TNA iMPACT! & ReAction LD for 08/26/10

I fuckin' love ReAction, almost more than iMPACT! itself. This show does such a sick job of capturing the drama behind these feuds.
I like how Abyss is still saying the after Taz's drop and Rhino just says that Fortune is saying that Fortune said they were they. WTF TNA Why are you doing this? :banghead:
"Well if they are they which they say they are they, then we only have to fight one group"

Uh, alright, you guys are right, im confused
FBI got their asses handed to them. I love the excuses they come up with. You got jumped? You got jumped face-to-face, you fools – you got owned.
I wanna boo everyone but Fourtune or is it Fortune?

Also, I like how Taz an ECW orginal shit WWE I mean EV2.0 Shit I mean that other company is dissing EV2.0
What another lacklustre effort! Apart from MCMG versus Generation Me and the entrance of The Beautiful People (and the subsequent restraint of Velvet by security guards), I saw nothing of value whatsoever in tonight's show. And what a surprise, the whole "they" mystery has apparently been solved and guess what, it's another disappointment.

Not holding out too much hope for their next PPV. All of their eggs are in the one proverbial basket, and I expect it's soon time for some scrambled eggs.
They must be apart of the SES the way they are talking.

Most places I know of don't get Xplosion so I really don't pay attention to it.

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