The Methhead Crew Want Their Token Fat Friend To Join Them

1.) I think we've spotted Matt Hardy's account with that HeartacheTonight guy.

2.) Exactly how would Matt Hardy's career improve in TNA? They'd want to cash in on the name value of the Hardy Boys, and they'd much prefer putting him in a tag team with Jeff to take on the likes of Beer Money and a well past their prime Team 3D. Hell, they'd probably do a long running feud with Team 3D. As this happens, Matt won't be able to work for three months in the first place, which would give him more time to do stupid shit, such as doing a lot of drugs with Jeff, Shannon, and Shane, as well as trying out what Morgan Spurlock did in Super Size Me. Let's face it, he would do something like that. If he hypothetically jumped to TNA, he'd be making significantly less money than he did working with the WWE. And because he's not exciting and hasn't been in a long time, he'd be basically contending for the TNA Championship if he's lucky and coming nowhere close to winning.

Matt would be in the exact same position in TNA that he's in now, and making less money. There's no real advantage for him here.

Edit: Besides, I'm sure Matt would want to be seen by millions, with Raw and Smackdown doing solid ratings, and Impact doing a .6 rating (rounded up from .56!).
Matt has hit the glass ceiling YEARS ago.
It's obvious that Vince sees no further value in him than the midcard. Has he ever even been in a main event feud for the title?
If it wasn't for the fact his last name is Hardy, I think matt would have been fired years ago, they have no idea what to do with him.
Matt i'm sure has made enough money to be set for the rest of his life and if his brother who's a main eventer left while at the very top of his game it really says something about the environment in the WWE.

Hope he leaves and never looks back, he deserves some respect.


Im sure Matt Hardy is content with his career

Crowd loves him
Probably on some good $$$
Im pretty sure he knows he wont get a world title shot at WWE, and He wont get one at TNA either

So the most he benifits from leaving the WWE (with his thousands of fans) going to Tna with a fraction of fans, on less money being the same Mid-card Jobber, the Point?

And his Name? He was Fired, he got Re-hired because he had FANS who were rabid and was having his name chanted at WWE Events.Again, Chanting Matt not Jeff.

He would be one of the most Loved WWE wrestlers by the Crowd, and he comes across as one of the guys who rather go out and entertain the fans then chase personal glory

Im sure Matt Hardy is content with his career

Crowd loves him
Probably on some good $$$
Im pretty sure he knows he wont get a world title shot at WWE, and He wont get one at TNA either

So the most he benifits from leaving the WWE (with his thousands of fans) going to Tna with a fraction of fans, on less money being the same Mid-card Jobber, the Point?

And his Name? He was Fired, he got Re-hired because he had FANS who were rabid and was having his name chanted at WWE Events.Again, Chanting Matt not Jeff.

He would be one of the most Loved WWE wrestlers by the Crowd, and he comes across as one of the guys who rather go out and entertain the fans then chase personal glory

I'm sure he's happy too, he's been there longer than damn near anyone else on the roster. The $$$ has to be good and he gets a huge pop. I agree he probably knows his chances are slim to none being world champion up north. The rest is wrestlecrap.

If you don't want to be world champion.. the only one that matters, why do you get in the business and why do you work for WWE? He could have been a champion several times over anywhere else on ability alone since he's a good worker that has a decent look and can work the mic.

Benefits of leaving the E? Being able to wrestle again. Getting over on your talent instead of your connections. Being able to be with his friends and his brother. Less work, less stress, fewer injuries hopefully and the list goes on. Everything isn't all about money and where you're going to be on the card although I'm sure there would be more opportunity in TNA for him to elevate if that's what he aspired to do.

His name is $$$. He was rehired because Edge vs Hardy was a big money match and guaranteed ratings on TV. His woman, an on air talent cheated on him with another wrestler and the whole world knows about it. Stuff like this is exactly what the WWE was about and that time and it was 'real'. You can't have Hardy on live tv to see his reaction if he doesn't work for you. I'm not so sure that wasn't a shoot and we all got worked anyway.. but that's for Jesse Ventura to figure out. You think Vince cares what the fans think? Ask JR, Christian, Kingston, Benjamin, Machoman and Bruno Sammartino what they think. I don't want to speak for these people but according to the fans, they all should be in a better spot right now then they are.
I always liked matt mtter ore than jeff he is the better wrestler but jeff was always over wit the teen girls so he was more popular. But matt in tna would be good for matt and the E. With both of them gone they could make a new young tag team and matt can finaly be in the real main event not that god awful wwe ecw that was only good when rvd angle and benoit was there
Money is not much of a factor for Matt Hardy. He was part of the new generation of wrestlers that was smart with their money by investing it and not wasting it on stupid stuff. So I do not think the paycheck is the determining factor for him. He could enjoy a chance to save his body some wear and tear while having fun with his friends. Call me crazy but I think Matt would have a shot at the TNA title even though Bischoff has said less than flattering things about him in the past. Why? Because it might be one of those special title reigns that captures the audience's attention like when other guys that have paid there dues finally won the first big title.
at first i though "what a great idea!" matt can finally get the push he deserves and can reunite the hardys but after watching impact there is no room for him there either in fact i think impact has to many guys and matt would get lost in the mix and then blow all chances for the hardy's to reunite in wwe. what i would do is push matt to the moon in wwe after next. vkm could give him the uber mega push maybe evan a whc to show tna that he indeed got the better hardy. what a slap in the tna face if he were todo it and if anyone deserves it its him. i dont think vince will ever let him go to tna he'd more likely pay him to be a jobber first but i honestly think thatd be a waste and with the need for fresh faces in the main event this guy would be the perfect new main eventer
and is way over if not what a waste
If you don't want to be world champion.. the only one that matters, why do you get in the business and why do you work for WWE?

