**Merged** All Undertaker Future Streak and Match Discussion

Well it has been mentioned many times that the Undertaker must approve of his opponent, otherwise he will not accept the match...

Leaves 1 of 2 people in my eyes, Cena or Kane.

The way Cena has been built by the WWE, leads me to believe that he could be the only one to beat the Undertaker, who will surely retire by next year. However the fact that Cena will most likely be required to headline a separate match has me doubting this option.

I would love to see Kane vs Undertaker, a match to end both careers with the absolute highest of highs. Let them both fight until they are counted out and have the lights go out, only for the druids to come in to carry both bodies out.
Apologies for my prior spam; good for breakfast, bad for posting...

For artistic, poetic reasons, it should be Kane. As many have already pointed out, their storyline brotherhood, shared manager, and intersecting careers make that feud one where it just makes sense. There are a hundred ways to book it where they both retire/"disappear" on the same night at the end of a grueling match, and I think that would be an indelible moment, regardless of the show it took place on.

For practical reasons it should be CM Punk. 21-0 isn't as important as building a new generation of stars. Look at this year's WrestleMania-- if WWE were a sports franchise we'd call this a rebuilding year. It's all part-timers/long-timer/old-timers at the top, while lower on the card we've got Ryback, The Shield, Fandango, Big E Langston, and a group of young journeymen like Dolph Ziggler, Daniel Bryan, and Jack Swagger. CM Punk can use the win. Undertaker can't. CM Punk can lead the next wave of WWE Superstars. Cena can't for much longer. I've already got a wager on this: in just a matter of days now, CM Punk is going to beat The Undertaker.
Apologies for my prior spam; good for breakfast, bad for posting...

For artistic, poetic reasons, it should be Kane. As many have already pointed out, their storyline brotherhood, shared manager, and intersecting careers make that feud one where it just makes sense. There are a hundred ways to book it where they both retire/"disappear" on the same night at the end of a grueling match, and I think that would be an indelible moment, regardless of the show it took place on.

For practical reasons it should be CM Punk. 21-0 isn't as important as building a new generation of stars. Look at this year's WrestleMania-- if WWE were a sports franchise we'd call this a rebuilding year. It's all part-timers/long-timer/old-timers at the top, while lower on the card we've got Ryback, The Shield, Fandango, Big E Langston, and a group of young journeymen like Dolph Ziggler, Daniel Bryan, and Jack Swagger. CM Punk can use the win. Undertaker can't. CM Punk can lead the next wave of WWE Superstars. Cena can't for much longer. I've already got a wager on this: in just a matter of days now, CM Punk is going to beat The Undertaker.

Punk is going to be 35 in October, he's not that much younger than Cena who will be 36 in April. Neither of these two have that much longer left in their careers and wouldn't make sense for either one to end the streak (if it ever ends).
Punk is going to be 35 in October, he's not that much younger than Cena who will be 36 in April. Neither of these two have that much longer left in their careers and wouldn't make sense for either one to end the streak (if it ever ends).

WTF are you talking about? Both still have plenty of gas left in the tank. Used to be that a guy didn't even get his big break until he was in his mid-30s. Tell Triple H and Undertaker that they shouldn't have had that much longer left when they were 35. My distinction between Cena and Punk is that one has been on top for 10 years and one hasn't.
WTF are you talking about? Both still have plenty of gas left in the tank. Used to be that a guy didn't even get his big break until he was in his mid-30s. Tell Triple H and Undertaker that they shouldn't have had that much longer left when they were 35. My distinction between Cena and Punk is that one has been on top for 10 years and one hasn't.

My point was, they're not going to waste the streak on guys that have been injury prone and are not getting any younger. Both of those guys love the business and could be around another 10 years but not on the regular roster. Both are way, way over. It just doesn't make good business sense waste the streak on guys that are already over and on the wrong side of 30.
My point was, they're not going to waste the streak on guys that have been injury prone and are not getting any younger. Both of those guys love the business and could be around another 10 years but not on the regular roster. Both are way, way over. It just doesn't make good business sense waste the streak on guys that are already over and on the wrong side of 30.

You make a good point, and you're definitely amongst the majority in this. I just don't feel as if WWE has a whole lot of other options. The streak isn't going to sell any tickets or get any PPV buys once Undertaker is retired. A guy who is already over and who is established probably is the best bet to take the streak. It's too prestigious to turn it into a Hogan passing the torch to Warrior situation. CM Punk is over and established. Vince can be confident that Punk won't lose his mind or turn against the company. Plus, I'd like to think that Undertaker has taken a look around the locker room and asked himself, "who among you can shoulder this burden? Who's going to sacrifice like I've sacrificed and be loyal like I was loyal?" If he's done that, then the answer is clear. If rather, he's decided to go the selfish route, to follow the Hogan's, Flair's, and even Warrior's, then you and everyone else who believes the streak will stand will be right. No biggie either way.
cause the last two matches that someone laid down for another went over great. This would be the worst idea ever for the most important winning streak in history to become worthless because of someone laying down.

I like how you only take 1 part of what I said and criticize it ;) and you don't even provide anything besides criticism. But of course I do believe you and I have had a series of run-ins with each other in the past so no surprise there! ;)

And who has laid down when they had their opponent clearly beat and dragged their opponent over them? Are you comparing that to the fingerpoke of doom? Because it's the exact same thing? Yeah because I said "have CM Punk go up to Taker tap his shoulder and cover him".
I've always said if you are going to have him lose right now Cena in a heel turn is the only way it makes sense. Or to whoever you think the next #1 guy is after Cena to put him in that positions
First let me start by saying this, I really don't understand why everybody is crapping on taker's WM 29 match. It was a change of pace and i really enjoyed the pace. I was at WM 28 and loved the HBK Taker HHH story told in the ring. I watched this one televised and i gotta say heyman did well telling a compelling story... Was it a GOAT? No. But for me it keeps the streak (in my imagination and technically alive). Listen, he IS NOT going to lose at mania... it isn't gonna happen, so it will always be predictable, but this year we got a different look and i liked it.
I thought it was a good match, lots of back & forth action & even though i had no doubt that taker would win, towards the end punk came close a few times i thought he was gonna end the streak.

At the end of the match if you looked at takers eyes, i thought he was gonna start crying as if he was gonna announce it was his last match.

On raw last night i also thought he was gonna announce his retirement until the sheild came down.

But, as far as who he faces next or who might end the streak, its anyones guess, we will have to wait until next year if taker feels hes still got it in him.
This match had the unfortunate circumstance of having to follow matches against Edge, HBK twice, and HHH twice. It was hard expectations to live up to. This was also the first year in a while where it was hard for me to actually think Taker could lose. Last year when HBK hit Sweet Chin Music into HHH's Pedigree I thought it was over. I didn't really have that moment this year. All being said though it was a great match. Match of the night I would say. Taker can still go, and they gave it their all. I think Taker will be back for one more Mania in 30, and I am curious to see if they go with Cena or choose another opponent for Taker.

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