[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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meh i agree with the monday night war that will build wrestlers into legends give everyone fresh faces and make both sides think outside the box to produce better storylines and better wrestling. the only true problem WWE faces atm is all the injuries and TNA faces the problem of not having well established anouncers and i mean this as in there not like good ole JR and jerry "the king" Lawler that most are familier with. Also currently TNA is kind of viewed as a "WCW" as it is takeing all of WWE's fired retired or fed up wrestlers and giving them massive pushes when they need to push ppl like aj styles and samoa joe. not kurt angle and sting.
I honestly think that the biggest aspect keeping TNA back from seriously competing with WWE ratings is the fact that they do not produce a live show. On top of that, some of their shows are taped two to three weeks ahead of time. Considering that TNA thrives on a more serious wrestling fan base then wwe, spoilers for future shows def. puts a damper on the ratings. I think the next steps for TNA should be go live on a weekly basis, reach and sustain a solid 2.0 rating on a weekly basis, and then the final step would be to take the live show, and put it head to head against Raw. I honestly believe if TNA were to cultivate their show and have it live for a few months on the time slot its on now, that it can truly take viewers away from WWE head to head.
Lets be Frank, WWE(Formally known as WWF) Has monopilised the wrestling proffesion for a long time, Since Vince McMann Junior tok over in the late seventies, things were lookong godd for him, snd he kept the company run the way his father had run it, which was watchable for all the age groups, but i Believe Vince has lost the plot and if he is not carefull he will loose all respect for the people who work for him, which will eventually put him in a position where, TNA and other pomotions will have room to grow worlwide. Hence te reason whyso many Former WWE Athletes are jumping Ship!
I live in Australia, so we dont get TNA... only the PPV's which is pointless, i think, if we dont get Impact every week.

WWE has used the same formula for 20 years... and its worked for 20 years..
Of course, we would all rather see more Wrestling than stupid segments.

Every business in every industry has its high points and low points...

TNA is still new and growing, so at this point, be honest, cant compete against WWE... WWE have the better Wrestlers (in no way bagging Wrestlers such as Angle or Christian)

WWE are in a rebuilding stage, after the Attitude era, when on RAW we had Undertaker & Kane V Rock & Sock for the tag titles
Edge & Christian V Hardys
Triple H V Austin
HBK V Jericho
Angle V Benoit
just to name a few

WWE isnt in that position anymore... thats why the younger/newer stars such as Kennedy, MVP, Lashley, Cena ... Fued with the older stars... WWE cant afford to have HBK V HHH or Undertaker V HBK again... there isnt enough star power

do people not realise that Mr Kennedy, CM Punk, MVP, Mickey James, London & Kenrick, Umaga, Jeff Hardy, Sandman, Monty Brown, Sabu... were all in TNA in the last 5 years and have JUMPED SHIP TO WWE

WWE can offer more money, more tv time, travel the world
at this point... TNA cant (no disrespect to TNA)

short memories people =]

WWE is on top of the Wrestling business.. like it or not
TNA vs WWE....WWE vs TNA....we could be here forever talking about this but the fact of the matter is that numbers say it all.The WWE rateings absolutly destroy TNAs rateings.If WWE was so bad then no one would watch it.Yea its not like it used to be but it sure is more entertaining then TNA is.TNAs in ring action is good but most of the entrance music is crap,the commentary is awful and the promos are for the most part horrible.The storylines and feuds are not all that and some go on for way too long (Team 3D vs LAX for example).Theres way too many gimmick matches and nothing to show for it except hurt wrestlers.Why have so many gimmick matches? Simple,to get the rateings up.Does it work?Obviously not.Its funny how TNA has 2 hours and the rateings stood exactly as they always were and yet ECW,while not as good as it should be,still manages to get higher rateings with its 1 hour.TNA has what it takes to get up there but unless they start doing things right it aint gonna happen.
Err, how is the WWE pulling in 3.3's on their flagship show "destroying" Impacts 1.1. So a company that has been Vince McMahon owned for 30 years only manages to have 3 times the number of watchers as a company that has been around for 6 years? That hardly seems to be destroying for me.

