TNA Castmembers

There's a big difference between "expressing your opinion" and just being a straight up jackass. You guys are lucky as shit to be able to go to all of the impact tapings and TNA PPV's. Now you're just abusing that privilege, and I completely see why the producers bitched you out. The "Crucial Crew" or whoever those douches are, completely killed any hope for the Morley/Daniels match at Genesis. Okay, you guys like Daniels and don't like Morley. That's fine, but you guys buried Morley before the match was even underway.

Newsflash: You guys are wrestling fans. You are one of millions of people. Therefore, you aren't special, so stop trying to act like it. Quit being douches just to get noticed on TV. If you "love" TNA like you say, then why the fuck are you killing the vibe in the impact zone with smarky chants? Like others, one of the things that really pissed me off when I was watching Genesis were all the stupid chants ruining the atmosphere. That basically killed the opening segment with Hogan/Bischoff too.
Regardless of what the officials said or what they were intending to say, it still boils down to one thing: censorship. Telling the fans what not to say or how to say what they are saying is something that, plain and simple, shouldn't be done. Not only will this turn away the current fans, who liked expressing what they thought and how the guys in charge should change, but it will also turn away newer fans, who are looking for a group that will listen to them and not censor them, like WWE.

Having said that, there are a few fans in the crowd who are just looking for attention. These are the ones who either dress up in crazy outfits or who get together while wearing the same shirts to show up on TV, at least if they're not plants. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if those people volunteer to be plants. There are also those who purposely start ridiculous chants to get more attention. Actually, I noticed that some people in TNA start "This is wrestling" chants almost as soon as a match begins. This could be viewed as "attention-getting".

But the way I see it, which side you're on will depend solely on what you decide to do. If you are honestly offended by what you were told to do when watching the show, don't watch it. Leave. Don't come back. Stop giving them revenue. If you're looking for attention, you'll stick around anyway.
What people are ignoring here is that the guy never told them not to express their feelings. I'm sure the ********er Crew wants to spin it that way so they can carry on with their righteous indignation, but that's not what the guy said.

He referenced the "bullshit" chant from the live Impact. All he asked them to do was not use a curse word. He even said it was fine to express displeasure in that manner, he simply asked them not to say bullshit. "Say BS." Exact quote.

All the guy was doing was asking the fans not to force them to mute their audio to comply with the TV-14 rating. He wasn't asking them to like anything. It's not censorship, no matter how dramatic you want to try to make it sound.
Let's get something streight 1 if it wasnt for the audiance there would be no pro-wrestling. there would be no one to cheer and no one to jeer. Cause without an audiance there is noone to give a damn. Nextly who are you to say the company was going nowhere. Like Hogan/Bischoff are the only 2 in the history of the world who could make a pro-wrestling show better. you know who else made changes for the greater good....Hitler and we all know how that turned out. You are obviously a fan of those 2 or you wouldnt be defeding the actions. but to say TNA wasnt doing anything before Hogan/Bischoff is an ignorant statement.

When you take into consideration that TNa has been a steadily growing company over the past 7 years. None of wich were influenced by Hogan and Bischoff. To all of a sudden within 2 weeks of programing they controled has brought upon such a drastic change in look feel direction well every aspect of the company and to expect the fans not to be upset is an understatement.

I'm not saying i know it all as a pro-wrestling fan but I know more then you cause I have been there. I have been in the audiance at the Impact Zone more then once. how many times have you gone? Even if the raitings grow dosnt make the product you are putting out any better. Raw out rates TNA does that make Raw a better program then TNA? No not at all. Just makes it a higherrated show. Besides who made these guys experts on pro-wrestling anyway? Just cause they have been bhind the camera on TV dosn't make them an expert. So under your ideas we should all have listend to Mike Adamle cause he was Raw Gm and was an expert cause of this. No! If you rember all of the people who are curently involved in TNA were also big players in the downfall of WCW. The product they put out isnt for wrestling fans. Its for people like you who think they know whats going on but in all reality are about as smart as the rest of us. I'm not trying to say I am better then you, I'm simply pointing out that your diffrance of oppinon is makin you come off like a douch. brush yourself off and watch your recycled "It worked for WCW" crap. I'll be ovver here waiting for the pro-wrestling I have loved all my life. When its about the match you have not over how many t-shirts your next catchphrase is going to sell.
The whole ratings argument is a moot point here guys. Raw has a much bigger audience due to the station it is on and how far out it is spread whereas Spike is just a small company not seen in anywhere as near places. TNA would have gotten bigger rating on a channel the same stature as the one WWE is on now as it was a better model to watch.

