TNA Castmembers

I don't know if this subject has been broached in other threads but is iy possible some of the TNA censoring of fans is because Brooke wouldn't keep her ass in her seat during Morley/Daniels (nice booking btw, who wants to hear from Morley anymore,ugh) and they told her to sit her ass down? I'm a Hulk fan just like most but if some of this stems from daddy protecting his little girl shame on him. As for the rest of the changes, well I'll take a wait and see approach but right now I'm about 50-50 and realize that if it's going to the "next level, brother" that Eric & Hulk have to get them there. Unfortunately Jeff & Dixie took them as far as they could on their own.

Also, am I the only one hoping for a Macho Man signing to help reinvigorate the Black Machismo character?
What is going on in TNA atm? How much of this is a work or expected? We all know Bischoff and his "controversy creates cash," but it's hard to follow what is real and what isn't and what will be beneficial. Their are so many different things going on in TNA right now and it could be beneficial for the company (look at Leno/Conan) ... but is it just another quick fix which Bischoff is known for (though getting ratings now with the Leno/NBC issue, Conan will be leaving NBC)?

From the beginning I have wondered, why does TNA have to "compete" with WWE? I mean, what are the ratings and overall profits TNA has to make too be a constant business? I do not want TNA too put WWE out of business or vice versa, I like to have options when I watch wrestling and I do not want to fear by watching/attending one ... that I will help kill the other.

I am not a fan of Vince or his top guys, so I have always rooted for TNA and have always wanted TNA to get better. Then TNA acquired Sting and I really got involved.
Aside from Sting, the things I liked about TNA years ago was the Paparazzi Productions and the promo's Nash did with the X-Division "yep, look at the back here ... it's bob backlund approved" lol. I also thought Eric Young was a funny character (he played a role similiar too Santino) and enjoyed the entertaining skits that Jeff Jarret's stable put on.

Here are the things that seem to be the major issues in TNA atm and in no certain order ...

1) Jeremy Borash is taken off TNA television by Eric Bischoff -- if this isn't a work, I feel bad for JB and I like him.
2) Bubba the love sponge says "Fuck Haiti" on his twitter account, then it is reported Awesome Kong assaulted Bubba in retaliation -- this is only adds to the tension already between tna fans, impact zone fans, Bubba army, and all the JB loyalists who think Bubba is taking JB's job.
3) Impact Zone fans video tape the production team telling them they are "cast" b/c the things they say and do on TV can be seen by the viewing audience ... and a number of TNA fans who have never even been to the Impact Zone take it to heart "oh we're just cast too you." When the problem is the actual Impact Zone fans (not all) who are a cohesive group that start up "smark" chants that can be considered disrespectful or inappropriate that when seen on tv, can make some people think the fans of TNA are trash and will not give the new and different ideas a chance and threaten too charge the ring.
4) People want Hogan, Bischoff, and Bubba fired along with most of the new acquisitions
5) People want the six sided Ring back
6) Hogan is suppose to be a face, but all of the goings on are making him look like a heel ...
7) The TNA vets are worried about their jobs and I say ... as they should be. As a wrestling fan who has watched TNA off and on since it's come too TV and every week for the last year or so, I have a hard time remembering some of their names as many times as I see them. I also don't like some of the top TNA talent they have, whether they are face or heel.

I hold TNA too the same standard as WWE, so I expect their wrestlers too have the same charisma and over all talent as the WWE and wrestlers of the past, which I think Bischoff and Hogan know TNA does not have.

Take the ECW guys when they invaded WWE. Were there guys in ECW bigger then Justin Credible and The Sandman? I mean how over was Al Snow and Head?
Look how quickly they became a non-factor in WWE.

I know WWE didn't help the ECW/WCW guys out during that time, but would Sandman ever really gotten anywhere near a WWE belt?

