Undertakers 15-0 streak becoming 15-1

To have The Undertaker lose the streak would be like taking away the '72 Dolphins undefeated season. (YES, I KNOW, DIFFERENT CIRCUMSTANCES. Hear me out.) So what if it is booking? It's been one of the most respected records in the history of wrestling, not just the WWE\WWF either. Wrestlemania began the Pay Per View legend, and Taker has been the dominant wrestler whether he's face or heel, and to have The Undertaker just lose to anyone would be as disrespectful as you can get. I know everyone says that Edge should be the one, but let's face facts: The Undertaker is 15-0 because he WON 15 matches either by pinfall or disqualification. Edge is only 5-1, because he did not win Money in the Bank 3. Yeah, he didn't lose, but he didn't win, the same way a loss counts in a triple threat or fatal-four way match even if you weren't pinned or gave up. Edge can say he's never been pinned or submitted, or been counted out or disqualified, and he can say he's won two ladder matches at Wrestlemania, but how do you tarnish 15 wins, let alone 15 matches for a technicality? How many superstars still wrestling have wrestled at 15 Wrestlemanias? Let's see...

HHH? Only 11.
Shawn Michaels? Close. 14.
Hogan? 10. (no longer wrestling but proving a point)
Bret Hart? 12. (same thing)

Someone brought up the quality of opponents Taker faced. He wrestled:
WM 7: Superfly Jimmy Snuka (a Hall of Famer and very over as a face at the time)
WM 8: Jake the Snake Roberts (another HOFer and a top heel)
WM 9: Giant Gonzalez (crappy wrestler, but his biggest opponent at the time and was a true challenge with a great build-up)
WM 11: King Kong Bundy (he was older, but wrestled Hogan in a main event, so can't be that bad)
WM 12: Diesel aka Kevin Nash (former WWF champion and 7 foot challenge, probably one of Nash's best matches, and the top heel at the time)
WM 13: Sid Vicious (see Bundy) and won WWF title
WM 14: Kane (a well-built feud that ended up here)
WM 15: Big Bossman (OK, a crappy match and wrestler, but the only Hell in the Cell ever held at WM, plus his only WM match in the Ministry gimmick)
WM 17: HHH (no explanation needed)
WM 18: Ric Flair (same)
WM 19: handicap match with A-Train and Big Show (not a great match but a tough handicap match was better than expected)
WM 20: Kane re-match (first match was better but his return from Buried Alive in new deadman persona)
WM 21: Randy Orton (probably his best match ever IMHO)
WM 22: Mark Henry (first ever Casket Match at Wrestlemania)
WM 23: Batista (carried him to a great match) and won World Heavyweight Title

Every match he has had at Wrestlemania had great build-up and was anticipated or had some gimmick to make it more interesting. How can you look at that list of accomplishments and years served just to say, "OK, Taker, all those years of making you look dominant at Wrestlemania, beating six near-7 footers, two at the same time, plus beating 7 former WWF\WWE champions, 2 Hall of Famers, wrestling in the only Hell in the Cell AND only Casket Match in Wrestlemania history, overcoming injuries and lasting longer than any active superstar, but now you're going to lose to Edge." Edge, a barely 6'4" bleached blonde heel champion whose claim to fame involves using Money in the Bank to beat opponents who wrestled cage matches for the World title TWICE just to get him over as a heel." (I don't hate Edge, by the way, just an example of credibility) Does that actually make sense to someone?!

Matter of fact, take Edge's name out and put in John Cena. Or better yet, The Great Khali. Pick any name you want, put it in that sentence, and see if it even sounds like it makes sense. Maybe it's all booked and fake, but sometimes, the legacy overruns the reality. Maybe the '72 Dolphins are old, and that record may never be equalled (bad time to say it with the Patriots doing their thing), but no one can take away that they were the first and currently only undefeated team in NFL history. Would someone take that away to put over the Oakland Raiders?

Why take away a career defined with dominance and mystique just to put over some superstar not even guaranteed to last 5 years? (Brock Lesnar anyone?!)