As for the fans.. They have a right to be disgusted about what is going on. They paid for 6 sides and got 4. They brought perfectly good signs and had them taken off them as it didn't fit into what they wanted on TV at the time. But more importantly they wanted to voice their opinion (on what is becoming quickly apparent) about the older talent who are not selling anything in the ring proper but are having that opinion stunted.
The issue with TNA is that free loaders and cheapskates do not value the show. That goes with any product. I understand the reasoning behind it at first but the company needs to promote its self to have value.

When going to a wrestling show it is about interactive entertainment that goes on within the script. The Free Loading / Cheapskate fans have a false sense of entitlement. They feel that they can ruin a show and have every right to do so. Everytime there is a change of scenery bet it logo, ring, lighting, or entrance ramp... They feel that they are entitled to chant against it and ruin the show. The fact is that the entertainment is going to be the same no matter the scenery.

TNA needs to start charging for the tv tapings. Eventually raise the prices by a set dollar amount over a period of time. A really fan would be willing to pay for the product and participate with the entertainment rather than trying to ruin it.

Charging for the Impact Zone will only draw more fans. Plus paying fans are more likely to buy shirts, dvds, and other items at a retail prices instead of at TNA's cost.

The move has to be made eventually and hopefully sooner than later. When TNA Impact leaves the sound stage, they are going to have to start charging for admission.
I saw the title of this thread, and seriously said, out loud, "Oh fuck. Who pissed Sid off in my section?" I'm glad it wasn't him, but I'm starting to think he had a hand in this. Bastard :p

Giving the fans a collective name is ******ed. There's absolutely no point to it. It'll offend the fans, and eventually make them not want to go. After a few months, you get a WWE-style crowd, sitting on their hands, and not even "oohs" and "ahhs" will come out. It's bullshit.

Fans will do and say what they want, when they want, and kicking them out of the building (the only realy way to stop it) would only piss a lot of people off. I love the chants. When I heard the fans chanted "We wants six sides", I laughed. When the fans chanted "Bullshit!" when Hogan tried to be the face, making Jarrett the heel, I loved it.

The fans know who the faces are, and who the heels are. Why tryto force it any other way?
you know who else made changes for the greater good....Hitler and we all know how that turned out. You are obviously a fan of those 2 or you wouldnt be defeding the actions. but to say TNA wasnt doing anything before Hogan/Bischoff is an ignorant statement.

Congratulations. You offended me.

You dare compare Hogan and Biscoff to Hitler??? If you're going to compare something, you'd better get it right. When did Hitler do ANYTHING beneficial with his country? When did he successfully shuffle in an era of postivity and growth for Germany?? Your comparison is a half-brained, bullshit attempt at an intelligent response.

And you can take your bullshit statement about my supporting of Hitler and kindly stick it where you wipe yourself.

When you take into consideration that TNa has been a steadily growing company over the past 7 years. None of wich were influenced by Hogan and Bischoff. To all of a sudden within 2 weeks of programing they controled has brought upon such a drastic change in look feel direction well every aspect of the company and to expect the fans not to be upset is an understatement.

Yes, they've grown at a snails pace. But they wanted to skyrocket. Therefore, they brought in two men who have been successful in doing so on MORE THAN ONE OCCASION. Gee... TNA is wrong for doing this, aren't they??

I'm not saying i know it all as a pro-wrestling fan but I know more then you cause I have been there.

Let's get something straight, you know NOTHING from sitting in an audience's seat. And you sure as hell don't know more than me. I was a professional wrestler for over 10 years. I am leaps and bounds above you when it comes to what we feel is better for an audience. However, I'm a flea on a dog's ass compared to minds such as Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan. And to actually sit in your seat and say that you know what you know tells me that you think you know more than they do.

You have the right to dislike what they're doing and the direction they're taking the company in. But just because you and the other 250 people in the Impact Zone feel one way, being that you attend all of the FREE shows, doesn't mean that the rest of the people that round out the 1.4 ratings (approximately over 2 million people) agree with you. You don't have a clue, but you sure as hell don't know more than I do.

I have been in the audiance at the Impact Zone more then once. how many times have you gone?

I stand corrected. I've never been to an Impact taping so I automatically know nothing. Pffft...

So under your ideas we should all have listend to Mike Adamle cause he was Raw Gm and was an expert cause of this.

That's right. Because before Hogan and Bischoff came on, TNA never made a mistake like Adamle. Shark Boy, Curry Man, and Cody Deaner were brilliant.

If you rember all of the people who are curently involved in TNA were also big players in the downfall of WCW.