The point I'm trying to make is, TNA in my opinion have some really good talent ...
but most are undersized, not good on the mic, usually come off as tweeners, and they all just seem like they are people fighting for a job.
I used to attend shows for a promotion until they told the fans how to react. That promotion is out of business and their "star" is currently bussing tables at a resturaunt. Way to go!
TNA has a right to ask the audience NOT to chant BULLSHIT!, they're taping a TV show afterall.
To me they seem like a company that has been trying very hard to listen to fans, to respect the fans. Now that they've asked for a little respect in return the yokels are all pissed off. This my friends is the real BULLSHIT! If fans can't handle themselves with a bit of dignity and class, GTFO. The taping is a FREE, motherfuckin FREE show. I'd be willing to bet that the majority of those fans that see the FREE show don't pay for the PPV either.
If the fans that go see it live are trash talkin it during the taping, how is the home audience supposed to react?
I've been a pretty harsh critic of TNA, but I respect that they are trying to change for the better. Give em a little latitude during the process. Fans today are like the idiots that have anurisms waiting for a polaroid to develop (a few minutes for you youngins).
If the fans chant this is bull---- or "boring boring" or boo when they're "not supposed to boo" and TNA kicks them out, the screw TNA. They give their IMPACT! tickets away for FREE anyways, and it's not like it cost the fans any money to go see the TAPING. What TNA needs to do is get out of the small puny 200 people Universal Studios Orlando arena and go to a real arena. I think they can be competition but not if 100% of their fans are random people that happen to be visting Universal Studios
Well, it's great to see that kayfabe is far from dead.

It's awesome to see the pouty faces of so-called smarks in the TNA audience that are being worked like there's no tomorrow, and they are selling it so bad they don't even realize it's a work.

"Hogan and Bischoff doesn't know the TNA audience!" seems to be a standard argument here. I think that the case is quite the opposite - they know the audience DAMN well, and are working the IWC and the TNA Crippled Cruds sort of people.

The best kind of work is where the crowd doesn't realize it's a work. Ye gods, you'd think "smart marks" would've surely realized this by now...

Edit: Though I have to admit that I find it amusing that the TNA producers is concerned with the audience using curses, while Desmond Wolfe is using the "go fuck yourself" sign (the two fingers in a reversed V-sign) towards the crowd and camera...
Well, it's great to see that kayfabe is far from dead.

It's awesome to see the pouty faces of so-called smarks in the TNA audience that are being worked like there's no tomorrow, and they are selling it so bad they don't even realize it's a work.

"Hogan and Bischoff doesn't know the TNA audience!" seems to be a standard argument here. I think that the case is quite the opposite - they know the audience DAMN well, and are working the IWC and the TNA Crippled Cruds sort of people.

The best kind of work is where the crowd doesn't realize it's a work. Ye gods, you'd think "smart marks" would've surely realized this by now... might have a point here. That's funny, I never even considered the possibility that this was a work. It certainly is a damn good way to come out acting like you're going to be a face, and then subversively make yourself a heel without anyone noticing.

Dude... if this IS a work, I officially declare everyone at TNA a fucking genius. might have a point here. That's funny, I never even considered the possibility that this was a work. It certainly is a damn good way to come out acting like you're going to be a face, and then subversively make yourself a heel without anyone noticing.

Dude... if this IS a work, I officially declare everyone at TNA a fucking genius.

I have one rule regarding wrestling:

If it happens on a sanctioned TV show, whether live or taped, it's a work.

Just because the work is no longer "Wrestler A really does hate Wrestler B because Wrestler B slapped Wrestler A's wife", doesn't mean that the powerful minds of Russo, Bischoff and Hogan haven't worked out that if you want to catch a new generation of electronically connected, communicating and insightful young men, you will have to be more subtle about it.

These are no idiots, contrary to popular belief. They wouldn't have a job if they were.
I have one rule regarding wrestling:

If it happens on a sanctioned TV show, whether live or taped, it's a work.

Just because the work is no longer "Wrestler A really does hate Wrestler B because Wrestler B slapped Wrestler A's wife", doesn't mean that the powerful minds of Russo, Bischoff and Hogan haven't worked out that if you want to catch a new generation of electronically connected, communicating and insightful young men, you will have to be more subtle about it.

These are no idiots, contrary to popular belief. They wouldn't have a job if they were.

Now that I've looked over all of the things that's happened lately, it does seem a bit odd that all of this would happen when Hogan first comes in...

