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^^ The fact you didn't even awknowledge the fact that the BOTB, Ashely/Melina, and KAne/Khali were some of the worse matches in wwe history tlls me you dont know what your talking about. Hell they were worse than the average Cena match, and thats bad! I dont care that you think im pigheaded because i know im right, which is why your stuck paying £40 for a PPV, and im stealing them and I will continue to do so until WWe improves its PPV's. You talk about showcasing wrestling, there was only 1 match at mania that had more than 5 pure wreslting moves in it! This all tells me you know absoloutealey nothing about wrestling, although you know how to argue quite well.
You really need to stop the bullshit Captain Charisma, because your comments on JR earlier proved to everyone that you know jack shit about wrestling. If you don't think JR has done anything for wrestling, simply put, you are ******ed. I'll respect your TNA opinion, and I love TNA, but that means you have to respect me and other's opinions. Thats how a forum works, based on mutual respect. The fact that you boast about stealing PPV's doesn't say much except that you're irresponsible and juvenile at best. Yeah, Wrestlemania 23 was probably the worst wrestlemania of all time, but you can't deny there was some good wrestling. Benoit vs. MVP was solid, Batista actually put on a decent match for the first time in his life with the Undertaker, and the MITB match is always entertaining.

Seriously man, you need to calm down, saying things like "I know I'm right" just make you look like an idiot.
You know, I love this arguing. It makes me happy to know that there is still dissension amongst the ranks here at WZ. I also read that Cap' steals his WWE events. So do I, and I don't feel even a single shred of guilt in doing so (Hear that, Vince? Pucker up, buttercup!). This year's Wrestlemania only solidified my position on not paying for crap. At this point, both company's TV offerings leave a lot to be desired...and a lot to be reviled with. When it comes to the PPV's, though? TNA still gets my vote. Even with haphazard booking and some storyline work that belongs in a porno, I still enjoy the wrestling cards they slap together every month or so leagues better than what the WWE constructs. Why? ON THE WHOLE, the logic of the TNA booking scheme is better suited in terms of the order of the match selection and even with all the weirdo Russo gimmick matches, there is still some great wrestling in there on a consistent basis. Their cards also have only a fraction of the booking missteps the WWE offerings have. I mean, for $50 Wrestlemania that had less than a handful of good matches...that is a goddamn joke. Cards like that one are the ones that make me forgo ordering it and waiting for it to end up in the inevitable spot at the discount used DVD bin at Wherehouse Music. If it were for something like Backlash, I wouldn't expect much in the first place, but when it's Wrestlemania? Come on. The biggest show of the year, since its inception and it looks like it was booked by shaved primates? I don't feel the WWE has done anything to fix themselves that is worthy of note. TNA has basically just gotten worse. They still win for me, but just barely. How sad is that?
Watch Bound For Glory 2006, then watch WrestleMania 23. It's laughable that TNA managed to put together a much, much, much, much better "Supershow" than WWE with a fraction of the budget and some of the worst storylines known to man. Sabin vs. Senshi, a mid-card match, is better than any match on WrestleMania's card. And Styles/Daniels vs. LAX is the way a tag title match should be done.

At least in TNA, they give their belts at least the illusion of prestige. When you just slap the tag titles on Cena/Michaels for ratings, you know the tag division is dead and buried. The belts are just passed around like they're nothing.

As for storylines, I'd say they're on par for really stupid-ass stuff. Then again, I'd take a Sting/Abyss Last Rites over Trump/McMahon Hair vs. Hair any day of the week. WrestleMania 23 was very, very poor compared to 22 which was so good that I thought it was a TNA pay-per-view for a minute. That was until the title matches that is.
^^ The fact you didn't even awknowledge the fact that the BOTB, Ashely/Melina, and KAne/Khali were some of the worse matches in wwe history tlls me you dont know what your talking about. Hell they were worse than the average Cena match, and thats bad! I dont care that you think im pigheaded because i know im right, which is why your stuck paying £40 for a PPV, and im stealing them and I will continue to do so until WWe improves its PPV's. You talk about showcasing wrestling, there was only 1 match at mania that had more than 5 pure wreslting moves in it! This all tells me you know absoloutealey nothing about wrestling, although you know how to argue quite well.

