TNA stepping up to the plate!

It different when a wrestler is being a heel and insulting the fans. Thats fun. Thats what we pay to see.

When a guy is changing the appearence of something that I liked and telling me I'm stupid and don't know what I like It pisses me off. The current booking to me is flawed.

Just... it's... don't... :banghead:

You're creating a paradox which will rip through space-time and devour this reality as we know it. :shrug:

Seriously, do you not see the self-contradiction in what you're saying?

Please think about it for a moment, ok? :disappointed:

I'm just glad I fight for a country that allows us to voice our opinions about something as insignifigant as Pro Wrestling.

I'm just glad I live in a country that doesn't use military might, monetary power and "I'm right" as an argument in a conflict and then make the population swallow the propaganda. But hey, to each their own.
You know when youre getting Bischoff's handy work and Impact this week was laced with it. Im sitting here righting this craving nxt thursday. Is the Band gonna show up? Whats up with Orlando Jordan and (one of the reasons I watch TNA) The Pope. What the hell is going to happen to Foley? The hell is going to happen to Angle? I actually was sitting here last nite (knowing better but...) shocked as hell hearing Angle scream at Hogan. That screwjob went down exactly the way it happened to Bret. I know for a fact now Eric Bischoff is trying to piss people off, and I love it! Good f*ckin' job TNA.
You know when youre getting Bischoff's handy work and Impact this week was laced with it. Im sitting here righting this craving nxt thursday. Is the Band gonna show up? Whats up with Orlando Jordan and (one of the reasons I watch TNA) The Pope. What the hell is going to happen to Foley? The hell is going to happen to Angle? I actually was sitting here last nite (knowing better but...) shocked as hell hearing Angle scream at Hogan. That screwjob went down exactly the way it happened to Bret. I know for a fact now Eric Bischoff is trying to piss people off, and I love it! Good f*ckin' job TNA.

You can tell the whole creative crew sat down and mapped this thing out. They started from scratch once Hogan and Bischoff arrived and following what they are trying to get across is making more and more sense, and that takes TIME and PATIENCE from not only the company, but fans. It has to be a challenge each night to keep up the adrenalin of setting up storylines, but Hogan anc CO. are working in overdrive and the improvements are showing each week, literally.

Are there concerns? Of course. Are there weakness's? Of course. But are they on the right track and is their product working thus far? ABSOLUTELY, better than what I have anticipated this early in the game and if they don't drop the ball, they can go in many directions.

Vince will now know of TNA, guaranteed. You can feel the buzz....
man im lovin tna now hogan is a genous i knew he would do great thing but i had no idea he would do so great in so little amount of time this is awesome tna is 110 times better than wwe has been in a long time i cant wait until next thursday there is a reason why hogan is the greatest of all time and why he is the smartest man in wrestling and it is showing more and more i just wish impact had another hour with the high ratings they are gettin im sure spike would give it to them they need to go to mondays full time because without a dout they can beat anything raw has got take lessons jarrett you run tna for 8 years and it sucked hogan is there less than a mounth and its better than any wrestling on tv
There's just something about Hogan and Bischoff that are finally just.. getting it. Seems like they are invested in the long haul, the right way. I don't think they'll make the same mistake 3,4, or even 7 more times. This is a very uplifting thing and great news for TNA fans:

Both Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff were on hand for all four of TNA's television tapings this week in Orlando. While Hogan has his own dressing room, he made an effort to mingle with the rest of the talent backstage. Meanwhile, Bischoff was more involved in backstage production.

There had been some skepticism as to whether Hogan and Bischoff would be interested enough to attend four consecutive shows, but to their credit, they did.

These guys seems to have their head out their own ass and the feeling on camera feels to be genuine and how they are there to really help make TNA great.
Its kinda lame how TNA re-acted the montreal screwjob though...using something that happend over a decade ago in the companys competition all its doing is giving WWE free advertising if i see Hulk Hogan sometime il tell him how TNA is a good company and i wish it well but DONT F**K IT UP!! LOL
While I'm not a big fan of the screwjob ending, I think it was awesome for one major reason:

People are going to tune in next week because they want to know what happens.

Was hogan involved?

Is Cactus Jack back?

What is Angle going to do?

For the first time in a long time, I'm looking forward to a wrestling show to SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT.........

