[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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Well guessing how the WWE has you hypnotized by flashy lights, pointless skits, and utterly ******ed storylines, then it is no wonder why you would make that choice.

I didn't take you seriously though. No one who has a username called 'CenaLover' can ever be taken seriously....ever.
Again I reiterate, TNA does have a chice, but it's the fact that they are the fate of wrestlig. WWe has big expenses, but TNA has the skill level. WWe kicks TNAs ass in polls for simplistic reasons. A lot of people are indeed old school wrestling fans. People like my uncle, I guess you could say. They are more for the old school, and see TNA as a bunch of people who just jump around, failing to realize the talent and teh skill that it takes to produce in the ring what those individuals of TNA do. WWe has been around for many, many years, to say the least, dating back to them first starting I believe it was the AWA, or something of that matter.

WWE now adays is based for the old school fan base, that, and a ton of marks. However anybody who is actually into the talent and skill of wrestling, looks toward TNA. Now yes, I again repeat myself whe I say that I do indeed watch both shows. I got hooked on wrestling through WCw, then one monday when nitro didn't air, I caught RAw, you know the episode when Dx went to the WCW building, first time I ever saw RAW. I watched WWf since, then TNA came around and I've been a fan of them since the news first came about they were getting a fox sports net deal, because well, it was the first I heard of them. Ever since I saw that first weekly pay per view. And honestly, TNA has come a long way in 5 years. It's not easy for a new company to just shoot up in the ranks that fast, especially given the situation that TNA was given. Starting on weekly pay per views, based out of Nashville, TN, to now being in Orlando, with a weekly show that has just gone two hours. Honestly, TNA is doing a good job, given the situation they are presented with. I guarasntee that most of these WWE votes, are mark votes because half the WWE fans anymore are like my little brother, complete marks. The wisest votes went to those who watch both. true wrestling fans, who are fans of the sport don't descriminate aginst one company or another unless one company is just a hell of a major fuck up, but I really don't see that right now. Easch company as I stated before has it's ups and it's downs, it's advantages and disadvantages in comparison tothe other company. Yeah. WWe might have more money to offer, but if you look at what a lot of the wrestlers say, they don't like the constant on the road schedule barely getting to see their fmailies then you get big guys wanting a lot of time off, where as in TNA their families can be right there with them.
1 big factor is that Smarks really make up a small percentage of the audience, so vince mcmahon couldnt care less what they think. His big money is in entertaining the whole family.
Entertaining the whole family??? Yeah strippers posing as female wrestlers, fathers getting kicked in the head (and then doing the same in return), wrestlers getting attacked with every weapon imaginable as well as sexual innuendo every 2.3 seconds is sure entertainment for the entire family LOL WWE is smut plain and simple.
"Originally Posted by Rated R Superstar316 View Post
why would i be scared of tna xchosenonex? theres no good wrestlers on the show, exept like 3, i watch it on thursdays here and there, and to tell u the truth i aint impressed. crappy announcers, crappy pyros, crappy and i mean crappy music. wwe has the real themes real pyros real wrestlers, and the squared circle, i hate that tna ring, its shit. i am not afraid of a wrestling promotion that takes wwe rejects, cristian, dudleys(team 3d that a great team name Fuck NOT) and rhino, guy is challengeing vince, all vince needs to do is send kane after him and rhino is history. Fuck tna. 1 day a week for an hour. wow, how nice.

Look RAW is 2 hours ans SmackDown is 2 hours and ECW is soon going to turn to 2 hours how will TNA compete against 3 of Vince McMahons shows? Even if TNA turns to 2 hours it's still in trouble.

now isnt that damn true, all u stubid tna wrestling fans...."

lol.. Look, your horrible spelling and 3rd-grade grammar aside, 2 hours on RAW, 2 hours on Smackdown!, 2 hours on ECW.. 6 hours of WWE and youll still see more actual matwork on 2 hours on Impact. I bought No Mercy and I want my $40 back. It was terrible. It wasnt entertaining and the wrestling blew. The best match was Batista, and there wasnt any wrestling in that match. Compare that to the Ultimate X, or Lethal vs Daniels at BFG.

You can't.

<i>crappy announcers, crappy pyros, crappy and i mean crappy music. wwe has the real themes real pyros real wrestlers, and the squared circle, i hate that tna ring, its shit</i>

Ever watch WWF back from the early 80s? No pyros, announcers were terrible, and there wasnt much in the way of theme music. Besides, as was pointed out, if you watch wrestling for pyros and music, go see a KISS concert or American Idol.

<i>i am not afraid of a wrestling promotion that takes wwe rejects, cristian, dudleys(team 3d that a great team name Fuck NOT) and rhino</i>

But youll support a promotion that takes old WCW wrestlers like Austin, Nash, Hall, Hogan, Flair, Jericho, HHH, Benoit, Guerrero, Saturn, Malenko, Mysterio, and more than half of the current active roster? :p (by the way, im speaking of WWE) Plus, Dudley's cant call themselves The Dudley Boyz because WWE says they own the name, but the Dudleys are suing for use of the name, based on their using it in ECW for 6 years before WWE bought out ECW. So neither promotion could actually use the name.

<i>and rhino, guy is challengeing vince, all vince needs to do is send kane after him and rhino is history.</i>

LOL you think wrestling is real, dont you?
The Reality
TNA is behind WWE. Pretty far behind, but closer than any other North American promotion. It's grown rapidly and achieved an unusually large amount in just a short five years, already becoming an established competitor to McMahon's evil empire, even if they are not quite there yet.

My View
TNA is just awful. Really, it is awful. The last two weeks alone (the weeks in which the two hour show has taken effect) have been enough to disenfranchise me from professional wrestling completely. The parts that I love - or used to - the X Division and the tag division, have both been deformed beyond recognition and no longer scream "fresh" but groan "stale" and are rarely exciting any more. How could they be when they are being so grossly misused and only being supplied with a small fraction of the time, despite TNA's promise to increase their exposure. AJ Styles and Tomko? You've got to be kidding me. Team Pacman were worse of course, but that's no excuse. Just a year ago, the tag division was as awesome, or more so, than ever, same goes for the X Division. Now they're just pathetic shells of their former selves. Of course, this may not be the general consumer's view, as rating's have seemed to increase the worse it has gotten, but it is mine.
TNA copies all of its story-lines from WWE. TNA hasn't accomplished much in its 5 years. TNA needs to be original. TNA is just a fall-back for the WWE Superstars. Like Kurt Angle, and it was for Jeff Hardy. It is obvious that Jeff Hardy would rather have the WWE that TNA or else he wouldnt have came back. Abyss is just a rip off of Masked Kane. It is to obvious. I think that most of the TNA Superstars would go to the WWE if it was offered. Plus the WWE pays a lot better. I would pick WWE over TNA any day.

Um TNA copies? Remember at TNA Victory Road TNA had a Match of Champions, Then a few weeks later didn't WWE do the same thing on RAW? Also, TNA No Surrender The Champ had 3 matches, at No Mercy wasn't the WWE Title contested three times? hmmm.

I like both promotions, they both have positives and both have negatives.
I keep reading these blogs for amusement, much the way I do rushing to the scene of a major 5 car pile-up.

