TNA Castmembers

Well, this is crap. This is the kind of garbage that you'd expect WWE to do, not TNA.

I just clicked on a story on WZ's site about a TNA producer "lecturing" the fans on how to behave at their latest taping. Instead of putting on their show, seeing what fans like and dislike, and going with it, they're going with the WCW Hogan "You fans can stick it, brother!" crap.

As bad as that is, that's not why I started this thread. What they did next is absolute, total McMahon-esque garbage! When a fan called them on their stunt & exposed it via Youtube, TNA had the video pulled, claiming "copyright infringement." Bullcrap! You've been caught, TNA, and intimidating fans with legal stunts is NOT going to make the problem go away.

You've billed yourself as being a fan-interactive company. If bending us over & ramming lawyers in us is your idea of interaction, NO THANKS!
If you want TNA fans to like you, give us the TNA shows and fan interaction that you know we love, and then build on it. If you want WWE fans to like you, tough luck. They already have WWE. The only way for WWE fans to like you is to sell to WWE. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
you really should read the thread entitled "Perspective from an iMPACT! Zone regular and TNA loyalist" it tells a lot of why they are doing it, but to pull videos exposing that segment you talked about is wrong, but if it is their property, they are well within their rights to do it.

off topic: they do let a lot of videos slide on youtube, a lot more then WWE i think. I seen the big E pull shitloads of videos, luckily, there are millions of fans out there replacing videos as soon as they get deleted.
Here is my little opinion. I personally agree with the original poster. I love TNA for what it was, an exciting action packed show. I actually enjoy the fans in the pit, for me they add to the atmosphere and get people involved, watching wrestling with no chanting is much less entertaining.
Well while I disagree with you on certain points at last you made an effort to express why you feel a certain way. Thank god someone can come up with an argument. No doubt wrestling would not be as much fun without chants. But chanting "overrated" before the guy gets down the ramp is bs. SOme guys are known to be better in the ring outside of WWE than in it, let them show that. Also chanting something every minute of the show is just annoying. I'll goback to my point earlier. In the first match the "Crew" starting chanting "Brian Kendrick"/ Great, fine. A fantastic athlete is in TNA and (looked to be) happy. But then when it dies one of them tried to start a "THey got Spanky" chant immediatly after. Is there need for that? No! You are trying to be funny and it failed miserably.

I was extremely disappointed in Genesis, TNA's worst PPV for a while, how the fuck can Morley go over Daniels (1 PPV after he was main eventing). This just reeks of favouritism from Hogan and I am glad the fans showed their displeasure. I was less annoyed by Mr KEN....ANDERSON winning as he is a star and TNA fans should be grateful to have him.
I thought it was one of the better ones in recent memory. Morely can go over Daniels because he was booked that way and let me let you in on a secret, chances are the feud between them isn't over. Feuds are what makes wrestling great. Or do you want to see some guy tell another he hates everything he stands for have one match then call it even? That is boring. And if one match makes the PPV suck for you, then you really need to evaluate your standing as a fan.

Now for true TNA fans this thursdays show is going to piss them off even more. It seems as though everything we were worried about before Hogan actually came is going to come true.
Here we go again with this "True" fan BS> Now I consider myself a true fan cause I have been with TNA since day 1. My fiance considers herself a true TNA fan cause she will watch TNA but hardly ever watched WWE (Excpet for when Punk and Hardy are on). Is she not a true fan cause she likes what she is seeing in TNA? Say no I dare you. I will verbally rip you a new one.

The only good thing is that TNA is coming to the UK next week and us fans will hopefully let the officials know how badly they are messing up.
Hell the UK hardly gets the WWE and TNA over there. They will just be happy that the company is coming and cheer everyone and boo the heels during the match.

