The Official LOLTNA Thread

Yeah, I'm not watching Impact anymore. I enjoyed the last two episodes, but last night's debacle has turned me right off it again. And there's no way I'm going to Lockdown.

They could have saved the PPV, and the ending of the number one contender's match, by turning it into a triple threat between Sting, RVD, and Anderson. Just announce that Hardy was in no condition to work (FULL SHOOT BROTHER), have the commentators wondering who the opponents are, and then send out RVD and Anderson to put on a fun triple threat where Sting retains. Then, both guys could make the claim that they were tired, and the one who didn't get pinned could work that into his promos about why he should be champ.

Man, I should book.

I have to commend Steve, though. He looked pissed and had every right to be, but if he called an audible and ended the match quickly in order to make sure neither of them got hurt, then respect to him. He did the right thing, as bullshit as the whole situation is.
The whole thing fucking sucks balls. I haven't seen Sting live once in my life, and I'm dying to see him at Lockdown. Unfortunately after the bullshit that went down last night, there is no way in hell I'm giving TNA my money. Whose to say something doesn't happen the same exact way next month, and I piss my money away?
We've heard from numerous sources that the decision was made to send Jeff Hardy home from this week's set of Impact tapings.

Just found out this is a full three shows, it'll be interesting to see the dynamic without him there. Btw TNA have killed Anderson, all that momentum he had leading into Christmas last year, dissipated in a flash.
The whole thing fucking sucks balls. I haven't seen Sting live once in my life, and I'm dying to see him at Lockdown. Unfortunately after the bullshit that went down last night, there is no way in hell I'm giving TNA my money. Whose to say something doesn't happen the same exact way next month, and I piss my money away? have to see Sting at least once. I've seen him a couple times (at Lockdown, no less), and I wanted to hear him speak, I just had work.

But...c''s Sting. It's worth the money. Remember, you're not giving TNA your money, TNA is giving you Sting. have to see Sting at least once. I've seen him a couple times (at Lockdown, no less), and I wanted to hear him speak, I just had work.

But...c''s Sting. It's worth the money. Remember, you're not giving TNA your money, TNA is giving you Sting.

I know, i'm going to be super pissed in the long run if I don't see the Stinger. I'll cave in eventually.
And where's Shattered? I guess he decided to sit this one out :lmao:

He has probably been humbled by this experience. I feel bad for Sting and worse for the TNA locker room and the fans that bought the PPV. I don't feel bad for the Impact Zone, since they are there for free and have the opportunity to see as many good shows as bad shows.

The "TNA Screwjob". I think TNA screwed the fans and the wrestlers more then they did Hardy. They could have easily had a fatal 4 way main event and someone could have taken Hardy out.
I think TNA owes the fans who spent money on last night's show the next PPV for free. Same goes for people who paid to get in. They should also think about doing another one of their free PPV-style shows on Impact. Not even addressing what to do with Hardy.
From the main page:

WZ reader Jay Ray has sent in the following email:

Long time reader, first time email-er. I have a brother who works backstage at the Impact Zone occasionally, and he was there last night for the TNA PPV. He sent me a text message before the main event started telling me that something was about to go down, and I visited him today to ask him what was up. He told me that Jeff showed up to the arena later than he was supposed to and went missing backstage shortly after arriving. Management had to rush to find him before the match; he was apparently laid back in the corner of a bathroom. He got chewed out pretty harsh and had to be helped to the ring entrance. My brother was near the entrance and he said that they were all pissed off at him for his condition, and because of their yelling his was late for his own entrance. Sting wasn't saying much, but he was visibly upset. Jeff, according to my brother, seemed like he didn't have a clue what was going on and seemed to be nodding off while standing up. He said it was pretty bad.

Just thought you guys would like to know. My brother said that he thinks Jeff was supposed to win the title, because they mentioned repeatedly how much this would change their plans. Of course, they may have just meant for the match and not for the future story, so take that as you will.

Real classy, Jeff. Real classy.
It's a shame... it's almost like if every restaurant on Earth became monopolized by a 5-star restaurant and an alternative was built. The only problem is that the alternative is Pete's Chicken Shack.
It's a shame... it's almost like if every restaurant on Earth became monopolized by a 5-star restaurant and an alternative was built. The only problem is that the alternative is Pete's Chicken Shack.

If they have BBQ Buffalo Wings under 6 bucks, I'm sold.
I hate this crap. We need an alternative product and everyone claims they're "sick of the WWE" and "Vince messes everything up" but when was the last time Vince made mistakes that were anywhere near the playing field that TNA is getting tackled on?
TNA used to be that alternative. They were a brilliant product from 04-07, and more importantly they actually focused on their strengths and being different from the WWE instead of just trying to copy everything the WWE does like they do now.

The more I watch old-school TNA the more depressed I become over their current product.
X, I couldn't agree more. The entire Hogan/Bischoff regime is an obvious failure. They can't get anything straight. The star power worked temporarily. Now they're on the map. Time to go back to the way it used to be.

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