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Come on man. I don't have any fucking alts here. Just because me and PWF both hate Cena doesn't mean we are the same person. Cena apologists generalizing as usual, shows how close minded they really are

Care to answer just how many alts you have on reddit?

We know for a fact you have two on there.
I stopped posting here for months before I created this thread. Don't lump me with that 'Crocker' guy.

I'll lump you in with whomever else you are. Here's why.

The sounds of an infant seal being eaten by a sea lion is more pleasant than you are. Leave us forever and never darken our forums again you worthless piece of pond scum.
I can read. I see you and Crocker as the same person.

Because you are you know.

It clearly says in the rules:

Multiple Accounts: If you are banned from the forum permanently, you will not be given a second chance. You have five original chances, If you have broken the rules five times in two months, we do not want you here. Registering again will result in a ban.

If I am an alt then ban me, troll
By the way, Crocker, if you're hoping I'm going to go away, you're sorely mistaken
Homophobic slurs and flaming staff. I think I have a Bingo.

Someone check my card...

Denial of Alts
Homophobic Slurs
Free Space
Rage Quitting
Fallacious Arguments...
Slyfox knows that me and PWF are not alts. he's just working yall, and yall are following like blind sheep.
Why not have a forum trial for Christ sake. They keep denying alt accounts. It could be something like

Judge: Slyfox

Prosecution: KB

Bailiff: Killjoy
Sorry I was eating dinner, I didn't want to be interrupted.

You do know the mods can see every IP you've ever logged in with, right?
This is what I'm talking about when the forum acts all clique-y and gangs up on newer members.. Slyfox can clearly see that me and PWF are not alts, yet he still says so in order to get everyone to gang up on us. PWF lets just leave; this is not worth our time.
SoS- this is quite similar to many of the prison riots of the past. I've been here for a few years and they all follow pretty much the same script.
Sorry I was eating dinner, I didn't want to be interrupted.

You do know the mods can see every IP you've ever logged in with, right?

Yes, idiot. That's why I'm saying Check Crocker's ip and check mine ip and if we ever logged in with the same then ban both of us....which is not possible because HE IS NOT MY FUCKING "ALT".
So many moderators here yet nobody is here to clear things up or stop the harassment. This forum needs new management

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