Thinking About Watching TNA


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I've never watched TNA. I've seen a few matches and promos randomly, but never watched it. I've also blasted TNA in the past. I've realized I can't criticize it without watching it. I want to get into it. I really do. But I have a few questions.

1.) Why should I watch it?

2.) What should I know about TNA?

3.) What's in it for me?
I've never watched TNA. I've seen a few matches and promos randomly, but never watched it. I've also blasted TNA in the past. I've realized I can't criticize it without watching it. I want to get into it. I really do. But I have a few questions.

1.) Why should I watch it?

2.) What should I know about TNA?

3.) What's in it for me?

To be honest just watch it before getting anyone's opinions. This week would be a great week to start because this show is from NC and not the Impact Zone so you will see a crowd about 3 or 4 times the size. Thursday at 9pm eastern on Spike TV. Trust me watch it first before going to any message board for an opinion.
I've never watched TNA. I've seen a few matches and promos randomly, but never watched it. I've also blasted TNA in the past. I've realized I can't criticize it without watching it. I want to get into it. I really do. But I have a few questions.

1.) Why should I watch it?

2.) What should I know about TNA?

3.) What's in it for me?

1.) Because you're probably a wrestling fan. As bad as TNA is, the actual wrestling ain't half bad.

2.) That it's not "competition" to the WWE.
That TNA's creative team isn't very good.
That TNA often buries it's homegrown talent for the sake of WWE castoffs and/or rejects.

3.) What do you expect to gain from viewing? It's like watching any other show. The sun will rise & set tomorrow whether you watch or not...
A lot of people do that. Blasting it without following it. But to answer your questions ...

1. Taking my positive opinion about it is as bad as taking someone's negative opinion about it. For now, watch it because you want to see what it's like.

2. TNA has little to no boundaries as far as their storylines and matches go. The roster is superior to the WWE's by a mile. The storylines are different, they're more realistic, and so is TNA. It's just a different company in any way you look at it, don't be thrown off by that, it's a good thing. One show won't make you a fan.

3. Two hours of a pro wrestling alternative, if you allow yourself to like it.

Like I said, don't watch it once. Watch it for about a month and see how you feel about it. The first time I saw it - I hated it. The second time I saw it - I liked it more. TNA's off and on. Sometimes they hit, sometimes they miss - like every company, and it shouldn't be like that. Don't jizz if you find the show to be awesome, and don't hate it if you don't like it off the bat.

Give the product a chance, watch it for a while and if you don't like it - turn it off. Simple as that. Just don't watch it like a smark. What I mean by that is ... when Hardy comes out, if the first thought that pops up in your head is "fucking drug addict", don't even bother finishing watching the show, because you'll see a lot of "old people", "ego maniacs", "fat people". Watch it as a fan. That's it.
1.) Why should I watch it?
Just to see what the competition is up to. Watch a whole show just to get the full effect of what TNA is really about.

2.) What should I know about TNA?
TNA like WCW started as a mix of young wrestlers who never had their chance and ex-WWE/WCW stars who got lost in the shuffle. Not much has changed, but you need to take in the fact that Bischoff and Hogan have destroyed most of the work TNA had done since its debut.

3.) What's in it for me?
To see your old favorites(if they're still there) and get that same joy you got out of watching WCW. Its current product is 98% rubbish so your most likely better off stayed where you are just "watching matches." Espcially if you come across some good X Division matches.
1. It's the best wrestling show on TV...(WWE was great before the 2000)

2. A.J. Styles, Samoa Joe, Beer Money and the Motor City Machine Guns alone are enough to keep watching for, these guys are talented and have the drive to make this company the big leagues in the future...

3.Unless Bischoff cuts a 30 minute promo, you're in for a great night of wrestling... Hope you give TNA a unbiased chance...
1.) Why should I watch it?

It's a nice change of pace from WWE's programing. It's really worth giving a chance. You are missing out on some amazing talent if you are not watching it. Keep your eye on the stable Fortune. The X-Division is very cool too, and there is nothing like it in WWE today.

2.) What should I know about TNA?

It might take a little while to get really invested into the storylines and characters. So don't expect it to happen right away. Atleast it did for me. Once I really got invested into ceratain characters, I was hooked and have been ever since.

3.) What's in it for me?

Good tag team wrestling. Good women's wrestling. More realistic storylines. Backstage on iMPACT shot much diffrently.