The streak should continue, or it should end at 15-0. Simply put. Anything else is just ruining the most real thing that the fans have to get behind in a very long time.
To have The Undertaker lose the streak would be like taking away the '72 Dolphins undefeated season. (YES, I KNOW, DIFFERENT CIRCUMSTANCES. Hear me out.) So what if it is booking? It's been one of the most respected records in the history of wrestling, not just the WWE\WWF either. Wrestlemania began the Pay Per View legend, and Taker has been the dominant wrestler whether he's face or heel, and to have The Undertaker just lose to anyone would be as disrespectful as you can get. I know everyone says that Edge should be the one, but let's face facts: The Undertaker is 15-0 because he WON 15 matches either by pinfall or disqualification. Edge is only 5-1, because he did not win Money in the Bank 3. Yeah, he didn't lose, but he didn't win, the same way a loss counts in a triple threat or fatal-four way match even if you weren't pinned or gave up. Edge can say he's never been pinned or submitted, or been counted out or disqualified, and he can say he's won two ladder matches at Wrestlemania, but how do you tarnish 15 wins, let alone 15 matches for a technicality? How many superstars still wrestling have wrestled at 15 Wrestlemanias? Let's see...

HHH? Only 11.
Shawn Michaels? Close. 14.
Hogan? 10. (no longer wrestling but proving a point)
Bret Hart? 12. (same thing)

Someone brought up the quality of opponents Taker faced. He wrestled:
WM 7: Superfly Jimmy Snuka (a Hall of Famer and very over as a face at the time)
WM 8: Jake the Snake Roberts (another HOFer and a top heel)
WM 9: Giant Gonzalez (crappy wrestler, but his biggest opponent at the time and was a true challenge with a great build-up)
WM 11: King Kong Bundy (he was older, but wrestled Hogan in a main event, so can't be that bad)
WM 12: Diesel aka Kevin Nash (former WWF champion and 7 foot challenge, probably one of Nash's best matches, and the top heel at the time)
WM 13: Sid Vicious (see Bundy) and won WWF title
WM 14: Kane (a well-built feud that ended up here)
WM 15: Big Bossman (OK, a crappy match and wrestler, but the only Hell in the Cell ever held at WM, plus his only WM match in the Ministry gimmick)
WM 17: HHH (no explanation needed)
WM 18: Ric Flair (same)
WM 19: handicap match with A-Train and Big Show (not a great match but a tough handicap match was better than expected)
WM 20: Kane re-match (first match was better but his return from Buried Alive in new deadman persona)
WM 21: Randy Orton (probably his best match ever IMHO)
WM 22: Mark Henry (first ever Casket Match at Wrestlemania)
WM 23: Batista (carried him to a great match) and won World Heavyweight Title

Every match he has had at Wrestlemania had great build-up and was anticipated or had some gimmick to make it more interesting. How can you look at that list of accomplishments and years served just to say, "OK, Taker, all those years of making you look dominant at Wrestlemania, beating six near-7 footers, two at the same time, plus beating 7 former WWF\WWE champions, 2 Hall of Famers, wrestling in the only Hell in the Cell AND only Casket Match in Wrestlemania history, overcoming injuries and lasting longer than any active superstar, but now you're going to lose to Edge." Edge, a barely 6'4" bleached blonde heel champion whose claim to fame involves using Money in the Bank to beat opponents who wrestled cage matches for the World title TWICE just to get him over as a heel." (I don't hate Edge, by the way, just an example of credibility) Does that actually make sense to someone?!

Matter of fact, take Edge's name out and put in John Cena. Or better yet, The Great Khali. Pick any name you want, put it in that sentence, and see if it even sounds like it makes sense. Maybe it's all booked and fake, but sometimes, the legacy overruns the reality. Maybe the '72 Dolphins are old, and that record may never be equalled (bad time to say it with the Patriots doing their thing), but no one can take away that they were the first and currently only undefeated team in NFL history. Would someone take that away to put over the Oakland Raiders?

Why take away a career defined with dominance and mystique just to put over some superstar not even guaranteed to last 5 years? (Brock Lesnar anyone?!)

The streak should continue, or it should end at 15-0. Simply put. Anything else is just ruining the most real thing that the fans have to get behind in a very long time.

well said dude......edge has maybe 5-7 years left tops considering the nature of his injuries....and the streak is what is going to separate Taker from every other wrestler...flair has his 16 championships, Hogan has his groundbreaking 4 year title reign, Austin has his PPV buy rates records and record t-shirt sales, and Taker is undefeated at Mania.....Taker is in the elite class of performers, and one of the reasons for that is because the streak has been hyped for the last 6 years...yeah he's always been over and drawn good money, but the streak is what makes him truly legendary.....no other wrestler shares this record....there are many multiple title holders....Cena is 4-0, but that is a long way from 15...
Taker can't lose at Wrestlemania. It has become half of his legacy. Without the streak, he would only be the deadman. Not the Phenom with a decade and a half of destruction and who is undeafeted at WM. Furthermore, I don't, as a fan, think that a performer like Edge deserves to end the streak! If anyone does, and this has been said, it should only be Kane!
Taker can't lose at Wrestlemania. It has become half of his legacy.