I keep seeing how people try to justify which is better...WWE or TNA. I don't know about that but I do know that "Choosy mothers choose JIF". As for me, I buy generic or store brands. Pretty much the same thing and nothing a little jelly won't help.

One thing I have noticed here lately is the genius behind the WWE creative team. Such as a few weeks ago when they had a tag team match with all the champions in the contest. No one had ever done...wait...TNA did that.

Well, OK, how about at Vengence, when Triple H had to fight three times in one night! I bet you've never seen that before? What? Kurt Angle did that in TNA a month earlier? Well surely WWE has done something original, right? I mean, surely no one has had a bastard son turn out to be a midget before right? Or how about an 83 year old woman winning a bikini contest?

On this 3 matches in one night deal, I remember a lot of nay-sayers lamenting over the "fact" of how pitiful it was that TNA could come up with nothing better than their top star in a 3-in-1 night. But then you turn around and sing Trip's praises for copying the same DAMN (ala Ron Simmons) thing.

The pure truth of the matter is that TNA is more innovative than WWE (at this point) then WWE has been for the last 2 or 3 years. They have a mindset that is stuck in the 80's, while TNA has, for the most part, younger talent and staff and therefore is more in touch with the fans. Yes, I watch both shows and a lot of indy wrestling on the net. And even in the indy ranks I see more talent and originality then WWE has been showing lately. I hope they get their act together. Also, start focusing on the wrestling instead of all the tabloid style crap.

LMFAO This is the greatest of someone who has NO IDEA. I got news for you, the 3-1 night match has happened in the WWE YEARS AGO and it even involved ANGLE! So there goes that theory.

TNA More innovative? Let's start with the claim that WWE has stupid storylines and uses all their TV time on other things (Hornswoggle, a wedding, etc..) than showcasing wrestling! Has you actually watched TNA? Or are you a hater of WWE just talking mindlessly. I watch TNA & WWE religiously. TNA does that worse than the WWE! There's the Sting & Abyss love affair that just ended, THANK GOD, then there's the Eric Young story about being Robert Roodes bitch, Now they have Kurt Angles Wife in there playing the scorned wife. LOL It gets better.

They also had (As his story has ended) Adam "Pacman" Jones as a Tag Team Champ and here's the kicker, The Tennesee Titan's filed a lawsuit against TNA keeping him from wrestling! LOL How can he be a champion and not be able to wrestle? I seen last week on TNA him and his partner wrestled and all he did was throw money in some dudes face and he fell down. LOL HE FELL DOWN! Not to mention, ALL this money was $1 bills! LMFAO About a $100 of ones! This wrestler actually FELL DOWN! LOLOLOL

Then you go to Kevin Nash being a shrink and counseling Kurt Angle. LOL OK. OMG! I could go on ALL DAY! Keep in mind, all the way up until last week, TNA had a 1 hour time slot. I would say maybe 1-3 matches per show and they lasted maybe 5-10 minutes each. IF you were lucky! LOL So there goes that theory!

Just to comment on the X-Division, EVER SINCE ANGLE came to TNA, there has been NO FOCUS on the X-Division WHAT SO EVER! In fact, since they have been bringing in wastes from WWE, they have not focused on ANYONE that put TNA on the map. Now showcasing on TNA is Sting (Over the hill), Angle, Christian, Junior Fatu (Rikishi in WWE), Black Reign (Goldust from WWE), Matt Morgan (A NEVER WAS from the WWE), Team 3-D (WOW did they get FAT since being in TNA), Rhino (Ever since the fall of ECW, he has SUCKED), & Raven (Another that since the fall of ECW has never amounted to anything) just to name some.

What do I see? Let me start by saying that TNA has some of the most talented wrestlers in the Business. TNA HAS THEM. People like A.J. Styles, Robert Roode, Petey Williams, Abyss, James Storm, Senshi, Jay Lethal, Eric Young, Samoa Joe & Chris Sabin just to name some. THEY ARE THE WRESTLERS THAT PUT TNA ON THE MAP, Not the WWE rejects or never will be's! I see TNA walking the WCW mile. The WWE hasn't even recognized TNA as being something beyond that too! They have not mentioned their name ONCE! ANYWHERE!

The ring, YES, VERY INNOVATIVE! I LOVE IT! But they are FAR from as INNOVATIVE as you make it seem. As far as I see, the ONLY thing that is correct in your post is, YES, Choosy Mom DO CHOOSE JIF! LMFAO
Again I reiterate, TNA does have a chice, but it's the fact that they are the fate of wrestlig. WWe has big expenses, but TNA has the skill level. WWe kicks TNAs ass in polls for simplistic reasons. A lot of people are indeed old school wrestling fans. People like my uncle, I guess you could say. They are more for the old school, and see TNA as a bunch of people who just jump around, failing to realize the talent and teh skill that it takes to produce in the ring what those individuals of TNA do. WWe has been around for many, many years, to say the least, dating back to them first starting I believe it was the AWA, or something of that matter.

WWE now adays is based for the old school fan base, that, and a ton of marks. However anybody who is actually into the talent and skill of wrestling, looks toward TNA. Now yes, I again repeat myself whe I say that I do indeed watch both shows. I got hooked on wrestling through WCw, then one monday when nitro didn't air, I caught RAw, you know the episode when Dx went to the WCW building, first time I ever saw RAW. I watched WWf since, then TNA came around and I've been a fan of them since the news first came about they were getting a fox sports net deal, because well, it was the first I heard of them. Ever since I saw that first weekly pay per view. And honestly, TNA has come a long way in 5 years. It's not easy for a new company to just shoot up in the ranks that fast, especially given the situation that TNA was given. Starting on weekly pay per views, based out of Nashville, TN, to now being in Orlando, with a weekly show that has just gone two hours. Honestly, TNA is doing a good job, given the situation they are presented with. I guarasntee that most of these WWE votes, are mark votes because half the WWE fans anymore are like my little brother, complete marks. The wisest votes went to those who watch both. true wrestling fans, who are fans of the sport don't descriminate aginst one company or another unless one company is just a hell of a major fuck up, but I really don't see that right now. Easch company as I stated before has it's ups and it's downs, it's advantages and disadvantages in comparison tothe other company. Yeah. WWe might have more money to offer, but if you look at what a lot of the wrestlers say, they don't like the constant on the road schedule barely getting to see their fmailies then you get big guys wanting a lot of time off, where as in TNA their families can be right there with them.

Very well done post. i am too a wwe and tna watcher. i like tna but wwe is my first love and i always pick wwe over tna. and i began watching tna when it first started on ppv every Wednesday night for 2 hours. tna has come a very long way but is still the # 2 wrestling promotion. in order for tna to beat wwe and become number 1 they have a far way to go but trust me, if tna ever does go to monday nights. tna would do good ratings but wwe would crush them in the end. cause when Vince gets in the war mode he will stop at nothing to end the company once and for all. and then in the end wwe will do what they did with wcw and buy tna. so all in all i watch both shows but i like wwe better than tna for too many reasons that it would take all day for me to type down so i won't.
I thought this post would fit better in here...

Taken from the TNA Championship Discussion.

Didn't you just say you don't watch TNA?

Nope, Shit show, Only posting in here because people were going to whine about Sting being back on top, When it is a good choice that he is at this moment.

yet your talking about everything that has just happened in the last 24 hours?