If it is a work, it would be the most ingenious thing to come out of TNA. But the question is: Do today's general fanbase WANT to be worked over like that?
It doesn't really matter if they want to be worked over like that or not. Remember Bischoff's catch phrase: "controversy creates cash." That certainly would qualify as controversy, and I for one would LOVE to see those jackass Impact zone cliques get played like a harp.
Well the best reply to those Crucial Crew idiots who think they owe TNA is this video, underline Paul E's words "the audience can make the wrestlers superstars" and thats what excatly the ECW crowd did, they made faces legit faces and heels legit heels and put them over, yes the audience put the wrestlers over, something the Impact zone faithful don't quite understand and will never understand, now I know why Bischoff and Hogan decided to send someone to adress the crowd before the Impact tapings.
Well they have nothing to bitch about now. I read next weeks spoilers and guess what the athletes they want to see and the originals are still the focus of the show with no mention of The Band and little of Hogand Easy E. Yes you foold the originals are getting the spotlight still. Still want to bitch? I'll give you a quarter then take it back because there is no one going to care anymore.
I think I just had an epiphany of sorts. All these "true" TNA fans that are so upset at all these changes to the company they "love" really don't want TNA to grow and become successful. Know why? I'll tell ya why............(wait for it)if TNA explodes and does become successful and marketable to outside Orlando markets on a large scale, then all the "Crucial Crew" smarks won't be on tv every week, cause Impact will be going bye bye from Universal Studios. These guys absolutely don't want TNA growing to the point of huge success because their free wrestling show that they can attend every taping will suddenly have gone up in smoke. No more TV time for tie and shirt boy, no more stupid sapping the energy out of the show with smarky chants, no more spooning with their buddies(don't get your panties in a wad, that last one was in fun). It just seems so clear to me now.
I think Hogan and especially Bischoff have your crew exactly where they want you. They want people to think it's an originals vs old school war. They want you to think this is going to be WCW II or a WWE clone. They're playing to it, I mean if you read this weeks Impact spoilers (wont give specifics) "The Orlando Screwjob" I mean really, you're are a mark and you don't even know it. This whole thing with The Nasty Boyz, Hall, Waltman, Jordan, Morley taking T.V time and actually getting over favorites is a ploy, IMO.

Think about it, all over the internet TNA is the talk of the business. WWE fans hating on it, TNA loyalists revolting, Awesome Kong beating up Bubba, Bubba saying fuck Haiti. They have no more big signings, but they're still firmly leading all wrestling rumors and discussions everywhere. I mean granted I just joined, but have lurked for a long time, how many WWE shitheads have come to this forum since 1/4?

You and your little crew think you're so smart and important. Your sense of entitlement is amazing and I can't believe you actually think you're in the right trying to sabotage a product putting everything on the line. Just remember Einstein, when this storyline all comes together you were no better than a six-year-old who believes wrestling is real.

This whole thing stinks of Bischoff and you're playing right along.
As a fan who has seen at least 20 shows in the iMPACT ZONE (Over a dozen iMPACT tapings, Angle's debut, BFG 1, Victory Road 07 among others) I can tell you that the majority of these regulars are complete jerks who act like they run the show.

One time I got there early with my little brother to insure a good seat and we happened to get on the rail right in the middle. We were promptly told by some of the "regulars" that we had to move or they would have us kicked out of the building because we were in "their spots".

We had to move and wound up in a crappy bleachers spot. The majority of these guys are total a-holes who think they're better than the rest of the fans.

They are constantly trying to get themselves over. Some of the original groupies actually have jobs with TNA now. This Crucial Crew though is worse than any of the original groupies "Street Team Council".

TNA would be better off without these douches....they sat in the stand over the last tapings to show TNA "what they were missing"......INSANE! Stupid.
As a fan who has seen at least 20 shows in the iMPACT ZONE (Over a dozen iMPACT tapings, Angle's debut, BFG 1, Victory Road 07 among others) I can tell you that the majority of these regulars are complete jerks who act like they run the show.

One time I got there early with my little brother to insure a good seat and we happened to get on the rail right in the middle. We were promptly told by some of the "regulars" that we had to move or they would have us kicked out of the building because we were in "their spots".

We had to move and wound up in a crappy bleachers spot. The majority of these guys are total a-holes who think they're better than the rest of the fans.

They are constantly trying to get themselves over. Some of the original groupies actually have jobs with TNA now. This Crucial Crew though is worse than any of the original groupies "Street Team Council".

TNA would be better off without these douches....they sat in the stand over the last tapings to show TNA "what they were missing"......INSANE! Stupid.

What people don't realize is that you can get into the impact zone free without going to universal studios. That is exactly what this "UnCrucial Crew" is doing. They need to start charging for entrance for those who are not visitors to Universal. Like I have said several times before is that they don't value or respect the product because to them it is free. The visitors who pay for a day pass to get in to Universal do have some sense of value because they spent money on it, and they respect it. Frankly TNA could easily fill the impact zone with out these idiots because they are coming in and hogging room for the real fans that couldnt get in.

Everyone at TNA knows it is clear that these people are not really fans, they are probably bums who are trying to get on National TV on a weekly basis. That is why they told them to behave monday.

Now they were told to behave, they are now looking for attention via the internet.
Hello. I am not exactly a member of the Crucial Crew, but I suppose I'm included in the 12-20 people mentioned. And yes, I'll admit to throwing up the hand signs at the PPV, and yes it's a little silly, but whatever. I'm posting this to point out that Shirt and Tie McGee DOES NOT SPEAK FOR ALL OF US.

