The New Nexus isnt working.....

Punk's Nexus sucks. It's not the Nexus at all and I don't really understand why the WWE creative team did what they did in making Punk their leader. the whole thing doesn't make sense as Otunga for months was trying to become leader over Barrett, and then he not only brings in Punk as the new leader but allows him to beat the crap out of him to niitiaste him inot a group he already had a rightful place to be in.. WTF?

Barrett's Corre is the real Nexus and continues to impress (being the 2 time World Tag Team Champions), Gabriel has pinned the World Champion Edge, while Barrett and Jackson (seperately) keeps putting Big Show down night after night.

Punk doesn't need Nexus and could easily have feuded with Cerna and Orton by himself. Nexus was selling merch without Punk.. I really do shake my head at this decision...
all punk does is get himself over.

Look at SES......All members were future'd except him
Look at the "NEW NEXUS" and they are heading down the same path.

Punk does not impress me at all, his finisher is fucking trash.
The NEw nexus is not working at all, it was great at first cause they were dominant with 8 members and it slowly decreased. They were "supposed" to be done with at SummerSlam last year but of course they reassembled, now with this new nexus its just 4 guys, or 3? since Husky is back on FCW and i believe so is McGuilicutty. As great as CM Punk is and he still gets good heat, they only way to make the new nexus SOMEWHAT taken serious again is to give them a title belt, maybe have otunga feud with daniel bryan for US title or after WM throw CM Punk into the WWE Champion title, give them a title and the Nexus will gain a little potential again, but then the quesition is raised, to what end? Basically CORRE and NEXUS needs to just stop, hopefully when the WWE Draft comes they all break up and the young guys gets re-packaged and come back as singles
Personally I did not like the Nexus after about 3 weeks into their existence as I felt it was falling flat. Yes they were standing together to get contracts, to help each other and to get Barret his title and that makes sense and to prove their point they attacked the biggest dog in the yard in Cena. That makes sense. Where they failed was taking out everyone else who was there HHH, Orton, King, and Miz it doesn't matter they should have taken out everyone to begin with to show their dominance and how they deserved to be there.

Cena buried them more than once that alone should have killed them but no they bring in punk who has had more groups to his credit than anyone I can think of. I like Punk but let him go on his own or let have the Nexus dominate again.

I do think they will eventually have a Nexus/Corre battle at some point which is fine they need to keep Nexus relevant, I think they need to get eh group on a feud with other as a unit not as Punk individually with them bringing his luggage around like ARY does for Miz.
I have to agree.
Punk doesnt need Nexus once his little feud with Cena was over.
I thought McGillicutty and Harris looked like a seriously good Tag Team.
Otunga can be a mid card.
While Mason Ryan has a Alex Riley to Miz role with CM Punk.

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