All who have probably learned from their mistakes. They've only been on television for three weeks, for cryin' out loud!! And your ratings have increased by close to 0.5 since they came on! Give them some credit, at least.

The product they put out isnt for wrestling fans. Its for people like you who think they know whats going on but in all reality are about as smart as the rest of us. I'm not trying to say I am better then you, I'm simply pointing out that your diffrance of oppinon is makin you come off like a douch. brush yourself off and watch your recycled "It worked for WCW" crap. I'll be

You're not?? Let's read this again...
I'm not saying i know it all as a pro-wrestling fan but I know more then you cause I have been there.

Pwned. 'nuff said. Have a nice day.
if you remember jan 4 when everyone was screaming this is bull sh*t cuz of a botch opening match turned alot of veiwers away.i think the chants should be toned down just smudge..oh and im sick of this comment "tna is suppose to belike ecw"or "its wwes clone" whats wrong with trying to tell the crowd to tone it down..tna is rated tv 14..bullshit and gangsigns and all that don fall in that category.tna wants to be taken seriously thats why ecw wasnt taken seriously..i couldnt stand ecw then..bunch of hardcore losers trying to be cool falling off high flash..thats not wrestling..ite ******ed..wwe and wcw and tna isnt about blood falling off high places..barbed wire..its nice to have in the show but not make your whole company around it.its wrestlind i dont consider ecw in the category of wrestling i consider it in a category of stupidity. but anyway im all for what the production team is saying
Congratulations. You offended me.
YAY!!! I DID SOMETHING RIGHT!!!! When you make an argument with someone and copy what they said make sure your quote was read byyourself right first. Look Hitler came to power based off of his ideas and how he was gunna change Germany for the good.

Who cares how fast you grow as a company in pro-wrestling when there is a giant titan like WWE out there. They should focus more on what they have not on what they don't.

Nextly you know shit about me either so your 10 years of experiance can blow me. i worked for a wrestling company myself. I have also written about pro wrestling and its ineer workings for a long time as well. So shut it. we have a differance of an oppinon. as you are obivosly pro Hogan/Bischoff and I am not. As i have seen in the past that as much as they think they know they don't. Like you are claiming about me.

Also this entire thread is about how the fans feel about the changes and actions of TNA wrestling over the past 3 weeks. Once again you have never been apart of the audiance that is there on a normal basis so your oppinon is bassed of of what you think not of what you know. being there I would know more then you.

TNA has made some crappy dissicions about there program. I'm not gunna lie. but to quote me on a line over the entire statement that was made is just moranic. Your oppinons are only bassed off of your skim read through of peoples post and you think you are king cause you can paraphrase. ohhhhhhhhh. impressive. Tell you what why dont you do some big boy growing up. realize we all want something diffrent in our entertainment and if you don't like it Raw is a huge rated sports-entertainment show. You can go enjoy that. Paraphrase this "I'm a douch who wants to be so right about pro-wrestling I result into calling people names on the internet cause my mommy never hugged me."
I'm sad to see the video removed already. Much like WWE, TNA is all over the Internet on an hourly basis removing anything that they consider to be "bad PR" for them.

Really this is no different from what WCW did when they taped at Universal Studios. And it's also not really different from fans who attend WWE events who have their signs taken away if they are "Anti Cena" or anything else that the WWE doesn't like.

The problem, however, with the Impact Zone fans is that it is a smaller environment and they are regulars that attend. So if a good amount of regulars get upset, and being that IT IS a smaller environment, it can ruin a show.

And that is why as many people have stated, TNA has got to get their asses out of the Impact Zone and start touring, because otherwise the reactions of these pissed off regular fans that don't agree with the direction the company is going with, can alter the entire perception of the broadcast.

All over a Fucking 6 sided ring, on top of it.

I wish I could see the content of the video and if it gets reposted somewhere please let me know. That way I can make a judgment on how appropriate is was or not on the part of the producer.
This is funny. Hogan/Bischoff react to what some poster said is just 5% of the audience in the Impact zone rather than just ignoring it, which is what they sould have done.

If Hogan and Bischoff had Ignored the "We want 6-sides" chant, it would have eventually died down, but instead, they engaged it, thus egging them on and giving their voice more power and influence.

In regards to the Daniels/Morely match. I think it showed that Hogan/Bischoff don't know the TNA fans. Otherwise how could they have expected the fans to get instantly get behind Morely, who hasn't been relavent in 10 years, over Daniels, a TNA Original who headlined the last 2 PPVs? That would like expecting WWE fans to buy the Alpha-Male Monty Brown coming in and going over Randy Orton.