Your point? I was throwing my thoughts on Sting helping the company.

WWE guys are trying to make returns... "Yawn" Shawn Michaels...

So? Nash is a hack, I could care less about seeing a feud from 10 years ago, If what I've read is even true.

Plus, WWE was in need of starpower which is why HBK returned.

hes washed up and done...

Lol, Yeah and he just main evented WM with the #1 Face/Draw in the company, and is right back into the title chase at this moment...

Where's Nash been?

he cried about back problems which probably werent as severe as the general public heard of it.

His back wasn't even the problem this time:rolleyes:

It was his knees.

I see WWE being the "shit disterbers" of wrestling.

I don't care for WWE much these days neither, It's just what I choose to watch which brought me to posting here because Sting has always been a favorite of mine, with him champion I may actually want to watch a few segments of IMPACT!

Of course if there is any corruption or bad parts to TNA its because of WWE doing it to the wrestlers when they were in WWE.

The bad parts of TNA is all the WWE rejects and hacks from 5-10 years ago.

TNA doesn't even need a drug policy to be honest....

After the Benoit incident, It would be idiotic not to have one...

And Oh, Yeah I forgot about that one guy Kurt Angle.

PS. Santino Marella is a wannabe who's never going to be a top contender.

TNA needs a big draw, If Santino jumped ship, I'd be a TNA fan 4 Life.
There is NO WAY that WWE is scared ov TNA.Did anyone forget how many fans TNA lost when RAW aired on thursday earlier this year?? It was the lowest rateings TNA ever had.If TNA can BARELY compete with ECWs rateings even when TNA is 2 hours long then they aint doing anything right.Dont get me wrong TNA is ok but its just not anywhere NEAR WWE.They need to stop tapeing Impact and do it live every week in different arenas,get better commentaters,improve the pyro,and pay the wrestlers way more instead of giving all the money to any former WWE person who steps through the door or a celeb that no nobody gives 2 craps about.Just because the in-ring action is good doesnt mean a damn thing if nobodys happy backstage.TNA really needs to step up their game ALOT if they hope to get anywhere otherwise its WCW all over again....just not as successful.
I'll admit i do like both products but WWE is superior in every way.
I personally believe TNA cannot compete with WWE. As many people have already pointed out TNA cant keep up with WWE in ratings.The politics going on atm within TNA will rip it apart.They have some great wrestlers which they have had since day 1 ... Jarrett, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels to name a few but they are using wrestlers that WWE didnt want(Christian, Rikishi and Goldust to name but a few)
The only way TNA has any chance of competing against WWE is if and its a big IF they go back to their roots and push the talent that has stayed with the company form day 1... enough of angle, sting and nash... note to dixie carter NO-ONE CARES ABOUT THEM. Give chances to the likes of Joe, Styles and Daniels. Give Abyss a run with the title and actually show off the X-Division again. Bring through talent like Petey Williams and Robert Roode and please just fire Eric Young.... that got boring last year.
LMFAO This is the greatest of someone who has NO IDEA. I got news for you, the 3-1 night match has happened in the WWE YEARS AGO and it even involved ANGLE! So there goes that theory.

TNA More innovative? Let's start with the claim that WWE has stupid storylines and uses all their TV time on other things (Hornswoggle, a wedding, etc..) than showcasing wrestling! Has you actually watched TNA? Or are you a hater of WWE just talking mindlessly. I watch TNA & WWE religiously. TNA does that worse than the WWE! There's the Sting & Abyss love affair that just ended, THANK GOD, then there's the Eric Young story about being Robert Roodes bitch, Now they have Kurt Angles Wife in there playing the scorned wife. LOL It gets better.

They also had (As his story has ended) Adam "Pacman" Jones as a Tag Team Champ and here's the kicker, The Tennesee Titan's filed a lawsuit against TNA keeping him from wrestling! LOL How can he be a champion and not be able to wrestle? I seen last week on TNA him and his partner wrestled and all he did was throw money in some dudes face and he fell down. LOL HE FELL DOWN! Not to mention, ALL this money was $1 bills! LMFAO About a $100 of ones! This wrestler actually FELL DOWN! LOLOLOL

Then you go to Kevin Nash being a shrink and counseling Kurt Angle. LOL OK. OMG! I could go on ALL DAY! Keep in mind, all the way up until last week, TNA had a 1 hour time slot. I would say maybe 1-3 matches per show and they lasted maybe 5-10 minutes each. IF you were lucky! LOL So there goes that theory!

Just to comment on the X-Division, EVER SINCE ANGLE came to TNA, there has been NO FOCUS on the X-Division WHAT SO EVER! In fact, since they have been bringing in wastes from WWE, they have not focused on ANYONE that put TNA on the map. Now showcasing on TNA is Sting (Over the hill), Angle, Christian, Junior Fatu (Rikishi in WWE), Black Reign (Goldust from WWE), Matt Morgan (A NEVER WAS from the WWE), Team 3-D (WOW did they get FAT since being in TNA), Rhino (Ever since the fall of ECW, he has SUCKED), & Raven (Another that since the fall of ECW has never amounted to anything) just to name some.

What do I see? Let me start by saying that TNA has some of the most talented wrestlers in the Business. TNA HAS THEM. People like A.J. Styles, Robert Roode, Petey Williams, Abyss, James Storm, Senshi, Jay Lethal, Eric Young, Samoa Joe & Chris Sabin just to name some. THEY ARE THE WRESTLERS THAT PUT TNA ON THE MAP, Not the WWE rejects or never will be's! I see TNA walking the WCW mile. The WWE hasn't even recognized TNA as being something beyond that too! They have not mentioned their name ONCE! ANYWHERE!

The ring, YES, VERY INNOVATIVE! I LOVE IT! But they are FAR from as INNOVATIVE as you make it seem. As far as I see, the ONLY thing that is correct in your post is, YES, Choosy Mom DO CHOOSE JIF! LMFAO

No IDEA? Where were you when Bruno won his title? Or Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, or even Rick Flair (and I don't mean for the 16th time)? I've been watching Wrestling since before there was a WW(F)E, WCW, TNA or ROH. Back in the day, NWA was all there was and I still follow them as well, SON. As for your claim that Angle did a 3-in-1 with RAW some time back, I'll have to take your word for as I have not been been able to find a reference to it and you didn't specify the event. I'm guessing it was possibly a "gauntlet" match which is not the same as a 3-in-1. My point was that the WWE die-hards dissed on Angle and TNA for doing it yet praised HHH for the same thing.

My claim that WWE has stupid storylines holds true for the reason I stated. They have nothing to do with the in-ring product. TNA, as far as I can tell, uses skits that are directly related to the in-ring product, including the Angle-Dr. Nash plot. Which, at BFG, we learned that the deal is that Angle is the one who sees Nash as a therapist and Nash plays along so he won't lose his meal-ticket. And it still contributes to the ring as it leads to Nash getting back in action (and I'll admit I don't know why), and the feud of Angle/Joe and Angle/Sting. The Sting/Abyss deal was about turning Abyss face and getting him away from Mitchell's influence.