Please get rid of Hall, Waltman, Nasty Boys, Orlando Jordon and maybe even Morley unless he starts jobbing to the originals.
Only thing I agree with but if you read anything on the site you will see that Hall and Waltman and the Nastys are part timers who will be out once their job is done and thats put the new guys over. Orlando I can care less about. Yeah Sean isn't what he used to be but no one is. He's still entertaining in the ring. Was his match with Daniels a classic? No but did I enjoy it and did others? Yes.

Good luck to the "Crew" (despite the sucky name) and lets hope the TNA decision makes listen, although it is more likely these fans will slowly disappear from the audience
Wait so you are telling me that these jerks will go away and I can watch Impact with the volume on again? YAY! I'll sya it in a way they may be able to understand. "Piss off Smart Marks!" *clap clap clap clap clap* Do they realize that the wrestlers they think are their "friends" are the ones laughing at them the most for being stupid. How many times did Wolfe give them the english bird? I dont think more than one was in character.
I just don't get why you can't let the fans be the fans. ECW is legendary not only for its matches but for its fans. The Hammerstein Ballroom became a symbol of ECW. I would have loved to have seen what this board would look like back then. Probably D-Bubba the Sponge going on about how they need to do away with everything that built ECW and how they'll be forgotten to history soon, because ratings, not product quality, matter.

This cracks me up more than anything else. The "Crucial Crew" guy is ridiculous, the people saying that "the fans should be able to chant whatever they want, even if it has absolutely no bearing on the match in the ring, and just makes the show worse by becoming a distraction" are idiots, but this...omg, where do I start?

Axl, I'm not picking on you in particular, I used your quote merely because it was the most recent one I saw comparing TNA to ECW. TNA is not ECW, never has been, never will be. And guess what? If you are a fan of TNA, you should be thanking whatever deity you hold sacred that it isn't. Because here's the deal; if TNA were ECW, then TNA would be a couple of years away from being the WWE's Wednesday night show.

Think about it. You people comparing the TNA fans to the old ECW fans seem to conveniently forget that, as loyal as the old ECW fans were, ECW still ultimately failed. If you want to TNA to follow the ECW formula of listening to what their hardcore fans want, refusing to change with the times to expand their audience and become a serious contender in pro-wrestling, then I hope you are prepared for WWE Wednesday Night Impact. ECW had the most loyal fanbase of any promotion ever, in my opinion, and that was just enough to send them into bankruptcy.

Those of you in the Impact Zone chanting "We want six sides!" and "Over-rated!" and "This is boring!" need to keep something in mind. There is an old axiom, "Keep doing what you've always done, and you'll keep getting what you always got." You don't want the show to change? Fine, that's your opinion. When you are in a position where your opinion matters the the people who make the changes, then I am sure they will listen to you. But, at the moment, it appears that one of the biggest changes the decision-makers are interested in right now is how to get you and your cronies to shut up while they are trying to put out a show for people to enjoy.
Well, for those of us that are supposed "WWE Hybrid Fans" because we agree with what is happening with TNA; let's look at it this way geniuses. I used to pay for the TNA PPV's out of the Asylum and watched IMPACT be born on FOX SPORTS NET. I have watched IMPACT! go from "Slammin' Saturday Nights" to Thursdays and even got to watch TNA go Live, head to head with WWE. Now I have seen the birth of the six sided ring and the death of it in TNA. The return of the squared circle is not going to kill TNA. I watched WWE for years because there was nothing else wrestlingwise on to watch. I used to watch WCW and ECW. Well, come 2001 there really wasn't much of a choice, was there? I bought Genesis and guess what? It's the first PPV I bought since Wrestlemania XXV. Why? Because Hulk Hogan and Eric Bishof puit together an intriguing card that looked entertaining. Things could have been worse, but you guys in the crowd, oh boy. You have got to be the most annoying fans I have ever seen. Yeah, so TNA scalded you. Why? Because you, not the wrestling, not the storylines, not the announcers, not the camera angles, but you were stinking up the building. Hell, be Happy I am not TNA Management as I would have thrown you all out of the building and let some one else have your seats. Someone who might appreciate the efforts I was making.