My Wrestling knowledge is not in question here, as it's been proven time and time again in this thread and countless others, i've had insightful agruements/debates with the most intellegent fans this site has to offer, I take pride in the fact that I enjoy, know alot about and have always loved Wrestling, you have a big problem with trying to force people to see things your way, but the true fact of the matter is that their is no right and wrong personal opinion that's why it's called an personal opinion, with the key word being personal, you can think whatever way you like but just because I or someone else doesn't agree which your credo that doesn't make them wrong and you right or vice versa, you need to realize that these sites are for people with all kind of different views and thats the main reason they are so fan to chat on, I didn't have to say anything about those matches as you going to continue to think what you think and so am I, you can hate WWE, Cena, WM23, ect... all you want but don't ever question my wrestling knowledge just because our opinions differ, I see you have little respect for anyone as when I have these type of debates with people I respect them and their opinion and only state my personal view on any given matter and that's something you need to learn in spades.

Kasey and Mr. Sam: See this is the greatest way for me to explain my point, these two are excellent posters on this forum they don't act as though they speak for the either wrestling community, they state their views and opinion for themselves and I respect that but I just don't happen to agree, the thing is we like different things, we are different types of wrestling fans, aqnd while we may agree on somethings, more then usual we'll most likely disagree because of our differed views, my piont is every thought I don't agree with them I also have and always will respect and value their personal opinions as they are just as knowledgable or more then I am about the sport we've all come to love....Wrestling.
Watch Bound For Glory 2006, then watch WrestleMania 23. It's laughable that TNA managed to put together a much, much, much, much better "Supershow" than WWE with a fraction of the budget and some of the worst storylines known to man. Sabin vs. Senshi, a mid-card match, is better than any match on WrestleMania's card. And Styles/Daniels vs. LAX is the way a tag title match should be done.

At least in TNA, they give their belts at least the illusion of prestige. When you just slap the tag titles on Cena/Michaels for ratings, you know the tag division is dead and buried. The belts are just passed around like they're nothing.

As for storylines, I'd say they're on par for really stupid-ass stuff. Then again, I'd take a Sting/Abyss Last Rites over Trump/McMahon Hair vs. Hair any day of the week. WrestleMania 23 was very, very poor compared to 22 which was so good that I thought it was a TNA pay-per-view for a minute. That was until the title matches that is.
This is sad, but true. So true, in fact, that it kind of hurts. I keep waiting for the PPV or episode of Raw/Smackdown that will turn things around and bring me back to the shred of hope I felt circa Wrestlemania 20 when the booking actually resulted in decent wrestling. It's disgusting to me when a hefty chunk of WWE's titles are so worthless that they're not even bothered to be defended/booked on the biggest stage of them all. Especially when the WWE has the talent swimming through its ranks to punch move for move with TNA in a heartbeat. You're right, Sabin vs. Senshi was awesome. Perfect proof for every naysayer who says that cruiserweights can't be marketable around a title division. Hell, that match was better presented and more creatively scripted than the "main events" at this year's Wrestlemania (Shawn Michaels gets honorable mention for carrying Johnny One-Note minus the horrible leg sell, John).

You're so right about the tag divisions, though. Even though the TNA division is running on fumes at this point it still has more esteem and response for its actual teams than ANY of the WWE's two tag rosters. Why Cena and Michaels were given the tag titles is beyond me. The belts should be the cornerstone of a revival that actually gets the WWE tag teams over with the fans. As opposed to using them as cannon fodder for Lashley. They have more than enough talent to rebuild a division that isn't a joke, but oh, well. We'll see.