Eric Young plays the role of a self-conscience paranoid always in fear of losing his job, which I have read is somehow an interpretation of Abyss true backstage behavior. Young is probably one of those in the category of most under-rated performer. And, in case you didn't know, Kurt Angle's "wife" is actually Jackie Gayda, real-life wife of Charlie Haas of the WWE. Looks pretty hot for someone who just had a kid a couple months ago, doesn't she? And whats wrong with her playing the role of a scorned wife, when her actual role is meant to deceive the opposition, which again goes back to the in-ring product?

Pacman Jones...I agree, the SOB never should have gotten in the ring at all even as a cameo or to say hello. No argument on that point. TNA should have made sure all the i's were dotted and t's crossed before promising a title. Let the NFL have him and bring back Monty Brown.

My favorite point you brought up was the number of matches per show. Do you really want to embarrass yourself this way? TNA has consistently had 3 or 4 matches per 1 hour show and now have about 6 per 2 hours. WWE, on a normal night has 4, maybe 5 in 2 hours and 15 minutes of air-time. TNA matches go for 10 to 15 minutes. WWE matches go for about the same time. Do the math...TNA has about 60 minutes of bell-to-bell action out of 120 minutes which also includes about 20 minutes of commercials. WWE has 30 to 45 minutes of action out of 135 minutes which includes 30 minutes of commercials. Normally, long matches of any brand/company are held at monthly events and PPV's, not TV time, although we do see the occasional iron-man match or 2 out of falls.

Now showcasing on TNA are Jay Lethal (X Division Champion), Tomko and Styles (Tag Team Champs), Gail Kim (Womens Champ), Sting (Heavyweight Champ). WWE has no Cruiserweight Champ, Cade and Murdoch(RAW Tag Champs [Murdoch is deceptively good in the ring]), Hardy/MVP (SD Tag Champs) (Hardy is not entertaining anymore and neither is his brother), MVP (US Champ), Jeff Hardy (IC Champ) who got the belt because Umaga was suspended and I hope Kennedy gets the belt soon, and Beth Phoenix (Women's Champ). Orton (RAW Heavyweight) and Batista (SD Heavyweight). On the TNA Champions, only Sting may be questionable. Fact is he is in the best physical condition he has been for years and his in-ring performance has actually picked up a notch. Mostly his value is that he is willing to put over newer talent. Not to mention he is one of the few in the business that fans would rush to see if he was on a geriatric division show. Beth Phoenix? Until Vince lets the women FIGHT like TNA does their knockouts, they can keep 'em. Better still, send them back to Playboy or whatever. Orton shouldn't even be in the business, regardless of who his daddy is or was, which is the only reason he is there. He has shown a constant disregard for authority. Where others have been suspended or fired for the same actions, Orton is always given a free-pass. As for Batista, forget it. He hasn't had a good feud or even a good match since he went 1 on 1 with HHH.

And speaking of HHH, isn't he about due for another leg injury? He is old way before his prime. He still gets the crowd reaction when he enters the ring. Then, the crowd goes dead during his match. We just don't care anymore.

TNA is indeed showcasing their young talent. You do that by having veterens who work with the green bits and help those up and comers to find their niche and then standing out from the crowd. Like it was played out in skit form with Nash helping Jay Lethal develop the "Black Machismo" persona. At first I thought it was utter stupidity, but Lethal has got it down pat.

I see Samoa Joe gaining experience and working through the ranks. The Motor City Machine Guns are about to break through. A great short feud between Daniels and Lethal is starting up. The MCMG or LAX will probably be entering into a build up against Tomko and Styles. Who knows where Sting/Angle or Sting/Nash will lead us. I am not a WWE or even a TNA fan. I am a wrestling fan and have been for over 40 years and it doesn't matter what company is putting on the show (except for G.L.O.W...if you don't remember, look it up). I too watch WWE and TNA and upwards of 10 hours of footage from the net per week. I have met and spoken with Bruno Sammartino and Ric Flair and Harley Race and Dusty Rhodes and Johnny DeFazio and Iron Shiek, Domenic DeNucci, Frank Holtz, George Steele, Lou Albano and Bill Cardille. Not close friends, just met, carried on a discussion of at least 10 minutes with each and learned a few things. I don't know it all, but I can tell you a lot.

WWE is not wrestling...it's entertainment. TNA is entertainment as well...but, DAMN! can they fucking wrestle!
WWE better? no way. Hornwoggle just blew up Jonathan Coachman with dynamite and that is just stupid.

WWE is an entertainment cartoon. Tna puts on better wrestling matches and are far better athletes. WWE is not for wrestling fans. It is an entertainment show with wrestling as a subplot. WWE will always be more popular because not everyone one likes wrestling and WWE isn't really about wrestling. It is more focused on characters and silly storylines just like other tv shows which have nothing to do with wrestling.

Whether TNA is doing good or bad it is always a wrestling show. A wrestling show with charatcers and storylines as a subplot. Unlike WWE, a show about characters and storylines with wrestling as a sublot.
(USA network-meet our characters)
Tna puts on better wrestling matches and are far better athletes.

Is that why TNA employs WWE has beens & rejects like the immobile Rikishi & Matt Morgan? Both companys have great athletes.

WWE is not for wrestling fans.

I'm a wrestling fan and I like WWE. In fact my fave wrestling match is form WWE.

It is an entertainment show with wrestling as a subplot.

The same could be said for TNA. And WCW. And ECW.

WWE will always be more popular because not everyone one likes wrestling and WWE isn't really about wrestling.

It is more popular because it's been around longer, it's a bigger comapny and it has the majority of the big stars. It might not always be like that, but for now it is.

It is more focused on characters and silly storylines just like other tv shows which have nothing to do with wrestling.

What about PPV's and those matches that they have on Raw, Smackdow, Heat & ECW?

Whether TNA is doing good or bad it is always a wrestling show.

Not really. For the past year the majority of the matches on iMPACT have been short. Why? To make way for silly storylines.

A wrestling show with charatcers and storylines as a subplot.


Unlike WWE, a show about characters and storylines with wrestling as a sublot.

Actually impact matches have been short because they only had an hour. Also, WWE has way more immobile wrestlers. The biggest problem being that those immobile wrestlers are usually premiere champions like Khali and Batista. WWE loves big guys but unfortunatley most of the time they are aren't the most mobile wrestlers. Also, as a wrestling fan I don't care who is a reject from what company as long as I see a good wrestling match.

It also seems that no WWE fan wants to mention that Hornwoggle just blew up Jonathan Coachman. Mainly because there is no way to defend it.
Actually impact matches have been short because they only had an hour.

ECW is an hour and they don't promote really short matches. On occasion yes. But not like TNA who will promote a 6 minute long ladder match with no hype.

Also, WWE has way more immobile wrestlers.

Raw = 2 hours. Smackdown = 2 hours. ECW = 1 hour. Heat = 1 hour.

More TV time = more wrestlers. More wrestlers = more filler wrestlers.

The biggest problem being that those immobile wrestlers are usually premiere champions like Khali and Batista.

True. But TNA's immobile wrestlers are mid carders. Which is a bigger scene than the main event one. Thus there's more TV time dedicated to has beens.

WWE loves big guys but unfortunatley most of the time they are aren't the most mobile wrestlers.

Big wrestlers aren't supposed to move loads.

Also, as a wrestling fan I don't care who is a reject from what company as long as I see a good wrestling match.

