TNA Bound For Glory 2011

Hey the tag team match of ink ink vs Mexican America was free on facebook earlier, anyone know who won?

Scramble in the ring, von Eerie gets involved and rips off Sarita's mask/pantses Anarquia, Hernandez runs in and gets the quick rollup on Neal
They might run the show later than normal. Or they might be keeping Hardy to limited time in ring. Who knows.

My stream just randomly cut to Survivor Series 1992, for no good reason. WTF.

Guess you're watching the same one as me. Now it's the video of BFG with the SS '92 audio.
The fuck? The stream I was watching just randomly went Survivor Series 97. and an orange block showed up that said Hacked like a Boss.
Man oh man did the crowd ever check out of this one. Daniels and AJ are pros, though, if anyone can get them back into it these two can.
I feel like I've seen an I Quit match in the indies that was really good. Then again, given that I can't remember it, maybe it wasn't. Also, I may be imagining this entirely.

Who'd of thunk that a promo in the middle of the match was the thing to get the crowd back into it.

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