on entertainment. Nothing wrong with that either. There is room for both.

I can give you one reason why I think WWE is hurting in ratings right now compared to one or 2 years ago and it has nothing to do with steroids, Benoit or Congressional hearings. It's MMA. Though not a fan of MMA personally, they continue to grow at an amazing rate. Even Vince has expressed interest in doing more "legit" type matches to try and emulate MMA. Why? Glad you asked. The fans are saying through the remote control buttons that if they are going to sit in front of the box for 2 hours they want to see something that resembles a real fight, not the coreographed dance routines that WWE puts on.
I think that the wwe has become very complacent in its wrestling and storylines(very boring). When WCW and Ecw were wwe main competion for ratings the talent on all three soared to new hights. Hopefully With TNA and RoH giving WWE some serious competion not just for ratings but for talent as well the WWE will step up and try to bring back the wwe from the attitude era. To Me TNA has brought more to the ring as of late than wwe. The wwe will always bee a major player because of its legacy first as the wwwf then as wwf and now wwe, and for that it has always been popular with fans for that reason dating back to Harly Race, The Junkyard dog, Cheif jay strongbow, Buddy rogers, and Nick Bockwinkel just to name a few. So history cant be denied. But as for wwe buying tna like they did wcw, I dont see it happening ever. TNA founders did it because they felt the wwe was just not up to snuff and going down hill, if the wwe were to purchase tna shortly after that you would see wwe decline rapidly and raw would be just like sunday night heat. Yes wwe has a larger budget than tna so they have larger pyros than tna and can pay larger amounts of money to promote, but they lack one major thing ATTITUDE. they lost it, and they cant seem to get it back. Smackdown has been slowly declining and ecw is screwed because they have such a small roster and only one championship,and they nolonger represent xtreme wrstling anymore, when was the last time you saw a hardcore match on ecw? My point is simple with tna, WWe will get better in order to keep up the ratings witch raw pulls about 2.9 to 3.6 smackdown and ecw pull about a .9 to 1.9, while tna consistently has been climbing( a long way from internet and pay per view shows only in such a short time very impressive) All together I like watching all 4 shows but much perfer to watch TNA and Raw. Some people dont like TNA just because its not a WWE brand but in time i think they will thank tna for helping wwe to become better much they way wcw and ecw did.
In late 2000, with WCW facing major financial woes, the company was put up for sale. Brad Siegel wanted little to do with the company, and his new boss in the AOL Time Warner merger was former WB Network executive Jamie Kellner, who wanted even less to do with the company. In the Turner era, WCW had always been classified as a sports division, yet under the new corporate umbrella it was overseen by television executives, many of whom hated the idea of wrestling on their station, seeing it as "low brow", and attempted to remove it entirely.

Bischoff and a group of investors, named Fusient Media Ventures, signed a letter of intent to buy the company, but later backed out when Kellner canceled Nitro's timeslot (Bischoff claimed that the move "took the deal from something worth $67 million to something worth $67"). Without the Fusient interest, WCW was purchased by the World Wrestling Federation for a substantially lower price (approximately US $2 million) than what had been offered in March 2001.
So it can be said wwe never killed wcw it was television executives who had viewed wrestling as low brow who killed wcw not the INFLUENCE and POWER of Vince and the WWE. Just thought id through that out there for further refrence. This Is not my view of the subject but what really happened.
The wwe will always bee a major player because of its legacy first as the wwwf then as wwf and now wwe, and for that it has always been popular with fans for that reason dating back to Harly Race, The Junkyard dog, Cheif jay strongbow, Buddy rogers, and Nick Bockwinkel just to name a few.

I agree with your posts on everything but just wanted to make a slight correction on this line above. Buddy Rogers was the only one, originally at least, with the WWWF/WWF/WWE. Harley Race was the NWA Champion on a number of occasions. It was from him that Ric Flair won his title I believe on the second occasion. Race did show up on the WWF much later and Vince proceeded to make him into a joke with the King Harley Race gimmick (Sound familiar...like King Booka?). JYD was also a NWA/WCW alumni and I'm not for certain he ever appeared in the WWE. If so, it was very short lived. Nick Bockwinkel never wrestled for McMahon (again to the best of my knowledge) and was a superb heel champion with the AWA and many great feuds with Verne Gagne. Bockwinkel later appeared in WCW in the role of Commissioner. Rogers was indeed an original WWWF talent.

I forgot, Chief Jay Strongbow was also an NWA talent, although I believe he may have been on the card of the old NWF and Capitol Wrestling which were branches, so to speak, of the WWWF back in the Sammartino era. It's hard to keep tabs.
In late 2000, with WCW facing major financial woes, the company was put up for sale. Brad Siegel wanted little to do with the company, and his new boss in the AOL Time Warner merger was former WB Network executive Jamie Kellner, who wanted even less to do with the company. In the Turner era, WCW had always been classified as a sports division, yet under the new corporate umbrella it was overseen by television executives, many of whom hated the idea of wrestling on their station, seeing it as "low brow", and attempted to remove it entirely.

Bischoff and a group of investors, named Fusient Media Ventures, signed a letter of intent to buy the company, but later backed out when Kellner canceled Nitro's timeslot (Bischoff claimed that the move "took the deal from something worth $67 million to something worth $67"). Without the Fusient interest, WCW was purchased by the World Wrestling Federation for a substantially lower price (approximately US $2 million) than what had been offered in March 2001.
So it can be said wwe never killed wcw it was television executives who had viewed wrestling as low brow who killed wcw not the INFLUENCE and POWER of Vince and the WWE. Just thought id through that out there for further refrence. This Is not my view of the subject but what really happened.