My girlfriend and I drive out an hour and 20 minutes to sit in line for sometimes up to 7 hours to attend TNA PPVs. As a result, we've made some pretty good friends (some of whom I would consider my best friends.) After a while of sitting in the stands with these friends, they included us when they were asked to be in the pit. BY THE PRODUCTION PEOPLE THAT THE ORIGINAL POSTER CLAIMS HATE US. Over time, we've met and become friends with the Crucial Crew, and trust me, even if I don't agree with a lot of what the OP says, I do think they are all decent guys. But really, I wanted to make some points to show where he does not speak for everyone.

So the following is copied form another spot that this post went up and it includes some things he posted after the original post here. My thoughts are italicized and bolded in brackets:

A fan (who decided to remain anonymous [for a whopping 3 sentences]) that regularly attends the TNA Impact tapings sent out this message:

Hey guys. I'm one of the hardcore TNA fans who you see regularly on iMPACT! and TNA PPV. You probably recognize me as the guy who wears a shirt and tie to the shows [way to stay anonymous]. I've seen a lot of posts claiming that the biggest thing wrong with TNA right now is us, the loyal fans in the iMPACT! Zone. I'd like to give you a little perspective on things. There is a group of about 12-20 of us who are at every show we can attend (Collectively known as the "Crucial Crew", which is why you see us throw up the 'c' hand signal). And we DO NOT like the direction this company is going.[I agree on two points: I liked the 6-sided ring, and I don’t understand a mid-carder from 10 years ago going over a guy who headlined your last 2 PPVs. On the other hand, Kendrick lost, the Band lost, and Mr. Anderson had to cheat to win; I suppose it’s not so bad that one of the new guys had to go over clean.] Therefore, we express our displeasure in hopes that management will listen. Why? Because we LOVE TNA, and will not stand idly by while it gets raped by Hogan and his boys. If we were season ticket holders for a sports team, this would be expected, would it not? [Actually, you’d be expected to vote with your wallet, and not attend anymore. Bad analogy, so I’ll give you a pass.]

Last night at Genesis was a major event in the growing war between the TNA loyalists and the Hoganites. I can tell you that very real battle lines are being drawn within the organization, and the conflict will get a lot worse. Again, we LOVE TNA. So when a man who built his career and reputation on WWF Sports Entertainment comes in, changes the things that make TNA unique and basically tells us that the TNA model is broken and that "the smart marks in the front" (read Hogan's IGN interview) don't matter, aren't representative of mainstream America and so should be ignored- Yeah, we're gonna be pissed. [totally agree Hogan is claiming to be doing things differently than Vince to combat him, but stomping out the uniqueness] Last night was remarkable in that for the first time ever a TNA producer came down into the pit where we stand, grabbed my friend by the shirt and actually threatened to ban us from the building if we didn't stop with the "vulgarity and the negativity" [not the first time. First time it was so forceful maybe, but in the past we have been asked to not turn our backs on Mick Foley during his heelish title run. They give us a lot of leeway (which I think puts some of the credit on us for turning Pope face, as well as some of the blame for turning Beer Money), but they have asked us for specific things in the past from a TV production point of view]. From reports, this heat came directly from "Dixie and Terry who were pissed that we didn't put Morely over during his match with Daniels. Are you kidding? This happened during the Pope v Wolfe match, and totally killed the crowd. If you were wondering why the crowd was so dead during what was a great wrestling match, that's why.

Here's the thing though... We've become friends with a lot of the wrestlers[yeah, no you haven’t. About three of the crew (myself not even included) are friends with about 3 or 4 guys] , and they all love our energy, enthusiasm and passion, and have and continue to support us.[this is true] The production crew, who takes heat directly from the top, HATE us [they really don’t hate us. They are the ones who originally put us in the pit. They weren’t happy about specific things and called us on it. Bernadette may have been rude, but she was not exactly out of line], most likely because they are all afraid for their jobs. Also, all of the Bubba Army idiots and other Hogan marks are now in the iMPACT! Zone and act like the complete tools they are [agree]. Oh, but THEY don't get scolded like 5-year olds, even though they are the most offensive people there. I saw hundreds of people walk out on the show last night, something i've NEVER seen at a PPV. Things are getting weird. Hopefully, Bischoff and Russo are smart enough to use this tension to create compelling TV, but from my perspective, it seems like TNA is dying right before my eyes. Want some compelling TV? Wait until the entire pit revolts and empties into the ring on live TV. The way things are going, this is not altogether inconceivable. [you are being a douchebag.]

