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If you would like for me to spell out my overwhelming evidence as to why I know you're an alt, just say so. Be warned though, it will contain some private information you may not want the world to know. Nothing too personal really, just the general area you live, who you get your Internet through and other somewhat identifiable information.

Is that what you'd like?
While I know it's not too late where you live, it's after 11 where I live so I'm going to bed, as I have to work in the morning. Just let me know if you'd like me to present my evidence and I'll work on it in the morning.

For the record, as one who works in the tech field, I would just recommend you just admit you're an alt (many times over), but if you truly want me to divulge the information proving it, let me know.
No one cares. You're a tool whose only use is to be mocked for our entertainment.

Maybe if you could follow the rules and not have numerous WZ accounts thrown in our Prison, someone might take you seriously.

I mean badly do you have to suck as a poster to be thrown in the Prison multiple times with multiple accounts? Obviously PWF and now Crocker, but I'm fairly certain at least one of your other alts which was banned long ago was also in Prison, but I'm to lazy to verify that.

You don't deserve to be taken seriously.

Crocker being the same person as ProWrestlingFan I could totally see. I don't know about JusDynamite. That guy was legit the special kind of stupid. He threatened to sue the forums once he was thrown in prison.
Haha making fun of another member as a form of entertainment is just sick.. no wonder this forum is so inactive.
The only way to be liked on here

Hold up, compadre. You don't go to forums looking for people to like you, do you? I'm not even poking at you anymore because frankly it's ran it's course and if you're outted as an alt, you're gone anyways. I'm just a little concerned with this statement. People will naturally like you as they get to know you on here or not. Personally I wouldn't give a shit if there was a thread dedicated to hating me on here. I didn't join to be liked.

People join these things to talk about wrestling and carry an intelligent conversation about it. Of course people are going to disagree with you- especially over silly things you wind up saying or beating to death. But you gotta grow up and accept that shit. And press on.
The other person with that information would be KB. Spoiler alert: He says you're an alt, you accuse him of something-something SlyFox, we all laugh since we saw this coming.
People just love to nitpick huh? People on this forum just love to talk about who draws to sound like they are smarter than the typical IWC member.. guess what guys it ain't working, just making yall look like WWE workers, which you are not.

Why can't we just talk about your favorites mic skills/in ring ability, instead of talking about their drawing power. You shouldn't like Cena the most because he's the "biggest draw". You should like him for his in ring ability/mic skills, whatever. I don't see how someones drawing power could have an effect on your entertainment. Besides, Cena appeals to the children and women, who tend to pay more money than the other demographic (older men).

You have it backwards Charlie Horse.

Cena draws because people DO appreciate his ring work, entertainment value, mic skills or whatever.

If they didn't, they wouldn't buy his merchandise and such.

When people like you complain about Cena being on top, it's more than logical to point out that he makes the company a ton of money therefore they put him on top. That's what a draw is. Someone who people will pay to see.

Example. I like Tyson Kidd. When he was healthy and actively wrestling, if he was advertised to appear I highly doubt WWE would offer refunds for him not being there.

If Cena is advertised to appear and gets hurt or something and can't make it then WWE is going to offer refunds for those who want them and some people are going to take them because that's who they paid to see.
Slyfox heres a tip if you want a more active forum. Stop driving away new members just for having differing opinions, stop your entire clique from ganging up on the one new member, which I've seen many times as a lurker. If you want a thriving forum with many active members, you have to stop driving away new members. You can argue with them, you are allowed to do that, but when all of you gang up on him and constantly call him an idiot, thats a different story.

There's a reason why most active members here are from a few years ago. You don't have many active members from 2015 or even 2014. Your numbers pale in comparison to wrestlingforum and reddit
Are you familiar with Occam's Razor? We have two possibilities here:

1) Everyone on this forum is a John Cena apologist who blindly agrees with whatever Sly/KB say or do, or
2) You're an idiot.

For people joining in the discussion at this point, we are discussing someone who thinks its unreasonable for someone to get upset when you interrupt them on a dinner date to ask for a picture and autograph.
Dude you can have differing opinions.

How you present those opinions is the key.

The reason some of us have been around here for a few years is because we understand that.

When you constantly bring up someone you like/dislike in discussion that has nothing to do with that person it annoys people.

Instead of just knowing when to stop and drop the issue you keep going. That's the problem. That when people start calling you names.

Honestly if John Cena retired today I wouldn't miss him. I don't dislike the guy but unless you're an actual fan of a wrestler you've seen enough of them after a decade plus. The same could be said for someone like Randy Orton who I'm actually not a fan of at all.

Your response to those who disagree with you is also important.

And I may have been on this forum since 2012 buy I guarantee that even with that rep bar I have most of the regulars don't really know who I am. Probably because I don't draw attention to myself in a negative fashion too often and when I do I either own up to it or I just shut up and drop it.

Are you familiar with Occam's Razor? We have two possibilities here:

1) Everyone on this forum is a John Cena apologist who blindly agrees with whatever Sly/KB say or do, or
2) You're an idiot.

For people joining in the discussion at this point, we are discussing someone who thinks its unreasonable for someone to get upset when you interrupt them on a dinner date to ask for a picture and autograph.

We're all alts of Sly last I remember. Yeh2.0 I believe it was had that accusation?
Whatever. Think what you want. I'm done trying to convince ignorant Cena apologists
You'd think after ending up banned and then imprisoned for your finger pointing, you'd learn to bite your tongue. Whatever. You're stuck in purgatory. Have fun. There's a few thousand posters around here that are actually worth a chat.
We're all alts of Sly last I remember. Yeh2.0 I believe it was had that accusation?

Sounds about right. The same guy who made a blog for the purpose of whining about Slyfox then claimed that being unable to post anywhere but the prison meant that he was "banned". Then he found out what the actual definition of being "banned" is.
He was the super elite hacker who broke into the forum software in exactly 42 seconds, right? The guy who thought ranting about the lack of truth in professional wrestling would be a good sword to die on?

Cena talking about strippers, having sex with a fat girl and 6 women at once, not liking "back door" etc.

The guy cheated on his wife with a porn-star and got divorced.

His whole WWE tv persona is a sham.

The pornstar denied it. It started because she posted something about liking him on Twitter (I think, I don't keep up with this kind of stuff). She is also a wrestling fan. But hey she's a pornstar, it must be that she did him and not she's a fan of wrestling who posted something about wrestling.

How does having sex with strippers or whatever mean his TV persona is a shame? Every damn person has sex.

He probably got divorced due to never being home and they just grew apart. That happens to wrestlers a lot. Nothing new.

He visits dying kids on his free time for crying out loud.

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