"Sit Down Brooke", really? "Brian Kendrick", really? And what in the Hell is with the annoying Indian chants? Yeah, like that fits into Wrestling? Oh, and finally, "We Want Six Sides". Coolness, you can go to Mexico and watch Triple A Wrestling because they still have it. If you think that the ring makes a wrestling promotion, you are as stupid as you sound. The wrestlers are the stars, not the ring.:rolleyes:

Oh, and "Pope Has Spoken", yeah, welcome to the boards and you are wrong, Period. You guys don't like the product, like has already been said, don't watch it then because you really are not helping at all. If anything, you are contributing to why TNA NEEDS to get out of the IMPACT! zone. At least if that happens they get away from you because I am sure you wouldn't want to have to pay for your ticket. And for the record, I did pay for mine when I actually "bought and paid for" my Bound For Glory ticket here in California, the first wrestling event I have actually went to since WCW. I had to amke a trip of it to Irvine because I live in Santa Clarita, but it was worth it. Yeah, I didn't need Universal Studios to get into my show. I actually supported the company with the green.;)
There is interacting within the means of the show and there is interacting beyond the means of the show. We want six sides chant was garbage and beyond interacting in the means of the show. Cheap prices and free shows demean the value of TNA. The ring is just scenery and scenery does not change the product. They have a right to boo poor matches and interact within the means of the show... but it is clear the cheapskate fans / free loaders dont value it as much as other means of entertainment because it is free / very cheap. They have a false sense of entitlement and feel that they have the right to ruin shows like Genesis. TNA needs to charge more for entrance to pay per views events and start charging entrance fees for impact tapings.
You really have to love a great discussion. My hats off to everyone posting decent, and civil retorts. To those of you who feel the urge to call the entire Impact Zone "assholes," I salute you as well. With a finger telling you that you my friends are number one in my book.
Every fan there does not qualify as an experiment in profanity. Except for maybe that one guy, with the sign.
About the chants affecting the performers. Understand one simple thing. They are acting in a grand show. Anyone who has any kind of performance background knows that a good showman can tune those chants out. In theater you have to learn to put up that fourth wall, do your job and feed off the energy you choose to. If the crowd is into it, your performance tends to be elevated. If they aren't then it becomes a matter of your desire to live up to your standard of professional performance. Let it get to you, let it stink up your show, then maybe it's time to go back and hone your craft.
I like Anderson, he has some great charisma and excellent mic skills. And yes the Impact Zone did erupt when he made his debut, and yes, they did somewhat turn on him half way through. But you know the amazing thing is, he is a great worker. He went with it, the next night at tapings he came out and rolled with the punches, mocking the crowd in turn. I say this with my tongue in cheek, but you'll LOVE the crowd chants on Thursday. Misssssssssssttttttteeeeerrrrrr OVER RATED.
You know sometimes it isn't up to the brass to dictate who gets over and who doesn't. Case in point. Steve Austin, the Rock and John Cena. Wasn't Steve Austin supposed to be a bad guy? Didn't the crowd reaction propel him to superstar Babyface? What about Rocky. Good guy who the crowd hated to a point of becoming the Rock, who was then supposed to be bad, but because of the crowd became good. And anyone remember Hogan when he first came in as Hollywood to the WWE? He was supposed to be the heel in the match with the Rock. But the crowd chose to support how they felt.
Do you think WWE officials start every show by asking the fans to NOT chant Cena sucks?
Seriously. If the watchers at home are getting their panties so bunched up because they are watching the crowd instead of the match, maybe YOU need to regain some focus.
If you want to complain about the behavior in the crowd, by all means come on down to the Impact Zone and put your money where your mouth is. The desire of the fans is not to be on TV. Well except for the casual in the park tourist who sees that the park is about to close and want to continue their vacation. We constantly have these fans asking us who to cheer for. The production often asks "WHO WANTS TO BE ON TV!" And usually it's the guys and gals in Hawaiian print and Mickey ears that are screaming for it. While the regulars just wait for the matches to start.
Then when Joe and Jane tourist walk out halfway through, the heart of the Impact Zone is there to finish showing the support.
The back turning, chant making, wild bunch of fans are NOT going to cause the show to fail. Anyone who believes that is smoking a grade completely detrimental to their brain cells.
TNA will grow regardless. I don't really believe it's BECAUSE of Hogan. I mean after all whatever happened to WCW? Weren't Hogan and Bischoff in charge there too?
I guess I better get ready to take my spoiled, non-appreciating self ready to go down and continue to support the greatest wrestling promotion on TV TNA.
Hey guys. I'm one of the hardcore TNA fans who you see regularly on iMPACT! and TNA PPV. You probably recognize me as the guy who wears a shirt and tie to the shows.