Not really, The Streak is something Taker will be remembered by, but it isn't half his legacy, His gimmick is what made him. He's had god knows how many great feuds, promos and matches. The Streak is just another add on to a future HOFer. If he is too lose the streak it will not hurt his legacy at all IMO.

Furthermore, I don't, as a fan, think that a performer like Edge deserves to end the streak!

I do. If he can stay healthy for years to come, He along with Cena will be the top 2 guys in the company for the next 5 years or so. Edge will be around awhile, he's a fantastic heel and will be the top heel for quite awhile. It wouldn't hurt if Taker passed "The Streak" to Edge even though it will not happen.

If anyone does, and this has been said, it should only be Kane!

Kane's gimmick, career and credibility is all out the window. Kane is basically dead, He's not going to be around any longer than 2 years, If that. Edge is going to be on top for years to come, Having Kane defeat Taker would just make Taker's streak look like a fluke.
Supposedly McMahon is very high on Taker's streak so I dont see him ending it anytime soon. Also, Taker's streak is one of the few things left that older wrestling fans can relate to and love because theyve been a part of it. You kill the streak you take away older fans interest. The streak will live on.
Theres no reason in hell that they need to end one of the longest streaks in history. No one in RAW, SMACKDOWN, and ECW as any real reason to be able to end it. I mean i know some people want edge to end his wm streak but comeon the wwe should just leave his strak alone. You kill the streak you lose alot of veiwers at WM and any other show that Undertaker is on. 15-0 live on.
The only guy who could have ended it was Orton.After he lost it was clear Vince was never going to let it end.Personally,I'm sick of Taker and his damn winning streak...
The only guy who could have ended it was Orton.After he lost it was clear Vince was never going to let it end.Personally,I'm sick of Taker and his damn winning streak...

that's your opinion and you are entitled to it, but i agree with the posters that pointed out that alot of older fans care about the streak because they have been a part of it...nostalgia plays a huge part in the wrestling industry and that is why i do not think the streak will ever be ended...
This streak should go on until he retires. They should end it at 20-0, so if his retirement comes before, he should come back for Wrestlemania guest appearances. There is no one on the roster of a caliber who should be able to end the streak.
The only guy who could have ended it was Orton.After he lost it was clear Vince was never going to let it end.Personally,I'm sick of Taker and his damn winning streak...

Orton sucks and is unworthy of it. If the guy actually did anything besides pose for the crowd and be the master of five minute headlocks, then I'll listen to that argument, but until then, Orton is simply living on because the WWE is trying to live off the 3rd Generation Superstar Crap.

Taker's streak should end in my opinion, and I've watched his career from the beginning. I really think the level of heat it will generate will create a new megastar instantly in the business. The Business needs new stars, and it's time for guys like Taker, Triple H, and Michaels to step aside in my opinion. Taker jobbing to Edge would be incredible.
Orton sucks and is unworthy of it. If the guy actually did anything besides pose for the crowd and be the master of five minute headlocks, then I'll listen to that argument, but until then, Orton is simply living on because the WWE is trying to live off the 3rd Generation Superstar Crap.

Taker's streak should end in my opinion, and I've watched his career from the beginning. I really think the level of heat it will generate will create a new megastar instantly in the business. The Business needs new stars, and it's time for guys like Taker, Triple H, and Michaels to step aside in my opinion. Taker jobbing to Edge would be incredible.

Edge is already a huge star...he's held 3 world titles and every other belt the company has....he does not need the rub...
I dont want offend, but undertaker needs to take a step down and let new comers have a shot.To tell About wm24 he will definitely win
I dont want offend, but undertaker needs to take a step down and let new comers have a shot.To tell About wm24 he will definitely win

why should he step down when he clearly is still a top draw....he gets the biggest pop out of anyone in the WWE....did you not see WM23?.....Vince is not a stupid man, he's going to run Taker on top while he's still able to capitalize on him being a draw....the newcomers have had plenty of chances and i've yet to see anyone outside of Kennedy prove that they are ready for top spot...and don't say Jeff Hardy, he's hardly a newcomer.....
why should he step down when he clearly is still a top draw....he gets the biggest pop out of anyone in the WWE....did you not see WM23?.....Vince is not a stupid man, he's going to run Taker on top while he's still able to capitalize on him being a draw....the newcomers have had plenty of chances and i've yet to see anyone outside of Kennedy prove that they are ready for top spot...and don't say Jeff Hardy, he's hardly a newcomer.....

