The Official LOLTNA Thread

If it is a shoot, it's clear that Hardy didn't know. You can see him try to do a textbook kick out but Sting just held him. He also didn't sell the move at all afterwards.

The whole PPV was shit but I doubt that I need to tell you all about it. And that ending was an embarrassment.

Where's Zevon_Zion when you need him top defend everything?
Where's Zevon_Zion when you need him top defend everything?

Reading the TNA section, he isn't really sticking up for the situation. Not a surprise, really. He's nowhere near as big of a TNA mark as Shattered, he's just a much bigger douche about it.

However, he is suggesting that Sting could be at fault. It's an option.

It's like the Montreal Screwjob if Shawn Michaels was ten years past his prime. And Bret Hart was a drug addict. And Vince McMahon was Eric Bischoff. And if the Montreal Screwjob was kind of boring.
It's like the Montreal Screwjob if Shawn Michaels was ten years past his prime. And Bret Hart was a drug addict. And Vince McMahon was Eric Bischoff. And if the Montreal Screwjob was kind of boring.

I doubt anyone is going to come up with a more wonderful description of this travesty.
Somebody posted a battle rap response to this. I thought it wasn't even good in an ironic way, but here it is:

Sting, you had the chance, but you didn't take it.
Now you have to worry about TNA selling another ticket.

After all the wrestlemania hype and fanboy malarkey,
You're still with TNA in a 2 minute match with Jeff Hardy

But listen homie, its not too late
You can still decide to leave those ingrates
Just call Vince and tell him you want in,
Just be prepared to job to Randy Orton.
I doubt anyone is going to come up with a more wonderful description of this travesty.
I'm afraid Joey Styles has Sam beat:

Joey Styles on Twitter said:
Last night, I was watching a 15 year old match of Jeff Hardy as enhancement talent on That was, wasn't it?
Fucking Jeff Hardy. Just when you think the dipshit can't get any lower, he totally outdoes himself.
Hate to say it, but during Hardy's entrance I remember thinking to myself, "He looks like he's stumbling. Is he drunk or something?" But I didn't want to be that typical IWC smark who takes the idea of Jeff's substance abuse problems and uses it against him during everyone one of his entrances. You know, just like the dumb shits in the LD's that say "Here comes Hardy, he's probably on drugs again." Lulz.

I genuinely saw him stumble a few times on the way to the ring and thought his delayed entrance was a bit odd.
The shirt stuff struck me as odd when I watched it...

I loved how Sting basically just grabbed Hardy's hair and rammed him into the mat for the pin.
Hate to say it, but during Hardy's entrance I remember thinking to myself, "He looks like he's stumbling. Is he drunk or something?" But I didn't want to be that typical IWC smark who takes the idea of Jeff's substance abuse problems and uses it against him during everyone one of his entrances. You know, just like the dumb shits in the LD's that say "Here comes Hardy, he's probably on drugs again." Lulz.

I genuinely saw him stumble a few times on the way to the ring and thought his delayed entrance was a bit odd.

When he starts playing with the shirt, you could tell something was wrong. He wasn't ducking Sting and Taz was wondering what was going on and what was he doing. Then Sting hit the Death Drop and rolled him as much as he could so he couldn't kick out. Hardy then got up and no-sold it.
Has anyone tried to defend it yet? I'm genuinely curious.

What's to defend? It was a genuine fuck up. Similar to the no-show Hall at No Surrender back in 2007 when Joe shoot promo'd with an open mic.

I was OK with Joe doing it then, and I'm OK with everyone here doing it now — TNA doesn't deserve half the shit they get here, but there's no "defending" what transpired at Victory Road. None.
I have no clue what's true, and what isn't. However, I have two eyes, and what I saw was Sting Deathdrop the living shit out of Jeff Hardy, and hold that crack-head down for the 1-2-3. I thought, while watching it, there was an actual chance of Sting beating the fuck out of Hardy, right then and there, had Jeff decided to make too much of a fuss. Hilarious.

I noticed the same thing. The moments after Jeff no-sold the SDD and got up and questioned Hebner, Sting stood there ready to beat the fuck out of him (at least that's what I took from it) but didn't when Hardy was given the explanation and then looked at Sting and simply looked/walked away.

Had he actually gotten in Sting's face, I have no doubt Borden would have thrown real punches.
Wow. Thats it? He needs to be released or forced into rehab. Sending him home is not nearly enough.

It's a start. These types of situations are sensitive, dude — there's no reason for them to rush to a decision based off the anger still present the morning after.

Hardy is an addict, there's no question of that, but unfortunately he's also wildly popular and has a cult following — you can't simply ignore that outright, which is why I'd imagine there is still discussion as to what kind of value he still has to the company.

Having him sent him for the time being is a good start as it can give the company time to assess how they'd like to approach resolving everything heading into the iMPACT! tapings so the best decision can be made.

As Sly noted in another thread, it's easy for people to play Monday Morning Quarterback here and just talk about how this that or the other "needs" to be done, but it's a lot more difficult a decision to be made when you really factor in just how important Hardy is to TNA right now.

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