Husky Harris: Done in Nexus?

- Following Randy Orton's punt kick to Husky Harris on RAW, WWE has announced that the Nexus member is out of action indefinitely. WWE is hyping a response from CM Punk for the kick on next Monday's RAW.

There has been speculation that Husky, despite his talent, isn't going over so well with WWE officials because of his size and look. Some are wondering where Husky will fit into things if a 3-on-3 match with Nexus vs. The Corre takes place at WrestleMania.

so according to lordsofpain... harris is being removed because the higher ups are unsure of his place in New nexus... makes sense as it would be gabriel slater and big zeke vs ryan mcgilly otunga and harris... two huge guys to one... this seems to even it all up and make it more even... i do believe after seeing him this monday nite, harris should lose around 25 lbs and put it back on in muscle... if he is capabale of that... if not he needs new attire... but itll be interesting where it goes from here....
If Husky is out of Nexus I would of took Perfect's son out of Nexus before taking Husky out of Nexus because Husky is a better fit for Nexus because Husky is a hustler.
They took out Husky because although they like his talent in the ring they are concerned about his weight so hes taken off tv to loose some poundage apparently...they mustve heard Lawler say at the rumble Husky Harris is 23 imagine what hes gonna look like hes 30! lol i do like Harris i like his look and his style, hes edgy and different and I actually viewed him as perfect for the rumble match because of his low center of gravity but of course he got taken out by the guy that got eliminated by Beth Phoenix....

i was wondering how they were gonna do it at mania since Orton is gonna face Punk

So if they wanted to do Corre vs Nexus they have Harris, Ryan, Hennig, Otunga vs Jackson, SLater, Gabriel and Barrett but now that they have taken Harris out and assuming Barrett is gonna have a singles match (Undertaker?) so now its Ryan (muscle) Hennig and Otunga vs Jackson (Muscle) Slater and Gabriel
Pretty much agree with the majority of posters here. Husky is great in the ring, but his ring work tends to get sloppy after 5/10 minutes. Although Husky and McGillicutty have good chemistry as a tag team, I always thought they put Husky in the team so he could take more rest breaks on the ring apron while he was tagged out.

I like Husky and I can't wait to see him back, but I think he needs to work on his cardio/endurance; he looks like a legitimate tough guy so without him New Nexus won't have such a menacing look.
I don't know what they have in mind for Harris, but they better push him. I think by the time he comes back, Nexus won't need him or will be disbanded. So, I don't think he has a future with Nexus anymore. I do think that he should stay in the tag division though as he is a good tag wrestler, maybe he could pair up with his brother.
The way they were pushing him I would say a wellness failure or true injury. ( i thought young wrestlers didnt get injured, lol)... They stopped announcing failures during the half year prior to linda run.. and there really is no reason to go back to it (why air dirty laundry). No way they would just pull him or take him outta nexus.

As for his weight being an issue.. I don't think so. he is the same or close to the same weight as when he began. They also brought up the new fat nxt guy that has the weak punch (?) and he has breast and wears a girdle for a singlet. Husky is an animal..very believable and simply too good to be taken off nexus without cause. gotta be another reason. They could've taken Slater to even the numbers.
I like how fast Husky is and can be in the ring, its good for a man his size to have some sort of spring in his step. He's not in shape though, make him lose some weight and get some muscle tone and he would be a good worker. Pop him down in Fcw and put him on a weight regement and bring him back up. We haven't seen the last of Husky because lets face it his pops is I.R.S. But in the shape he was in right now I really didn't want to see him in the ring.

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