Let's look at Raw then, on air for 15 years, while Impact on Spike, maybe two. And the Two hour version of Impact only started earlier this month. I think TNA is progressing very well when you look at years involved. For Raw to be drawing 3.3's and Impact 1.1's, it's very impressive.
Accually a 3.3 compaired to a 1.1 is a HUGE difference because while it may not seem so just by looking at thoes numbers on the surface the fact is that a 3.3 is MILLIONS of fans more than a 1.1,not just a couple of thousand.TNA thinks that big names alone will be enough to get a boost....sorry but it does not work that way.TNA is too concerned with trying to compete with WWE and not focusing on improving their product."So and so left WWE? Good lets snach him up put him in the spotlight that should boost our rateings" If Angle and Sting cant give them a boost no one can,sorry.
Accually a 3.3 compaired to a 1.1 is a HUGE difference because while it may not seem so just by looking at thoes numbers on the surface the fact is that a 3.3 is MILLIONS of fans more than a 1.1,not just a couple of thousand.TNA thinks that big names alone will be enough to get a boost....sorry but it does not work that way.TNA is too concerned with trying to compete with WWE and not focusing on improving their product."So and so left WWE? Good lets snach him up put him in the spotlight that should boost our rateings" If Angle and Sting cant give them a boost no one can,sorry.

I think you're missing the point. First of all, a 1.1 rating indicates that there are over a million viewers, not just a few thousands. Yes, a 3.3 rating is just over 2 full points higher than a 1.1. But the significance of TNA's 1.1 is that the company has managed to draw in over a million fans in just 5 years of existence! That's phenomenal. The WWE has been around for over 30 years- they should be miles ahead of any other competitor, but they're not. Comparatively, last year at this time RAW was consistently pulling rating near 5 and Impact wasn't quite breaking the 1 mark. RAW ratings are going down and Impact ratings are going up. You can't ignore that.

TNA is by no means the perfect company and I don't agree with many of the moves they make creatively (Does anyone really want to see Rikishi??). However, their product is slowly drawing more and more fans, most of which are probably former WWE fans that are sick and tired of the same shit week after week.
One thing that people need to think about, and that I need to think about, seeing as during the second two-hour iMPACT I turned over because I couldn't take any more of the stupid segments and three-minute matches, is that TNA is still trying to get used to having to produce a two hour show a week.

It's in a strong position now, and once it starts balancing itself out (which hopefully means more X Division and less "Christian's Cabana" type segments) and becoming consistently of a higher quality, it'll be in a stronger position. I wouldn't have believed it myself, but I think there's a chance of TNA becoming a major competitor "before schedule".
I definitely agree that TNA could become a major competitor. Yeah sure wwe has more fans and a longer and amazing history and yadayadayada,but from a purely,purely creative standpoint,TNA is kicking WWE's million dollar ass
Here I am again, looking around to see everyone more concerned with ratings and storylines. TNA's Ratings would be ALOT higher if they didn't tape them 3 weeks prior to air so we can all come and read about it instead of watching it. Also, sorry Mean Gene, Although I have actually come to respect some things you have been saying as you seem to be coming around on looking at both ends of the spectrum, I have to give you a HUGE,


How would ANYONE here think that TNA does NOT want to compete with the WWE. Why exsist if you have NO goals to be #1? What would all this hard work be for if TNA will settle for 2nd?

To quote someone else, I will bet ANY of you $100 that if TNA goes LIVE, their ratings will JUMP! To say it like the 100th time, TNA needs to stop worrying about the WWE bottom feeders! For christsake Junior Fatu thinks he deserves a RAISE! ANYONE SEE THIS BS? LMFAO Thats the funniest crap I have heard ALL WEEK! LOL

TNA also needs to stop talking about the WWE until they have the Live show and the STARS they need in place. Get RVD, Lesner, & Booger T (I can't stand watching him, but he does have STAR quality and will draw attention). They have to back what their saying! I agree that Austin was an IDIOT for even mentioning TNA, but once again, He has always had a big mouth.

