Anyone else think that a rebel "anti Nexus" group will form?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Nexus wont last forever, thats obvious. Anyone else think that Wade Barrets bullying of former Nexus Members will come back to haunt him???

So far Daniel Bryan, Darren Young, Skip Sheffield (ok injured), Michael Tarver, and probably David Otunga (highly likeley imo) have all fallen foul of Wade Barret and Nexus.

Maybe these guys could form a rebel group and end Nexus? Maybe if Cena stays face he could lead these guys?

What are your thoughts? I think it's quite plausible and would be a good way to show Barret and fans alike that bully boy tactics always come back to haunt you.
It does make sense storyline wise but I do not think that the members who have been fired from Nexus are talented enough to make this work. Micheal Tarver, Darren Young and David Otunga are all pretty sucky wrestlers whom I'd rather see honing their skills in FCW or getting future endeavoured. Plus I don't even think that WWE cares about the rest of the members of Nexus. So no, I don't think we will see this type of a storyline.
Thats a fair point rattlesnake. However, Daniel Bryan and Skip Sheffield would give the group a bit of credibility. I suppose this doesnt even have to be a storyline.

Maybe when Nexus ends and the rest walk out on Wade Barret, maybe when he is alone in the ring all the former members could surround the ring and beat the shit outta him? A decent way to end it I suppose.
When Nexus ends it won't be a storyline involing a rebel group. Daniel Bryan has bigger and better fish to fry. Skip Sheffield is on the DL for a long time to come, and let's face it no one wants to see Otunga, who I hope loses to Edge and pulls a Darren Young. Young is another face I could go without seeing again. Tarver isn't half bad, he isn't selling tickets but he can keep asses in their seats. So that is 1 person who has a small drawing ability, another with decent abilities, two others who take away from the group.

How I see Nexus going away is the group just falls apart. Darren Young has already faded into oblivion, and it looks like Otunga is next. Sheffield is gona till the new year. Slater and Gabriel will decide that they don't need the Nexus anymore with the titles (that will take a few months to happen). McGillicutty and Harris will just get stuck in the mid-card. Barrett will go on to the main event.
Tarver and Young are both gone. If/When they return, it'll likely be with new gimmicks, and like Danial Bryan now, Nexus will be a thing of the past.

As far as a rebal group forming to take em out, No. Not gonna happen. As it's been said, I think Nexus will eventually just fall apart. There will be no final nail in the coffin, no "Nexus Fired" or anything like that. They said they want Nexus to split via the draft, and that's what I am banking on happening.
I don't think an entirely new group is going to form to fight against Nexus. If any member of Nexus decides that they're "against them" so to speak, then they would just be with WWE instead of forming another meaningless group. It doesn't make sense to waste more time making another massive group just to fight Nexus. They are already the main priority in the WWE.

I see Nexus lasting until Wrestlemania. Something big will go down, and they'll probably split up. That's all I see. So, no. I don't see another group forming.
As said by O.M.G, this is not going to happen. They will continue until they are spilt in the draft. There won't be any group taking them out. It may seem like a good story to go with, but its not going to happen.

As for the guys like Tarver and Young, they'll come back with new gimmicks or eventually be released. They really were there for Nexus, and I'm not sure if I see anything for them in the future. Especially some anti-Nexus group.
I can see a lot of fueding individuals with the Nexus, but not another group. I personally want to see Nexus grow into a massive unstoppable force. They're great to watch.
Great posts! I absolutely think an anti-nexus group led by cena will form. I see cena, tarver, otunga, Sheffield, and young in this group. I don't think Bryan will be in there. This group will come out to challenge nexus...then embrac them. Cena's heel turn will be complete as he and Barrett will introduce the new nexus.
I'm kinda pissed about this thread because I had this idea about 2 months ago but for whatever reason I'm not allowed to start threads.

Anyway yeah it is a great idea. Daniel Bryan probably wont have anything to do with it though. It would most likely be Tarver, Shefield, Otunga, Young, and Cena. Bryan is doing just fine without all of that stuff and the wwe wont put him bac into it. But then again if he loses his US Title then yes he could be, all being led by Otunga.

I'm not sure if Cena will even be around. imo Cena is going to do the honorable thing and call it fair, and Orton will win.
I'm kinda pissed about this thread because I had this idea about 2 months ago but for whatever reason I'm not allowed to start threads.

Anyway yeah it is a great idea. Daniel Bryan probably wont have anything to do with it though. It would most likely be Tarver, Shefield, Otunga, Young, and Cena. Bryan is doing just fine without all of that stuff and the wwe wont put him bac into it. But then again if he loses his US Title then yes he could be, all being led by Otunga.

I'm not sure if Cena will even be around. imo Cena is going to do the honorable thing and call it fair, and Orton will win.

