Anyone else think that a rebel "anti Nexus" group will form?

Get off his dick, he already acknowledged the spelling.

Anywho, I see where you're going with the idea and it could work to bring stables back to the WWE as long as they don't go over board like WCW did with the NWO like having everyone and their mama join Nexus and just keep it to a few key members. I actually liked Tarver the best out them and loved the way he started dummin' out when he knocked Cena out in the original attack. The problem is Barrett, they're obviously making another mistake and hotshotting him to the main event level so he's going to have to be above the Nexus vs anti-Nexus fued like RKO was with the DX vs Legacy Fued last year while he fueds with RKO, Cena, HHH and the like and Daniel Bryan doesn't really need the fued as he'd probably be in the WWE title hunt right now if he wasn't undersized. The core fued for me would initially be:

Slater, Gabriel, McGillicuty, Harris, Otunga vs Young and Tarver.

Next, Sheffield comes back and destroys Otunga kicking him out of the group causing Otunga to switch sides.

Slater, Gabriel, McGillicuty, Harris, Sheffield vs Young, Tarver, and Otunga.

Young, seeing that the need help enlists the aide of his one time partner, Percy Watson.

Slater, Gabriel, McGillicuty, Harris, Sheffield vs Young, Tarver, Otunga, Watson.

One of the guys, lets say Slater, starts to get shitted on for losing or some such shit and switches sides after Barrett kicks him out for losing bring up a new kid from NXT, preferrably Tyler Black/Seth Rollins.

Gabriel, McGillicuty, Harris, Sheffield, Seth Rollins vs Young, Tarver, Watson, Otunga, and Slater.

The fued ends with the good guys going over and Nexus disbanding.
It's possible, and I do think dissent within the ranks will lead to Nexus' demise, but I don't think that will be what does it in. After all, it would be extremely disappointing after having John Cena spent nearly 6 months trying to defeat the Nexus, and then it implodes on itself? That would be terribly anti-climactic. I think in the end, it's going to come down between Cena and Barrett, who may be betrayed, but it will not be an anti-Nexus group that does him in.
I dont think it will, but if one was to form then it would have to involve several Raw superstars protesting against the firing of John Cena and demanding his return to the company. Then, after winning stipulation matches that result in the re-hiring of Cena, the Raw superstars will meet feud with Nexus, probably with a blow off elimination tag-team match at Wrestlemania.

I know this is unlikely to involve Cena, as I expect he will be in a match higher up the card at WM, but if something like this was to happen, I would expect it to be along those lines
The thing that first and foremost needs to be addressed is this: Can WWE make us care enough about the people that Barrett and Co. have bullied to make this faction possible?

Sure, John Cena is an obvious choice to lead a group like this, and yes, he's a sympathetic draw here. He alone may be enough to get people invested in some sort of faction. But David Otunga, Darren Young, and Michael Tarver have yet to show that they in any way can be sympathetic figures.

WWE would be better off forming a mid-card faction lead by Cena and Daniel Bryan that have been bullied one too many times. They tried to go the main event route, but bickering quickly tore that group apart. Injured superstars such as CM Punk and Evan Bourne, as well as Mark Henry, have felt the wrath of Nexus already. They could be far more sympathetic as an anti-Nexus rebellion then any of the current or former Nexus members have a prayer of being.

Look at Darren Young. He was kicked out of Nexus, and has found himself jobbing to William Regal in decisive manner on Superstars. Michael Tarver and Skip Sheffield haven't been seen since injuries. The strength in Nexus was always their numbers, and a great leader, but as faces, there's a different level of emotional investment you have to draw. Sometimes, you have to be able to stick out on your own.

None of them have demonstrated they can be sympathetic whatsoever. That's why a Cena lead faction of mid-carders would be the best possible choice WWE could go with at this point. Having guys like Bourne, Punk, Henry, and JoMo standing with Cena would be a much better resistance force then the other men could possibly hope to generate.

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