The Official LOLTNA Thread

I didn't watch for the first time in months. I got into watching Dexter and I was finishing the second season.

Also, I can't stand to see Hulk Hogan unless he's getting mauled by a bear. That shit he said about Edge was tasteless.
Who's seen TNA's latest shirt?


(That is not a Photoshop. That shirt was really on their website until they realized and changed it)
I hope they didn't print too many of those. It would be SO TNA for them to have made like, 100,000 of them though, thinking they'll fly off the shelves.
*Matt Hardy's going to get revenge for what the Stinger did to his brother..BROTHER!*

What was that all about? What exactly did Sting do to Jeff Hardy at Victory Road? Is this something we're supposed to buy into?
I liked TNA on thursday I just finished watching it today but I had one major problem with the show and that is the polished turd known as Mexican America. The polish that I'm alluding to is the effort the performers give despite how much they know it sucks ass. The performers involved try... but they fail

At first, I thought the stable had potential... but wow, it's awful!

That promo they did last night was awful... horrid
Anarquia really needs to get the fuck away from TNA. I hate him with an intense passion. His promos are cringeworthy.
I like Hernandez, but poor Supermex is a natural babyface. Combine that with the fact that Hernandez just isn't a guy that should be leading a stable...
Sarita should be KO champ by now... and Rosita should basically be her lackey who takes the bumps for her. The fact that TNA even has KO tag titles is fucking ridiculous...

When you have a stable called Mexican America with fake Mexicans who try to act Mexican by screaming "VIVA MEXICO!!!" over and over again... and wrestling with the Mexican flag hung over the ring you know it sucks. It's cheap heat at it's best and that's all the stable is good for (is it even good at that?)

I feel sorry for those guys. I really do.... well, except Anarquia
Yeah, total joke of a stable. It's an even bigger joke because they broke up LAX and sent Hernandez to AAA only to have him return...and be put right back into another heel Latino stable. What was the point of his tour of Mexico again? He was supposed to come back as this big babyface.
The best version of LAX was when they had konnan as their mouth piece. He could actually talk unlike anyone in Mexican America. It worked so well with them as heels: you had the mouthpiece, the big guns and the loose cannon. That lax clicked. Mexican America doesn't.
It's just so fucking stupid how they've used Hernandez. I mean, I get that you might not be confident in his ability to be a successful babyface, but you atleast need to TRY. You just wasted nearly a year having him tour Mexico, building up a bigger Mexican fanbase for the guy so that he could return and be a big hispanic babyface for your company in a small way similar to Mysterio's popularity in the WWE, but they never even gave him the fucking chance to be that guy. They just assumed he couldn't do it and immediately made him a shitty anti-American midcard heel again.

I mean, fuck, you atleast need to TRY to get him over as a babyface and see if it works. You can't just cut the guys legs out from under him before he even has the chance to walk. Just more completely nonsensical booking in the land of TNA.
TNA booking has baffled me since Hogan and Bischoff arrived. Say what you want about Russo and Im not a big fan but he nailed it before they came in.
TNA booking has baffled me since Hogan and Bischoff arrived. Say what you want about Russo and Im not a big fan but he nailed it before they came in.

To be fair though, for every good idea Russo has had, he's had about 10 bad ones. TNA was awesome in the fall/winter of 2009, but boy oh boy did they suck hardcore the 18 months or so prior to that under Russo's vision.
Totally X and three or four good months at the end of 09 with nothing riding on them (because they were stalling) doesnt make up for the years of rubbish that was spread across three companies.
I still consider 2007 worse than today. Say what you will, but when you take a guy who was getting over solidly in the main event like Chris Harris and just pointlessly turn him into a whinny heel, you just have to scratch your head and wonder if there's a chimp writing the script.
I still consider 2007 worse than today. Say what you will, but when you take a guy who was getting over solidly in the main event like Chris Harris and just pointlessly turn him into a whinny heel, you just have to scratch your head and wonder if there's a chimp writing the script.

2007 was so much better than today. Joe's character wasn't killed yet, AJ wasn't quite a lackey yet, Christian was shining as a main event heel and champ, the X-Division was as strong as ever, the tag division was good, and we got SO MUCH MORE quality wrestling on a weekly basis than we do now.

This is without a doubt the worst era in TNA's history creatively. I miss the Asylum days compared to what they are now.
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2007 was so much better than today. Joe's character wasn't killed yet, AJ wasn't quite a lackey yet, Christian was shining as a main event heel and champ, the X-Division was as strong as ever, the tag division was good, and we got SO MUCH MORE quality wrestling on a weekly basis than we do now.

This is without a doubt the worst era in TNA's history creatively. I miss the Asylum days compared to what they are now.

This. I'd say from 2004-2005 through 2007 was pretty good. There were some bad things, but nowhere near as bad as now.
2007 was so much better than today. Joe's character wasn't killed yet, AJ wasn't quite a lackey yet, Christian was shining as a main event heel and champ, the X-Division was as strong as ever, the tag division was good, and we got SO MUCH MORE quality wrestling on a weekly basis than we do now.

This is without a doubt the worst era in TNA's history creatively. I miss the Asylum days compared to what they are now.

Gotta go with X here. 2007 was when I first started watching TNA, and I could enjoy it as a real alternative.

Tag teaming was better than it is now (now it still has it better than the E's tag teaming, but that can't save the rest of the show)

Tell you who I got hooked on from the start. Consequences Creed. His look sucked monkey ass but at least it was unique and he was good in the ring.

Anyway, is Steiner a heel now or what? I guess so, but what happened to that whole Shannon Moore thing?
People who aren't on the Slammiversary poster: Sting. Hogan. Flair. Bischoff. Angle. People who are: Styles. Daniels. Joe. Shelley. Sabin. Williams. Kaz. Storm. Roode.

Looks like they're not even going to try to sell pay per views anymore.
Tommy Dreamer turned heel?


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