Dude you need to post ten times to have the opportunity to start threads. For the record there will be NO anti Nexus group Tarver and Shefield are both injured, Young is on the "future endeavored" watchlist, Otunga is about as garbage as a wrestler can get, and Bryan is the US champion so he is going to be busy defending that title (since unlike Miz he actually defends it).

In my view what is going to happen is they keep talking about Nexus putting Barrett up on their shoulders after he wins at Survivor Series, yet Cena keeps saying he will give him the beating of his lifetime. I almost see a Randy Orton out of Evolution type of beatdown coming.
it was said on the chair shot reality and i have been seeing the same parallel's. Unlike other members of Nexus who have been kicked out, Wade Barret and David Otunga mishaps have been pushed really well. I guess WWE is thinking of keeping Otunga around because of his family ties. Otunga is a poor man's Rock (doesn't deserve the category) but i hear he's becoming quite the work horse like how the Miz and John Cena was when they began. Otunga only has his mic skills which is good enough for him at the moment. I really hope they dont go the Nation of Domination route and bring in Zeke. But you know it could actually be fun seeing another Black stable. otunga, Zeke, mark henry and prolly the zoo keeper r-truth. I dont know about anti nexus as it wouldn't be successful imo.
While I think an anti-nexus group is possible, personally I really really hope not, for the main reason that outside of bryan, I'm not really interested in seeing a group of the nexus cast-offs because they aren't interesting and they can't feasibly be a threat to the nexus group. They also don't have a good mouthpiece.

I suppose another alternative could be a group of midcarders that are current WWE wrestlers with nothing else to do could create an anti-nexus group. But meh...I'm not really interested in seeing factions duke it out.

So while an anti-nexus group is a possibility, personally I'll cross my fingers and hope that it doesn't happen.
IMO, an Anti-Nexus group would be pointless. They have already done that with Team Cena at Summerslam, and The Nexus aren't as powerful; in the respect that they were unable to win on Smackdown against 5 other wrestlers. An Anti-Nexus group is not needed.
dude you beat me to it i was just about to post the exact same thread as you but where i differ is i dont see John Cena leading the group as a face i see Cena turning heel at SS and i see David Otunga leading the anti-nexus group i mean think about they have really been trying to get Otunga over since Cena joined the nexus and i think him leading the anti-nexus group might actually work (but thats not saying i like it i think Otunga is very bland)
it looks that way, doesn't it. As otunga is a celebritry, that means he won't go quietly into the night. So I could easily see him doing this. But I think it would have to be a double heel thing with both groups, because otunga cannot get over as a face.
darren young...michael tarver...daniel bryan...skip shefield

these 4 were orginal nexus memebers and after the first night daniel bryan choked justin roberts got fired but he really didnt fit ijn anyway but hes us champ and got his own thing goin so this only goes for tarver,shefield, and young..last moday while the raw guyts attacked gabriel(i thin) whoever got slammed in the car, i saw a guy ive never seen before so i rewined it an paused it and i was darren young with a shaved head, and tarver is still MIA and skips injured, when they come back could they form a "anti-nexus" under the whole" ive been there i know there plans" type thing or will they be future enevoread? what do you guys think

EDIT: CRAP i mispelled the title i was meant to say "the nexus rejects" sry i got bad spelling
No offense at all man, but you gotta work on the spelling, it was just a little hard to read through that. I honestly hope they are all released. Except for Barrett. Gabriel could do well in the mid card, hell I would even accept Slater staying and them continuing to be a tag team. Otunga is just a waste of space and so are Tarver and Sheffield. I scratch that, Skip did look a tiny bit promising as in he had a wicked spear, but If they do keep him I hope he goes through a name change or something. WWE is finally getting their roster cleaned up getting rid of dead weight like MVP (i know he asked for the release but its still a blessing he is gone). Only Barrett and Gabriel really ever shined in Nexus the rest of them were just filler to make the group have more numbers.

Besides correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Skip is supposed to return in around 3 months or so and I hope this Nexus angle isn't still going on by then. They have done everything possible that there is to do with this angle. The only last thing they should be doing is what they are doing right now and thats have Cena slowly decimating them and killing off the angle once and for all.
Um, so this is a future of Nexus [failures] thread, right?

Anyways, no offense to the OP, but I really don’t see your theory happening. In fact, I don’t want it to happen. I’d prefer if the Nexus keeps going until Cena becomes the one to take them down. The Nexus began with Cena; it’s only fair that they end with Cena as well. As for these guys mentioned, I’d prefer if they all went on their separate ways in the end.

With that said, I want to break this down a bit….