My biggest piece of advice is: Watch it before you read people's comments. Form your own opinion, and honestly give it an open chance.
Take my opinion with a grain of salt since I dont watch TNA too often. I would not watch TNA considering from what I have seen over the past six years of it off and on its basically the same type of crap that WCW used to produce, and WCW used to put me to sleep. All TNA really seems to be is WCW in the new millenium and WCW was never really all that good.
First impression:

Just watched the first 10 minutes of the latest TNA where Hulk Hogan has now got control over TNA. I am extremely disappointed. Old men do not need fake tans. Flair looks like he's about to die and I couldn't understand what the hell he was saying. I'm still impressed by Hogan. The crowd pissed me off. They are nothing but IWC smarks. They cheer the heels and boo the faces. Just a first impression though.
I think it's pretty silly how people ask things like this. Why do we need to try and convince you? Everyone has their own opinion so just watch it and form your own opinion about the product.
It's something else to watch that doesn't coincide with WWE programming. If it does coincide don't waste your time flipping back and forth :)

It's not all crap like you would think from reading other posts, there are some good stuff that happens, it's just vastly outweighed by alot of crap with no rhyme or reason to it..
The crowd pissed me off. They are nothing but IWC smarks. They cheer the heels and boo the faces. Just a first impression though.

You have to take into account that Immortal was extra-over with this particular crowd, due to it being in "Flair Country"(as well as the Hardy's back yard) . Fourtune is much more over than the heels in the Impact Zone.
1. Even at its worst, there's some damn fine wrestling happening in TNA. Whereas the WWE has largely enforced it's own in-ring style, generally characterized by a lot of rest holds and a slower pace (not that there's anything wrong with that), many of TNA's wrestlers bring truly unique styles to the ring which leads to some very exciting and diverse matches. If you haven't seen an AJ Styles match, you're missing out. Similarly, whereas the WWE has heavily scripted promos nowadays, TNA's wrestlers seem more free to experiment with their gimmicks and speak with their own voices. This can be hit and miss (and you might be able to attribute it to the fact that TNA's creative is generally useless), but it is dynamic and is a throwback to the olden days of pro wrestling, where wrestlers were largely responsible for getting themselves over. Additionally, if you're a fan of tag wrestling, TNA is lightyears ahead of the WWE in that regard.

2. The Impact Zone crowd is either ridiculously enthusiastic or depressingly apathetic. When you're taping in front of the same people week after week, I guess that's to be expected. TNA's creative is...well..."hit and miss" is probably a nice way of putting it. Just about every storyline involves a large heel faction, which usually ends up allying with or swallowing yet another heel faction (Triple X within S.E.X, Team Canada within Planet Jarrett, World Elite within the MEM, Fourtune within Immortal, etc). These factions are usually ridiculously bloated and nonsensical (think NWO at it's worst). Still, there's usually a good story or two occurring outside of that framework. And as bad as the writing gets, the characters generally manage to stay entertaining. You might get the sense watching the show that TNA has all the pieces of the puzzle, and that as soon as creative stops eating them they can put together something great.

3. I don't know? Entertainment, if you like it. If not, you lose a few hours that you otherwise would have spent not watching wrestling. TNA is far from a perfect promotion, but it can still be fun. I don't think any wrestling fan can say with a straight face that they enjoyed everything about a given promotion at any given time; even attitude era WWE had it's share of hand-births and necrophilia. With TNA, like any other promotion, you take the good with the bad, and hope that the former becomes more prevalent than the latter. Even if you don't enjoy certain aspects of the show (*cough*creative*cough*), you'll probably find plenty to like if you go into it with an open mind. Also, Velvet Sky's ass.
TNA has a good roster bad stories but good wrestling they have the best tag division & someof the best wrestlers there are WWEs better 95% of the year despite PG but TNAs the 2nd most populer wrestling company 4 a reason (wow WWE has no compition if #2 gets 1/3 the veiwers) TNA can suc at times (wrestling fans don,t watch jersy shore why make wrestling like jersey?) but also some good ones like MCMG & there tag division i personaly probably wnt wtch this week because i think there doing jersy shore stuff (then again so,s RAW) but TNAs a good thing to watch when nothing else is on.
tha main thing i agree with of tha replies is give it a chance! u will need to watch 4-6 episodes b4 u will get into it! and it will probably seem crap 4 tha 1st few! but once u do get into it after a month or 2 u will probably stop watching wwe as it just doesn't compare!
Dont even bother. Its pretty obvious your mind is already made up and that TNA is a shitty company thats full of ex WWE stars.

Watching an episode or 2 isnt going to change a fan like yourselfs state of mind. You will continue to have a one sided ignorant view on TNA and nothing will change.
You see, Derrtown, that's the exact reason I'm trying to get into TNA. So I can actually have something to complain about (if it is complainable), so i won't have trolls like you saying my view is "ignorant". But you have to realize, what people mostly diss TNA on is true. Full of guys who are over their prime, most likely won't get another shot at WWE, and reliving their glory days. It's basically another WCW.

That's the reason I want to watch. I love wrestling. There's no doubt that WWE is the better company, but their competition is important too.
Honestly, I don't want to stop watching the E. I'll always have Vince's back. I just need some more wrestling to get my fix lol.

