[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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I watch tna thursdays but I am not that gluded in they I watch manily for kurt angle, nash, christan ,billy, stiener, sting and I like thier new talent somoa joe, aj styles. but the wwe will crush tna soon enough then another promotion will start up and it will start all over again.
ya, i knew big names would tune in more ppl, even if the wrestling is worse than b4, bigger names means more ratings XD

i dont think WWE will crush TNA soon because WWE doesnt even see them as a threat, maybe when TNA starts getting better ratings than ECW, WWE will do something, not crush them, but actually put more wrestling in the shows

if for whatever reason TNA gets crushed, ROH will be right their behind them.. they still have a lonnngg way to go b4 they get to where TNA is, but they are slowly getting there
the wwe is like ashark and tna is like golfish. tna needs to grow and actually have more than a show a week and spread the show across by having 2 hours instead of one and also having better promos instead of shouting all the time. they need origniality in my view tna is like the wwe in the past they just nick wwe storylines and similarities in characters. eg. Abyss= Kane/mankind and his mananger = Paul Bearer. Victory Road main event team 3d vs joe and angle is hhh and austin vs taker and kane from backlash 2001 with the same finish. there is some differences in the storyline specifically but the general idea is the same.
What's with all this talk of WWE crushing or "eating" TNA? I think you've greatly underestimate TNA. All TNA need to do is get two hours, focus more on the wrestlinga dn not the washed-up has-beens, give it a couple of years and bingo! Instant competition! Trust me, unless people are addicted to bizarre storylines, poor wrestling, and pillow-soft Diva "porn" then TNA will bitch-slap it into a new dimension. Hang on, I've just been informed that
The Great Khali is Heavyweight Champion!

Oh man, TNA doesn't stand a chance now.
I've been watching TNA for a few months now... and i like it they just need to go 2 hours like other users have said i've also stoped watching raw i only watch it about half theres nothing good on it it's the same old boring stuff and i haven't watched smackdown in almost a year? watched ecw when haymen was on it and after he got fired i haven't watched it sence I think TNA is getting better everytime they have a tv show or ppv.... even if there tv show atm is only 1 hour it's still good
to be a true wrestling fan u have to look at both products. ive bn a fan all my life and after looking at both companies i see the wwe to be the one with more potential. im not saying TNA is rubbish im just saying that the wwe is moving at a faster speed. i do wish TNA all the luck
It's funny that you stated how WWE is trying to appeal to a more general mass of audiance outside of wrestling purists.

My girlfriend who doesn't like wrestling too much, began to hate Raw more and more since last november but I kept watching. She got sick of it and would go upstairs while it was on.

Started watching impact recently and I kept telling her, it's not like raw! She watches it...she LIKES it. Goes by fast, amazing action, GOOD ENTERTAINING PROMOS, etc. She actually says stuff like "Wow" when any of the x-division guys show athleticism *sp?* During Hard Justice's opening match, me, her ,and my friend were all going nuts with the BE-LIEVE-ABLE near fall situations.

We picked up Best of AJ Styles vol 2 as I've mentioned, we've watched it 3 or 4x as it has matches that are just "Daaaaaaaaayum!" and are FUN to watch for the WRESTLING not just STORY PROGRESSION like wwe's matches.

Let it be said again, I use to mark out and love WWE...as someone else said Tna gives me what I want, and what my gf and all my other friends want. A GOOD show. You can NOT tell me this weeks episode of raw was "Good" with the freaking 1 and a half hour bullshit drama of vinces kid and wwe idol. Thats the other problem with WWE, they always have one big "Angle" that encompasses not only ALL of raw, but fucking replays on ecw and smackdown. Usually involves Vince or HHH. Sure Tna will have a storyline that takes the better part of a show, but thats the main event, and they for the most part still progress other storylines. Summerslam is in what...9 days? and they STILL haven't built up a credible card or announced matches...Pathetic.