They were trying to force Morley as the face and fans didn't like it and showed their displeasure. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. However, instead of Hogan and Bischoff trying to find ways to get Morley over, they instead tell the fans to be quiet and accept it.

There is nothing wrong with the fans cheering and chanting. Somtimes it's too much, but it's pro-wrestling, not church. The whole idea of pro-wrestling is to get over with the fans by eliciting a response. If it's something they like, they cheer. If it's something they don't like, they boo. You can't regulate it.

Not everyone is going to like or hate the same things. So to those who are ripping on the fans that chant, saying that if they don't like the changes TNA is making then they should stop going to the tapings, I say if you don't like all the chanting on the show, you have the choice to change the channel, but I bet you won't.
I didn't feel like reading the back and forth other than the main post.

I watch wrestling as a FAN. Someone who would love to see TNA succeed, not so it can "beat" WWE but so that it will cause WWE to make a better product than they have now and make the whole industry better. I come to WZ to get an insight as to what "surprises" may come out but more than anything, I want entertainment.

And just like you are markish for TNA, I have heard marks who HATE MCMG and LOVE Team 3-D, because MCMG are too "spotish". This type of banter is ******ed.

I watched Genesis and the thing that annoyed me were the fans. Sure the product has its faults and you know some stuff will hit and some will miss. I loved Brian Kendrick coming out ans showing everyone the talent that he had that WWE get go to waste. I hated Morley fighting someone of the caliber of Daniels because Daniels couldn't even make Morley look any faster or less rusty.

But you stupid marks made the whole Kennedy/Anderson thing fall before it even HAD a chance to get going. You started your stupid chants before he even hit the ring. YOU stupid marks threw the whole match off with making Anderson deal with you guys.

I really hope TNA starts charging for entrance because you guys are way too entitled. Either that or tour more. it still is 2 days of work. Just do them in other places. Even keep it in different FL venues, but damn, just get it away from the "Crucial Crew" because right now, you guys are coming off as nothing more than a growing cancer that is killing TNA from the inside.

I find it ironic that you are chastising the Bubba Army when you both are just 2 sides of the same ugly coin. You can't say you are "TNA loyalists" when the people in charge of TNA are all on the same page!!! You are "Crucial Crew Loyalists", nothing more.

To the original poster:

TNA, like any other business would do, thanks you for your prior enthusiastic support of the company. However, they have discovered that they can make more money without needing to meet the conditions of your support. As such, you are no longer necessary or desired. They thank you for sending them money, and if you weren't, why the hell would they want to keep you around?

It's about money, kid. It's *that* simple. It's not about fake gang signs, it's not about being "buddies" with the wrestlers (who thank you for sending them money), it's about money. Ask for a $100,000 box seat at the Impact Zone and maybe your opinion will matter a little more, but until then, you're just another fan with a sign.

Rayne, you forget this "crew" doesnt even PAY any money for going to the event. They are entitled brats. Or at least that is what thier fan "promos" come off as
The fact that the producer actually had to go and tell these fans to not be douchebags and ruin the product. It shows how spoiled the TNA Impact Zone regulars are. There's a difference between cheering to support your favorite wrestler and beginning a stupid chant to call attention to yourself. But there's already a thread for that.

I don't think calling the TNA fans "Castmembers" is the issue. Sure it's a stupid name, but more important is its implication: that the people in attendance aren't satisfied with entertainment and wrestler-fan interaction, but they're looking to become "stars" of the product. TNA needs to get out of the Impact Zone and film in cities that whose fans aren't as obnoxious.

That said, I still hope they'll be at the Impact Zone the next time I'm able to go to Universal Orlando so I can see TNA for free haha!
1) Too get into the Impact Zone, from what I hear, is you have to buy a ticket too Universal Stuidos/Islands of Adventure and it's free to get into the show. So I'm sure these TNA Orlando fans buy a discounted season pass too Universal to get into these tapings.

2) The Impact Zone does not have a new crowd each taping. For the most part, these people admit it themselves that they go to every taping and consist of the majority of the audience. The Impact Zone holds hundreds of people, not thousands(till recently). Up till recently it held about 800 people, now it holds 1200-1300(I bet they're mad that Hogan/Bishoff are trying to add seating as well.) The TNA fans of Orlando, Florida have been spoiled for the last few years b/c they are so easily able too go see their favorite wrestler's perform 4 times a month and they are able too see it live (with great seats) for relatively cheap. These "Crucial Crew" members have even said they get too know the wrestler's.

