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I remember of a whole explanation of the material that straws were made out of and everything.

Holy shit that dude was a fuck.
So Just Hero is the third alt?
I kind of remember that name but I don't think it was around too long.

In all honesty it would have made sense for JusDynamite to have been a Crocker/PWF alt, as he too made a bunch of whiney Reddit posts, but he just came across as sooooo much more pathetic and sad than either Crocker or PWF.

So if he was I guess it's commendable that Crocker made himself appear so different. Not like say Oncewalker or LBK and their many alts.
You were overshadowed by Deadman'sNumba1Fan.

Oh god. I remember that jackass. Anyways, back when I had that username, I was an awful poster. Even did a stint in the prison for something, I can't remember what. I'd like to think that I've come a ways since then.

I remember one night, I pissed Sly off so much that he took all of my rep away. I was awful.
I voted for the first yes, because I felt that the second yes didn't accurately capture my feelings regarding this forum.
I can see that, usually stay in the Wrestling non spam zone. Have to broaden my horizons I think.

There's also the e-fed, you should check that out too if you're broadening your horizons to other sections.
Oh god. I remember that jackass. Anyways, back when I had that username, I was an awful poster. Even did a stint in the prison for something, I can't remember what. I'd like to think that I've come a ways since then.

I remember one night, I pissed Sly off so much that he took all of my rep away. I was awful.

Dude I've always been a shitty poster but even I haven't done a prison sentence. :lmao:
What the hell!!!!! I've never even been to this part of the forum, I don't think. Does this stuff happen round here all the time? What have I been missing?

Trust I've always known what the Prison was but I never bothered reading through the threads as they'd have so many posts. Boy was I missing out.

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