I'll end it here

WWE fana aint afriad of TNA becoming something big becuase we know it will...but WWE has been here for a long DAMN TIME and no matter what how big the company becomes it will never crush or put WWE out of business. Just look at WCW what was once on top of the mountian now it no more. TNA produce better action and I got to admit WWE is becoming more of a soap opera BUT look at the TNA roster , most of them are wwe etablsihdes superstars. TNA can have all the WWE superstars to problem becuase we always produce better ones. TNA will become big but NO WAY biggee than WWE. WWE is well known worldwide. YOu cant say WWE vs TNA becuase WWE will crush TNA anytime give TNA another 10-15 years then well discuss.
i watched tna shows 3 times because i wanted to see what people are so exited about the first show bored the living cr*p out of me the second one bored me even more the third one exited me a little bit but then it bored me again tna is nothing else but wrestling the wwe is more drama thats why i watch wwe

here are some good and bad thing i PERSONALY think about tna
1. most wrestlers are ex-wwe
2. very very! low crowd
3. boring crowd reaction
4. kurt angle practictacly runs the place
5. the ratings are 1.2 equal to ECW (source wrestlezone)
6. OVERLOAD!!! on fanboys
7. bad merchandising

now the good^^
1. provides entertainment to people who want wrestling not drama
2. has been able to steal big names from the wwe christian angle etc.
3. wrestlers dont have a huge working schedule like the wwe
4. attractive enviroment for wrestlers to work there
5. people who realy hate mcmahon can go to jeff jarret (as their new leader)
6. tna fanboys are actualy helping with spreading the name

my personal thoughts are i would rather watch ecw then tna
tna will become big in 3-7 years and then hopefully will compete with the wwe
because more competition means the better the product (wrestling entertainment) becomes just like back in the old days with wwe vs wcw
I have to disagree with you, Batista-Y2JW?. The crowd in the Impact Zone is amazing. Some of the best crowds I have ever been apart of. They are usually as loud as most of the WWE events I have been to. But for some reason, it doesn't come across on T.V. Sometimes when I go, I can't even hear myself yelling its so loud, but then I watch it on t.v., and it seems like no one is even talking. I don't understand, but that is how it happens. But I agree that if you want wrestling, watch TNA. But if you want drama, watch WWE.
That is very true.While WWE is better in my opinion the crowd definetly goes to TNA.Come on.Just about every damn match they are ready for and are cheering as hard as they can.WWE..well it is a different story for them.Half the time the WWE fans arent even into the match.
This topic truly is pointless, it really doesn't matter what you think is better. TNA will never produce the ratings or get the national attention that WWE has. That's not to say that WWE has a better product, but the way Jarret runs the company they'll always be in front of the 900 people at the soundstage. WWE, whether you like them or not, could run the dumbest most idiotic storylines and still pull better numbers them TNA. There's no competition or comparison to be made between them at all.
i like both shows but i have been a WWE fan since i was 6 so imgonna have to go with them. TNA does have good matches but i only realy watch it to see Abyss and AJ Styles. i watch WWE to see people cut good promos and i think TNA's matches are overrated i think Taker vs Angle and HBK vs Angle were 10000000 times better than any Samoa joe vs Angle match. i'd be a Christain fan but i hate tomko. I think TNA arnt drawing in enough support to try and Compete with WWE the way they are now because lately TNA has been crap. the Karren Angle storyline sucked ass and so did Sting vs Abyss (although there were some good matches out of it)
Let's be real for a moment. I would suspect that 3/4 of WWE fans have tuned in to TNA at least once. They know it exists, but there is something tacky about it. Something about it that isn't settling with the fans. For nostalgia purposes, it's great. There's Sting, Christian Cage, Kurt Angle, The Steiner Brothers, the Dudleys, Jeff Jarrett, Kevin Nash, Tomco, Test, K-Kwik, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, Christy Hemme, Mike Tenay, and that's only scratching the surface. They have the X-Division, a hot tag team division, and some blue chipper TNA originals. But they have one major flaw that is stunting growth... the six sided ring.

If TNA wants to be taken seriously, they need to wrestle in a traditional ring. Wrestling fans have had a trained eye for years. Four sided rings have always worked for wrestling. WWE, WCW, ECW, NWA, AWA, USWF, CWF, ROH, WCCW, and other regional wrestling organizations have used four sided rings for over a century. The ring is sacred to a wrestling fan. A six sided ring profanes what wrestling fans know to be a wrestling ring. It's a gaping wound that TNA must fix if they are going to experience growth.

I understand TNA's wishes to demonstrate to the public that they are different. But there are so many other ways to show that they have something unique to offer. They shouldn't mess with the ring. To do so proves that they don't understand their consumers or demographic.