3) So how do these fans repay TNA when TNA wants too stay in business and improve? They bitch about everything. These fans know as TNA gets better, then TNA will be able to draw in the 20,000-30,000 seat arenas and the Impact tapings will no longer be a 5-10 minute drive from their house and they will longer be able too throw up their "c" signs and inside joke chants.

4) Mr. Anderson makes his TNA debut, what do the "smarky" fans chant?
"This is Boring" and "Over-rated." Nice way to welcome him into the impact zone. A guy who has more of a gripe with WWE then any of you can.

On Jan 4th, they chant "Who Needs Bret" ... if your a wrestling fan, I just find that disrespectful.

Last night, AJ Styles comes out with a valet and you guys chant "You are married."
I mean, where does it stop with you people. The people had too basically come out and tell you that wrestling is fake. That's how pathetic you are. Of course Allen Jones (his real name) is married, but who said AJ Styles is? IT'S A SHOW YOUR MORONS!!!
I mean for any of you people who are not in the Impact Zone who defend these people because you say they are "passionate" and deserve too share their views ... you just don't get it. They are apart of the cast, b/c they're on TV. What they do on camera is seen by everyone watching TNA ... if a guy pulled out his penis and started waving it in the front row, would you say he's passionate about wrestling?

The Impact Zone is not a normal arena, it's about 1/15th the size so it's a lot more intimate. The TNA fans (the same 600-700 ppl) who know Daniels is a nicer guy then Kaz want too have everything their way. These guys even say it, they don't like Hogan fans and new fans in their arena ... is that being passionate about wrestling? I think that's called just being selfish.

And listen to the people filming this? "Who brings their kids too a wrestling match?" Are you kidding me? These idiots think they are watching CZW for christ sake, or ECW for that matter. I'm not saying wrestling needs to be PG, but you wanna exclude kids from wrestling? Are you fucking kidding me? No matter what, to be successful your going to need kids to watch the product. If any of you are a father, could you imagine if your kid(s) asked you to take him or them too a TNA show cause they really loved the talent like AJ Styles, Sting (Sting would be floored too hear how some of you fans go on), Mick Foley (same thing) and you had to say "no sorry, wrestling is for adults."

That might be the stupidest thing I've ever heard lol.
Btw, these loyal fans are all swearing off TNA now saying "I won't watch with out six sides" "I won't watch until Bubba is Fired" "I won't watch till Hogan/Bishoff are fired"
"Dixie you don't know how to run a company" "TNA will fold in a matter of months"

I mean they are flooding the websites, twitters, etc on all this stuff. I mean b/c the six sided ring is gone, they're sending hateful comments too Dixie herself.

Do you people really want to kill TNA? What happened to being "loyalists?"
Your not loyalists is why. All you want is your six sided ring, and guys like Joe, AJ, Daniels, and EY constantly in the main event when the truth is ... those guys are probably just not good enough. They don't have that "it" factor. But that's what you guys like about them ... they're average. You can familiarize with them ... you can familiarize with Joe's C cups lol.
Pssh. Fans. Am I right. How dare fans get upset at the bulls--product that is being shoved at them. Jeff Jarrett is clearly the villain in TNA right now. I mean, he interrupts people during promos to mock them, bring in his good buddies, and has gotten rid of the people who helped build TNA. That was Jarrett, right? If so, he should be booed incessantly.

I just don't get why you can't let the fans be the fans. ECW is legendary not only for its matches but for its fans. The Hammerstein Ballroom became a symbol of ECW. I would have loved to have seen what this board would look like back then. Probably D-Bubba the Sponge going on about how they need to do away with everything that built ECW and how they'll be forgotten to history soon, because ratings, not product quality, matter.

Just let TNA be TNA. But unfortunately the TNA I told my friends about is slowly fading in to just becoming that other wrestling show. I think it's called Thunder or something.
These people are not important to TNA's future, which is why Hogan et al. are willing to lose them as fans. In fact, people should notice that telling these people to stop acting like idiots was one the highest priorities in the list of TNA's changes.
Want some compelling TV? Wait until the entire pit revolts and empties into the ring on live TV. The way things are going, this is not altogether inconceivable.

I thought you were making a compelling argument up until you said this.

It's here that I see the problem with your "Crucial Crew". You seem to think that you are the equivalent to ECW's fanbase of old. Hate to break it to you, but you're not. There is only one true ECW, and they had the true fanbase. To try and replicate it is just foolish and a waste of time. No one will ever be able to recapture that feeling, regardless of what company they try to promote.