I've seen a lot of posts claiming that the biggest thing wrong with TNA right now is us, the loyal fans in the iMPACT! Zone.

I'd like to give you a little perspective on things. There is a group of about 12-20 of us who are at every show we can attend (Collectively known as the "Crucial Crew", which is why you see us throw up the 'c' hand signal). And we DO NOT like the direction this company is going. Therefore, we express our displeasure in hopes that management will listen. Why? Because we LOVE TNA, and will not stand idly by while it gets raped by Hogan and his boys. If we were season ticket holders for a sports team, this would be expected, would it not?

Last night at Genesis was a major event in the growing war between the TNA loyalists and the Hoganites. I can tell you that very real battle lines are being drawn within the organization, and the conflict will get a lot worse.

Again, we LOVE TNA. So when a man who built his career and reputation on WWF Sports Entertainment comes in, changes the things that make TNA unique and basically tells us that the TNA model is broken and that "the smart marks in the front" (read Hogan's IGN interview) don't matter, aren't representative of mainstream America and so should be ignored- Yeah, we're gonna be pissed.

Last night was remarkable in that for the first time ever a TNA producer came down into the pit where we stand, grabbed my friend by the shirt and actually threatened to ban us from the building if we didn't stop with the "vulgarity and the negativity". From reports, this heat came directly from "Dixie and Terry who were pissed that we didn't put Morely over during his match with Daniels. Are you kidding? This happened during the Pope v Wolfe match, and totally killed the crowd. If you were wondering why the crowd was so dead during what was a great wrestling match, that's why.

Here's the thing though... We've become friends with a lot of the wrestlers, and they all love our energy, enthusiasm and passion, and have and continue to support us. The production crew, who takes heat directly from the top, HATE us, most likely because they are all afraid for their jobs.

Also, all of the Bubba Army idiots and other Hogan marks are now in the iMPACT! Zone and act like the complete tools they are. Oh, but THEY don't get scolded like 5-year olds, even though they are the most offensive people there.

I saw hundreds of people walk out on the show last night, something i've NEVER seen at a PPV. Things are getting weird. Hopefully, Bischoff and Russo are smart enough to use this tension to create compelling TV, but from my perspective, it seems like TNA is dying right before my eyes.

Rest assured, the Crucial Crew will fight to the end for the TNA we know and love!

I was one of the Original ECW guys that was at the Bingo Hall for every show. People talk about our Chants. Our Chants were justified. We had real emotion in what we were chanting. We let the wrestling and the promos bring out our chants. I am sick and tired of all these Feds including TNA that are trying to be the Original ECW crowd. It is like everyone is trying to catch that "Magic". Everyone trying to be "The Hat Guy" or "The Faith No More guy" so I see why you wear your tie and stupid shirt. You and your buddies are trying to get over! Anyway just stop!!! Let the wrestling and promos dictate your chants. You would be amazed by it.
TNA needs to charge more for entrance to pay per views events and start charging entrance fees for impact tapings.

