Undertaker: Hall of Fame?

I think that 'Taker is completely deserving of being inducted. His accomplishments themselves all but guarantee his eventual induction, but it's more than that. It takes more than winning championships to really be called a "legend", as it's such an overly used term. Even if I weren't a fan of the Undertaker, I'd have to admit that the entire character is one of the most unique in the history of the business. I think his greatest accomplishment, overall, is staying relevant despite being part of the WWE roster for roughly 19 years. Throughout the years, he's been able to stay in the forefront of the company, be a good draw, have great matches and actually be professional. He's been completely loyal to the WWE and Vince, even during times when Vince may not have been worthy of being loyal to. Even during times when he was placed in some less than stellar matches or storylines, he sucked it up and did the best he could with what creative placed in front of him. He doesn't bitch and moan about it to the front office, he just does his job.
Why even ask if taker deserves to be in teh HOf he has or had a streak that wil be atleast 16 matches long, he's a great wrestler, he's not constantly in teh title picture he'll put people over, and he's part of so much history of WWE you can't not induct him. If it's not Paul Bearer or Kane to induct him it should be the man who brought him in to WWE Brother Love, think about it it would be a surprise and who wouldn't love to hear "I love you" one more time or you could have multiple inductors like how the shiek was inducted by Sabu and RVD.
I think he will accept the award just as he is. I think he will get the best induction ever, he has been in WWE so long, he deserves it. i think the person who inducts him will be either Kane or Paul Bearer, they are the two people who had the most impact on the phenom's legendary career. :undertaker2:
No,he is pretty overrated i mean a dead man gimmick is just plain the worst gimmick ever
seriously Kevin Nash would've sell the gimmick more than Mark Calloway.
and the mania streak he carries on,isn't an excuse to make him what people call
''Legendary''.HOF are people with talent like Ultimate Warrior and Batista,that make classic matches like
batista vs cena and Warrior/hogan,no one would forgot.

Wow, you have to be kidding me. Undertaker is one of the most respected and decorated superstars in all of wrestling. The dead man gimmick is pretty lame if it was just some guy playing it. The deadman gimmick is so special because it was played by Mr.Calloway. He took a pretty one-dimensional character, and gave it life. He put himself into it. If he is as overrated as you say, why is so many people so respectful towards him.

You are honestly telling me you think that Ultimate Warrior deserves Hall of Fame induction before the Undertaker? Ultimate Warrior is a guy who will never ever be considered in even the top 100 superstars of all time. Undertaker is a man who may actually be able to make a claim to the top spot.

As for your comment about Batista. I totally agree with you that Batista deserves a Hall of Fame induction. He is a great entertainer and he has put on many classic matches. But, he should only get it after the Undertaker.
No way he breaks character. From all that has been said, he takes the kayfabe, the serious mystical nature of his character very very seriously. I can see a ton of guys honoring him, and speaking of him, but I absolutely do not see him appearing, and just speaking as a normal person. I saw him leaving an event, driving out of the parking garage, and he gave me and the other fans out there pretty much the harshest glare one can, seemingly, becuase we saw him looking like a normal person. On that experience alone, I wouldve told you he would never do the tearfull goodbye that so many others have.

I'm pretty sure that nothing he could say in a ten minute speech would kill his character if riding to the ring on a motorcycle to the sounds of Limp Bizkit and being referred to as "Booger Red" couldn't do it.
The Undertaker in the Hall? Is that even a question? Hell Yes hes goin to the Hall.
17-0 probobly gonna be somewere around 19-21 and 0 by the end of his career numerous title reigns great rivalries etc etc....Without a doubt Undertaker into the Hall.
Of course The Undertaker is going to be in the Hall Of Fame, but just the thought of him retiring makes me sad, he has been my favorite wrestler for 11 years. But I think if he does retire it would be great if he got to 20-0, but as long as he doesn't lose his last match that would just be so dumb IMHO. He definitely should be inducted, he is a 4-time WWE Champion, 2-time World Heavyweight Champion, Hardcore Champ, Tag Team Champ, along with winning the Royal Rumble, but he also made famous all these match types like Hell In A Cell, Buried Alive, Casket Match, and competed in the first matches for all of those and for the Boiler Room Brawl, Punjabi Prison Match and Inferno match. He has shown that he could win in pretty much all match types even a Ladder Match once (shocker lol.) and won Elimination Chamber.
As for who should induct him, I think it would be great if Paul Bearer did because they just had so much history together and Paul Bearer was just so great on the mic lol. If he doesn't then Mick Foley or Kane because Mick Foley and Undertaker had a classic very hardcore feud, how could anyone forget their classic matches like the HIAC and even the Buried Alive Match, but it could be weird if Mick is still with TNA.
Yup of course he is. Through my only question would be wheather or not he would do it in character. the undertaker is one of the greatest WWE superasatrs of his time, of any time , so its a no brainer. 100% yup.:)
It's obvious the HOF induction will most likely happen after Undertaker retires. I see it as a way to keep the character out, and give the award to Mark Calloway, since he is the driving force that made the Undertaker so successful. Vince might have put his entire hype into him, but Calloway made it so successful. Otherwise, it would have fallen apart.

Damn right he deserves a HOF induction! He's a walking lesson on how to have a single gimmick on a promotion for so long and be booked as undefeated on the most inportant pay-per-view in that same promotion because of that.

I mean, that's just something that's uncontested.
maybe they will do a speciall induction were he is inducted by all the superstars that are still alive that he beat at wresltmania

but the problem is that some of them dont respect him enough to induct him
I can see edge and randy orton not coming to induct him
I cannot see how anyone could argue against putting Undertaker into the HoF. It is as simple as looking at the mans resume.

Multiple Time world champion, Long Career, Mania streak and some of the best wrestling rivalries and moments in the history of any wrestling company ever.
If anyone disagrees with Taker going to the HOF, I'd love to hear their explanation. He is fully deserving of entering, easily. Even if there are Taker haters out there, even they must admit that he's fully deserving, no question about it. He's one of the greatest wrestlers ever.
When taker does get in i dont reckon hes gonna come out with the smoke thunder black jacket black hat hes gonna come out like they all have done in the suit and just appear as mark. And like Austin did this year and Flair in 2008 do some character traits durring his speach thats wot i think will happen when he goes in

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