Some of the storylines are god-awful. The whole Sting/Abyss thing got a bit too hokey about ten minutes into it and should've just been simpler and not as drawn out with Abyss getting a clean win over Sting to have his cred upped. The "Battle of the Billionaires" (which isn't really that because WWE stock has dropped considerably in the last five years) was so gag-worthy I thanked whatever gods would listen for my DVR and the ability to fast-forward.
TNA is better. wwe doesn't realise how bad their wrestling is. That's why fans chant for the competition when wwe put on bad matches. TNA focuses on their wrestling. But TNA have some bad points, but it is no where as bad as wwe.
I missed Bound For Glory '06... but i did get a chance to Go to Lockdown, and I have to say, except for that God Awful Blindfold match, and the Electric Cage match (*Although when they werent F'ing with the "Electricity" the match was very good*) that PPV was much more exciting than many of the WWE PPV's as of late. The last Really really entertaining WWE PPV for me was when Cena Beat Edge in the TLC match... cant remember the name of the PPV though, I also thought survivor Series wasnt bad either... but then there are some shows that just dont have it... WM 23 was alright at best, the MITB match has been and still is my favorite match of the night. its always entertaining. but then like has been stated Khali vs. Kane, The BotB was bad, and even though the Benoit vs MVP match went well, and was a good match to watch, there was just this feeling of, "Benoit will win, he doesnt lose anymore, he is the US champ, and MVP is just the next chavo" because they have failed to put Benoit in a good storyline since his title reighn... even though he continues to wrestle with pure excellence night in and night out.

But i would have to say, right now I am equally into both brands... WWE and TNA. because TNA gives the fast paced, action filled wrestling. and WWE has decent storytelling... Especially the ECW show lately, that punk story has me waiting every week to see whats gonna happen next.

Anyways, Anyone know where i can watch Bound For Glory '06? like, without going out and buying it?
there is no word to describe how bad tna impact is. tna impact is suppose to lead to the ppv, but when tna impact is so bad y would anyone buy the ppv. tna does not focus on the wrestling....they do not focus on the wrestling...tna has 3 really bad matches that all end in a dq...that aint wrestling...jus recently edge-orton had a great match!!!
TNA Impact have been lacking in matches lately but thats because there trying hard to promote there ppv's by building up there feuds and such. If they had the amount of time WWE had they'd be putting up better matches left and right. TNA PPVs pwn any other wrestling show period. Over ROH and I am a big ROH fan. Maybe KingBooker, if you took time out to order or at least down a ppv or watch old ppvs from a media site you'd see why people would want to order them.
i'll never order a tna ppv. not because i hate it jus cause im not goin to pay for it. I have watched alot of tna's ppvs. (THANKS TO YOUTUBE!!!!) i DONT HATE tna...I HATE TNA IMPACT!!! the show is a joke. competition is great for wrestling. jus look at what happened when WSX when against ECW, mcmahon started to care and started to make it (atleast) watchable. i jus wish tna impact was better...but i do HATE DON WEST...y is he always screaming???
not tryin to be a *** but the average wwe an consists of a person looking for drama and a soap opera. tna fans are looking for i dont know maybe
WRESTLING. and also whoever says tna only takes in wwe rejects is a ********.and also the reason why tna doesnt have a good 2 hour tv deal is because spike tv is ignorant/simple minded whatever. point is they messed up ECW back in 2000 and they just dont like wrestling so theres your answer. and for tna not to take in guys who rejected wwe is stupid (if they got talent) i dont see tna trying to sign rob conway or any other wwe guy that just got release (besides sabu and soon to be RVD)
Alright heres the thing some of you WWE fans are failing to see. WWE is being unoriginal since the departure of Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock. I'm sorry....but people are starting to get bored with the John Cena vs Great Khali story line as well as the Flair vs Carlito feud. TNA may be only 1 hour....but it's one hour is better then raw's 2 hours. And why the hell would anyone bring up ecw....ECW SUCKS. By far the worst show out of the 3 brands. Once TNA brings its shows to 2 hours its going to be better the Raw Smackdown! and ECW together. I would rather have only 1 hour of Originality and fast paced matches (the lightweights) like TNA has rather then unoriginal, boring story lines and matches that drag on. I'm also getting sick of the Cena Micheals feud. Anyone agree with me?
alright heres the things some of you TNA fans are failing to see..even though im a tna and wwe fan...wwe is is SPORTS ENTERTAINTMENT...therefore it includes wrestling AND drama soap opera nonsense...for the smart one who said tna have a good 2 hour deal because spike tv is ignorant and simple minded???? lol clearly your ignornant...why would you toss Tna 2 hours when after tna ufc is shown..ufc...produces more ratings..bigger audience and is more popular therefore that is why they will never recieve 2 hours atleast on the thursday night timeslot..i would really like to see them recieve 2 hours for the sake of seeing what else they could give us and it will no doubt HOPEFULLY give wwe something to compete with which is the problem here...you all say ECW sucks..and i def agree with you all..but it gets better ratings then TNA does....so for the post above me who saids once TNA brings 2 hours its going to be better tahn raw smackdown and ecw together..i find that hard to believe..if you are talking wrestling wise and such then yes it def will be..but if you are speaking of bigger ratings and so on you are def wrong..it will take awhile till TNA can finally get into a position where it is conisdered a threat to the wwe...i def agree with you when you say your tired of the cena shawn feud...im tired of seeing cenas face every monday seriously....i just hope that TNA will become something lethal sooner than later so that way we can see the WWE actually bring out its good shit..why bring out your good shit now when you have a company who is growing and will no doubt at one point become something to compete with???
wrestling is wresting the more competition the better. back in the day, there was wcw, ecw and wwe. if they was no tna, it basically would be only wwe.