then nobody will show up..TNA needs to adapt to what fans want. As for censoring fans, they have a right to protect their property (i.e on Youtube), but I think what happen at Genesis is a revealing sign of where the TNA loyals feel in regards to Hogan's new attempts at taking on WWE.
As they should censor the fans. Mr. Anderson coming into their company was a huge deal for them. What did the fans chant? "Over rated?" seriously? Tna fans are a problem and you can never please em. And it makes the company look bad in return. Which, Tna is starting to turn it around for the first time. Everyone is complaining its like the old wcw. but before hogan took over, all i read is i miss wcw.

so i agree, censor those bastards. dont let ******s make a decent (not great) but decent product look like nothin.
then nobody will show up..TNA needs to adapt to what fans want. As for censoring fans, they have a right to protect their property (i.e on Youtube), but I think what happen at Genesis is a revealing sign of where the TNA loyals feel in regards to Hogan's new attempts at taking on WWE.

I have a business. It wasnt doing so hot. Then I brought in a consultant. Basically the problem is that I was charging too little. I thought he was nuts. But guess what it worked, I tripled my business earnings in a month and the results continued. Basically TNA needs to fire these free loaders and bring in paying costumers. Costumers that they dont have to tell to behave because they lives and jobs and know how to act appropriately. Being a part of the "Crucial Crew" is not a job btw.
I think that would be a great analogy. If we were in a movie theater. I don't usually shout, chant, stand up or hold up signs in a theater.
This is a wrestling arena, that is the norm. I have never watched any event that I couldn't stay focused on. The WRESTLING is in the ring. Watch that.
If the fans were to rush the ring, then by all means, I could see your point.
OP is a dumbass.

The 'Crucial Crew' don't care about the product. They care about themselves. If you are not happy with the product, don't go. Simple as. And let people who actually want to go, get into the impact zone.

Also how can you bring up someone's personal life in wrestling when they're working a kayfabe'd show? That's just stupid. 'You are married' or w/e. I mean seriously. That's completely idiotic. You give the IWC a bad name.
You know, I hope TNA actually bans these people from shows if they are being disruptive. I also hope they edit out the asinine chants. I'm all for self expression, but this is simply a group of people who want to feel special...nothing more.

Going to a FREE show each week, trying to get on tv, and pointing out things you don't like by chanting on tv is NOT helping the product. Get it through your heads, you are not getting your point across to TNA. All you are doing is hurting the chances of TNA growing.

The only reason that these people think they are a big deal is because they are in a small arena. If TNA was in a 5,000+ arena these people would not even register. Let's say TNA started charging $20 per taping and $30 per PPV, would you people still be going to every show? I bet you'll say you would, but I'd like to see it happen.
This isn't a "McMahon-eque" move. It's a "Bischoff-eque" move and guess what, Bischoff is the guy who is probably behind it. I hope people realize this is the EXACT SAME STUFF WCW did. Keep in mind, when Bischoff took over WCW, shows were done in Florida and the "smart fans" weren't allowed in the shows because they would cheer and boo the wrong people. Bischoff wanted the fans to do what he said and thus, they brought in people who would follow signs like a sitcom audience of some sort. On top of that, when fans didn't do what they wanted, that was taken care of too. Remember when Goldberg cheers were dubbed in even when he WAS getting cheers. I remember a video, which I just looked for but couldn't find, where you hear the chant but you don't see anyone doing it.

Bottom line is, crowd reaction IS a big part of shows, but it's clear to me that Eric Bischoff or Hulk Hogan learned absolutely nothing from the demise of WCW. They are reverting to old tactics and trying to control the crowd rather than listening to it. Then again, when you have the same people in the crowd at every taping, you kinda know what's coming.
While I agree with what most people are saying, that Hogan/Bischoff have every right to do what they're doing --- I personally believe that this is a work.