Rest assured, the Crucial Crew will fight to the end for the TNA we know and love![i won't fight for anything, I will continue to boo wrestlers i don't like and cheer ones i do (regardless of face/heel affiliation. I hate the Suicide character, but I damn sure cheer whn he does an awesome move)]

I guess my main point is that we are given our spot in front by people who recognize us as the most vocal regular fans, and if they want to ask us to tone down our language, so be it. I can be a grown up about it. But saying you're going to storm the ring? That makes you look like an ass, and if it affects my ability to enjoy the show, I don't care how much I like you outside the iMPACT! Zone, I can't wait to see a wrestler give you a little red ticket to a curb stomp.

What people don't realize is that you can get into the impact zone free without going to universal studios. That is exactly what this "UnCrucial Crew" is doing.

Not true. They as well as the group of friends I attend with are all Universal Passholders who show up and wait on the line that is inside the park. Please don't make things up or claim things you can't back up.
Look, here's the thing. I was a little harsh earlier, my bad, but my opinion hasn't changed. These so-called "fans" need to grow up.

I don't agree with them on most of their gripes. That's fine... nothing wrong with that. We can agree as fellow fans of TNA to disagree on certain issues and still try to enjoy the product. I don't even fault them for coming up with silly names for their groups and doing the little C-C hand sign. It's goofy but whatever, it's not hurting anyone. Rock on.

But when you start intentionally being disruptive and hurting MY enjoyment of the show at home just because YOU don't like it, then we have a problem. By all means, express your displeasure, that's always been our god-given right as wrestling fans. Do it in a way that doesn't hurt the wrestlers though, because it's not THEIR fault, and do it in a way that doesn't hurt ME at home, because it's sure as hell not MY fault. That's all I ask.

Not true. They as well as the group of friends I attend with are all Universal Passholders who show up and wait on the line that is inside the park. Please don't make things up or claim things you can't back up.

Two Ways to Enjoy and be Part of the Action*
Universal Studios Day Guests
Follow the signs inside the park or visit the Studio Audience Center at the front of the park for directions.

Non-Universal Studios Guests
Park in the Universal Orlando® Resort parking garages and enter Universal CityWalk®; Proceed to the Sharp AQUOS Theatre (Blue Man Group). Head around the theatre to the right, and follow the TNA signs to Soundstage 21.

You can catch TNA Wrestling's "iMPACT!" Spike TV tapings and Pay Per View events live at Universal Orlando® Resort. Tapings are held every month at Universal Studios' Soundstage 21, and YOU can experience it all in person.

Be a part of the live television audience for Total Non-Stop Action Wrestling's pay per view, "Final Resolution". TNA will be taping live at Universal Studios on Sunday, December 20. Doors open at 6:45pm. Preshow taping begins at 7:45pm and the live pay per view is from 8:00pm to 11pm.

TNA Wrestling is running wild with the debut of Hulk Hogan on January 4 in a three hour special TNA iMPACT! Live on SPIKE TV from the Universal Studios Orlando iMPACT! Zone. Doors open at 7PM. Event begins at 8pm. VIP’s will need to be at the Blue Man Group check-in area by 5:30pm.

I believe that clearly backed it up. Once again, you can get into TNA impact tapings without paying a dime. Any street bum can get into the show for free. They are at every taping, come on people with jobs or go to school couldnt do that. People with no income can't just get into Universal studios. Well I hope that you guys get a reality show out of this crying and whining since you all are looking for attention.

Which brings me back to my point Non-Universal guests should be charged for admission. Clearly these people are trying to influence the wrestling fan base nation wide in a negative manner via the internet because they are starting to crack down on these people at TNA Impact Zone events.
Here's my .02 cents.

I've watched TNA since Impact debuted on FSN. I would hunt for it. When they lost that TV deal, I'd Bittorent the shows. I've been with TNA through a LOT of stuff, good, and most of it truly, truly heinous.

These last three shows and the Genesis PPV have been incredible for me. They've been wholly focused on creating new stars, and the old guard is still prominent, but not as featured as the young guys. This is the TNA I've been waiting to see for a long, long time.

But the worst thing about these last three shows hasn't been that Hogan's there, or that The Band is there, or that Val Venis beat Christopher Daniels. The worst thing has been the crowd. Point-blank-period.