I've heard too many people here refer to Hardy as a newcomer. 10 years in the WWE and he has had how many world title reigns? Oh yeah.. none

I agree with you on a few points. The Undertaker is still a huge draw. He gets the biggest crowd response by far. Young and older wrestling fans alike enjoy Taker's matches.

It would be great if he could stay on a regular schedle, or even a World Champion's schedule, but the simple fact is he can't. He is growing in age and has become very fragile. It will be hard on his already weak body to keep a full time schedule. Pushing 'Taker that hard would only lead to more injuries

The WWE has two choices as I see it. They can let Taker keep his streak going and bitch about losing a legend when he retires a year later, or they can push Edge to become the next legend.
I guess the next direction to go with this ending Taker's streak thing would be, Is it a smart idea on the WWE?

Triple H is probably going to make sure he is in the main event this year, so that would mean Taker and Edge are going to be in the midcard, or at least not in the main event, if the match happens.

Could you imagine the energy getting sucked out of the stadium if the Undertaker were to lose? I mean the shock and awe that would set in I think would probably do more to take the crowd out of the rest of the night then add to the night. I honestly think someone defeating the Undertaker at Wrestlemania would become bigger then the rest of that night combined.

So I don't think unless it's the main event the WWE would even want to do that.
Undertaker is something beyond a mere wrestler. His character is so strong that its taken a life of its own, a character that can summon lightning and return from the dead whilst being the only supernatural character in a "realistic" wrestling program. His Wrestlemania streak is one of the things that make up this persona. You can say that him losing at Wrestlemania doesn't take away from his legacy, but let's be real... it does. It would have been like giving Steamboat a final run at the end as a hated Heel after years of being Face. Why? Just to say they did it? Wrong. People complain that WWE is always ruining storylines and screwing things up. Tarnishing Taker's streak would easily slide into one of the most massive of these blunders.

As for Edge, I am sorry.. I just don't get it. I don't think he's a Hall of Famer or a Legend. He's big, but to me most of his star power comes from the fact that the WWE has made him a big fish in a little pond as so many huge names have left since 2000. It made him bigger by default. We are talking about a guy that has changed finishers four times. And his current is the worst one yet. A Spear? After seeing Goldberg in action, and now Lashley.. a man like Edge doesn't do a convincing enough Spear after seeing the other men do it, not to mention Rhyno. Someone worthy of beating the Undertaker, if it ever did happen, shouldn't get his glory from already famous finishers, a stolen title win over a briefcase kill after an Elimination Chamber, a transitional champion title reign, and a history of injuries.

The last thing Edge did that impressed me creatively was his fued with Matt Hardy after the real life incident with Lita.
If the WWE was smart they would do the streak vs streak match and have Undertaker go over. They dont need anyone coming anyhwere near The Undertaker's streak. The streak should be his and his only, because as the wins go on for Edge, the less special it is for 'Taker.
Undertaker's streak. This is a very touchy situation. Now, I do believe removing this would tarnish his legacy. I mean, saying "Well, he was undefeated." just doesn't sound as good as "Well, he's undefeated." There's just so much more impact in that last statement.

Now, as metnioned earlier; Taker's persona has taken on a life of its own. When you think Wrestlemania you think of two things; Hulk Hogan and the Streak. The Streak has the power to literally take a new person and put them on top of the world. It could be there debut match and it would automatically make them a main event player.

The problem is is that they can't use someone already at the Main Event level or it'd be a waste, but they can't use someone so green that they don't know if it'll be a waste or not. The real problem is finding someone who lies in limbo like that because honestly, if you've got the goods you'll move far and you'll move fast. If you don't, well then you don't.

I don't think he should lose the streak, as I said earlier. It'd tarnish his legacy, and it could end up being a waste. There are just too many variables too really deal with with Taker losing at Wrestlemania.
I like The Undertaker, but I strongly believe he should lose at WM sometime before his career is over. I already stated in the "Taker buries his opponents" thread that he wins all of his feuds and that he should lose to a young potential superstar at a WrestleMania to help their career status. What would happen to Taker if he lost at a WM? Nothing, he will still be loved as much as always. What would happen to the guy that beats him at a WM(it could be somebody like Cody Rhodes, MVP, or somebody that we don't even know yet)? He will achieve instant fame and will practically have a free ticket to the Main Event scene.