First off, do you really think that you'd have enough support to do that? You'd be risking your own personal health, as well as risking prison time for possible assault. Who in the hell would do that?

Second, even if you did manage to get enough people, as stated by someone else, you'd get your asses kicked by the wrestlers you're supposedly friends with. Regardless of whether or not you support them, you try to ruin things for the company they work for, they're going to have a problem with you.

So, here's what would actually happen if you go through with this idiotic plan of yours: You and maybe a couple of other guys would try to get to the ring. Security would haul most of you away. One of you might get through, and promptly get the living shit slapped out of you by whoever was in the ring at the time. The rest of the crowd would cheer and laugh at you while you were being hauled away by security, because the asshole who was ruining the show for them is finally leaving.
Pssh. Fans. Am I right. How dare fans get upset at the bulls--product that is being shoved at them. Jeff Jarrett is clearly the villain in TNA right now. I mean, he interrupts people during promos to mock them, bring in his good buddies, and has gotten rid of the people who helped build TNA. That was Jarrett, right? If so, he should be booed incessantly.

I just don't get why you can't let the fans be the fans. ECW is legendary not only for its matches but for its fans. The Hammerstein Ballroom became a symbol of ECW. I would have loved to have seen what this board would look like back then. Probably D-Bubba the Sponge going on about how they need to do away with everything that built ECW and how they'll be forgotten to history soon, because ratings, not product quality, matter.

Just let TNA be TNA. But unfortunately the TNA I told my friends about is slowly fading in to just becoming that other wrestling show. I think it's called Thunder or something.

Do you understand wrestling at ALL? It's a constant. It changes from time to time. Bitching about the storylines or what Hogan and Bischoff are doing is a down right ******ED argument. Wrestling is a product full of story lines, ones that need to be changed from time to time. The "loyal" fans who claim that they are not happy with the direction are nothing more than delusional!

What exactly made TNA? The 6 sides? The X-Division? If a fucking lame looking 6 sided ring was TNA's claim to fame then they are in serious danger. The X-division can go into so many angles. I also don't get the "forced" thing. The fans are "being forced to watch this un-TNA like product." What the hell does that even mean, dude? News flash: Outside of the "crucial crew" and people who just don't get it, people love what TNA is doing right now, and that's storylines in the making. If it were the fans way, then wrestling would get boring REAL FAST because it's the element of surprise that's the kicker. Forced, give me a break. This whole fan thing needs to be dumped soon because I think it's an outrage that out of all people, the fans are trying to ruin the product.
First off, I hope you enjoy your infraction for flaming a mod. Not very smart...

Secondly, I'm not paraphrasing. I'm eliminating the meaningless banter and getting to the meat and potatoes of your post. And just so you know, paraphrasing is defined as "expressive the same message in different words or rewording for the purpose of clarification". I don't remember rewording any of your statements. I merely eliminated some of the extraneous sentences to keep the thread clean.

Look Hitler came to power based off of his ideas and how he was gunna change Germany for the good.

Understood. But my stance on this is the fact that Hitler never did any good for anyone in this world prior to his dictatorship of Germany. So if you're comparing him to Hogan/Bischoff, your comparison is completely off the mark.

Who cares how fast you grow as a company in pro-wrestling when there is a giant titan like WWE out there. They should focus more on what they have not on what they don't.

Apparently Dixie cared, otherwise she wouldn't have brought in the big guns. Facts are facts... TNA was prospering without Hogan and Bischoff. But Dixie wanted to make changes for the greater good, so she brought in the big boys. Considering the fact that she is a FAR better businessman than you or I, it's safe to say that it was probably the right decision.

we have a differance of an oppinon. as you are obivosly pro Hogan/Bischoff and I am not. As i have seen in the past that as much as they think they know they don't. Like you are claiming about me.

Now THIS is paraphrasing. The only problem is, you're dead wrong. I'm not pro-Hogan/Bischoff... I'm PRO-TNA. I'm all about the company surviving, flourishing, creating competition, and making pro-wrestling popular again. Stop assuming so much.

Also this entire thread is about how the fans feel about the changes and actions of TNA wrestling over the past 3 weeks. Once again you have never been apart of the audiance that is there on a normal basis so your oppinon is bassed of of what you think not of what you know. being there I would know more then you.

No, this thread is actually about TNA patronizing their wrestling fans by giving them a title and basically telling them they are ruining the product and to please stop it.

As for what I know and what I don't know, the fucking show is televised. I think I can see what we're talking about here.

realize we all want something diffrent in our entertainment and if you don't like it Raw is a huge rated sports-entertainment show. You can go enjoy that.