Darren Young: Seriously. This guy is nothing but a joke. There is no reason the WWE should be keeping him. He’s not good in the ring, he’s not good on the mic, and he’s got a horrible appearance. I just don’t see any possible reason why the WWE would even bother to keep him.

Michael Tarver: Now, I’m a bit biased on this guy. I always loved how incredibly stupid he acted when he, along with the Nexus group, would go on to beat up people. However, the guy has nice mic work so I think that this guys just maybe has a future in the WWE. So I say keep the guy.

Daniel Bryan: C’mon. This guy’s got his future set in the WWE. Not only has he had a fantastic year, but he has delivered some matches that are worthy of being considered matches of the year. Daniel Bryan has made an impact on his first year, and this impact will only get better.

Skip Sheffield: It’s a shame this guy got injured. He was really showing himself off as a fucking beast before his unfortunate accident occurred. Skip Sheffield definitely has a future in the WWE. He’s a pretty good overall wrestler who could really make it far in the business. Sure his mic work could probably use a bit of work but he’s awesome nonetheless.

Heath Slater:I don’t find this guy interesting whatsoever. He’s got a horrible look; a horrible personality; horrible mic work, and not so good in-ring ability. I just don’t see anything that would make me think that he should belong in the WWE. He’s quite frankly, shit.

David Otunga: I completely loath this guy. People are always talking about how good he is on the mic. Well, I find his mic skills to be stupid. When he talks, it’s like seeing some stupid annoying fucker talk; none of the words he says sound professional---they all sound just so annoying. And then his in-ring ability is pretty sloppy. No, David Otunga belongs in the future endeavored category.

As for the others, I don’t really want to go through them one by one as it’s safe to say that they have great futures ahead of themselves; especially Wade Barret. Him, Justin Gabriel, Husky Harris, and Michael Guillicuty are all pretty solid wrestlers who have a nice future ahead of them. Simply put, they will make it far in the business.
Tarver may come back and be able to get a foot hold. Have that insane streak kinda like Ken Shamrock had going. Skip alone can coast on his body size while he works on mic skills. He in my mind can maybe give the WWE that runaway train wrestler. I feel that he can just steam roll through the lower wrestlers, go up to mid card wrestlers and then maybe have a "defining moment." Imagine he go months without a loss then meets up with Zeke Jackson.

As far as an anti-nexus group, it has been done. NWO and NWO Wolfpac and with the momentum WWE has gotten within the last month they need FRESH ideas and not revert to what worked.
I've loved every single Nexus member that has joined the group. But, not every one of them has impressed the IWC.

Tarver - Potential knocking at the door. Fantastic mic work, aggressive, good look, decent in the ring.

Young - While he was in the Nexus, he had no promise nor appeal. But, he showcased a shard of charisma when he returned during Barrett vs Orton. Obviously, he needs work, but people are claiming he's bad in the ring when I see see absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Sheffield - Anybody that hates on this guy obviously has something against The Nexus. He's a monster, period. Next Brock Lesnar.

McGillicutty & Harris - Still very green, and needs to be developed more, but we saw what they could do on NXT. WWE is very high on Harris, and McGillicutty is pretty decent in the ring.

Otunga - Give this guy a break. He was down in FCW for about a year with no prior training before that. He has a good first impression, which gives off that he has potential. Send him down to developmental for 2 years, but getting rid of him is a stupid move.

Slater - Now, I hate this guy with a passion. BUT, he's definitely the third best ring worker in Nexus, possibly even second. His mic skills sound goofy, but if you watched his FCW promos, they were like fire compared to the other guys. I don't think he'll make it too far though.

Gabriel and Barrett - I think I'm accurate when I say that the feeling is mutual between everyone, these guys are amazing.
Got to agree with other posters about the spelling. A few problems here and there are okay but that was brutal. Especially the thread title, that needs to be spelled correctly. I came on this thread wondering about Luigi, Yoshi, and all the other nes rejects.

Anyways, I'd imagine the Nexus will likely be coming to an end in the next few months. With that being said I wouldn't be surprised to see at least one defection from the group. They've been teasing Otunga leaving so that wouldn't surprise me at all. The guys that are out of action right now probably do not have too much of a future in the company. I know people praise him but I really don't see what's special about Michael Tarver. To me he comes off as goofy when he's trying to be intense. The crowd never bought into him either so I'm not to high on his potential of returning. I actually like Skip Sheffield but he's another guy I don't see doing much when he comes back. If the Nexus is done when he returns (which is probably will be) he may have some Superstars matches and get future endeavored. Darren Young will probably continue to be a pain in the ass of the Nexus but he eventually fades away too. As for Harris and McGillicutty, these guys have potential. They could definitely be a team after Nexus and have success. They certainly won't be released right away. I don't like Heath Slater. I don't get him and I don't think I ever will. This is a guy who probably cannot succeed on his own. So with the exception of Harris and McGillicutty I really don't see too much individual success when the Nexus disbands.