Bottomline here is, Don't look at the ratings and say that WWE is CRUSHING TNA cause those numbers are decieving. I know that I will read the spoilers so I will keep up if it's an night I have to work so I wont miss whats going on. If they didn't give the spoilers, I would be forced to TIVO it.
Dont get me wrong,im not saying that TNA is not doing well,its just that its so obvious that they can do so much better if they focus on improving their product.Dixie Carter says she wants to go head to head with Raw....sorry Dix but the way things are going it aint gonna happen.If you are on the bottom of the ladder you cant expect to just jump to the top and skip the other steps cuz if you do you just gonna end up tripping and falling.With ratings like a 1.1 Dix needs to first improve the product to boost ratings (and i dont mean by leap frogging former WWE talent over TNA talent thats been there since day 1 cuz obviously that dont work but they keep doing it) and worry about beating ECW (whoes ratings went up by the way) and then Smackdown and THEN Raw.TNA has such a long road ahead of them if they hope to compete with WWE and if they dont get their crap together they are gonna end up as a sh!t stain under Vinces shoe.Start paying the wrestlers more money,put on live shows every week,work on the commentary and work on the promos and then TNA will get somewhere.
Glad to see we've found some common ground Ogerz...lol. Yes, Fatu/Rikishi must be full of himself. He has to be the least deserving of any of the talent for a raise consideration. I've read here on WZ before that one of the reasons for not wanting to go live is that they are afraid they just can't pull it off. On tape it seems to flow so smoothly from one segment to the next, but apparently with so many high-risk moves and specialty matches, there are quite a few botches. Yes I agree that the promos need improvement. An easy solution...get a damn boom mic. I would find Karen coming on to Nash a tad more believable if Borash wasn't there holding a microphone for them to say their lines.

I appreciate your working sometimes on Thursdays Ogerz and not wanting to miss anything so you read the spoilers. But as someone else said, stop reading them and the element of surprise returns. Go ahead and tivo.

On that issue of going live so that spoilers are eliminated, there will still be spoilers. Even WWE shows are for the most part recorded anymore. RAW is only live once or twice a month usually. ECW and Smackdown are always taped. I know that they always say "Coming to you Live from the ____ Center". It is live from there but not to your TV screen. They have been mis-leading in this respect for a number of years. I believe it may have been you Ogerz who suggested that TNA record their show earlier in the day on Thursdays and then edit before air time. Even that wouldn't eliminate the spoilers as on a few occasions when RAW was truly live that night there are reporters backstage and sure as hell they get on their cell phones and call in the "possible" spoilers for that nights show and even on PPV's we get them. I kind of wish that the net didn't serve that purpose. Vince has tried to shut up leaks and 2 months ahead of time weare 99% certain that Y2J is returning and a month ahead of time that Booker may well indeed be going to TNA.

Unless it is "late breaking on CNN" there are no surprises in the Electronic Age.
On that issue of going live so that spoilers are eliminated, there will still be spoilers. Even WWE shows are for the most part recorded anymore. RAW is only live once or twice a month usually. ECW and Smackdown are always taped....Unless it is "late breaking on CNN" there are no surprises in the Electronic Age.

Got to disagree with you there, the only WWE show that is taped on a normal basis is Smackdown. It is rare, maybe once every three months or so that Raw is taped rather then being live, and to a lesser extent, the same is said for ECW. Plus lets do a comparison here. ECW and TNA pull similar 1.0 ratings. TNA's prerecorded show does that with a pretty big base of star power and on a two hour primetime spot. ECW's live show does that with little to no star power anymore on a 10 pm time slot on Sci-Fi. That is not meant to knock TNA, but just making a point. I personally think that a live Impact show is the key to TNA's next advancement as a company.
I hate that WWE has been watering down their product for the last 5 years. They have so much potential and they are letting TNA become the future of wrestling. TNA is the best and will always be the best as long as the WWE let them. Superstars such as Kurt Angle, Christian Cage, Team 3D, Rikishi, Rhino and all these former-WWE stars are deciding that TNA is more dominant in sports entertainment right now and thats why they transfered or accepted a contract. WWE is running scared of TNA and thats why they quickly removed the mention of them in Steve Austins interview on WWE.com. And to answer some of the people on this page, the reason why WWE is afraid of TNA is because they beleive that the fans would enjoy TNA more and that TNA would grow incredibly if the WWE acknowledged them. TNA owns the WWE and although I continue watching Raw and Smackdown, TNA is easily the best brand. TNA! TNA! TNA! TNA!