But Rhodes & Fatu can't put on decent wrestling matches anymore. And Matt Morgan never could in the first place.

It also seems that no WWE fan wants to mention that Hornwoggle just blew up Jonathan Coachman. Mainly because there is no way to defend it.

There's no way to defend a lot of shit that happens in WWE. But it's the same in TNA as well.

Both have positives and negatives.

TNA PPV's shit all over WWE's. But overall WWE is a better product imo. Hornswoggle may not make much sence. But hardly anything in TNA does either.
No IDEA? Where were you when Bruno won his title? Or Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, or even Rick Flair (and I don't mean for the 16th time)? I've been watching Wrestling since before there was a WW(F)E, WCW, TNA or ROH. Back in the day, NWA was all there was and I still follow them as well, SON. As for your claim that Angle did a 3-in-1 with RAW some time back, I'll have to take your word for as I have not been been able to find a reference to it and you didn't specify the event. I'm guessing it was possibly a "gauntlet" match which is not the same as a 3-in-1. My point was that the WWE die-hards dissed on Angle and TNA for doing it yet praised HHH for the same thing.

My claim that WWE has stupid storylines holds true for the reason I stated. They have nothing to do with the in-ring product. TNA, as far as I can tell, uses skits that are directly related to the in-ring product, including the Angle-Dr. Nash plot. Which, at BFG, we learned that the deal is that Angle is the one who sees Nash as a therapist and Nash plays along so he won't lose his meal-ticket. And it still contributes to the ring as it leads to Nash getting back in action (and I'll admit I don't know why), and the feud of Angle/Joe and Angle/Sting. The Sting/Abyss deal was about turning Abyss face and getting him away from Mitchell's influence.

Eric Young plays the role of a self-conscience paranoid always in fear of losing his job, which I have read is somehow an interpretation of Abyss true backstage behavior. Young is probably one of those in the category of most under-rated performer. And, in case you didn't know, Kurt Angle's "wife" is actually Jackie Gayda, real-life wife of Charlie Haas of the WWE. Looks pretty hot for someone who just had a kid a couple months ago, doesn't she? And whats wrong with her playing the role of a scorned wife, when her actual role is meant to deceive the opposition, which again goes back to the in-ring product?

Pacman Jones...I agree, the SOB never should have gotten in the ring at all even as a cameo or to say hello. No argument on that point. TNA should have made sure all the i's were dotted and t's crossed before promising a title. Let the NFL have him and bring back Monty Brown.

My favorite point you brought up was the number of matches per show. Do you really want to embarrass yourself this way? TNA has consistently had 3 or 4 matches per 1 hour show and now have about 6 per 2 hours. WWE, on a normal night has 4, maybe 5 in 2 hours and 15 minutes of air-time. TNA matches go for 10 to 15 minutes. WWE matches go for about the same time. Do the math...TNA has about 60 minutes of bell-to-bell action out of 120 minutes which also includes about 20 minutes of commercials. WWE has 30 to 45 minutes of action out of 135 minutes which includes 30 minutes of commercials. Normally, long matches of any brand/company are held at monthly events and PPV's, not TV time, although we do see the occasional iron-man match or 2 out of falls.

Now showcasing on TNA are Jay Lethal (X Division Champion), Tomko and Styles (Tag Team Champs), Gail Kim (Womens Champ), Sting (Heavyweight Champ). WWE has no Cruiserweight Champ, Cade and Murdoch(RAW Tag Champs [Murdoch is deceptively good in the ring]), Hardy/MVP (SD Tag Champs) (Hardy is not entertaining anymore and neither is his brother), MVP (US Champ), Jeff Hardy (IC Champ) who got the belt because Umaga was suspended and I hope Kennedy gets the belt soon, and Beth Phoenix (Women's Champ). Orton (RAW Heavyweight) and Batista (SD Heavyweight). On the TNA Champions, only Sting may be questionable. Fact is he is in the best physical condition he has been for years and his in-ring performance has actually picked up a notch. Mostly his value is that he is willing to put over newer talent. Not to mention he is one of the few in the business that fans would rush to see if he was on a geriatric division show. Beth Phoenix? Until Vince lets the women FIGHT like TNA does their knockouts, they can keep 'em. Better still, send them back to Playboy or whatever. Orton shouldn't even be in the business, regardless of who his daddy is or was, which is the only reason he is there. He has shown a constant disregard for authority. Where others have been suspended or fired for the same actions, Orton is always given a free-pass. As for Batista, forget it. He hasn't had a good feud or even a good match since he went 1 on 1 with HHH.

And speaking of HHH, isn't he about due for another leg injury? He is old way before his prime. He still gets the crowd reaction when he enters the ring. Then, the crowd goes dead during his match. We just don't care anymore.

TNA is indeed showcasing their young talent. You do that by having veterens who work with the green bits and help those up and comers to find their niche and then standing out from the crowd. Like it was played out in skit form with Nash helping Jay Lethal develop the "Black Machismo" persona. At first I thought it was utter stupidity, but Lethal has got it down pat.

I see Samoa Joe gaining experience and working through the ranks. The Motor City Machine Guns are about to break through. A great short feud between Daniels and Lethal is starting up. The MCMG or LAX will probably be entering into a build up against Tomko and Styles. Who knows where Sting/Angle or Sting/Nash will lead us. I am not a WWE or even a TNA fan. I am a wrestling fan and have been for over 40 years and it doesn't matter what company is putting on the show (except for G.L.O.W...if you don't remember, look it up). I too watch WWE and TNA and upwards of 10 hours of footage from the net per week. I have met and spoken with Bruno Sammartino and Ric Flair and Harley Race and Dusty Rhodes and Johnny DeFazio and Iron Shiek, Domenic DeNucci, Frank Holtz, George Steele, Lou Albano and Bill Cardille. Not close friends, just met, carried on a discussion of at least 10 minutes with each and learned a few things. I don't know it all, but I can tell you a lot.

WWE is not wrestling...it's entertainment. TNA is entertainment as well...but, DAMN! can they fucking wrestle!

Why is it that every dumbass in the world has the comeback of saying your a kid because your opinions ment more then the originator. I go back to AWA with Nick Bockwinkle and the LEGENDARY Roadwarriors as Tag champions! Or USWA with Jerry Lawler. You wanna mention NWA, I was watching when 4 horsemen was STARTED! I go ALOT futher back. So, there goes your ******ed "Son" comment. IDIOT.

I got something you will be able to find in your search of the web (Cause you have not been watching longer than me), it's called KING of THE RING. In 1985, YES 1985, Don Muraco didn't wrestle 3 times that night, he did it 4 times to become King of the Ring, dumbass. He beat the likes of the Junkyard Dog, Les Thorton, Pedro Morales, & The Iron Shiek. So don't sit here as a pretender saying you have watched or know ANYTHING. You know NOTHING. So, Who was the originator? SURELY not TNA. There goes that theory.

TNA is showcasing NOTHING but WWE rejects. Just like WCW. You know, I know it, The entire WORLD knows it. BTW, Queen Kong was AWESOME in G.L.O.W. I even watched that crap. So what your saying is, all the dumb storylines in TNA build up to matches right? The only reason Hornswoggle was made Vince's son was because M. Kennedy got himself suspended. So yes, that storyline won't go nowhere until the rightful son is announced. Yet the WWE's storylines have ALWAYS evolved into some kind of match. DUH. But TNA doing it is style. Your just a WWE hater. Whatever.