to...wrestle? Personally if the WWE went and piucked me and said "who wants to be trained as a wrestler in the wwe?! you'll never wear the world title but you know," Every fat keyboard warrior on this site would absolutely take it.

Look, he wouldnt get a title at TNA, No way, Why leave?

Benefits of leaving the E? Being able to wrestle again. Getting over on your talent instead of your connections. Being able to be with his friends and his brother. Less work, less stress, fewer injuries hopefully and the list goes on. Everything isn't all about money and where you're going to be on the card although I'm sure there would be more opportunity in TNA for him to elevate if that's what he aspired to do.

He's not injury prone, Just fat. And the fact the WWE are probably paying him 4-5 times more money then he would get at TNA, sure he would probably enjoy wrestling with his brother, but Money+Guarenteed air time and the fans love him, why abandon them?

His name is $$$. He was rehired because Edge vs Hardy was a big money match and guaranteed ratings on TV. His woman, an on air talent cheated on him with another wrestler and the whole world knows about it. Stuff like this is exactly what the WWE was about and that time and it was 'real'. You can't have Hardy on live tv to see his reaction if he doesn't work for you. I'm not so sure that wasn't a shoot and we all got worked anyway.. but that's for Jesse Ventura to figure out.
So you went on a rant but you "Dont know if" Yeah thats good. "They Maybe did that as a shoot" we dont know, So basiclly you get re-hired because your going to draw and be popular with the fans? How dare a wrestling company use you like that!

You think Vince cares what the fans think? Ask JR, Christian, Kingston, Benjamin, Machoman and Bruno Sammartino what they think. I don't want to speak for these people but according to the fans, they all should be in a better spot right now then they are.
Yes, Vince Runs a company how he wants it to run and isnt decided by crowd reactions merch sales, He just runs it not caring what fans want, its not like the company is powered by keeping most the fans happy

I think your getting What the fans and what you want TBO.

Ill give you a Hint why John Cena has been the champion for 5 of the last 6 years..and why Vince Loves him...He makes Money...Because the Fans love him..
I never said he'd get a title in TNA, you did. You make him sound broke and desperate, 2 things im sure he isn't.

Injury prone? Your words not mine. I said the chances of new injuries decrease working less. Don't twist my words. He's far from fat , im guessing you think Mickie James is fat too?

Do you know if the Lita/Edge thing was a shoot or not? Does anyone? I'm not dumb enough to assume everything I see on TV or hear on the net is true, I'll leave that up to the fat keyboard warriors. In the end, if it was real, Hardy capitalized on the situation as much as Vince did if not more. Edge got the most of out this and lita took the fall but that's a whole different topic. They used each other. He got his job back, maybe with a raise, vince got his PPV match. win/win.

Everything else you said.. I'd explain the Cena thing but then you wouldn't get the whole concept of Kids vs true fans which has everything to do with how Vince runs his company.

Tag Teams, Cruiserweights and Women are all things other companies have done right and things WWE gets slammed for. What do we get instead? Thrown together crap like ShowMiz and Jerishow, The Great Khali, hornswaggle and a division of anorexic barbie dolls that shouldn't be in anyone's ring
I never said he'd get a title in TNA, you did. You make him sound broke and desperate, 2 things im sure he isn't.

No, he isn't, and that's why he shpuldn't go to TNA. In spite of all his laiitle hangups, specifically that little one we call "getting over", there is no desperation in Matt Hardy, unlike his little Omega Crew buddies, who will probably smoke themselves to oblivion.

Injury prone? Your words not mine. I said the chances of new injuries decrease working less.