I think Hogan/Bischoff are planting the seeds for a revolution angle. This is just one reason for fans to dislike Bischoff/Hogan as their feud with Foley/Jarrett continues.
I think what this is coming down to is that these you people, whatever you want to call yourselves, have the right to cheer, boo, whatever, but your doing it the wrong way to the point where people aren't focusing on your disdain with the product, they are saying, "wow look at those jackasses they are wrecking the show."
I was one of the Original ECW guys that was at the Bingo Hall for every show. People talk about our Chants. Our Chants were justified. We had real emotion in what we were chanting. We let the wrestling and the promos bring out our chants. I am sick and tired of all these Feds including TNA that are trying to be the Original ECW crowd. It is like everyone is trying to catch that "Magic". Everyone trying to be "The Hat Guy" or "The Faith No More guy" so I see why you wear your tie and stupid shirt. You and your buddies are trying to get over! Anyway just stop!!! Let the wrestling and promos dictate your chants. You would be amazed by it.

And this. The Impact Zone wants TNA to be ECW, but don't seem to understand what made ECW fans so great. ECW fans were just as "insider" as TNA fans, but when they came to shows they were almost a part of the roster, like a character of their own. They didn't take personal jabs at the wrestlers, they played along with the characters. They were abrasive, but in a playful way, there was never a sense that they were trying too hard. They enhanced the show.

Even when the Impact zone was 100% behind the product there was never a natural bond between the fans and the performers. In ECW the fans/performers had fun with each other, same as in ROH, but in TNA the wrestlers are treated like monkeys. I can recall matches where Abyss would hit a Black Hole Slam, and the fans would chant "one more time!", to which Abyss would oblige, fun moment right? But then after he does it, fans again chant "one more time!" and it's like, come on! You got what you wanted!

I mean maybe I'm letting it bother me too much.

I think that would be a great analogy. If we were in a movie theater. I don't usually shout, chant, stand up or hold up signs in a theater.
This is a wrestling arena, that is the norm. I have never watched any event that I couldn't stay focused on. The WRESTLING is in the ring. Watch that.
If the fans were to rush the ring, then by all means, I could see your point.

Fair enough. But let's put the theater analogy aside then. I'll explain it like this, going back to ECW. We all know wrestling is pre-determined, that the storylines aren't real, hence the term suspension of disbelief. ECW fans, well, not just ECW fans, good wrestling crowds are great because they are willing to suspend their disbelief, cheer for the good guy, boo the bad guy.

You can't deny that a cooperative crowd makes for great wrestling TV, and sometimes even a rebellious crowd can. But TNA is neither rebellious, nor were they ever cooperative. They're entitled, they don't let the performance drive them, they try to drive the performance, it's selfish and petty. I don't think even The Rock or Steve Austin can control that audience and that's nothing to be proud of. This is a crowd that tries to finish Ken Anderson's sentences when he debuts, then promptly craps all over him with overrated chants. A crowd that chants "this is bullsh*t" at the start of a show, then two hours later are chanting "who needs Bret?" It's been clear to me for years that this is a crowd that either needs culling or correcting and I'm happy to see it be dealt with.
TNA cant charge the fans as the Impact Zone is a part of Universal Studios Florida they can ask for a piece of the profit of Universal Studios but they cant charge the fans any money for watchin their show as its a part of the Universal Studios experience. So TNA has to move their location if they want to start charging the fans money. In reality if they want censor a fan they can bleep it out on tv but we the fan has freedom of speech.
Oh man. People hide behind freedom of speech like it's some sort of all-encompassing law that supersedes everything else.

Yes. The fans of The Impact! Zone have freedom to say whatever they want.

But there are consequences to those actions. For instance, TNA can kick them out of the studio if they feel that the actions and words of some fans are impeding the enjoyment of the others in the audience.