sure wwe has 3 brands (raw, smackdown and ecw) but it is all run by the wwe.

i was excited when ecw/wwe started up again...but after 1 or 2 shows, i stopped watching it...it's not the same...ecw packed smaller arenas and being in bigger arena wasn't the same...it was like watching smackdown and raw but only named ecw.

there is same things i like better in wwe like the 4 sided ring, the marketing of their product and their 2 hour shows but they are some things i like better in tna like tag-teams are better than wwe and the action or pure wrestling is happening in tna than wwe.

what i am trying to say is if you are wrestling fan just enjoy both brands.
You actually couldn't be more wrong there Erkbono, TNA is getting two hours for iMPACT!, it's already been confirmed that TNA & Spike are talking about it and plan to make the move this fall to two hours.

Also, UFC, despite popular belief, is NOT more popular then TNA. It consistently always has lower ratings then iMPACT! does on Thursdays, and TNA PPV's outsell UFC PPV's by about a rate of two to one.
You actually couldn't be more wrong there Erkbono, TNA is getting two hours for iMPACT!, it's already been confirmed that TNA & Spike are talking about it and plan to make the move this fall to two hours.

Also, UFC, despite popular belief, is NOT more popular then TNA. It consistently always has lower ratings then iMPACT! does on Thursdays, and TNA PPV's outsell UFC PPV's by about a rate of two to one.

no actualy you couldnt be more wrong fearbefore ...it is not CONFIRMATION yet..like you said they are TALKING which does not mean its a gurantee yet..and i highly doubt spiketv will knock out ufc to give another hour to TNA...seems illogical with both companies being companies that are still growing..they will either have to switch there timeslot or figure something else out...TNA PPV's outsell UFC PPVs by about a rate of 2 to 1..id def like to see your source for that one dude...
erkbono dude the only thing wrong with tna is the money. maybe thats why they dont have a timeslot. if panda just backed them up more than theyd easily be a threat to vince. and as far as the ufc and tna thing goes they both have the same ratings so there you go. and the two hours doesnt have to replace ufc it can be start an hour earlier or even be moved to another day. its just like someone said thrusdays is a hard day to get ratings.
Now that NWA has split with TNA, how do you think they will survive in the next 5 years? WWE split with NWA, WCW Split with NWA.. both when they were starting to get popular. NWA split with TNA, not vice versa because they saw that in the longrun, TNA is never going to compete with the likes of WWE. I'm a WWE fan for life and TNA will never ever compete with the number 1 promotion. The only reason people cheer for TNA is because people like the Underdog.. But in this case, the underdog willl not succeed!
lol your joking?no? anyway dude did you see wwe in like the 60's? it was as bad wsx. but they grew over time. and wtf underdog? true they are the underdogs when it comes to wwe vs. tna but so was wwe when they got their asses handed to them by wcw. simple facts are eventually in a year or so tna will be big and they will be a threat to vince and even if wwe does somehow buy out tna and shut them for good lmao theres still ROH. i almost forgot wwe is letting some damn good wrestlers go such as rvd,too cold scorpio etc. and they will head over to tna and when tna get their 2 hour time in fall business will REALLY pick up from there.
NWA left TNA because they didn't have any imput on the direction of the Championship belts. That's what happens when they signed an exclusive deal with TNA to get their paper championship recognition. I'll catch heat, but yes, the NWA title is a paper championship that hasn't meant shit since Shane Douglas threw it in the trash can, sorry, that's the truth. TNA disassociating themselves from a dead organization is probably the best thing they could have done.