This is the only sentence that made sense in your previous post... well, besides the flaming remarks.

I will continue to enjoy professional wrestling. And I will give my opinions on the product in the same that that I have been doing it long before you got here and long after you're gone. I'm a fan like you. And my opinion is this:

I want the "TNA Castmembers" to shut the fuck up and allow TNA to grow without voicing their opinions on live television by berating them and embarrassing them. Their chants and voices, while selfishly used, is hurting the product in the long run. You cannot dispute this. It's so blatently obvious that TNA management actually had to step in and shut those people up. It doesn't get more obviouis than that.
Ive said it before and I will say it again. People have no right to complain about the product. You don't like it, there is a fun little button that allows you to change the channel on you rtelevision (or in the cases of some of these people) their parents television. You act like Hulk Hogan is coming into your home, putting a gun to your head, and forcing you to watch the show. You have a right to change the channel if you don't like it. Because clearly yo do not understand the concept that if you are watching you are helping the product you dont like. Thats why i turned off RAW last night. I didnt like what I saw, I turned it off and watched the replay of Gensis. Then again you would have nothing to complain about if you didn't watch it.
Ive said it before and I will say it again. People have no right to complain about the product. You don't like it, there is a fun little button that allows you to change the channel on you rtelevision (or in the cases of some of these people) their parents television. You act like Hulk Hogan is coming into your home, putting a gun to your head, and forcing you to watch the show. You have a right to change the channel if you don't like it. Because clearly yo do not understand the concept that if you are watching you are helping the product you dont like. Thats why i turned off RAW last night. I didnt like what I saw, I turned it off and watched the replay of Gensis. Then again you would have nothing to complain about if you didn't watch it.

+1. When WCW was kicking WWF's ASS every week, the fans, as you put it, didn't have a gun to their head. When WCW became weak, the fans simply changed the channel and proffered the WWF and that's how everything pretty much works.

If you don't like what TNA is doing (Fuck people, give it a chance, they had 2 shows and only 1 ppv during the new era) then simply change the channel. Dead discussion.
This is ridiculous. People pay to be there and are by no means cast members. Fans turn their back against the 6 sided ring? Well you blame them? This address to the fans will not improve the any means.
Thing is that TNA is a mess these days, it is a fact and lots of fans are rejecting that.
1) Too get into the Impact Zone, from what I hear, is you have to buy a ticket too Universal Stuidos/Islands of Adventure and it's free to get into the show. So I'm sure these TNA Orlando fans buy a discounted season pass too Universal to get into these tapings.

2) The Impact Zone does not have a new crowd each taping. For the most part, these people admit it themselves that they go to every taping and consist of the majority of the audience. The Impact Zone holds hundreds of people, not thousands(till recently). Up till recently it held about 800 people, now it holds 1200-1300(I bet they're mad that Hogan/Bishoff are trying to add seating as well.) The TNA fans of Orlando, Florida have been spoiled for the last few years b/c they are so easily able too go see their favorite wrestler's perform 4 times a month and they are able too see it live (with great seats) for relatively cheap. These "Crucial Crew" members have even said they get too know the wrestler's.

3) So how do these fans repay TNA when TNA wants too stay in business and improve? They bitch about everything. These fans know as TNA gets better, then TNA will be able to draw in the 20,000-30,000 seat arenas and the Impact tapings will no longer be a 5-10 minute drive from their house and they will longer be able too throw up their "c" signs and inside joke chants.

4) Mr. Anderson makes his TNA debut, what do the "smarky" fans chant?
"This is Boring" and "Over-rated." Nice way to welcome him into the impact zone. A guy who has more of a gripe with WWE then any of you can.

On Jan 4th, they chant "Who Needs Bret" ... if your a wrestling fan, I just find that disrespectful.

Last night, AJ Styles comes out with a valet and you guys chant "You are married."
I mean, where does it stop with you people. The people had too basically come out and tell you that wrestling is fake. That's how pathetic you are. Of course Allen Jones (his real name) is married, but who said AJ Styles is? IT'S A SHOW YOUR MORONS!!!
I mean for any of you people who are not in the Impact Zone who defend these people because you say they are "passionate" and deserve too share their views ... you just don't get it. They are apart of the cast, b/c they're on TV. What they do on camera is seen by everyone watching TNA ... if a guy pulled out his penis and started waving it in the front row, would you say he's passionate about wrestling?

The Impact Zone is not a normal arena, it's about 1/15th the size so it's a lot more intimate. The TNA fans (the same 600-700 ppl) who know Daniels is a nicer guy then Kaz want too have everything their way. These guys even say it, they don't like Hogan fans and new fans in their arena ... is that being passionate about wrestling? I think that's called just being selfish.