The worst thing is always the crowd. I watch the show with my friends sometimes and we marvel at how awful the crowd is. The "Crucial Crew" and those like them are more interested in getting themselves over than anything happening in the road. TNA is trying to reach a broader audience. Don't like it? Tough titties. Don't show up to the shows anymore. I would much prefer it if you didn't. I hate the stupid chants. I hate the "THIS IS AWESOME!" chants when someone gets put in a hammerlock. I hate booing stupid stuff like there being two less sides to the ring.

If the crowd is affecting the way someone like me is enjoying the show, TNA has every right to tell you guys to act like you have some effing sense. Either sit down, shut up and enjoy the show, or find some other fed to do your stupid crap at.

Two Ways to Enjoy and be Part of the Action*
Universal Studios Day Guests
Follow the signs inside the park or visit the Studio Audience Center at the front of the park for directions.

Non-Universal Studios Guests
Park in the Universal Orlando® Resort parking garages and enter Universal CityWalk®; Proceed to the Sharp AQUOS Theatre (Blue Man Group). Head around the theatre to the right, and follow the TNA signs to Soundstage 21.

You can catch TNA Wrestling's "iMPACT!" Spike TV tapings and Pay Per View events live at Universal Orlando® Resort. Tapings are held every month at Universal Studios' Soundstage 21, and YOU can experience it all in person.

Be a part of the live television audience for Total Non-Stop Action Wrestling's pay per view, "Final Resolution". TNA will be taping live at Universal Studios on Sunday, December 20. Doors open at 6:45pm. Preshow taping begins at 7:45pm and the live pay per view is from 8:00pm to 11pm.

TNA Wrestling is running wild with the debut of Hulk Hogan on January 4 in a three hour special TNA iMPACT! Live on SPIKE TV from the Universal Studios Orlando iMPACT! Zone. Doors open at 7PM. Event begins at 8pm. VIP’s will need to be at the Blue Man Group check-in area by 5:30pm.

I believe that clearly backed it up. Once again, you can get into TNA impact tapings without paying a dime. Any street bum can get into the show for free. They are at every taping, come on people with jobs or go to school couldnt do that. People with no income can't just get into Universal studios. Well I hope that you guys get a reality show out of this crying and whining since you all are looking for attention.

Which brings me back to my point Non-Universal guests should be charged for admission. Clearly these people are trying to influence the wrestling fan base nation wide in a negative manner via the internet because they are starting to crack down on these people at TNA Impact Zone events.

Most of the regulars come in through the park line....however FL residents can get a year pass to Universal for around $200 a year...not bad for 52 weeks of TV admission as well as at least 8 PPV's. So they do pay something but it's not much...I know because that's what I've done.
I believe that clearly backed it up.

Except that it doesn't. When you line up by the Aquos theater, you wait there until a TNA worker comes and escorts the whole line to join the end of the Park Guest line. And what I just told you is that the CC as well as my friends and I are all Universal Passholders who wait on the line inside the park.

I just wanted to make sure your arguments aren't based on misinformation, since clearly I don't actually disagree with you. I spent an entire post outlining why I'd rather not be included in his "whining and crying."
Felt I had to register to give my opinion on this matter;

Frankly, the most discussed TNA issue other than the product is probably the fans (a certain section of them anyway) These guys probably have as much heat with the internet fans, or anyone else who knows about them, as anyone involved with TNA (Russo etc) You guys have no credibility with me and I would be surprised if many felt any differently, here's why;

You spend 90% of your time at Impact trying to get yourselves over, your clearly think that you are the show. Nothing has really changed. TNA isnt known for the ring - they're known for the action inside the ring! Period. The young guys arent being squashed by Hogans "boys", in fact all thats happened with regards to his "boys" is that they went up against other "has - beens". The young talent is getting the biggest push any of them have had whilst employed by TNA (its not up for discussion, they are) The older guys bring exposure to these young guys that they would never have otherwise - and at the same time not stealing there spotlight ( again, not up for discussion. they havent. its clear. period)

Whats happened here is a small group of "ECW fans" wannabes have exposed themselves for what they are; smarky, elitist, "its mine not yours" clowns.