I've watched TNA with some of my friends and their first reaction when they see matches in a six sided ring is, "That's not wrestling."

The sad part is TNA has the tools to comepete with WWE. They just need the right ring.
Let's be real for a moment. I would suspect that 3/4 of WWE fans have tuned in to TNA at least once. They know it exists, but there is something tacky about it. Something about it that isn't settling with the fans. For nostalgia purposes, it's great. There's Sting, Christian Cage, Kurt Angle, The Steiner Brothers, the Dudleys, Jeff Jarrett, Kevin Nash, Tomco, Test, K-Kwik, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, Christy Hemme, Mike Tenay, and that's only scratching the surface. They have the X-Division, a hot tag team division, and some blue chipper TNA originals. But they have one major flaw that is stunting growth... the six sided ring.

You just listed one of the big reasons why I'm annoyed with TNA: they don't focus on creating their own stars, they scoop up WWE's leftovers. I'm not saying guys like Angle and Sting aren't talented, but Jarret thinks the best way to pull ratings is to grab guys that WWE fired or let go. If they're putting the future of TNA in the hands of Test, Morgan, and Rikishi, I think the more talented original guys they got like AJ, Daniels, and alot of the X divison guys r gonna walk.

ALso the ring really doesn't matter to me, and I'm not sure going to a four sided ring is gonna bring in more viewers. No way it's that simple.
GiveTNA better stroylines , better matches better action but it can never come close to WWE..why becuase WWE/WWF is the sport that made this industry in the past decades when people say wrestling they say WWE/WWF , that company has to much of a great past wich is close to 30 years. WWE/WWF is the maker of this sport. WWE/WWF is just to great for any company to come close to. Yup TNA is great but no mater how great it gets it can never be the top wreslting company. Like my whole family from the far to close ones (adults) none of them watch WWE but they know it just like they know the NBA is for Basketball just like they know the FIFA is for football. Look how great WCW got what is it now ? It doesnt exist. You dont get it WWE/WWF is an official sport knows WORLDWIDE by ALL. From children to Grannies. WWE/WWF has to great of history and future. WresltleMania is the Worldcup for ALL Wrestling Comapies. Just remeber from the FEDERTION days of Hogan , Yakazuno , Andre the giant to the mid 90's of The hearts and HBK to the attiude era of Austin and The rock to Triple H to Kane to the Brand Extention Era of Orton and Cena while someone called The Undertaker covers all these Era's. These names are known world wide from the wrestling fans to the none wreslting fans. If you want to make WWE vs TNA then we can only if we stop WWE for 25 years while TNA goes for another 25 years then you can compare PERIOD. With all my respect to TNA wich a good company who have a good future it will never become what WWE WAS AND WHAT IT IS NOW.
If WWE could make me feel the same way they did about Smackdown as they did in 02-03 (Angle, Benoit, Edge, Mysterio, both Guerreros, Lesnar, Taker, Team Angle, Heyman, the cruiserweights, GOOD WRESTLING every week...) and RAW in 98-01 (McMahon/Austin, Rock/Austin, Hardys/E&C/Dudleys, HHH/Rock, HHH/Taker, Angle/Benoit, writing and wrestling that showed wrestling was not monopolized at the time, etc...) then I'd tune in. Thing is, I'm in Iraq right now and if RAW or Smackdown happens to be on TV in the chowhall when I'm eating, I may sit for a few extra minutes past my meal to watch because I have nothing better to do. But if I were home and it were down to watching Lost or WWE Programming, I'd have to go with Lost. Same with TNA, really. I would've tuned into a TNA Weekly PPV back in its first two or three years or sat through an Impact during 04-05, but nowadays... uh uh. I'd probably rather watch a DVD from any of those eras that I'd already seen a million times than watch any of the new stuff they are putting out currently with the only exception being something involving Punk or Matt Hardy (I'm a Hardy/Punk mark). If Punk had a feasible opponent to work against on an episode of ECW or if Hardy had a match against a good worker, I'd tune in.
I love TNA, but it doesn't matter what they do, WWE will always be on top of the wrestling world. They're the ones who started wrestling in the first place, they get the huge ratings, and they (in my opinion) have the best matches, wrestlers, and story lines. Also, people who never watch wrestling at least know what WWE is, but hardly anyone who doesn't watch wrestling has ever even heard of TNA.
Ok think about If it wasn't for WWE who would actually know or care or there would be TNA why becuase this industry would have never been made if it wasn't for WWE.
Ok think about If it wasn't for WWE who would actually know or care or there would be TNA why becuase this industry would have never been made if it wasn't for WWE.