Another thing I would like the mention is that Raw is now based around Hornswoggle, Santino Marella bashing Stone Cold, HHH's superman gimmick (since Cena got injured and can no longer take that role), Divas that cannot wrestle but only look sexy, Cody Rhodes getting beaten by Hardcore Holly numerous times, the dominance of Snitsky and Umaga and slow-paced spit-in-face-of-fans matches. The only good thing that Raw has right now is Orton being the WWE champion.
Got to disagree with you there, the only WWE show that is taped on a normal basis is Smackdown. It is rare, maybe once every three months or so that Raw is taped rather then being live, and to a lesser extent, the same is said for ECW. Plus lets do a comparison here. ECW and TNA pull similar 1.0 ratings. TNA's prerecorded show does that with a pretty big base of star power and on a two hour primetime spot. ECW's live show does that with little to no star power anymore on a 10 pm time slot on Sci-Fi. That is not meant to knock TNA, but just making a point. I personally think that a live Impact show is the key to TNA's next advancement as a company.

I actually think them taking Impact out of the Impact Zone like once every month or two would make things more exciting. They can sell 4,000 seats for PPVs, so just go to places that may seat 1500 to 2000 for an Impact taping. That would make things more fresh because the atmosphere would be different. Then after they start filming oustide Impact outside of the Impact Zone on a somewhat regualr basis, then they should try to go live.
why would WWE be scared of TNA i have no clue.. im not saying they are better but they have more $$$$ to work with and when they feel tna becomes a threath they will squash it just like they did WCW.

I agree man they could just buy TNA out they have the money to do it. I am not saying that TNA are not a good promotion, coz i do watch it sometimes not very often but sometimes and it is quite good but WWE vs. TNA wouldnt work coz WWE would basically destroy them. Look if they did have a WWE vs. TNA, WWE would beat them. TNA - Good WWE - Better than TNA.
Sorry but thats my opinion and i am sure some other people think this.
I hate that WWE has been watering down their product for the last 5 years. They have so much potential and they are letting TNA become the future of wrestling. TNA is the best and will always be the best as long as the WWE let them. Superstars such as Kurt Angle, Christian Cage, Team 3D, Rikishi, Rhino and all these former-WWE stars are deciding that TNA is more dominant in sports entertainment right now and thats why they transfered or accepted a contract. WWE is running scared of TNA and thats why they quickly removed the mention of them in Steve Austins interview on WWE.com. And to answer some of the people on this page, the reason why WWE is afraid of TNA is because they beleive that the fans would enjoy TNA more and that TNA would grow incredibly if the WWE acknowledged them. TNA owns the WWE and although I continue watching Raw and Smackdown, TNA is easily the best brand. TNA! TNA! TNA! TNA!

Another thing I would like the mention is that Raw is now based around Hornswoggle, Santino Marella bashing Stone Cold, HHH's superman gimmick (since Cena got injured and can no longer take that role), Divas that cannot wrestle but only look sexy, Cody Rhodes getting beaten by Hardcore Holly numerous times, the dominance of Snitsky and Umaga and slow-paced spit-in-face-of-fans matches. The only good thing that Raw has right now is Orton being the WWE champion.

Hmmm do you actually think the whole Wwe will just be messing around like they have been with them knowing TNA is a big company and future of this buisness ? atm TNA is nothing and when they will become something wich I hope do the WWe crew can pull their socks WWe willl put TNa out of buieness. I have alot of Respect for TNA wich used to have a future potentiol before all the Rejects came in but what you wrote sorry but its a pretty erigont post. TNa owning WWE ??? Cmon man I dont know how can someone come up with that idea.