I love how hardcore WWE fans think that TNA isn't going to make any noise. TNA gets two hours and with WWE slipping like it has the last 2 years, TNA is going to start stealing fans. The main thing is, TNA needs taht two hours, which it will get this fall. Spike and Viacom are going to promote the shit out of that show, and it's going to be like a Raw Homecoming show. You're gonig to see RVD and Sabu, these big name guys showing up, and it's going to cause a stir.

McMahon has taken his eye off of the ball, much like with what happened with WCW. McMahon is so hell bent on being successful in a field other then wrestling,t hat you can tell he doesn't give a shit about his own product. He took his eye off the ball once beofre with WCW. His steroid trial took up his time and he nearly got knocked out of business for it. By the end of 2008 if TNA gets there deal done this year, TNA will be a legit force and threat to the WWE.
lol your joking?no? anyway dude did you see wwe in like the 60's? it was as bad wsx. but they grew over time. and wtf underdog? true they are the underdogs when it comes to wwe vs. tna but so was wwe when they got their asses handed to them by wcw. simple facts are eventually in a year or so tna will be big and they will be a threat to vince and even if wwe does somehow buy out tna and shut them for good lmao theres still ROH

wait wait lets be realistic here..for the dude who posted b4 u it has nothing to do with being the underdog..tna is watched because its good to watch..y the hell wuld i watch it because its the underdog?...lol but dude how are you going to compare the wwe in the 60s...wrestling was barely put out there like it is now..there were certain resources that we have now that werent back then..its a diff age and time...of course tna is the underdog at current point in time but that is because they are still a company trying to flourish..there was huge reasons as to y wcw smacked the shit out of wwe...but for you to say in a year or so tna will be big and they will be a threat to vince.ehh i dont think so..while eventually they might become a threat i believe it will take longer than a year for this to happen..its a gradual process that really doesnt need to b rushed and the more time they take to slowly upgrade their company then the bigger threat they will eventually become..just focus on growing and not challenging others at this point and itll pay out in the end...and wwe would never buy out tna...
with stephanie mcmahon in charge and firing like 3 people per week it looks like tna will be signing these people and thus speeding up faster. if wwe they just fire all the dead weights like batista,cena,lashley etc. maybe then just maybe wwe might have a good WRESTLING show.since wcw and ecw died and wwe being the only north american company left and in 2002 you had to pay for the tna weekly ppvs which was like 40 per month people slowly starting not caring bout wrestling. but it is a fact that some and notice i said SOME people have gotten back into wrestling since tna and when they get their 2 hour deal then theyll have more fans than they do now. also tna is somewhat of a threat to wwe right now because wwe dont want theyre "superstars" to go to tna so theyre offering them better contracts for those whose contracts are almost expiring (ala van dam):robvandam: <next mr.tna
People, please stop inventing reasons why WWE is better than TNA - "Jeff Jarrett's in TNA because it's crap", stuff like that. As for the NWA/TNA split? I couldn't care less, it makes almost no difference to the overall products except now they'll be no more morons asking "Hang on, they're TNA right? Why do they have the NWA titles then?" All TNA needs to do to survive, or even succeed, is to remain a different product to WWE. You won't get anywhere by being WWE Lite - Eric Bischoff said it, hell, even Vince McMahon has said it. Besides, TNA were the ones that brought World Title status back to the NWA Titles after they had been stripped of it years before, due to TNA's popularity.
First of all, the NWA did not split with TNA. TNA split from the NWA a few years back. They had an agreement where TNA would be able to use the NWA titles on a lease basis for a few years. TNA split from the NWA, it was just that when TNA was ready to make their own titles, the NWA stripped TNA of their champions.

Second, TNA is no where near competition for the WWE, and if they were to try and compete, they would get completely destroyed.

Finally, I enjoy TNA so much more than WWE. I think they're storylines are fresh, and the product is not over-exposed. Finally, TNA PPVs routinely blow WWE PPVs out of the water.
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