I personally myself have NEVER liked the Hardy's. So I could careless what you say about that. As for the womans division, I have never liked them and thats why man invented a Fast Forward button. I am not a TNA hater, I like thier show, reminds me of WWE more and more everyday. My whole point is, all the TNA fans that poped up overnight make all these stupid claims and realistically speaking, TNA has a long road to go. How is it that everyone hated or liked them remotly Christian, Tomko, Rhino, Team 3-D, & Rikishi in the WWE to name a few, to fall so deeply in love with them in TNA? Someone with ignorance is going to say "Cause TNA is giving them a shot!" WRONG. They couldn't draw in the WWE. Thats why they weren't pushed. Hell, GILLBURG was more loved than Any of those mentioned. Was he a 6'5" muscle bond giant? NO.

TNA is giving them a shot for one reason and one reason only, THEY HAVE NO FAITH IN THE PEOPLE THAT MADE TNA, TNA. PERIOD. You can spew garbage about how great they are and BLAH BLAH BLAH, Bottomline, THEY HAVE NO FAITH IN THE PEOPLE THAT MADE TNA, TNA. TNA was put on the map by Samoa Joe, Abyss, AMW, Robert Roode, Eric Young, MCMG, LAX, A.J. Styles, & others. NOT Angle, Christian, Rhino, Goldust or whatever their calling him, Tomko, Sting, or any of the other WWE rejects or never will be's. TNA is a Mini WWE pulling on the pantleg of Vince begging not to CRUSH them.

So I ask you this then Mr. Wrestling, Why doesn't TNA want to go head to head with the WWE on monday nights? According to you, they are better, have better talent, better show, MORE wrestling & Less Story, Innovater of EVERYTHING wrestling, & Hardcore wrestling woman. They should have NO PROBLEM beating out the WWE. I got news for you, TNA is the WWE, they have their writer, & their wrestlers. They ever have an owner that was from the WWE. Might as well rename their show to WWE:TNA. Remember, NWA:TNA. LOL
I watch both WWE and TNA. I think WWE is way better b/c it's been around for so long, but i really enjoy some of the wrestlers on TNA & enjoy the matches. I think the TNA women's divison could out shine wwe's, their tag team divisions has solid teams like (L.A.X, MCMG, Triple X) and wwe have (The Majors, Deuce & Domino, Kendrick & London) no comparisons(except for maybe londrick) and TNA's X-division imo is way better than the cruiserweight divsion right now. TNA have Lethal, Daniels, Sabin, Shelley & Dutt while WWE has Noble, Moore, & Funaki. All I'm saying TNA has the talent to become a major thorn in wwe's side, which will only help wrestling in general.
Why is it that every dumbass in the world has the comeback of saying your a kid because your opinions ment more then the originator. I go back to AWA with Nick Bockwinkle and the LEGENDARY Roadwarriors as Tag champions! Or USWA with Jerry Lawler. You wanna mention NWA, I was watching when 4 horsemen was STARTED! I go ALOT futher back. So, there goes your ******ed "Son" comment. IDIOT.

I got something you will be able to find in your search of the web (Cause you have not been watching longer than me), it's called KING of THE RING. In 1985, YES 1985, Don Muraco didn't wrestle 3 times that night, he did it 4 times to become King of the Ring, dumbass. He beat the likes of the Junkyard Dog, Les Thorton, Pedro Morales, & The Iron Shiek. So don't sit here as a pretender saying you have watched or know ANYTHING. You know NOTHING. So, Who was the originator? SURELY not TNA. There goes that theory.

TNA is showcasing NOTHING but WWE rejects. Just like WCW. You know, I know it, The entire WORLD knows it. BTW, Queen Kong was AWESOME in G.L.O.W. I even watched that crap. So what your saying is, all the dumb storylines in TNA build up to matches right? The only reason Hornswoggle was made Vince's son was because M. Kennedy got himself suspended. So yes, that storyline won't go nowhere until the rightful son is announced. Yet the WWE's storylines have ALWAYS evolved into some kind of match. DUH. But TNA doing it is style. Your just a WWE hater. Whatever.

I personally myself have NEVER liked the Hardy's. So I could careless what you say about that. As for the womans division, I have never liked them and thats why man invented a Fast Forward button. I am not a TNA hater, I like thier show, reminds me of WWE more and more everyday. My whole point is, all the TNA fans that poped up overnight make all these stupid claims and realistically speaking, TNA has a long road to go. How is it that everyone hated or liked them remotly Christian, Tomko, Rhino, Team 3-D, & Rikishi in the WWE to name a few, to fall so deeply in love with them in TNA? Someone with ignorance is going to say "Cause TNA is giving them a shot!" WRONG. They couldn't draw in the WWE. Thats why they weren't pushed. Hell, GILLBURG was more loved than Any of those mentioned. Was he a 6'5" muscle bond giant? NO.

TNA is giving them a shot for one reason and one reason only, THEY HAVE NO FAITH IN THE PEOPLE THAT MADE TNA, TNA. PERIOD. You can spew garbage about how great they are and BLAH BLAH BLAH, Bottomline, THEY HAVE NO FAITH IN THE PEOPLE THAT MADE TNA, TNA. TNA was put on the map by Samoa Joe, Abyss, AMW, Robert Roode, Eric Young, MCMG, LAX, A.J. Styles, & others. NOT Angle, Christian, Rhino, Goldust or whatever their calling him, Tomko, Sting, or any of the other WWE rejects or never will be's. TNA is a Mini WWE pulling on the pantleg of Vince begging not to CRUSH them.

So I ask you this then Mr. Wrestling, Why doesn't TNA want to go head to head with the WWE on monday nights? According to you, they are better, have better talent, better show, MORE wrestling & Less Story, Innovater of EVERYTHING wrestling, & Hardcore wrestling woman. They should have NO PROBLEM beating out the WWE. I got news for you, TNA is the WWE, they have their writer, & their wrestlers. They ever have an owner that was from the WWE. Might as well rename their show to WWE:TNA. Remember, NWA:TNA. LOL

Well Ogerz, I see that rather than attack my ideas or beliefs, you would prefer to resort to name-calling, so I think I'll stick to my "son" reference. Bockwinkle was 70's and 80's. Bruno was 60's. I stick to the "son" reference again. You liked G.L.O.W.? There was only one who came from there to the big leagues of the WWF. Bet you can't tell me who without looking it up.

This forum is not for some individual to claim that they know everything, as you continue to do. It is for all to share their opinion of which show they like better and why. If you read my other posts throughout the site, you will see that I do watch both shows and the fact of the matter is that WWE has been slipping a lot in the last couple of years. Not my opinion, fact. WWE and all the writers on the wrestling news sites know it and it has been reported extensively.

One of those reasons is that TNA, for the most part, have younger talent and staff than the WWE. Vince knows this. That is why a couple months ago it was reported here on WZ that Vince was looking to hire younger staff for the creative team that were more in touch with todays fans.

