Fat Hardy to SD

Wait wtf... i thought i named this Matt Hardy to Another brand not Fat Hardy to SD. But still like most posters i agree hes gonna make it or break it on SD!
Matt will always be known as the "Christian" of the Hardy Boyz. Jeff was always the more popular of the two. With their careers following the tag team have shown us all that.

Think about after The Hardy Boyz and E&C broke up, what happened? Oh yea that's right Edge and Jeff went on to do bigger and better things then their former tag team partners. Matt became that goofy V1 character and won a cruiserweight title. Christian then eventually turned into a mid card comedy heel who won like two IC titles.

While Edge and Jeff went onto to challenge for the WWE title!!! Granted they did not win but they still challenged for it.

Now lets jump 5-6 years to the now. Jeff has become a 2 time world champion, 4 time IC champion plus all the tag titles he has one with Matt.

Edge is a 9 time world champion, multi time IC and tag team chmpion as well.

Chrisitan left for TNA only to come back to WWE and be put on the C show of the company.

Matt Hardy has had a crappy heel turn where he feuded with his brother for abit only to go to RAW and job to mid carders. Now he is going back smackdown? I dont think this will do anything good for him he will always remain at the mid card level. Unless he goes back to ECW where he could be a main eventer. But being a main eventer on ECW doesnt mean jack shit just ask Christian.

So all in all when Matt comes back to Smackdown all he will get to challenge for is an IC title or tag title at most cause i know for a fact he isnt going to get any where near a world title. WWE has simply shown us this over the past 5 years that they have no intention of giving him a taste of the main event.

I take a bit of an issue with this. Now let me first say that I don't want to undercut Jeff Hardy or Edge. Both of them are talented in their own ways (especially Edge.)

But you can't deny that that a lot of their success also has to do with their pushes. Simply based on a tale of the tape Matt and Jeff and very similar to each other. Matt is even the better overall wrestler. Heck, while they both suck at promos Matt is still a tad better there as well. What Jeff has in an intangible factor that the WWE wants to push. But here's the thing. Jeff's pluses over Matt are still very slim which means that if they were willing to push Matt more he'd be easy to buy as WWE or World Champ especially for the bare minimum cups of coffee Jeff has gotten.

Same deal with Christian. When E&C split Edge was immediately pushes as a threat to top guys while Christian was given a gimmick where he threw temper tantrums and lost a lot. With the same sort of push Christian could easily be just as successful as Edge. It's not like Edge is a much better talker or wrestler.

You can't just sit there are act like Jeff and Edge are so much better than Matt and Christian. They're not. They're good but a huge key to their success is the WWE getting behind them and having faith in them for whatever reason.

If the WWE chooses to finally push Matt Hardy in a serious way he could at least be a regular challenger to the World title if he doesn't win it. He could get title matches on PPVs and not seem out of place.

Never say never about Matt getting near the World title. After Punk's horrible first run with the title and subsequent push down to the tag team and IC titles most people didn't think he'd be anywhere near the World title again so soon. John Morrison is already incredibly close to the World title. After years upon years of being stuck at IC title level and never coming close to winning the big one again Jericho very quickly won two more World titles.

Especially on a roster that is full of smaller names and greater talent like SD is now Matt Hardy has the perfect chance to get close to the World title. Heck, with Jeff probably leaving after Summerslam and Edge on the shelf the door opened even more. Once Matt takes a couple of months off for abdomenal surgery he'll be primed and ready to potentially be a top heel on SD. A short little World title run in the fall/winter is far from out of the question.
I take a bit of an issue with this. Now let me first say that I don't want to undercut Jeff Hardy or Edge. Both of them are talented in their own ways (especially Edge.)

But you can't deny that that a lot of their success also has to do with their pushes. Simply based on a tale of the tape Matt and Jeff and very similar to each other. Matt is even the better overall wrestler. Heck, while they both suck at promos Matt is still a tad better there as well. What Jeff has in an intangible factor that the WWE wants to push. But here's the thing. Jeff's pluses over Matt are still very slim which means that if they were willing to push Matt more he'd be easy to buy as WWE or World Champ especially for the bare minimum cups of coffee Jeff has gotten.

Same deal with Christian. When E&C split Edge was immediately pushes as a threat to top guys while Christian was given a gimmick where he threw temper tantrums and lost a lot. With the same sort of push Christian could easily be just as successful as Edge. It's not like Edge is a much better talker or wrestler.

You can't just sit there are act like Jeff and Edge are so much better than Matt and Christian. They're not. They're good but a huge key to their success is the WWE getting behind them and having faith in them for whatever reason.

If the WWE chooses to finally push Matt Hardy in a serious way he could at least be a regular challenger to the World title if he doesn't win it. He could get title matches on PPVs and not seem out of place.

Never say never about Matt getting near the World title. After Punk's horrible first run with the title and subsequent push down to the tag team and IC titles most people didn't think he'd be anywhere near the World title again so soon. John Morrison is already incredibly close to the World title. After years upon years of being stuck at IC title level and never coming close to winning the big one again Jericho very quickly won two more World titles.

Especially on a roster that is full of smaller names and greater talent like SD is now Matt Hardy has the perfect chance to get close to the World title. Heck, with Jeff probably leaving after Summerslam and Edge on the shelf the door opened even more. Once Matt takes a couple of months off for abdomenal surgery he'll be primed and ready to potentially be a top heel on SD. A short little World title run in the fall/winter is far from out of the question.

I never said edge and Jeff were better than Matt and Christian. I meant the WWE always favors them over there former tag team partners. I think Edge and Christian are pretty close when it comes to being good on the mic and over all wrestling ability. Matt and Jeff are like exact clones except Matt can mat wrestle.

I never said that they were better, I meant that WWE always favors them. Where as Matt and Christian get stuck at a mid card (ECW main event) level.
Now reading my initial post again, I can see where you got the idea that you thought I was saying Edge and Jeff are way better. I should have worded it better and not gotten as angry.

On a final not I just wanted to let you know that I meant that WWE favors Edge and Jeff way more, and I didn't mean that they were way better than Matt and Christian
Matt Hardy is always going to be one of my favorite's. But, when I seen him at Wrestlemania 25 and his match with Jeff, Very good match. He won the match, after that he went back to raw and started becoming to me a jobber to the stars. Matt Hardy is an amazing performer. And deserves a push now. Since he's on Smackdown now. Keep him as a face, and I think he could have a great feuds with guys like Dolph Zigler, John Morrison, or maybe a feud with CM Punk or Jericho. I think it is a good thing he's on SD! Bring back Mattitude!!!
Matt Hardy isn't going anywhere anytime soon and SmackDown! is great for him. Yes he's feuded with a lot of people on this brand already, but with Knox, Ziggler, and R Truth there, there are some new feuds. Also Punk. I think this is the best brand for him to compete on and become a major player. His style will work with a ton of the guys there. Hell he looked good against Undertaker back on the first episode of Superstars. There's a good number of people for him to mix it up with there and I expect him to be in the main event there for a while.
I've always liked Matt better then Jeff. If you actually read any of his blogs on MySpace then you would realize how devoted he is to the business, how he's been wrestling with injuries for YEARS and he finally took time off to get them taken care of. Matt was over as a heel, he was over as a face. He belongs on Smackdown. That's the A show in my opinion anyways. Who cares about Twitter? Did anybody but the little kids really believe he and his brother REALLY hated each other? C'mon now. Regardless, if little kids are seeing his pics of his brother and Helms on Twitter.. why are kids on Twitter anyways? Let him do it. He's not getting released. Not at all.

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