First off Kurt didn't leave because TNA was better but for the fact that he wanted a lesser schedule. The Others are basicilly WWe Rejects.

Now don't get me wrong TNA will have a bright future but theyr'e looking to be headed WCW way. TNA was watchable when they actually had great wrestling matches but now theyre trying to come in and play WWE game and when WCW tryed playing it they were OUT!!
I don't think calling TNA stars who came from WWE rejects because that kind of stuff happens. It's dumb to say that because everyone changes jobs and most of the WWE guys that do go to TNA end up doing better, whether or not TNA isnt as big as WWE yet. That's like saying Randy Moss is a Vikings reject.

I wouldn't want to make a prediction on the reallity of who would win a war between the two companies but from a fans prospective heres what each need to do to make some things better.

Stop banning moves and moving people up the ladder of success just because they are really built. We want to see wrestlers who have charisma and stamina to go with it. Stop firing all of your good people. Fire Cena! jk if they did that it would be the biggest mistake I've ever seen whether I like him or not. We want to see more promos from lower cards and not just high cards. Either get rid of the womens division or actually get women who can wrestle and not just win a DIVA search. Listen to your fans (Not all of them, I'm sure they'd know a good idea when they see them). There is more but I dont have all night. Let your cruiserweights be cruiserweights!

They really should've stuck with building Abyss more. I bet if he were still in the main event picture he would've been a major draw to the show. Also they do need to start thinking about building there own stars and right now the only ones I really see is Samoa Joe, James Storm, and Robert Roode. Stop ending every match on Impact in a DQ. I know it's a draw to the show but too much is too much. Get a good color commentator and replace Don West. I like him and everything but when the action gets intense we need someone who's voice doesn't go soft. Also they need to pull a trick that everyone is waiting for. A major stable feud. Those are the best times in wrestling IMO. Also they need a good looking face main guy. That draws alot of women to wrestling. I know girls who only watch wrestling for guys like Cena, The Rock, and Jeff Hardy(I know he's not even a main guy really but still).
WWE scared of TNA? Lol yea keep wishing.Im sure WWE is TERRIFIED of a show that does not even know how to put on a live weekly show and that has less fans then ECW.If TNA is so great and if Dixie Carter is so confident then why not try to get Impact aired on a Monday,Tuesday,or Friday night? Do you know why? Ill tell you why.Its because Dix did'nt forget what happened when Impact went head to head with Raw earlier this year.WWE being scared of TNA is just wishful thinking on your part and nothing more.
I was a fan when I was really small of the WWE and have been ever since but now I think TNA is major competition to Mr McMahon! They have some great superstars who have already made a name for themselves and potential world-wide legends. The diva`s, Interesting titles and the Six-Sided ring makes it so exciting.
TNA have risen to become the best in regards to entertainment value TNA has more high spots, No Bottle feeder wrestlers, and a surprise element to their matches that the WWE cannot achieve at the moment. I often watch raw/smackdown and can more often than not project the outcome. This what the WWE must do again to become the show i used to love.
Glad to see we've found some common ground Ogerz...lol. Yes, Fatu/Rikishi must be full of himself. He has to be the least deserving of any of the talent for a raise consideration. I've read here on WZ before that one of the reasons for not wanting to go live is that they are afraid they just can't pull it off. On tape it seems to flow so smoothly from one segment to the next, but apparently with so many high-risk moves and specialty matches, there are quite a few botches. Yes I agree that the promos need improvement. An easy solution...get a damn boom mic. I would find Karen coming on to Nash a tad more believable if Borash wasn't there holding a microphone for them to say their lines.

I appreciate your working sometimes on Thursdays Ogerz and not wanting to miss anything so you read the spoilers. But as someone else said, stop reading them and the element of surprise returns. Go ahead and tivo.