And listen to the people filming this? "Who brings their kids too a wrestling match?" Are you kidding me? These idiots think they are watching CZW for christ sake, or ECW for that matter. I'm not saying wrestling needs to be PG, but you wanna exclude kids from wrestling? Are you fucking kidding me? No matter what, to be successful your going to need kids to watch the product. If any of you are a father, could you imagine if your kid(s) asked you to take him or them too a TNA show cause they really loved the talent like AJ Styles, Sting (Sting would be floored too hear how some of you fans go on), Mick Foley (same thing) and you had to say "no sorry, wrestling is for adults."

That might be the stupidest thing I've ever heard lol.
Btw, these loyal fans are all swearing off TNA now saying "I won't watch with out six sides" "I won't watch until Bubba is Fired" "I won't watch till Hogan/Bishoff are fired"
"Dixie you don't know how to run a company" "TNA will fold in a matter of months"

I mean they are flooding the websites, twitters, etc on all this stuff. I mean b/c the six sided ring is gone, they're sending hateful comments too Dixie herself.

Do you people really want to kill TNA? What happened to being "loyalists?"
Your not loyalists is why. All you want is your six sided ring, and guys like Joe, AJ, Daniels, and EY constantly in the main event when the truth is ... those guys are probably just not good enough. They don't have that "it" factor. But that's what you guys like about them ... they're average. You can familiarize with them ... you can familiarize with Joe's C cups lol.

Wow, hit all the points. Great post, sans some misspelling, LOL.

He is right. Somehow this "crew" has some warped sense that TNA will be fine doing the same things its done.

These ******s don't even realize that Kendrick and Anderson have HUGE gripes with McMahon and want nothing more than to show WWE that they made a mistake in letting them go. If anything, these guys will try hard to get people to watch TNA over WWE. BUT, even though the X-Division match was pretty damn awesome, especially since the wtrestlers had to deal with a HUGE change in the ring, stupid smarks like the guy who "hung" himself with the tie, made fans (real fans) at home notice him instead of the wrestlers.

For loyalists, the "crew" is doing a great job burying what they "love". I would hate to have been your parents when they moved to a bigger house: "Ahh Change no good, change no good" *throws C's in the air*

Thing is that TNA is a mess these days, it is a fact and lots of fans are rejecting that.

lots of fans? The only people I saw turning their backs were the "crew". If lots of fans are rejecting the "mess" TNA is, then why did they score 50% more ratings points than what they are used to?

Again, I think the point is being missed. It's these PARTICULAR fans that are ruining the whole experience.

Sure I don't like Hogan. I don't like the way SOME of the stuff is working out. I hate "The Band". I didn't even know who Bubba the Love Sponge was other than him being some shock jock, and I don't like him. He just looks like a douche. Seems like he should be there with the crew.

I digress. The fact is, let the product ride out and see where it heads.

“Successful people aren't born that way. They become successful by establishing the habit of doing things unsuccessful people don't like to do. The successful people don't always like these things themselves; they just get on and do them.”

Why doesnt the crew jsut try being successful fans?
Wow, that really was a lot of shit to filter through.

Here is my little opinion. I personally agree with the original poster. I love TNA for what it was, an exciting action packed show. I actually enjoy the fans in the pit, for me they add to the atmosphere and get people involved, watching wrestling with no chanting is much less entertaining.

I was extremely disappointed in Genesis, TNA's worst PPV for a while, how the fuck can Morley go over Daniels (1 PPV after he was main eventing). This just reeks of favouritism from Hogan and I am glad the fans showed their displeasure. I was less annoyed by Mr KEN....ANDERSON winning as he is a star and TNA fans should be grateful to have him.

Now to make things worse the TNA fans are being told what they should cheer for and what they should boo. I feel that Hogan and Bischoff should flip everything they are doing as Hogan for me is a Heel not Babyface. (Especially telling the fans to pretty much fuck themselves when he introduced the 4 sided ring)

Now for true TNA fans this thursdays show is going to piss them off even more. It seems as though everything we were worried about before Hogan actually came is going to come true.

The only good thing is that TNA is coming to the UK next week and us fans will hopefully let the officials know how badly they are messing up.

Please get rid of Hall, Waltman, Nasty Boys, Orlando Jordon and maybe even Morley unless he starts jobbing to the originals.

Good luck to the "Crew" (despite the sucky name) and lets hope the TNA decision makes listen, although it is more likely these fans will slowly disappear from the audience.

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