The Official LOLTNA Thread

Is this the right place to make mention of IDR's newest thread? I mean, seems a little weird to use the same phrase over and over in each post, no?

Also, I guess to keep on topic, Bully Ray as a pseudo-main eventer is the dumbest thing I've heard or seen since Matt Hardy let Lita braid his hair.
DirtyJosé;3105876 said:
Is this the right place to make mention of IDR's newest thread? I mean, seems a little weird to use the same phrase over and over in each post, no?

Also, I guess to keep on topic, Bully Ray as a pseudo-main eventer is the dumbest thing I've heard or seen since Matt Hardy let Lita braid his hair.

And that phrase would be?
I thought I made it kinda clear, no?

Too subtle? Damn.

Whatever, it's me talking about this. Like anything I say should be taken seriously.
UPDATE: Eric Young is the funniest man in the world ever.
UPDATE: Matt Morgan and Scott Steiner re-creating the infamous 1992 Royal Rumble elimination = epic.
Judging by the spoiler's, TNA's first Impact after the "Wrestling Matter's" slogan is just another Impact.

Nothing new at all other than a few nonsense win's.
That's a marvelous cartoon... although it should be noted that Peanuts was usually seen to be making fun of Charley Brown rather than Lucy, which adds a whole new dimension to the satire.
- ODB slapping Velvet's arse kinda ruins the seriousness of the brawl. ODB also has 'bitch' disorder, shouting it over and over doesn't make for good mic work. If Tessmacher is Velvet's friend, there ought to have been some allusion as to how that bond formed.
- Canned pops/heat still annoys me.
- This isn't a major complaint but if they are going the winning streak route with Crimson,I think he needs to be more dominant in his matches. As much as Goldberg was a bad worker, you believed in his winning streak because he was that dominant. When Crimson wrestles, the match looks up in the air, like it could go either way. That's better from a match standpoint but not as a story. They either need to make this streak not last too much longer or jack up his dominance in the ring. I do give them credit for giving him the sky high finisher, I always thought it was very good.
- Matt Hardy dancing around before he goes for a his finisher = hilarious. Not sure hilarious is quite what he's going for though.
- I don't need to play this one again but EY beating Anderson under ANY circumstance at this point is not a good idea.
- Taz.
- What I find funny about draws is how rarely they are observed and followed through. I understand the match being number one contenders but would it hurt to let the match series to play an extra week, the PPV isn't until next Sunday after all. Also if Abyss was going to interfere, why did he wait until the overtime which wasn't guaranteed? Who knows.
- TNA is constantly uncertain as to whether they have members of Fortune come out to their individual themes or the group theme. Needs to be sorted out.
- Elevating the Jarrett/Angle feud right before it's about to reach it's climax - good, missing the finish of a good match because of it - bad.
- Mick Foley being fired - awful. It was a good idea to have him in that role and taking him out of it at the time they did is thoughtless. I can only hope it leads somewhere that gets him either re-instated or in another role because a talker like Foley isn't to be underestimated.

Other than that I have a HUUUUUGE positive. It seems there was a delay effect. That début show of the 'wrestling matters' revival began tonight from the looks of things because there was a lot more ring time and a couple of very good matches on the card so well done there. Same again on that front guys.
This whole company is too fucking preoccupied with SWERVES! It's unbelievably annoying, much in the same way WCW became fucking unbearable because of constant SWERVES every week on TV from like 98 onwards. It's the one major thing in common that TNA has with WCW in their booking style. Swerves everywhere. Typical Russo/Bischoff booking.
I wouldn't mind so much if the swerves weren't ALWAYS in the most important stories. Why not swerve the X division or someone else instead if they insist on doing it as often as they do.

Oh and Sung Tzu says... I don't dislike the premise of it but why a guy like Abyss and why so suddenly. It reeks of random.
ODB also has 'bitch' disorder, shouting it over and over doesn't make for good mic work.

EVERY Knockout has this disorder. Maffew was talking about doing an entire botchamania of just one episode of impact where the knockouts callled each other bitch but apparently it ran too long.
I've got a quick question I just thought of.

If getting the X Division Title off Abyss was so important, why didn't Kendrick and Kaz take him out and then let one pin the other?
I've got a quick question I just thought of.

If getting the X Division Title off Abyss was so important, why didn't Kendrick and Kaz take him out and then let one pin the other?

It represents man's struggle between working towards a common goal or working for one's own goals. Kaz and Kendrick both wanted to see Abyss lose the X Division Championship, but they also both wanted to become champion. Because of their egos and super-egos, the two men were not able to work towards a common goal, and instead worked towards their own selfish goals.

That or TNA just wants to keep the belt on Abyss until Destination X so they could put on a right proper X Division Championship match, perhaps in an Ultimate X match.
First Eric Bischoff lashes out against the fans he refers to as the 10%'ers saying their views aren't worth shit.
Then Crimson lashes out against "internet geeks" who, in reality were two guys on a podcast that claim that he can't throw a good stiff punch and threatening them to take a real punch from him(Proving their point inadvertently)
Now Gunner has lashed out about fans criticising the "Wrestling matters" initiative. This is what happens when you sign Matt Hardy!
Sting vs. Flair and Sting vs. 2011. I don't need to say anything else, well Fail is a word that springs to mind.
Especially if it's Hogan vs. Joker Sting. Like, it's bad enough that they're giving us this match in 2011, but it'll be worse if Sting keeps the ridiculous gimmick.

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