Just because people have "freedom of speech" doesn't mean they can go around making asses out of themselves and not expect any consequences. That is NOT what freedom of speech is.
I'm torn about this. On the one hand they have every right to tell people not to curse, that's just asking for some decency, but saying please go along with the show... that's a little off if you ask me. Why not have an applause/boo sign?

To that end my buddy asked me earlier if Jarrett was heel or face and I said I'm honestly not sure and he joked that they need a big giant board with everyone's name on it to divide them up. It was funny earlier, but within the context of this thread... not so funny. What if they start listing the wrestlers they're allowed to cheer and boo?
Man, there were a lot of long posts to read there and I wish I could have read them all within a few hours because I was liking a lot of what I was hearing. I think the TNA ring change is a good change, necessary and well thought out. They didn't give all the cookies at once. They debuted Hogan and a few other people, and continued to debut people after that. Then they wait for a pay-per-view to show you the makeover. Exactly what they said they were going to do from the beginning.

One of the things that confuses me is that leading up to this whole Hogan Revolution, it seemed like the TNA fans as whole were on board, excited, and ready for some changes. Now that some of the changes are happening you want to gripe. Hogan comes in, makes his agenda to do things the right way with TNA known matter-of-factly, starts to deliver, and you want to be all pissed of about it ? I've gotta say, "Shit or get off the Pot." what's it gonna be ? Do you want this company to succeed or are going to fight kicking and screaming against necessary change? there can't be two ways.

Hogan and Bischoff were brought in to take the company to new heights, I assure you their intentions are nothing less. Do you think either of them have nothing invested in this company? They have their reputations, and their images. Word was Bischoff has his own production company, I guarantee you he has invested those resources into TNA. Hogan has another shot at making history and taking TNA to the top to compete with WWE. Either this goes down as history in the making or it goes down as an abysmal attempt at success. Which one are you fighting for?

Showing civil unrest on live pay-per-views doesn't come across to me as "Fighting the good Fight". You made those guys look like assholes on World Wide Pay-Per-View, you think that's funny? You think you were in the right doing that? To the two guys who are there to give you a better product? You could see they were uncomfortable, and they weren't sure what to do, you could see they felt like a couple assholes for even trying with you people. They made changes they thought were going to please you, and you basically humiliate them out of spite? What the hell is wrong with you? Don't you know your role? Your a member of the audience, not a fucking research panel. It's not your job to tell them how to do their job. As a matter of fact you have no job, you act like you and your buddies are outside contracted advisors or something. I'm just willing to bet, that is anything but the case, call me crazy.

The thing that almost got me even more was when you people were chanting "Overrated" at Ken Anderson. That's actually a huge pick up for TNA, and you practically ruined his debut. What the fuck gives you right? It's a little thing called class, it helps you act with dignity, and what you and your friends apparently did was far from dignified. They put their newest biggest acquisition out to debt on pay-per-view, and you humiliate him too? That's just tasteless. What a way to show your support and appreciation to TNA. Luckily Anderson was smart and ignored it like a professional. The worst thing would have been if he showed visual anger or frustration from it and played into your antics. Truth is you don't deserve the acknowledgment, and he knew that.

I thought he was good in the ring and on the mic. I hope he stays healthy and reaches his potential at some point. Keep in mind he was about to be WWE or WHC at one time, and they had the intentions of putting him there more than once. I don't think WWE would have tried to push him there so much if he had nothing to offer and was "overrated". If he was good enough to be their world champion, than he is by far good enough to be TNA champion, that's not overrated, that's talent. TNA is smart for getting him, I know tons of people who loved him there and have been dying to see him come back, that can only benefit TNA.