When people say it is part of his legacy and he should never lose at WrestleMania to help a younger superstar get recognized, that is the same as saying that a 90 year old man on his death bed shouldn't write a Will and give all of his fortunes to his family. Yes, the old man worked hard for his fortunes throughout his life, but what good is it when he is dead? If Taker never loses at a WM, that just proves that I am right in the "Taker buries his opponents" thread.
I like The Undertaker, but I strongly believe he should lose at WM sometime before his career is over. I already stated in the "Taker buries his opponents" thread that he wins all of his feuds and that he should lose to a young potential superstar at a WrestleMania to help their career status. What would happen to Taker if he lost at a WM? Nothing, he will still be loved as much as always. What would happen to the guy that beats him at a WM(it could be somebody like Cody Rhodes, MVP, or somebody that we don't even know yet)? He will achieve instant fame and will practically have a free ticket to the Main Event scene.

When people say it is part of his legacy and he should never lose at WrestleMania to help a younger superstar get recognized, that is the same as saying that a 90 year old man on his death bed shouldn't write a Will and give all of his fortunes to his family. Yes, the old man worked hard for his fortunes throughout his life, but what good is it when he is dead? If Taker never loses at a WM, that just proves that I am right in the "Taker buries his opponents" thread.

your old man analogy is ridiculous.....the whole point of the streak is to leave the one guy who has been on top longer than anyone in the wwe with a title that no one else has....just because someone thinks cody rhodes is talented and may get help from a rub like the streak does not guarantee he's going to be a star...remember Brock Lesnar???...he walked out after all the time and effort in building him up....the wwe is not going to make taker's streak a sacrificial lamb on a hunch that it may push someone through the roof, unless it's someone who truly deserves it and right now i don't see anyone that is....and you are entitled to your opinion about taker burying people but that does not make you right by any means....
your old man analogy is ridiculous.....the whole point of the streak is to leave the one guy who has been on top longer than anyone in the wwe with a title that no one else has....just because someone thinks cody rhodes is talented and may get help from a rub like the streak does not guarantee he's going to be a star...remember Brock Lesnar???...he walked out after allthe time and effort in building him up....the wwe is not going to make taker's streak a sacrificial lamb on a hunch that it may push someone through the roof, unless it's someone who truly deserves it and right now i don't see anyone that is....and you are entitled to your opinion about taker burying people but that does not make you right by any means....

I can understand where he is coming from, but to me its just a matter that some people should leave the WWE with their reputations and legacy intact, rather than being buried on their way out. In order to justify the Undertaker being ruined on his way out (and that's what breaking the streak is, and will be in many people's eyes), you would need to give that honor to an unbelievably worthy person. One that rivals the Undertaker in personal ability and loyalty to the company. And the problem there is the only people I can think of that qualify got over a long time ago and don't need that kind of boost to their careers.
My money is on the Undertaker keeping his undefeated streak until he leaves the WWE. I just think that the Undertaker is a big enough star that he will get to keep his legacy even if he is on the way out. I just don't see him losing at wrestlemania anytime soon which I think is awesome cause I love the guy and it adds to his stardom.
Undertaker is something beyond a mere wrestler. His character is so strong that its taken a life of its own, a character that can summon lightning and return from the dead whilst being the only supernatural character in a "realistic" wrestling program.

Saying that Undertaker brings realism to his character is an understatement.

No way should Taker ever lose his Wrestlemania streak. Why? To "put over a younger talent"? Bull. Yeah I know, the younger guys are the future blah blah blah. Anybody remember Hogan/Rock at Wrestlemania? Even if Hogan HAD pinned The Rock, it wouldn't have hurt his credibility in the least. It's safe to say Undertaker is a future Hall Of Famer. And for good reason. With all he's done for the buisness, let Undertaker go out on top. Undertaker should retire undefeated at Wrestlemania. He deserves it.
i agree that Taker brings realism to his character...Mark Calaways portrayal is classic theatre...he is a true artist...the man does not even speak anymore and he still gets a bigger pop than anyone...he has the ultimate control over his audience....in the age of wrestlers having to cut promos and constantly improve on the mic, he's proven time and again that he does not have to say a word...his prescence just being on the card draws fans and gets a reaction..his streak should live on, he's more than earned it....
Undertaker has been great for wwe.Always a quality match and always has the ability to carry less talented wrestlers into good matches. Just like Batista at last years mania. I think if its Taker vs Edge at mania Edge will and should lose, he is already at a main event level.
The streak should not be broken, and if it is, it should be an up and coming main event star.

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