TNA iMPACT! & ReAction LD for 09/02/10

An entire segment about being straight, turning to lack of penis size. Yep, we're shooting for in depth, adult storylines folks! No childish stuff here!
I love Kendrick, especially his character(The Loner Psychopath). Like Edge in Late 2004/Early 2005. Love that gimmick.
[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2389697]Sabu has some creepy man-boobs.[/QUOTE]

They match well with his creepy "I'm going to rape you" facial expression.
An entire segment about being straight, turning to lack of penis size. Yep, we're shooting for in depth, adult storylines folks! No childish stuff here!

Big difference between using "adolescent" toilet humor and not being able to say the word "ass", instead having to say "butt".
Big difference between using "adolescent" toilet humor and not being able to say the word "ass", instead having to say "butt".

This is very true. It came off like a bunch of 20-somethings talking instead of people trying to appeal to people on the lowest common demonenator of comedy.
This is very true. It came off like a bunch of 20-somethings talking instead of people trying to appeal to people on the lowest common demonenator of comedy.

Either way, I've never been a fan of it in wrestlng. At a bar, fine, but never have I found it amusing in wrestling, at least not in its simplest form.
While I wasn't a fan of abyss losing here are some reasons it makes some sense:

A) It was obviously a fluke, finisher into a chair and abyss still looked like he kicked out anyway and wasn't phased at all

B) Abyss is a heel now and not supposed to be the totally dominant one because he is the errand boy for they

C) ECW fans are not going to want to watch their guys get the shit kicked out of them each week and if ecw guys never win their matches are pointless, so this sets up rhino with a legit shot at the ppv to win and adds some credibility to ev2

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