I thought the ring looked good, the wrestlers worked well in it, and aside from the hate chants it was a good show. I liked the ramp all the way to the ring, the stage, the lighting and pyro, the production quality of this one. They are making subtle improvements. I think the stories might need ironed out a bit more but they are heading in the right direction. It looked like a legit wrestling pay-per-view. I was rather taken-back to WCW while watching it, not in a bad way either. It felt like almost the right mix of old and new, and I think they are creeping closer to finding that right mix.
Wow! i figured this thread was gonna fizzle out after a while, but it has only got more intriguing! which leaves me with a problem, where the hell do i even start?

ok, i see the OP finally resurfaced for a minute and compared Hogan and Bischoff to child-rapists. WTF? showing you maturity or lack thereof? one of his supporters comparing hogan to Hitler? same response! btw allicacamrdipshit or whatever your handle is....I see you said you've written some columns? i find that hard to believe, after reading your posts, i see you couldnt spell your way out of a wet paper bag. so no one is taking you seriously.

now after tallying up names, i see that the OP's support is approx. 5% or so, which ironically is probably the same percentage of assholes that make up the impact zone crowd. who the fuck are you people to suggest that you represent the average wrestling fan? you dont....the majority of us arent lucky enough to live in orlando and can go see the tapings and the PPVs week in and week out. like so many others have said, you are a bunch of self-centered ******s that think that TNA is yours. it isnt, you arent paying the salaries of the wrestlers, its the people that dont live in orlando that tune into impact, and buy the PPVs that do!

what else i've noticed is this, most of spartacus' supporters have only a handful of posts each, which leads me to believe this, the OP called all his whiny little bitch friends and had them register and back him up here so his argument seems more legitimate! bad news, sparky, you've all failed miserably.

I bet if TNA banned you and your buttbuddies tomorrow, no one at the impact zone would miss you, that would open up seating for people who enjoy wrestling as a whole! not just people that would rather try cause TNA to go out of business because they dont like the change. piss on you! you have it better then so many wrestling fans, but you shit all over that privilege! remember this number, 5% because thats all you are, a minority group of whining assholes that would be forgotten by the next telecast!!

have a great day!!:rolleyes:
I'm torn about this. On the one hand they have every right to tell people not to curse, that's just asking for some decency, but saying please go along with the show... that's a little off if you ask me. Why not have an applause/boo sign?

To that end my buddy asked me earlier if Jarrett was heel or face and I said I'm honestly not sure and he joked that they need a big giant board with everyone's name on it to divide them up. It was funny earlier, but within the context of this thread... not so funny. What if they start listing the wrestlers they're allowed to cheer and boo?

Well I mean, they can ASK the crowd to do anything they want to. I watched the video. He was nice about it... respectful, not pushy, not demanding. He simply asked the favor. I see no harm in that. From there, he went on to say that if the audience did choose to express displeasure, it was FINE. All he insisted upon is that they say, for example, "BS" rather than "bullshit". I see no harm in that either.

If you think it's wrong for him to request that favor of the audience, fine. We can debate that point. But lets be clear... I realize the video is gone and some may not have seen it... there was no demand to conform here. It was a simple request.
Oh man. People hide behind freedom of speech like it's some sort of all-encompassing law that supersedes everything else.

Yes. The fans of The Impact! Zone have freedom to say whatever they want.

But there are consequences to those actions. For instance, TNA can kick them out of the studio if they feel that the actions and words of some fans are impeding the enjoyment of the others in the audience.

Just because people have "freedom of speech" doesn't mean they can go around making asses out of themselves and not expect any consequences. That is NOT what freedom of speech is.

I agree with what you're saying, but we all know that the reason that TNA sent out a producer is not be cause the chants impeded the enjoyment of the other fans in the audience. These guys got yelled at because they didn't react in the way that Hogan / Bischoff wanted.

This thing has blown up over the last 24 hours encompassing many post over several threads when I think it really didn't have to. By engaging the fans, Hogan / Bischoff legitimized them and empowered them to be more vocal because they know that they have an effect.

TNA can't charge to get into the Impact zone because of it's association to Universal Studios, so until they have the funds to move the show, they either have to continually kick out those to don't "play along", or ignore them and try to win them over with a great show.

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