WCW made it because of Ted Turner and his tv networks. He owned everything. Once Ted lost control of his own company and thus the ******s killed WCW. If Ted didn't lose control, WCW Nitro would be alive and TNA would not be in existence.
When it first notice TNA on FOX Sports a few years ago I was thrilled to see a new promotion with a few familiar faces and a lot of new faces. However as time went on and TNA got bigger you started seeing more familiar faces, more often and the faces that were less familiar were seen less often. Over the past year and a half TNA has really started to remind me of WCW. They taken talent from WWE and old WCW fame and making them there main attractions. Instead of make new stars or being loyal to those that have been loyal to them, they would rather give a guy how has already had 5,000 runs as the top guy somewhere 5,000 more runs as the top guy in ther company. The only talent to come in from WWE that I was happen to ever see in TNA were Christian and Jeff Hardy, because I thought that they were guys who could have been big in WWE, but never really got the shot. There are several guys in TNA that I could see as manin eventer if not World Champion on a reagular basis once the upper echoleon is moved out of the way. Guys like, Saoma Joe, Chris Harris, James Storm, Christopher Daniels, AJ Styles, Tomko. Maybe there should be an additional championship added for the mid card guys. I dont know what the ansewr is but TNA better do something before they resemble WCW in more ways than the one I just mentioned.
Yeah your right bigcity. But your wrong too. While I can name alot of guys that did this, Cage and Angle rejected WWE not the other way around. I can go on about all the things wrong with TNA , but I can do the same for WWE. The fact is WWE has had over 30 years to build the product. You'd think it'd be a good WRESTLING show by now. TNA has only had 5 years. And whether anyone wants to admit it or not TNA is doing extremely well for 5 year old company.

The concrete solid fact is TNA is going up while the WWE is staying the same. TNA still has alot to offer us while WWE is just burning out. I could easily be wrong, but thats what it's shaping up to be right now. WWE has 4.0 ratings every single week with alot of exceptions when they should be up around the 6.0's. 30 years is a long time to learn and create something new.

I am not hating on WWE. Hell, I'm about to watch RAW in about 15 minute, but I'm just saying they're doing pathetic for a 30+ year company.
Yeah your right bigcity. But your wrong too. While I can name alot of guys that did this, Cage and Angle rejected WWE not the other way around. I can go on about all the things wrong with TNA , but I can do the same for WWE. The fact is WWE has had over 30 years to build the product. You'd think it'd be a good WRESTLING show by now. TNA has only had 5 years. And whether anyone wants to admit it or not TNA is doing extremely well for 5 year old company.

The concrete solid fact is TNA is going up while the WWE is staying the same. TNA still has alot to offer us while WWE is just burning out. I could easily be wrong, but thats what it's shaping up to be right now. WWE has 4.0 ratings every single week with alot of exceptions when they should be up around the 6.0's. 30 years is a long time to learn and create something new.

I am not hating on WWE. Hell, I'm about to watch RAW in about 15 minute, but I'm just saying they're doing pathetic for a 30+ year company.

TNA really hasn't achieved much in 5 years. Generally there PPV's are exciting but they haven't produced any really memorable moments. There top 50 moments DVD proves that.

WWE makes money. TNA does not. What would happen if Panda Energy were to withdraw funding from TNA? They would go bust. TNA isn't standing on it's own two feet like WWE is. What did McMahon achieve in his first 5 years running WWF?

Christian went to TNA because he knew that he'd be pushed as a star. Do you honestly think he would have gone there if WWE were pushing him to his satisfaction?

Kurt Angle was released from his contract. He was released by McMahon so he could sort himself out, with the option of returning. It just turns out that TNA made him an offer he couldn't refuse and he joined them.
TNA hasn't achieved much in 5 years? That is ridiculous. No company has been able to match how fast TNA has arisen. They already have 2 hours on prime time television and have had plenty of 1 hour episodes that have surpassed wwe in quality wrestling. The fact that TNA is already on WWE's radar is absolutley amazing.

TNA has a stronger focus on wrestling than WWE. WWE has used hours and hours of programming dedicated to Mcmahon-hornwoggle and Teddy Longs wedding. They are making alot of money because they are an "entertainment" company more than anything else. Unfortanatey, their attempts at entertainment aren't based on wrestling but are based on a ridiculous amount of comedic releif.
It's taken them 5 years to get two hours. That's not fast working in my opinion.

Have you not watched TNA over the last year or so. The focus of iMPACT certainly hasn't been wrestling.

To say that TNA is on WWE's radar is stupid. WWE obviously know of TNA. But are they scared? Are they fuck. Ask yourself this question. Would TNA want to do a talent exchange with WWE? Similar to what happens with American and Japanese promotions. The answer is yes. Would WWE want to do a talent exchange with TNA? They wouldn't need to. Samoa Joe is a superstar in TNA. But as a casual fan who's the bigger star out of him and say William Rega. Most would say Regal. Why? Because he's a member of the biggest wrestling company in the world.

TNA is the second biggest American wrestling comapny. But that secoind is very distant.
all TNA needs is a person or some product to actually work with that can make the company money, and get lots and lots of fans, while still putting on the same great entertaining matches.
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