So just watch it then... lol make up your own mind
Don't be a person that just goes on what other people say, have an opinion of your own.

I am a 100% WWE fan since 1984 but i watched WCW some of ECW when it was televised and watch TNA too and though most of TNA i don't find entertaining or they poor booking and poor quality acting mostly it's still watchable. I just wouldn't spend my money on the PPV's and i don't have to chose from a perspective of watching Raw or Impact for instance as they are on completely different times

as others have said TNA has some talented people on the roster aswell as alot of hasbeens and WCW/WWE leftovers, so really it has something for everyone and if you liked WCW it's not really much different then WCW was in the last 4 years or so just alot smaller in production.
You see, Derrtown, that's the exact reason I'm trying to get into TNA. So I can actually have something to complain about (if it is complainable), so i won't have trolls like you saying my view is "ignorant". But you have to realize, what people mostly diss TNA on is true. Full of guys who are over their prime, most likely won't get another shot at WWE, and reliving their glory days. It's basically another WCW.

That's the reason I want to watch. I love wrestling. There's no doubt that WWE is the better company, but their competition is important too.
Funny how you call me a troll when you admit that youve trashed TNA in the past without ever even watching a show before. You bashing a company without no knowledge of that product = ignorant. Just as ignorant as you saying that peoples gripes are "true" when again, you dont even fucking watch TNA.

Your opinion of TNA is already set in stone and its not going to change. No matter how many replies you get on why you should watch it your still going to come out believing that WWE is the better product and TNA is WCW.

Heres some advice though.. if you really want to watch TNA then watch it. Stop relying on other peoples stupid opinions on why to watch something. Fans like you are one of the reasons TNA hasnt grown bigger than it already is. Too many people listening to other peoples biased opinions on something instead of actually fucking watching the show themselves and coming up with an opinion of their own.
If you are a true fan of wrestling, you can find TNA enjoyable. The guys in Fortune of AJ Styles (PWI wrestler of the year) Beer Money (best tag team today 1a) and Kaz (X division Champ), Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, Mr. Anderson, Motor City Machine Guns (best tag team today 1b) Good high flying action. Women who actually can wrestle. Douglas Williams (who has the best finisher in the business with the rolling german suplex) TNA has a roster that is second to none. The problem with TNA is Hogan, Bischoff, and Russo. They bury homegrown talent, push a druggie as a top guy. Give the world title to a 51 year old wrestler. So from a pure wrestling aspect, TNA is good. From a creative and storyline aspect it lacks originality and drive. I like TNA. I don't hate on it because that is the in thing to do. Like I said, the talent is there, it's just the people in charge don't know how to use it. Think of it like a great team, with great talent that needs the right head coach to lead them in the right direction.
I probally will never watch TNA, Here are some reasons

1.) They care and the WWE more than themselves,

2.) The annoying fans, I would honestly like to watch a match without people chanting "TNA TNA TNA"

3.) BISCHOFF!!! Ugh.... i hate him
I don't know how old you are, Decarow, but if your someone (like me) who has grown out of the WWEs product I would strongly recommend watching TNA. Its much more adult orientated and generally just a better product. The wrestlers in TNA (old and new) actually have personality, which is probably the main reason I like it. I think even Vince has realised his new guys don't have this, judging by the amount of old guys ive read about returning lately. If you want a wrestling product with good wrestling, violence, characters, emotionally invested storylines etc I would suggest you give it a go. And once you have given it a serious gp, you probably won't find the time for WWE again.
I've never watched TNA. I've seen a few matches and promos randomly, but never watched it. I've also blasted TNA in the past. I've realized I can't criticize it without watching it. I want to get into it. I really do. But I have a few questions.

1.) Why should I watch it?

2.) What should I know about TNA?

3.) What's in it for me?

1. Because you want to.

2. It's a wrestling company that has a load of talent, some of which you would likely recognize from WCW and WWE, but a number of which you won't who can absolutely thrill you.

3. Entertainment and not having to see a fuckin' leprechaun on their broadcsat, ever.
3. Entertainment and not having to see a fuckin' leprechaun on their broadcsat, ever.

I'm pretty sure you do get some camera shots of Taz throughout the night!

As for the original poster, give it a go, but have a clear mind. Don't believe the "TNA is the best" or "TNA sucks" views and just enjoy it for what it is. Appreciate the good and get annoyed with the bad.

Basically, treat it as you would WWE and you can't go far wrong, although don't compare it to WWE as that'll either ruin it or over hype it for you.
1. Because it is televised wrestling and there is nothing else on Thursdays worth watching.

2. It starts at 8pm central time and according to the Spike TV website it is rated TV-PG so unless you are under 10, you can watch it by yourself.

3. Nothing is in it for you. There are no contests nor is there a way for you to be involved. It's television, not video games. I'm not sure if you have ever watched TV, but all you do is....sit there and look at the screen until the show is over.

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