Whats even funnier about all this is the complete mis-representation of what the TNA guy actually said. Ive seen numerous forum posts etc on the net claiming "TNA fans told to stfu" "TNA producer talks down to fans" etc etc. Ive seen the video. That isnt what happened. When you have to exaggerate or lie about what happened your credibility goes out the window (not that you had any to begin with)

The young guys are on top and clearly there push hasn't stopped either from what ive read of the spoilers - so every so called grievance you have is defunct. You were never gonna give this new management a chance right from the start and you know it


you are not over with other fans, you are not over with "the boys", you are not the ECW fans and your insider chants suck the life out of every match

good job geniuses
Felt I had to register to give my opinion on this matter;

Frankly, the most discussed TNA issue other than the product is probably the fans (a certain section of them anyway) These guys probably have as much heat with the internet fans, or anyone else who knows about them, as anyone involved with TNA (Russo etc) You guys have no credibility with me and I would be surprised if many felt any differently, here's why;

You spend 90% of your time at Impact trying to get yourselves over, your clearly think that you are the show. Nothing has really changed. TNA isnt known for the ring - they're known for the action inside the ring! Period. The young guys arent being squashed by Hogans "boys", in fact all thats happened with regards to his "boys" is that they went up against other "has - beens". The young talent is getting the biggest push any of them have had whilst employed by TNA (its not up for discussion, they are) The older guys bring exposure to these young guys that they would never have otherwise - and at the same time not stealing there spotlight ( again, not up for discussion. they havent. its clear. period)

Whats happened here is a small group of "ECW fans" wannabes have exposed themselves for what they are; smarky, elitist, "its mine not yours" clowns.

Whats even funnier about all this is the complete mis-representation of what the TNA guy actually said. Ive seen numerous forum posts etc on the net claiming "TNA fans told to stfu" "TNA producer talks down to fans" etc etc. Ive seen the video. That isnt what happened. When you have to exaggerate or lie about what happened your credibility goes out the window (not that you had any to begin with)

The young guys are on top and clearly there push hasn't stopped either from what ive read of the spoilers - so every so called grievance you have is defunct. You were never gonna give this new management a chance right from the start and you know it


you are not over with other fans, you are not over with "the boys", you are not the ECW fans and your insider chants suck the life out of every match

good job geniuses

Outstanding comments. And as I said in my Green Rep to you, I hope to see more of you around.

There is a working video clip of the TNA producer talking to the Impact Zone audience. Hurry up and catch it while it is still up.

Now, for those that say that I never say anything bad about TNA, I feel I disproved that with some critical comments the other day ... Monday night, in the Bar Room.

So for those that still say that I never say anything bad about TNA .... get ready for it again .........

The biggest mistake that the director made is referring to the Impact Zone as castmembers. Maybe he did that to try and make the audience sound like they were "actors" and "part of the show" to make them feel important, but wrestling fans are not going to take being referred to as "castmembers" in a positive light.

As far as his actual comments themselves, I have no issue with. He was respectful about it. He stated why it was important that the crowd not curse in their chants.

He never said anything about telling the crowd who to cheer for and who not to boo for. The only thing he really said was to try and be respectful about the actual chants. He even said that they could say "BS" if the crowd wanted, but not say "Bullshit" because of the amount of editing that would have to be done to get rid of the chant.

And I echo JackBurton's comments about the Smarky Impact Zone regulars. You guys are more concerned with actually being part of the show and making yourselves part of the show. So in that respect, maybe the producer was correct when he referred to you as "Castmembers". The only difference is that you guys are in production for yourselves, and are intentionally trying to be involved and disrupt the show ... just because you all are nothing more than attention ****es.

My biggest priority as a fan of sports entertainment is to see someone rise up and be a true competitor towards the WWE. My guess is that you would like to see that as well, as you are obviously watching TNA for a reason. Going in the direction you guys want is NOT going to position TNA aggressively against the WWE. Having a 6 sided ring is NOT going to do it. I'm sorry.

So my question is that if you don't like the direction that TNA is going in, why do you go to the Impact Zone anymore? Stop going.

I stopped attending WWE events because of the direction that they were going in. Their product no longer motivates me to want to actually go to the shows anymore, or even purchase their PPV's. It would if they put on something that interests me, and I'm not saying I would never spend money on WWE again, but they have to put out a product that I enjoy. They aren't at the moment and haven't for a while. So I no longer attend their shows.

So that leads me to ask, "Why do you Impact Zone regulars attend Impact anymore?" You obviously don't like the direction they are going in. The only reason that I can conclude is that you guys are more concerned with being asses on television and getting your little groups over than anything else.

And I guarantee, if you keep it up and keep attending solely to disrupt the broadcasts, they are going to pack up and go elsewhere. And that would be a shame, but then you will have nothing.

You get to see free shows as it is now. So why kill a good thing for you?

And just so I am not accused of being a TNA Shareholder, not only do I think the direction they are moving in is best for business, but I also enjoy as a fan, the Creative direction they are heading in as well. And that also makes me happy to know that this direction within time will be more apt to compete with the WWE than what they have been able to in the past.

