TNA LD is the Whole F'n Show for 08/12

I always applauded TNA for trying to make wrestling appear more genuine and real, but Reaction is fucking joke in that respect lol
Finally, Fortune did SOMETHING. Now they need to start dominating matches and taking the damn place over. Of course, they'll get cheered which makes absolutely no fucking sense, but I gave up trying to understand that crowd years ago.
Finally, Fortune did SOMETHING. Now they need to start dominating matches and taking the damn place over. Of course, they'll get cheered which makes absolutely no fucking sense, but I gave up trying to understand that crowd years ago.

Exactly how I feel.

And fuck the guy that said ReAction makes this look even more fake.
Anderson just said "take some pills Abyss" Apperently RVD and Hardy are rubbing off on him
Nexus II? What a greatly timed coincidence in storyline-wise

You have to be shitting me. They are nothing alike. This isn't rookies vs. veterans, it's TNA guys under Flair cleaning house of the ECW guys who weren't trying to "invade" at all.

Also, Nexus is just the quintuplet nWo/Invasion angle rehash, so TNA hasn't ripped jack shit off of the WWE because Nexus is a rip-off in itself.
Two issues with tonight (great show overall):

1. This shows how stupid TNA's stories are when by far and away the best show in forever has one storyline being advanced by talking.

2. This is one great show. Now they need to follow up on it.

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