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The Cancer Crew needs to go

I couldn't agree with the topic creator more, I'm sick of these idiots, they're more interested getting themselves over than actually reacting to what's happening on the show.
When something is awesome, you don't start up a "this is awesome" chant, you're usually too busy marking out, yelling, shouting, booing, whatever. It's all so contrived, "turn his mic off!" seriously, in a decent sized venue a chant like that would never even get going, and do they always have to be the 4 syllable style chants?

TNA desperately needs to get out of the impact zone. When new fans tune in and see Jeff Hardy cutting a promo, the reaction is surprise, then they hear the individual voices of 10 guys chanting something completely stupid, then they notice the venue is the size of a high school gym, and instead of thinking TNA might be worth watching, they start wondering what did Jeff ever do to end up in the little leagues.

Big stars don't elevate TNA, TNA drags them down to it's level.

Now if they were in a bigger arena, with better production values, it would make a big difference. You could actually get some normal people in the crowd, you know, MARKS, people who cheer and boo and actually help new viewers understand who is the bad guy and who is the good guy. They don't even need to fill the place, just fill the area in front of the hard camera. Or take a leaf out of WCW's book and fill up a mall. Those early Nitros only had a few thousand people in them, but those people were genuinely excited that Nitro had come to their town.

Appearance is everything, they need to present themselves as the A show, even thought they clearly aren't. Until they do, new fans aren't going to see these stars and think TNA is the new place to be, they're simply going to tune in and wonder why all these big names ended up on some small time show.
I remember watching a PPV a few months back. Matt Morgan was a face, and they start chanting "Blue Print!! Blue Print". Then like a couple mins later for no reason they chant " Morgan Sucks!! Morgan Sucks!!" That totally took away from the match. I can see how a casual fan trying to watch Impact, or a PPV would be turned off by this, not knowing what the hell is going on. You would think that the $$$ Hogan is being paid, or "investing" in TNA; he would push for a better venue. Anything to not see these cock-knobbers on my TV.
I honestly don't care about fans, when I watch TNA, I watch the matches, what I like to do, I know its hard to avoid hearing them, but they're not that bad, let them be fans. If they are there just to ruin it they can get fucked, but if they DO want to watch TNA, let them watch TNA, and chant whatever they want.
The jackasses in the front row never bothered me, but if the story I read in an earlier post is true and one of these schmucks made someone who got to the seat first move because it was "his seat", that is ridiculous. Kinda makes you want to fly out there, be first inline for an Impact taping, sit DEAD CENTER in front of the hard camera, and just wait for one of these god damn marks to try and get you to move. I would LOVE one of these asses to try and get me to move.

Anyway, there is nothing anyone can do about these schmucks until TNA starts charging admission for impact and that is not going to happen until they move out of Universal Studios. I have said this in a few other threads in this forum, but the Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC would make a PERFECT permanent home for Impact.
I had to thread necro this because on tonight's edition of Impact(5/28/10) the really annoying chanting/noise making during the main event was incredibly distracting. sometimes the chants can be amusing, but most of the time they just suck.

there have been many times where in the middle of a match, a chant of "this is wrestling" starts even though nothing overly special is going on. I don't mind it so much if its done in the middle of a really hardcore, grappling style match, like one of the ones between Wolfe and Angle, but when it's just randomly chanted, all i can think to myself is "well F'n duh this wrestling, what else would it be, skydiving??".

I also noticed that the chants/noise level when they had their last live PPV was really good, with solid energy. Sure, i believe there might have been chants of "this is awesome/this is wrestling' but it fit, if memory serves.
TNA has so many more problems right now than a few fans who I rarely even notice anymore.

They used to be annoying when they were front and centre every week. But now they're rarely on TV.
So last night was another edition of me turning on TNA until the first in-ring promo occurred. I was actually a little bit impressed and amazed; the crowd waited an entire 10 words before they started their smarky chants. This was immediately followed by me changing the channel.

I swear to God, what in the name of blue fuck are these people thinking? Why do they constantly need to have their own voices heard every single second of every single week on Impact? Do they forget that people don't turn on the show for them? Do they have any respect for the business that they're fans of? Do they want that business to grow? Do they want the TNA product to grow and flourish? I guess not.