This company has the potential to become the next WCW and they are trying to do that right now. And for a few punk fans to try and disrupt the tapings each week, just because you want to act like attention ****es to get yourselves on TV and act like a bunch of ECW-Wannabe fans is downright disgraceful and sad at the same time. And as Jack said, you aren't over with anyone else other than your immature selves. The Internet does not like you and nor does it respect you for trying to act like a bunch of asses at the tapings.

You all are pathetic. Grow up.
Outstanding comments. And as I said in my Green Rep to you, I hope to see more of you around.

There is a working video clip of the TNA producer talking to the Impact Zone audience. Hurry up and catch it while it is still up.

Now, for those that say that I never say anything bad about TNA, I feel I disproved that with some critical comments the other day ... Monday night, in the Bar Room.

So for those that still say that I never say anything bad about TNA .... get ready for it again .........

The biggest mistake that the director made is referring to the Impact Zone as castmembers. Maybe he did that to try and make the audience sound like they were "actors" and "part of the show" to make them feel important, but wrestling fans are not going to take being referred to as "castmembers" in a positive light.

As far as his actual comments themselves, I have no issue with. He was respectful about it. He stated why it was important that the crowd not curse in their chants.

He never said anything about telling the crowd who to cheer for and who not to boo for. The only thing he really said was to try and be respectful about the actual chants. He even said that they could say "BS" if the crowd wanted, but not say "Bullshit" because of the amount of editing that would have to be done to get rid of the chant.

And I echo JackBurton's comments about the Smarky Impact Zone regulars. You guys are more concerned with actually being part of the show and making yourselves part of the show. So in that respect, maybe the producer was correct when he referred to you as "Castmembers". The only difference is that you guys are in production for yourselves, and are intentionally trying to be involved and disrupt the show ... just because you all are nothing more than attention ****es.

My biggest priority as a fan of sports entertainment is to see someone rise up and be a true competitor towards the WWE. My guess is that you would like to see that as well, as you are obviously watching TNA for a reason. Going in the direction you guys want is NOT going to position TNA aggressively against the WWE. Having a 6 sided ring is NOT going to do it. I'm sorry.

So my question is that if you don't like the direction that TNA is going in, why do you go to the Impact Zone anymore? Stop going.

I stopped attending WWE events because of the direction that they were going in. Their product no longer motivates me to want to actually go to the shows anymore, or even purchase their PPV's. It would if they put on something that interests me, and I'm not saying I would never spend money on WWE again, but they have to put out a product that I enjoy. They aren't at the moment and haven't for a while. So I no longer attend their shows.

So that leads me to ask, "Why do you Impact Zone regulars attend Impact anymore?" You obviously don't like the direction they are going in. The only reason that I can conclude is that you guys are more concerned with being asses on television and getting your little groups over than anything else.

And I guarantee, if you keep it up and keep attending solely to disrupt the broadcasts, they are going to pack up and go elsewhere. And that would be a shame, but then you will have nothing.

You get to see free shows as it is now. So why kill a good thing for you?

And just so I am not accused of being a TNA Shareholder, not only do I think the direction they are moving in is best for business, but I also enjoy as a fan, the Creative direction they are heading in as well. And that also makes me happy to know that this direction within time will be more apt to compete with the WWE than what they have been able to in the past.

This company has the potential to become the next WCW and they are trying to do that right now. And for a few punk fans to try and disrupt the tapings each week, just because you want to act like attention ****es to get yourselves on TV and act like a bunch of ECW-Wannabe fans is downright disgraceful and sad at the same time. And as Jack said, you aren't over with anyone else other than your immature selves. The Internet does not like you and nor does it respect you for trying to act like a bunch of asses at the tapings.

You all are pathetic. Grow up.

First off, thanks for the the rep point and the welcome.

I have become increasingly perturbed by a section of wrestling fans for the last few years. I can understand why most have become jaded, bitter even, over the past 8 or 9 years - they have every reason to be. What i cant understand is how anyone can get behind these idiots. These guys have had absolutely no intention of giving Hogan or anyone else a chance and therefore there opinions are rendered inert. Doesn't matter what Hogan or anyone else did from Monday 4th January onwards, they were gonna crap on it. And they have.

Personally i believe they're actually more pissed that none of the things that they thought would happen have happened; ie Hogan on top, young guys being squashed by older guys etc etc. They're pissed about that; so they complain about the stupidest things to cover up the fact that they were DEAD WRONG.

You arent ass "smart" as you like to believe you are, otherwise you would be workers and not armchair bookers

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