Not if you're a dangerous, sloppy worker like Hardy is. The dude botched a hip toss, and wound up with a hip injury the likes of which kept him out for three months. To say the guy is injury prone is an understatement; he's torn ACLs, broken hands, and other such things. The idea of injuries decreasing aren't exactly that true. Sure, less working means less injuries, but if he still works his sloppy style, he's going to get himself, or someone, hurt.

Don't twist my words. He's far from fat , im guessing you think Mickie James is fat too?

No, I don't, but I do think Matt looks out of shape. His paunch almost reminds me of Roddy Piper, circa 2009. He isn't fat, parse, but he really is out of shape, and is nowhere near what someone would call "superstar" physical stature.

Do you know if the Lita/Edge thing was a shoot or not? Does anyone? I'm not dumb enough to assume everything I see on TV or hear on the net is true, I'll leave that up to the fat keyboard warriors.

Actually, Lita and Edge has been discovered as a shoot that turned into a work. Hardy has actually come out numerous times and said such.

In the end, if it was real, Hardy capitalized on the situation as much as Vince did if not more. Edge got the most of out this and lita took the fall but that's a whole different topic. They used each other. He got his job back, maybe with a raise, vince got his PPV match. win/win.

Yes, but if Vince saw real money in Hardy, he'd actually build him up as a viable contender right then and there. That angle was made for Hardy to get over, yet Vince went with an overall better superstar, in Edge.

Everything else you said.. I'd explain the Cena thing but then you wouldn't get the whole concept of Kids vs true fans which has everything to do with how Vince runs his company.

Except, thos "true fans" are the ones who are the "fat keyboard warriors" you were ranting on earlier. So which are we.... Fat keyboard warriors, or "true fans"? It's probably best to not insult the people on this forums.

Oh, and there are plenty of adult Cena fans. You're just too blind a TNA mark to see it.

Tag Teams, Cruiserweights and Women are all things other companies have done right and things WWE gets slammed for. What do we get instead? Thrown together crap like ShowMiz and Jerishow, The Great Khali and a division of anorexic barbie dolls that couldn't shine Mae Youngs boots.

And here's where I see your blind TNA markness.

Let's just forget the Divas took up five seconds on last night's Raw, and that The Great Khali hasn't been seen in months, or that those tag teams are actually some of the best things going on WWE television
For those commenting about Jeff's tweet not making any sense you are missing that it is playing off something matt hardy said recently (cannot remember if it was a tweet or interview) which was basically once Jeff heals up and gets it together he will be back in wwe.
The irony of this exchange his finally hit me. I posted in a thread called "The Methhead Crew Want Their Token Fat Friend To Join Them" and actually thought that any opinion other than no, fuck TNA wouldn't bring the WWE internet pr machine.
On top of that I'm doing 2 things I know are bad

1) derailing the topic and I apologize, I'm done after this post in here
2) Talking to people who throw around the term mark like you're in the business. We're not, we have no right to use those terms and it shows just how much of a mark you are over anyone else.
I just wanted to point out one thing after reading alot of the comments on this. You guys seem to be forgetting the main reason why someone signs with a company like the WWE. For more then anything else, its for the money. When all is said and done, as much as I love wrestling, it is a fake sport (albeit very physical) form of entertainment. Championships and accomplishments are meant to drive sales and earn money for you and the company. 90% of the people that are "underutilized" and yet stay with the WWE are with them because of the money. Hell, 90% of all the wrestlers in this business are in it in hopes of landing a big money contract.

Matt Hardy (and Shelton Benjamin for that matter) have never complained about their spot on the card because they are paid large sums of money to do what they love. For most performers at that level, they are not concerned with championships, that is for the fans to hope for. They are concerned with being as financially successful as possible. Don't forget that this is a business, not only to the company, but to the performers as well.

The other 10%, the guys that are not in it for the money? They are either guys that are doing it for fun in the indies making almost nothing, or the guys who have made so much money in their careers that they take very undervalued contracts with other companies just to have the lighter schedule or to help a smaller company. (See Sting and his 500k per year TNA contract). I am sure Matt Hardy is happy where he is at, making the money he is making.
Matt Hardy going to TNA would make no sense what so ever. I find it very hard to believe he would get the "push" in TNA. He wouldn't become TNA world heavyweight champion, and to tell you the truth, I don't even think he would become the X-Division champion.

The only chance he would have to get some spotlight would be to re form the Hardy Boyz tag team with his brother. Him and Jeff would probably have a little run with tag titles, but where would Matt go after that? While his brother will most likely still be involved in the main event, Matt would surely fade away into obscurity in the mid-card. Either that or he would be involved in a meaningless feud nobody would care about.

Matt is better off in WWE because at least he can be sure to compete in the MITB match every year, and he MIGHT get on a ppv every now and then. He wouldn't get pushed to the moon in TNA, so it's better if he stayed in WWE where he makes more money.

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