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If this was on wrestlingforum the moderators would not allow for everyone to gang up on 2 people like this, even if they somehow pissed everyone off
KB putting me in the prison was the greatest thing that's happened to me on here so far. I'm rehabilitated and it's provided me hours of entertainment.

Thanks KB.
If this was on wrestlingforum the moderators would not allow for everyone to gang up on 2 people like this, even if they somehow pissed everyone off

Not very many people are attacking you. Less than 1% of the entire forum population I'd imagine. And most in this thread are just calling you out on your alt account. It's not like they're saying you're an inbred bag of pig meat.
Sexual Objectification Panda...this is my impression of you...

Why not have a forum trial for Christ sake. They keep denying alt accounts. It could be something like

Judge: Slyfox

Prosecution: KB

Bailiff: Killjoy

I have been practicing (tort) law for over eighty years!

I will serve as Crocker's lawyer. Let this kangaroo court hop to it! Cue the music.
Since joining in 2012 I've made over 72 threads and 613 non-spam posts on this forum. I was only put here because I called that mod Killjoy "TNA apologist" because he deleted one of my posts bashing TNA (over a year ago)

But you can't even get a discussion going here in Prison half the time. That's the point I'm making. That's likely why you haven't been released.

Not sure what the video is, so I'll just offer this.

At this point, we're beating this joke so well, NFL Teams are lining up to sign us.

This joke has run its course, and isn't boring because numbnuts and numbnuts' alt won't let the the joke die.
This thread has The Simpsons and Zach Galifianakis. It's probably my favorite thread going right now.

PWF honestly if you sift through the negativity thrown your way there's some sound advice in there.

Fuck, for the sake this conversation I'll say PWF and Crocker.

Look for the positives.

Also, PWF understand that asking for a permaban/deletion of your account when the top two guys of the forum are annoyed with you right now isn't going to make it happen. They aren't going to give you what you want.

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