TNA Bound For Glory 2011

I have no idea why everyone is wah wah waaahhing about it not making sense....Sting has been talking about this happening since like, fucking July :lmao:

But only a couple weeks ago Hogan was trying to trick all the fans with his whole retirement thing. Why does he change do drastically now?
That was difficult to watch, but I loved all the traditional Hulk stuff. The rest of the segment was a fucking mess though. Ric Flair looked like he had no idea what to do, Bischoff looked foolish, and I honestly don't think Steiner just goes to the ring and does whatever he feels like. But seeing Hogan rip off his shirt was enough to save the segment for me.
Yeah I'm with you. Cool moment and all....but why in the world did this happen and were we supposed to be shocked by the referee who was turned heel an hour and a half ago turning face?

Know what, I forgot about the baby Bischoff thing. Now I'm even MORE confused about how any of this can possibly be interesting, in the least bit.

I'm glad they got a pop... good for them. But if anyone can give me a logical explanation as to WHY this means something, I'll give you green rep. Go ahead... give it your best shot.
That was difficult to watch, but I loved all the traditional Hulk stuff. The rest of the segment was a fucking mess though. Ric Flair looked like he had no idea what to do, Bischoff looked foolish, and I honestly don't think Steiner just goes to the ring and does whatever he feels like. But seeing Hogan rip off his shirt was enough to save the segment for me.

If someone who knew nothing about wrestling read this, they'd be asking some questions.
There has been no Storm sighting yet tonight, and a shortage of people who can possible run in to help Angle who he could feasibly neutralise.

Ill take that green rep.

Sting has been talking about getting the "Real" Hulk Hogan back, the guy who revolutionized the buisness and had everyone beliving in him. The guy who stood up for whats right.

Thats what the entire fucking angle has been about. Since at least this summer. I dont get how anyone is even slightly confused. That ending was the whole point of everything
Random observation but Angle's leg appeared to be taped up, is he actually sporting some type of injury (if anyone knows).

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