I don't "hate" any promotion. I'm not that personally attached to the brand or product to feel that emotion. I like wrestling...period. I am not here to promote someones label nor do I stand behind the theory that just because they have around longer they must be better. The NWA has been around twice as long as the WW(F)E and that certainly doesn't make them "better", now does it? TNA would have to be considered better on many levels to the NWA.

And I don't think I have ever heard TNA Staff or owners say that they were out to "compete" with WWE. They aren't. As I've said in the forums before, any "Monday Night Wars" scenario is only in the minds of the fans. TNA is trying to put out the best product they can to capture a share of the over-all market. It's just like all 3 major networks having soap operas. They aren't trying to "take over" Days Of Our Lives or whatever. They are trying to capture a portion of the existing fan base and make a buck.

The people who Vince let go are those that the writers couldn't come up with anything for, people who left because they were not happy (Angle and Christian) and ones fired due to disciplinary problems (like kicking over a flower pot in a hotel lobby...(Rhino)).

I think WWE has a lot of talent, but Vince won't let them do what brought them to the show in the first place. The scouts see young guys doing fantastic moves and then Vince won't let them do their moves that got them over with the fans in the first place. If you don't believe that look at "Nova" in Heyman's ECW then Simon Dean in Vince's WWE.

Guys like Kennedy, Morella (once they drop his irritating gimmick), Morrison, and Murdoch can be great stars, but Vince has to let them do the things that got them so over with fans in the minor leagues of the business.

Guys like HHH, HBK and Mysterio, as much fan favorites as they are, need to move to the side and let the next generation take over. That is what TNA is doing that WWE isn't. They are preparing tomorrows headliners. Sting putting Abyss over in their title match-up. Angle putting Jay Lethal over. Steiners and 3D putting over LAX, MCMG and others. Hell, they even put Eric Young over in the "Fight For The Right" match!

BTW, their owner was never a part of the official WWE roster. Yes, he wrestled for the company, as a contracted worker, not a signing. That was during the NWA invasion of WWF angle, led by Jim Cornette (who was in the NWA, not WWE).

TNA is doing what every single promotion in the world is doing and nothing more...trying to get their slice of pie. I have no dreams of TNA putting Vince out of business. WWE won't put TNA out of business either. Dixie Carter, Jeff Jarrett and Panda Energy have all stated that they will simply close the doors if the fans are no longer there for them.

Regardless of what company a fan chooses to follow, the smart business man will make sure that his product is good enough so that they can make a dollar from it (which goes back to the "choosy mother's choose Jif" line. Hundreds of brands to choose from and each has a share of the pie.

So, if you want to resort to name calling, feel free. I will stick to my opinions, my thoughts, my feelings. Not because they are right or wrong, because I'm pointing out what I like or dislike about each brand.
Well Ogerz, I see that rather than attack my ideas or beliefs, you would prefer to resort to name-calling, so I think I'll stick to my "son" reference. Bockwinkle was 70's and 80's. Bruno was 60's. I stick to the "son" reference again. You liked G.L.O.W.? There was only one who came from there to the big leagues of the WWF. Bet you can't tell me who without looking it up.

This forum is not for some individual to claim that they know everything, as you continue to do. It is for all to share their opinion of which show they like better and why. If you read my other posts throughout the site, you will see that I do watch both shows and the fact of the matter is that WWE has been slipping a lot in the last couple of years. Not my opinion, fact. WWE and all the writers on the wrestling news sites know it and it has been reported extensively.

One of those reasons is that TNA, for the most part, have younger talent and staff than the WWE. Vince knows this. That is why a couple months ago it was reported here on WZ that Vince was looking to hire younger staff for the creative team that were more in touch with todays fans.

I don't "hate" any promotion. I'm not that personally attached to the brand or product to feel that emotion. I like wrestling...period. I am not here to promote someones label nor do I stand behind the theory that just because they have around longer they must be better. The NWA has been around twice as long as the WW(F)E and that certainly doesn't make them "better", now does it? TNA would have to be considered better on many levels to the NWA.

And I don't think I have ever heard TNA Staff or owners say that they were out to "compete" with WWE. They aren't. As I've said in the forums before, any "Monday Night Wars" scenario is only in the minds of the fans. TNA is trying to put out the best product they can to capture a share of the over-all market. It's just like all 3 major networks having soap operas. They aren't trying to "take over" Days Of Our Lives or whatever. They are trying to capture a portion of the existing fan base and make a buck.

The people who Vince let go are those that the writers couldn't come up with anything for, people who left because they were not happy (Angle and Christian) and ones fired due to disciplinary problems (like kicking over a flower pot in a hotel lobby...(Rhino)).

I think WWE has a lot of talent, but Vince won't let them do what brought them to the show in the first place. The scouts see young guys doing fantastic moves and then Vince won't let them do their moves that got them over with the fans in the first place. If you don't believe that look at "Nova" in Heyman's ECW then Simon Dean in Vince's WWE.

Guys like Kennedy, Morella (once they drop his irritating gimmick), Morrison, and Murdoch can be great stars, but Vince has to let them do the things that got them so over with fans in the minor leagues of the business.

Guys like HHH, HBK and Mysterio, as much fan favorites as they are, need to move to the side and let the next generation take over. That is what TNA is doing that WWE isn't. They are preparing tomorrows headliners. Sting putting Abyss over in their title match-up. Angle putting Jay Lethal over. Steiners and 3D putting over LAX, MCMG and others. Hell, they even put Eric Young over in the "Fight For The Right" match!

BTW, their owner was never a part of the official WWE roster. Yes, he wrestled for the company, as a contracted worker, not a signing. That was during the NWA invasion of WWF angle, led by Jim Cornette (who was in the NWA, not WWE).

TNA is doing what every single promotion in the world is doing and nothing more...trying to get their slice of pie. I have no dreams of TNA putting Vince out of business. WWE won't put TNA out of business either. Dixie Carter, Jeff Jarrett and Panda Energy have all stated that they will simply close the doors if the fans are no longer there for them.

Regardless of what company a fan chooses to follow, the smart business man will make sure that his product is good enough so that they can make a dollar from it (which goes back to the "choosy mother's choose Jif" line. Hundreds of brands to choose from and each has a share of the pie.

So, if you want to resort to name calling, feel free. I will stick to my opinions, my thoughts, my feelings. Not because they are right or wrong, because I'm pointing out what I like or dislike about each brand.

I take offense of anyone that would call me son without knowing my age or my mental capacity. You fired the first, So deal with it. I was merely making a correction to your belittling people that had no voice until I seen it. If your going to claim that TNA is so great and the WWE is so bad, then your a hater. You can sugar coat it anyway you deem to, but either way, it's still very obvious where your loyalties lie.

You questioned my knowledge of wrestling and I answered loud and clear. Just too bad I was right and you were WRONG. I don't claim to know EVERYTHING about wrestling, but I have this problem with people saying stupid things trying to look good infront of people. You should have researched what you said about TNA being the first to have a 3-1 night wrestler before spewing that "when Triple H had to fight three times in one night! I bet you've never seen that before? What? Kurt Angle did that in TNA a month earlier?" And Don Muraco did it 22 YEARS BEFORE THAT. If you call doing something the WW(F)E did 22 years ago innovative, then you truly have no clue.

