The Official LOLTNA Thread


After that stunning promo he cut this evening, he deserves some recognition.
Lulz, Will someone finally tell Rey to fucking shave his sideburns off? He's had that haircut for what two years. Same sideburns, it looks like shit. Idk why I'm bitching now, but I just think it's time.
Also I don't have Hd so will someone tell me. The grey stuff around the arms and neck on Abyss. Was that fucking ductape?
What I don't get, and this could be because I don't follow TNA that closely, is why did Sting refuse to count out RVD?
Yeah I've just decided that it's easier to list what I liked about iMPACT, it'll save time:

- So it seems they're going the route of splitting up Gen Me already. Obviously they showed too much promise as a tag team. Guess creative have been watching WWE's tag division and decided that slitting up teams is the new thing. (Oh yeah I said I was listing positives) OK well the match that ensued on iMPACT between those two, although short, was perfect. It really was a very clever little match and I was just happy to get a good match on iMPACT which we haven't had in a while so it did enough for me.

- Winter/Angelina/Velvet Sky story. It's one of those examples like in WCW with the crusierweight division where because they aren't spending much time over thinking every little decision, Bischoff and the boys are capable of making good watchable T.V. If only they didn't care too much about every division, might have a half decent show. The match/segment wasn't anything special but it furthered the feud and story in a logical fashion and quite frankly every time TNA doesn't fuck something up that's a victory for me. The whole story has been baked quite well though. People argue that TNA feuds sometimes go on too long that they end up going nowhere. But I personally prefer 4 month feuds over one month ones. It took quite a while for things to blossom but now they are really blooming. Here's hoping it doesn't get messed up somehow. Of course the fact I'm finding solace in the women's part of the show is sad in itself.

- Oh and Kurt Angle, love me some murderous Angle I do.

That's it, everything else was shit.

Keep your eyes peeled for one particularly awful segment, the second time Sting and Anderson confront each other in the ring. The end is drastically bad with 3 guys from immortal being scared away by a 52 year old Sting with no bat or other protection. Really was terrible that one, about as bad as the Ric Flair/A.J. Styles/ Hernandez segment from a few weeks back.
So, who is joining Immortal at Lockdown? RVD, Sting, or Anderson? I don't think any of them would make any sense, at all, but I have a feeling one of them will turn. I'm guessing Anderson.
Yeah it's been set-up EXACTLY like the BFG main event. Three guys who are all (sort of) faces, No 1 contenders match where both guys ended up getting put through. It's so reminiscent I'd be surprised if they didn't pull the same trick. Anderson feels the most right of all of them because he has the potential to be the top heel the way hardy couldn't really do.
Dixie Carter’s facebook page had this entry over the weekend: “TNA is canceled in Australia on Fox8. I’m deeply sorry that every other country still has it on TV.” I’m guessing that was later deleted.

Apology accepted.
Yeah isn't Rob against turning heel because of his "image" or whatever? Turning him heel would be boneheaded, but hey, that's TNA's favorite mode of thinking.

I went from incredibly excited for RVD vs. AJ last year, to not caring at all what the fuck RVD does anymore a year later. They've really mishandled him since the Abyss feud ended.
Maybe I'm alone in this, but Rob looks beaten down. He looks much older than he is, and it's sad. He can still put on a solid show, but when you combine his physical deterioration with TNA's inability to put out solid storylines, it hurts what he's trying to do out there.

A heel turn? No, thanks.
They started mishandling him as soon as he finished with AJ. Right after that, he was a complete afterthought for the rest of his title reign. He can still deliver physically for my money. Maybe not like twelve years ago, but he can put on a satisfying show for this die hard fan. He's just not being used in the manner he should be.
I'm not saying I want to see it, but it seems like the least likely thing that would happen. That makes me think TNA will do it, just because no one expects it. Except me, of course.
Outside of far too much Hogan, the girls non-stop screaming, Taz being an idiot, Anderson being the annoying bitch he is and the security guard eating his title belt all night, this wasn't a bad show.
RVD seems like the likely guy to turn right now. That's why I'm saying it's going be be Anderson because nobody is expecting it and that's mode of TNA thinking.

Thankfully not too much to complain about on TNA this week, it's great watching TNA aain and enjoying it somewhat as I did today.
Do they always close the show with those confessional type things? What a terrible way to close off the show, it kills all the momentum heading into the PPV.

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