That's a very shortsighted comment. It's also very hard to read. Please, do not discount the contributions of other promotions, particularly those of ECW, WCW and especially the NWA.

EDIT: Just so this doesn't count as spam, if it weren't for those promotions, professional wrestling would be very different today.
TNA is a great company. I've been a fan for only a few months, but I've watched some matches and they were great. They have alot of great talent like A.J Styles, Samoa Joe, Christian Cage, Chris Harris, Kurt Angle, the list goes on. The only problem is that TNA wants to become more and more like WWE and that's killing the company. There are rumors of taking out the X-Division title and that would be a very bad idea because it is one of the best things in TNA. I've been a WWE fan for quite a while now and I'm tired of the same old crap, that's why I started watching TNA. I love the originality of the six-sided ring, and the speciality matches are better than WWE's. TNA can be great if they don't try to follow WWE.
It's the old apples and oranges argument. Each one has it's particular flavor when you get down to it. Before I go any further, let me say that I am definitely an old school fan...back to the 60's and the days of The Living Legend, Bruno Sammartino. The great thing about wrestling then is that there wasn't much of what is now known as the storyline. Somebody didn't like somebody else so they decided to fight. Pretty simple.

Now, we have to go through about 3 or more months of jabber-jawing, politicking, back-stabbing and all sorts of nasty, vile, gutteral humor just to get a half-assed 15 minute match out of 2 supposedly professional athletes. there is something wrong with that picture to me. That is what first made me a believer in TNA.From the first time I saw them on Fox Sports Net I was hooked. Less talk, more action. It was like the old days. If you had a problem with someone, you took it to the ring. Sadly, TNA is now following stride with WWE and expanding on the basic premise.

I remember seeing an online article a few years ago that said if you want interesting storylines with lots of vignettes and backstage chicanery, watch WWE/F. If you want to see great wrestling, watch WCW. Of course that was written before the influx of older WWE hotshots like Hogan who convinced Turner that they had a better way. We all know now what they couldn't see then, and TNA is following the path of WCW's demise.

Now, to direct my attention to a comment I've seen posted by more than 1. That somehow, Vince McMahon is the person responsible for the greatness of this "sport". I remember that WCW had in event in Korea once that was attended by something like 250,000 people. That's a lot of asses in bleachers folks!

Madison Square Garden was filled to capacity in the early 1900's by wrestlers who today are not much more then a footnote to history. And, if it wasn't for small, localized, regional promotions, none of these performers would be in the WWE, TNA, IWGP, New Japan, or even Luche Libre (which ain't too bad).

Vince did not make wrestling, Wrestling made Vince McMahon.
Yeah, I don't think that TNA can ever get a larger audience than the WWE until it at least goes to 2 hours, and this is very unlikely with there budget, they would have to get a large enough roster to be on more than one day a week.
That's a very shortsighted comment. It's also very hard to read. Please, do not discount the contributions of other promotions, particularly those of ECW, WCW and especially the NWA.

EDIT: Just so this doesn't count as spam, if it weren't for those promotions, professional wrestling would be very different today.
NWA wasn't on the map. It existed but it wasn't on the map. It was notice by no one, only a few people who's ratings contributions didn't do monkey pigs. It's impact on the world of wrestling did nothing. Well it did exist so that had to mean it did something. lol. When I was 7 Me and my freinds monked around doing wrestling moves in my room and we called ourselves the LCW. I'm conviced that just existing means you have a huge impact on the world.

TNA has started to become more like the wwe little by little. Thus their ratings are increasing little by little. I didn't like Tna in the begining. It was just about stunts and not wrestling.
I love TNA and WWE, but if you want to know which is better, just ask someone who knows absolutely nothing about wrestling and never watches it. I guarantee they've at least heard of WWE or watched it once or twice, but no one who doesn't follow wrestling has ever seen, or probably even knows what TNA is. I know this is just popularity, but still, would WWE be the most popular wrestling federation if they had bad wrestling, wrestlers and storylines? I don't think so.
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