I mean hell, I'm a 25-year watcher of pro-wrestling. I was in college during most of the Monday Night Wars, so I missed the uprising of WCW. You could imagine how excited I was when I found out that another promotion was created to challenge the WWE and allow me to witness my own era of a Monday Night War. But then TNA moved to Orlando Studios and dubbed their arena the "Impact Zone", gave away FREE tickets, and the collective abomination known as the Crucial Crew began to fill the arena. Once the cameras started rolling, those mother fuckers would not let ANYONE get two words of their promo in before they started the most ridiculous, obscure, and absurd chants throughout the arena. I felt like I heard more chants than actual promo.

I was immediately turned off by TNA's programming. The chants and smarky crowd distracted me to the point where I couldn't even take a second to enjoy the show. And a fan of my caliber was more happy with changing the channel than trying to stick it out and find the positives in their product.

This is a 100% true story.

So, if the arrogant, smarky, douchebag dickwad Crucial Crew is reading this, I want you all to see what you're doing to the product that you "claim" you love so much. You're making loyal fans, such as myself, immediate change the channel and turn away from your product. I'd rather watch Hornswoggle on repeat than listen to one more TNA promo interrupted by those lowlifes in the crowd.

Seriously... fuck you, Crucial Crew. You ruined TNA for me.
I get really annoyed by these guys and their dumbass chants. I'm all for fans having fun at shows & expressing their opinions but these guys sound like they're major marks for THEMSELVES. They act like they are some part of TNA's success & that they contribute majorly to the product whereas in actual fact they are one of TNA's biggest detriments.

The thing that really brought it to my attention was AJ Styles' first promo alongside Ric Flair. They came out with a bunch of women, as is Flair's wont, then a "You are married" chant was aimed at Styles as he took the mic. So AJ's new gimmick gets buried within its first minute by a few smart marks who know that in real life AJ Styles is married and they don't mind sharing it with the world. If you're a casual fan watching at home then the thing you need most when watching pro-wrestling (suspension of disbelief) immediately flies out the window courtesy of a few fans who want to show the world how smart they are. What's next? Are they going to start chanting the real names of wrestlers instead of their gimmick names?

I'm not saying that fans should just be mindless sheep and cheer for what they're told to and boo for what they're told to but when it gets to the point that fans are ruining segments by showing how "smart" they are then I think something needs to be done.
ok first of all i would like to say that they didnt ruin his "gimmick" by chanting you are married at aj back when aj was with the angle alliance he had this thing where he was at his house and wouldn't come out for whatever reason and his wife and son were clearly there and referred to as his wife and child. TNA ruined it by forgetting they even did that in the first place. And i have no problem with fans chanting what they want, like someone said ECW fans did that all the time and possibly ruined some wrestlers because they weren't what ecw wanted
ok first of all i would like to say that they didnt ruin his "gimmick" by chanting you are married at aj back when aj was with the angle alliance he had this thing where he was at his house and wouldn't come out for whatever reason and his wife and son were clearly there and referred to as his wife and child. TNA ruined it by forgetting they even did that in the first place. And i have no problem with fans chanting what they want, like someone said ECW fans did that all the time and possibly ruined some wrestlers because they weren't what ecw wanted

And just like most ECW fans, they are fuckwits that don't enhance the product at all. How about chanting "Those are the Young Bucks" when Gen Me showed up? How about Turning their back on Venis after he won a match? Thank the almighty wrestling gods that most of them have given up on TNA and don't go to tapings anymore.
The cancer crew needs to realize that they will never be like ECW. To be honest with you, I'm not sure the crew is even there anymore. The problem with the Impact Zone is that its a bunch of tourists that aren't fans chanting a bunch of random shit. Last night Mr. Anderson called James Storm a jack off and everybody in the arena chanted it. When Bischoff or Hogan comes out, they all chanted Eric Bischoff and Brother after every sentence Hogan said. It's like the Raw fans chanting What! after every sentence a wrestler says.

It's annoying and not even mildly entertaining. It's fine to have fans cheer, boo, and make up chants, but the Impact Zone nuts are chanting random shit just to chant it. That is why TNA needs to at least try to have Impact in different arenas. If they can't afford to go on tour, then at least have a few Impact in different cities like Nashville, St. Louis, Chicago, Orlando, etc.

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