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Just PM me..
No, for two reasons.

1) Because you don't deserve it and we're going to keep this conversation public, including your admittance of your alts.
2) Because you don't get PMs.

Either you admit you're an alt or I prove it. Your choice.
I'm not even poking at you anymore because frankly it's ran it's course and if you're outted as an alt, you're gone anyways.
I've known he was an alt since I first started posting in opposition to him and strongly suspected he was for a week or two before that.

If he could have just found a way to be productive, I was going to let it slide. But, lo and behold, here we are.

Don't worry about him though, it's not like this is his first, or even second, time in the Prison.

Did you just out your previous alt name here posting with that name in that other forum?
I think it's funny that:

A) He has to lie in order to get sympathy
B) He can't even follow the rules on that forum and had his thread closed

He's such a tool.
He was the super elite hacker who broke into the forum software in exactly 42 seconds, right? The guy who thought ranting about the lack of truth in professional wrestling would be a good sword to die on?
That would be him.

Y2eh was so much fun.
Yeah, we are one. We are many. We are Slyfox.

Let's get to the big reveal already. My nachos are getting cold.
Yeah, we are one. We are many. We are Slyfox.

Let's get to the big reveal already. My nachos are getting cold.
Oh, I'm hoping there doesn't have to be a reveal. At the end of the day, he knows he is an alt (many of them actually) and I think he knows well enough I can prove it. That's why he wanted me to PM him, instead of just saying "Go ahead".

Let's just say this...Crocker, in his various forms, has been on WZ for quite a while.
I think he has already been told he cant receive PM's anyway & it shows he does not pay attention. Plus in asking for you to just PM him, he clearly tipped his hand and admitted his guilt by default, but I am sure we all would like to know.

Once you put it on the table, he is gonna deny it & then slink away from here to post elsewhere.
I think he has already been told he cant receive PM's anyway & it shows he does not pay attention. Plus in asking for you to just PM him, he clearly tipped his hand and admitted his guilt by default, but I am sure we all would like to know.
Well, I'm not going to make his information public just for that. Like everyone else, I'll grant his privacy, so long as he's willing to do as he should.

He knows I know he's an alt. I even gave him a little hint last night before I went to bed. But if he's going to continue insisting I'm lying about him being an alt, then I'll be sure to prove that I'm not making it up.
Well, I'm not going to make his information public just for that. Like everyone else, I'll grant his privacy, so long as he's willing to do as he should.

He knows I know he's an alt. I even gave him a little hint last night before I went to bed. But if he's going to continue insisting I'm lying about him being an alt, then I'll be sure to prove that I'm not making it up.
I think he's on Reddit right now, posting outrage over what you're doing to this poor innocent newbie poster that he totally doesn't know.
Hes proven he cant follow the rules & we dont care about his personal info, but pulling back the curtain to reveal his alts wouldn't share anything detailed.

Besides, spilling the beans would add a layer of fun. All he will do is call you aWWE apologist & go back to telling reddit how totally unfair you are for asking him to follow the rules. I mean how dare you ask someone to follow simple rules.

I dont get why he is so irritated. It's like you interrupted his dinner or something.
This is one of the most entertaining threads I've ever seen. Stupid, but entertaining none the less.

The OP literally said that the only thing talked about on these here forums is how much of a draw John Cena is.
Bernkastel I noticed that you were viewing this thread, but still no reply? So you basically admitted that I am right.
Now I personally hate the 'by your logic' construction, because usually what follows after that is some absolutely insane thinly stretched bullshit, but I think it's apt here:

John Cena's Pleasure Mouth I noticed that you were viewing this thread, but still no reply? So you basically admitted that SlyFox is right.
No I don't admit anything.. i just don't have the patience to argue with any more ignorance. I've done it for too long over here
No I don't admit anything.. i just don't have the patience to argue with any more ignorance. I've done it for too long over here

Didnt know you loved John Cena so much that you've adopted his name and avatar.

Have to mention that you've done a splendid job all on your own in getting loads of support for him on this forum also. Never seen so much support for John Cena till now.

Congrats on a job well done, been a pleasure following your campaign for one of the G.O.A.Ts of the WWE! :thumbsup:
Keep Crocker and ban PWF
I don't know...PWF has a much longer history of Infractions than Cena's Pleasure Mouth does...

I'll make you a deal and a better one you'll never find. Admit to all of your alts (and I mean ALL of them, not just the ones I've already told you I know, Just Hero) and demonstrate you can be a quality poster for a period of no less than 30 days and no more than 60 days and I'll return your name to Crocker, ban PWF and let you out of the Prison, on condition you maintain your ability to contribute to the forums.

Actually, on second thought, there will be one more condition but there's no need discussing that now, not until it's time for your release. And I assure you the condition is very fair. I'll even make a note of it in my secret forum so I don't forget.

So how about it? The WZ Forums gave FlameBoyLeeUK a chance to redeem himself and he turned into one of the more esteemed posters on the forums. I'm giving you the same opportunity at a second chance you honestly probably don't deserve.

Do we have a deal?
Staying in the minor leagues while and reddit squared circle has 30x more active members
Why don't you just sell your account PWF? Oh wait a WZ forum account is worth absolutely nothing.

I joined this forum back in 2012 to discuss wrestling but all that happens here is drama, circle-jerk, harassment and bullying others who don't agree with you.

Ask yourself, is it really worth it?

That's why I don't really care to convince them if we're alts or not. The guy will believe what he wants and he only pulled this stunt because I was speaking the truth about Cena and he wanted to change the topic (hey it worked so congrats Slyfox).

So I don't really care if he bans me or not.
It's hilarious that PWF/Crocker doesn't think that WZ is worth posting on, yet he probably goes by the name BuriedByCena on the main site.
It's hilarious that PWF/Crocker doesn't think that WZ is worth posting on, yet he probably goes by the name BuriedByCena on the main site.

Just remember guys; this is the same person that tried to weasel out of an argument by pretending he didn't know English

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