TNA is going to be competition for the WWE once they get back on Monday Nights.
Whats funny is that all those who bash TNA right now and ask for "their" TNA to return seem to forget what that company was like before the current regime of Hogan and Bischhoff, I am not Hogan and Bischoff's biggest fan and sure they have their flaws and weaknesses but I haven't been so much anticipating a wrestling show to come probably since 2004 (probably the last good wrestling year), they leave you with so many questions opened that you for sure have to catch the next week's episode to know whats gonna happen, bottom line is that they are on the right track and their product is working thus far, from better production values to better overall shows to better ratings on the show, so can you tell me when was the time Impact had the same exact high ratings before Hogan and Bischoff came, when was the last time everyone was bizzing and talking about TNA, and when was the last time TNA's shows have been so entertaining that you can't wait to see whats gonna happen next week.

As for those who bash the product for the sake of bashing it or the smarks who seemingly are so talented that they keep their unmatched talents and creativity discussing their creative ideas on the internet rather than booking the shows themselves, where were you then when TNA had some lame storylines, don't you remember Black fucking Reign and Rellik, or Super Eric, how about the non ending object on a pole matches that were on PPVs or Impact all the time, or Jenna Morasca vs Sharmell (I still feel bad for those who ordered TNA) did you forget Team 3D as X-Division champs or AJ Styles as Angle's lacky, maybe your memory is short to remember than Daniels last year was irrelevant with his Curry Man persona, or that Sting who is 50 was the TNA Champion, or that one of the main feuds was Bashir vs Sewell, you bashed the Genesis PPV, called it weak, if this PPV was weak whats about that same PPV last year which had Kip James in its mainevent (yes Billy Gunn headlining a PPV, something he didn't even do when the New Age Outlaws were at their peak), the title match was Rhyno vs Sting (and it was less than 10 minutes BTW) and throw away 6tag knockouts match which was as bad as WWE's women's match (there is a Botchamania for it if you forget how bad it was) the only good matches at that PPV were Angle vs Jarrett and Shelley vs Sabin and thats that.

You have to give TNA a try before crticizing it, at least we're now having feuds that look real and characters that reflect real life situations, I for once think that whats TNA is doing right now is better than anything they ever did as well as better than 90% of what the WWE is doing.
Ok, so some guy said that he won't watch TNA because of The Nasty Boys and because they're friends with Hogan.

Then again, people watch WWE and not TNA, as if WWE's not full of these things.

Sheamus - Triple H's workout buddy

McIntyre - Shawn and Triple H's weird choice.

So, if you don't watch TNA because of The Nasty Boys and their relationship with Hogan, I suppose you don't watch WWE either.

Tell you what, I used to be a TNA hater. I used to run my mouth about TNA, saying how much it sucks without even watching a single show. Now? Now I'm a DIE HARD TNA FAN and not a WWE fan anymore. SOOO many reasons.

And for the people who knock the nasty boys - these guys are fat as shit and still had a good match while Vince's cookie-cutter main eventers couldn't pull off a MEDIOCRE match even if their lives depended on it.
Finally, a thread that truly reflects the TNA I am currently watching. It is utterly awesome, I have read the spoilers (imagine this beast live) and after last Impact I still can't wait until next weeks Impact. It's been so long since I last seen the makings of a decent wrestling show, it's like a kid counting down the days to Christmas for me.

The way Hogan and Bischoff are playing the smarks off and using modern day media outlets like the internet on a scale never seen before is utter genius. TNA is the talk of the internet, and this is after only less than a month.

As a longtime TNA fan, we're not out-of-the-water just yet. Never say never with these two running things, but everything I've seen thus far has been a huge positive. Apart from The Nasty Boyz and Bubba the Cum Rag. I eagerly anticipate next week.

Oh and the Impact Zone has never looked better on T.V, six sided ring or not.
I'm in agreement with most of you, in that I feel Impact and TNA in general has improved. However, don't be so fast to paint Hulk and Bisch as the geniuses...Vince Russo is still the booker and head writer in all aspects of TNA.

Hulk and Bischoff are merely on screen performers much like Bischoff was in his WWE run. Sure, I bet Hogan contributes booking ideas and negotiates with certain talent and Bischoff more than likely contributes in the office, but make no mistake about it, TNA is STILL Russo's show!

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