On that issue of going live so that spoilers are eliminated, there will still be spoilers. Even WWE shows are for the most part recorded anymore. RAW is only live once or twice a month usually. ECW and Smackdown are always taped. I know that they always say "Coming to you Live from the ____ Center". It is live from there but not to your TV screen. They have been mis-leading in this respect for a number of years. I believe it may have been you Ogerz who suggested that TNA record their show earlier in the day on Thursdays and then edit before air time. Even that wouldn't eliminate the spoilers as on a few occasions when RAW was truly live that night there are reporters backstage and sure as hell they get on their cell phones and call in the "possible" spoilers for that nights show and even on PPV's we get them. I kind of wish that the net didn't serve that purpose. Vince has tried to shut up leaks and 2 months ahead of time weare 99% certain that Y2J is returning and a month ahead of time that Booker may well indeed be going to TNA.

Unless it is "late breaking on CNN" there are no surprises in the Electronic Age.

Yes, It WAS me that said that TNA should tape the day of. Look at itthisway, if you ape he day of, Most people work during the day with younger fans working the evenings. I know that after I get offline in the morning, I don't touch the computer for the rest of the day. I would say majority would agree with that statement. I don't really believe that WZ ruins anything for me. I see a post and if I really want to be surprised, I don't click it. It's ultimatly a CHOICE of the fans to ruin it for them selves. But it Hurts TNA as they are trying to get their ratings up and people won't watch when they can read it.

As for a few others on here, I have to comment about them saying the WWE is watering down their product while TNA does NOT. I got some news for you, WWE had NO NEED to put on the best show on earth with NO competition! All they had to do was put on a show worthy of getting people to still tune in. TNA MUST have BLOCKBUSTER show week in and week out to show the world they can compete. Don't think for one second that the WWE doesn't want TNA to "MAKE IT". They need TNA to survive as badly as TNA themselves want to survive. We ALL know the WWE performs at a MUCH HIGHER level against COMPETITION.

WWE is LETTING TNA grab some spotlight. The WWE could have CRUSHED TNA in a heartbeat if they truly wanted to(Look at ECW, Prime example). They could have opened thier pocketbook and offered ALL of TNA's Top Stars money they would not see if TNA does not "Make It". When WCW was beating them, then ECW got on the map, WWE wasted NO TIME in crushing them and buying them out. It's not by accident that TNA is getting bigger and bigger. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Vince LET Angle and Christian go over there to give them the boost they needed to get themselves in the spotlight. Or even helped Jarrett financially. Nothing in the wrestling world would surprise me.

Since the demise of WCW, The ONLY PPV I have ordered from WWE was Wrestlemania. NO OTHERS. I, like most, believe that the WWE is not giving their best and I will not toss my money on the ground to watch what I can see on RAW. Bottomline. This is a business and you need competition to get butts in the seats and to put on a better show. You may think I am nuts, but look at the Wrestling business since WCW was bought out. Has the WWE really did anything SPECTACULAR since then? I say NO. The WWE has done NOTHING to impress me. No surprise wrestlers making a debut or anything. Wrestlemania has even LOST that touch in my opinion. But its the only show worth paying money for.

Thats my 2 cents. Mean Gene, I noticed you left the "I told you so" comment alone. LOL It's alright brother, I would have too. LOL Glad to see we have finally met on some common ground none the less. LOL
In a few years all TNA will be is WWE with a smaller fan base. So far all TNA is doing is following everything WWE is doing. It's sad because TNA has the potential and star-power to be an amazing company that provides great wrestling. With guys like Samoa Joe, Chris Sabin, AJ Styles...(ect.) that can wrestle, and guys like Kurt Angle that give them exposure, TNA should be amaziang. But sadly it's not. TNA is following WWE's storylines doing everything WWE is. I don't know why they are doing this because they can be successful with their own ideas and wrestling. It used to be that you would tune in to TNA to see wrestling and tune in to WWE to see storylines, now it's all the same.
I agree with agrex, I think the only thing that TNA has done so far is imitate a lot of what WWE has done or is doing. I find this especially true with all the ex wwe wrestlers that are being hired by TNA. I WANT TNA to be on the same level as the WWE because then we have competition, and with competition we see the best in both brands. But at the moment my alliance goes with the WWE.
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