This leaves two guys. Obviously Wade Barrett is going to be main eventing in the WWE for a long time. His mic work is unbelievable and he always cuts a great promo even when the topic he's talking about isn't very exciting. People complain a little about his in ring work but I don't think it's too bad. He can definitely put on a good match and will only get better. Justin Gabriel has a bit more work cut out for him but he has the talent to succeed. He may not main event but he could definitely be a solid face mid-carder. His in ring work speaks for itself and he excites the crowd. His mic skills are obviously not the greatest but they're passable for mid-carders who don't speak much anyways.

Overall, the Nexus may not experience too much individual success but it will definitely produce some solid stars. As far as an "anti-Nexus" forming, I don't think that'll happen. The way the Nexus will end has to be set up by John Cena. They've invested way too much time in this storyline to have it go any other way.

And really, at least spell the title of a thread correctly. That's pretty important to start a discussion. The internet is full of helpful online dictionaries and there's spell check right on the forum :)
Every time the OP posts a thread, he murders it with the worst spelling I have ever seen. I definitely don't want to see an anit-nexus group formed, faction wars were brutal when it was los boricuas, the undertakers biker gang, nation, and so on. One faction at a time is fine, especially the way Nexus adds/drops members from time to time.

When Sheffield comes back, he just needs to be a bull and take out whoever in squash matches to re-establish his brute strength, maybe add a powerbomb to his arsenal. Next Brock Lesnar, no he's not. BUT, he could be a poor mans Batista with some work. He needs to be on Smackdown though, and away from Ezekial Jackson when he returns.

When the Nexus angle ends, Gabriel should get a shot right away at the US title, I'm sure him and Bryan could put on a great match, and that could be money for a 2 month feud.

I really can't stand Michael tarver, I honestly have no clue what people see in him, his Mic skills haven't impressed me one bit, and he's boring in the ring.

Same for heath Slater, they can't get rid of him soon enough
One thing I could see happening would involve David Otunga getting the boot from Nexus and then forming the "Anti-Nexus". I suppose that stable would be; Otunga (leader), Daniel Bryan, Sheffield, Tarver, Young going up against Nexus with Barrett (leader), Gabriel, Slater, McGuillicuty, Harris. Honestly though, I just don't see it happening. I mean seriously, if the all might John Cena plus half the RAW roster can't stop Nexus, then can the WWE really expect us to believe that 4 rookies (and Daniel Bryan) can? Really though, the most realisic thing would be John Cena recruiting Otunga, Tarver, Sheffield, and Young to go against The Nexus. Maybe he would call his stable "CENEXUS" lol.
Sorry dude, theres "No Chance In Hell" this is gonna happen. First off, it just isn't gonna happen with Cena involved the way he is. Eventually he's gonna end it, because as the IWC knos all too well Cena=Superman. He wins out no matter what. Whenever this thing ends its gonna be done by him.

Now, as far as who out of Nexus is worthy to stay on WWE:

Wade Barrett: The whole Nexus angle has been done to get him over as a heel. He's got great potential, needs a little in-ring work, but overall is going to be around for quite some time, especially in the ME scene

Justin Gabriel: I've absolutely hated him to this point. Yes he executes a very nice 450 splash, but thats like his only BIG move. He's got to add more to his arsenal. However, this week on RAW with his unshaven face made him look "darker" almost. He seemed more...Idk scary. Possible potential in him

David Otunga: Absolute garbage. Every time he talks I want somebody to just come out and beat the shit out of him. He is very annoying and sounds so rehearsed its just awful. On second thought...maybe wwe could keep him around and have him job to Santino....

Michael Tarver: I agree with Cruiser and Diesel on this one, I have no idea what anybody sees in him. Yes, he has noticeable potential on the mike, however, I can take him seriously. When he walks out he looks like a penguin the way he holds his arms out. Also, news flash WWE is a WRESTLING show. All of his moves look like MMA. It works when doubled with wrestling moves, which he currently hasn't shown any that are worthy.

Heath Slater: 1/2 of the WWE Tag Team Champs....and nobody cares. True, the division sucks as is but you'd think a belt would give some credibility to a guy. Slater has zero credibility, zero charisma, and zero chance of having a sucessful tenure in the E

Darren Young: At first I hated him as well. The whole party boy thing was annoying. However, about halfway through NXt if anybody can remember he had a sort of minor heel turn. His record as garbage to he went on a small stint as a heel, to me it showed promise. But then he was eliminated and tht was the end of tht. Given the chance as a heel he has potential.

Skip Sheffield: Love him. Dude's a beast, and if WWE decides to use him like one hes gonna be a ME player one day.

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