Next thing you know, TNA will do a 6 Side of Hell Steel cage match (Hell In A Cell), and claim they thought of that too! If you "don't think I have ever heard TNA Staff or owners say that they were out to "compete" with WWE. They aren't." Then you are very Niave. Then why does TNA constantly bring up the WWE'S name if their not trying to COMPETE. Or having Team Fat Slobs bring out their championship belts and disrespect them on TV? Either that or their riding WWE'S coattails using their name to boost themselves which is a SORRY ASS move. Pick which you prefer guru.

BTW, I said that "Queen Kong was AWESOME in G.L.O.W. I even watched that crap." Would you define CRAP as liking something? I think you need to have your eye's checked, or go back to english class "DAD". LAX is not a blip right now with Team Fat Slobs and Rick and the WRESTLING STIFF BOARD POPPA PUMP Stiener hogging the spotlight. Angle may have lost the X-Division title to Jay Lethal, but it was not to put him over than rather to get the strap off him and to someone with the proper size that the title was designed for. You call it what you want. Why would Sting have to put over the BEST THING TNA HAS GOING FOR IT? DUH.

So, If TNA constantly takes shots at the WWE, Why would the Monday Night wars be something the FANS made up in our little minds? If TNA had the balls that everyone claims they do, then they would put up or STFU. PERIOD. So deal with it.

Bottomline, I like TNA alot. I think they have alot going for them, but they got that damn WCW attitude, thinking WWE'S rejects are going to end up making them larger. Maybe it would happen, If they would go after the REAL talent of the WWE and not the throw aways. The ONLY good pick up they got was Angle. Not one single other guy they have got is worth the time they burn up on TV. I bet now that Booger T and Davari ended their stint with the WWE, TNA will go right after them as well. Booker sucks to no end and is an idiot himself. Which in TNA terms means he is champion material. LOL Robert Roode is the only guy in TNA that I want to seeing wearing that strap right now. Not Sting, Not Angle, Not Abyss, Not cage, But ROODE. That guy would make TNA all that much more worth watching.

My opinions are that TNA is great, but got a long road ahead of them. You and I will agree on one thing, the WWE HAS SLIPPED in the last 2 years. There is NO DENYING THAT. I could sit and tell you all about what I think is wrong with the WWE but I don't have the time or WZ have the webspace for all my opinions and thoughts. I am only replying cause someone attacked people in general belittling them while YOU was playing like YOU know everything. Is your real problem that I outthought you and contradicted your ego trip? Who knows and who really cares.
i watch all 4 main wrestling shows every week and have to say RAW is the best show. it is generally entertaining from beginning to end.

iMPACT is the second best show. TNA has a really tag team division, although they hardly use them, and an excellent mid-card.
SMACKDOWN is ok. there are some good wrestlers, but i am sick and tired of batista. he has been in every single world title match this year. it amazed me how ppl would cheer when they heard batista was the number 1 contender. he got old very fast, and i could care less if i never see him wrestle again.

ECW. how did WWE take somthing so good, and make it so bad? i honestly dont see why balls and dreamer are still there. the only reason i watch this show is in hopes of a true ECW hardcore match.
TNA Have some pretty great fucking wrestlers. But most of the are WWE REJECTS. Tna need to realise that WWE wrestlers get paid big Money. They're Paying Kurt Angle Big Money Sting, Christen Cage Team 3D Tomko Steiner Brothers All them will be on big money, They wanan bring in RVD They will continue brinignin People who left wwe and it will Destroy them

Everyone knows eventually Vince is gonna click his fingers and TNA will be wiped out. TNA Do not have the cash to compete with Vince and the WWE. I would really Like to see poeple like AJ Styles Samoa Joe Jeff Jerrat Back into the wwe. WWE Are just Destroying the ECW name.
God, the same old sorry argument of "WWE Rejects". Is this honestly the only thing that people can come up with anymore.

Quick history lesson.

The Hogan Age, built mostly around former AWA and NWA stars, other wise known as Rejects, including the biggest reject of all, the AWA Reject: Hulk Hogan.

The Attitude Era: Built mostly on stealing ECW concepts and WCW Rejects, a fine combination of the two create the WWE. Let's not forget the biggest reject of this era, that WCW Reject: Stone Cold Steve Austin

The WWE has held a monopoly on the business in the states the last 6 years, with TNA only now starting to chip away at it. Do you honestly expect anyone with any name value not to get a job with the biggest company in the states, or in fact, the only company.

The WWE misused this list of guys everyone keeps mentioning. The WWE blew there chance with Christian, and now he is a legit main eventer, because the WWE couldn't see how good he was. Kurt Angle, sure he has serious addiction problems, but TNA took the WWE's best pure wrestler right out from under neath him. And Rhino, like stated earlier, kicked over a flower pot, must be a wash up.

Can anyone come up with anything new other then, WWE Reject as to why TNA sucks? Because honestly, it's a weak ass argument. So if they bring in RVD or Brock Lesnar, guys that left on their own terms, obviously they were just rejects and don't deserve a job.

So what happens if Vince steals AJ, Samoa Joe, all of the X-Division stars that everyone complains doesn't get a push? Will they get the label as TNA Reject? It's stupid, it's a business. People make money, and if they are fired or choose to leave, then they need a way to make money, so they go elsewhere. What, should they sit on their ass and wait for the WWE to call and say "hey, we fucked up, here's your job back", um no.

How come no one has a problem with free agents in any of the four major American sports jumping from team to team. Is Kevin Garnett a Timberwolve Reject? Is Shaq a Laker Reject? Name any Free Agent, and ask yourself if they are a reject
Thank you Shocky, this is what I have been saying myself all along. Admittedly my style of writing is that of what is called an "opinion piece" or op-ed writing. Occasionally someone takes exception and attacks me rather than what I wrote, but I suppose that goes with the territory.

Now that it is official that WWE has given Booker T his release, if he shows up ANYWHERE other than his own PWA promotion, I'm sure we'll be hearing the "REJECT" chant again. So, before anyone does so, let me do the old copy and paste and let you read the words of Booker T. "I would like to also address any possible rumors or misinformation regarding our release from WWE. I had been unhappy for quite some time with the direction that the Company was going in. In fact, I asked for my release back in July for that very reason."

So, this little message goes out to all those who somehow have found fault with my assumptions and my opinions. Pay attention...very close attention to one line of Booker's statement "I had been unhappy for quite some time with the direction that the Company was going in. In fact, I asked for my release back in July for that very reason"

This is essentially the same reason that Angle, Christian and a couple others have given for leaving WWE. But someone will now say that Book was washed up anyway so why does it matter. And these were the same people who a couple weeks ago were lamenting over the fact he was "seemingly" gone at that time.

I'd like to add an example from real life to those of Shockmaster that I'm sure we can all relate to. If you are employed at an accounting firm, legal office or even a burger joint and you either get fired or decide you don't like it with that company and go to work for the competition, does that make you a "reject"?

I think there are just too many marks out here who can't grasp the concept of athlete/ACTOR. I don't care if it's Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, HHH or even Black Machismo Jay Lethal. What we see on TV is not who these people are in real life. They are actors who have been hired by a traveling off-broadway show to play a role. For the most part, these are some pretty amazing athletes. But they are actors first.

It isn't the talent it's the direction that the company is going in.
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